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Posts posted by bija

  1. It is interesting Dhiru as Arjuna saw the universal form, he then wished to see his trusted friend Krsna again, so Sri Krsna appeared in a four armed form?


    Diversity is profound, wonderful, beautiful, vast, and oft times frightening in its magnitude. If you tap into the akashic record, and surrender and complete your spiritual duty -- is that not then offered as an act 'of devotion' to the Summum Bonum?


    Personally Dhiru I do not see renunciation, or need for extinction of desire, as my function. I see each living spirit and expression as a valid part of that Reality and Beauty.


    'Authentic self awareness' and day to day life is surely a part of a Valid Whole. Where is the future for us all? I do not know Dhiru, but if we have fraternity as human beings I believe the 'offering' will be accepted and its fruit good (for us).


    I have no desire for salvation, only integration and harmony in soul (slowly learning respect and balance). I think surrender entails not striving and suffering in worry of results, piety, impiety, good, bad, exaltation, shame etc...but instead letting go!!! And offering it to the One. Perceiving the environment as nurturing if possible, or at least catalyst for our spiritual insight to grow. To begin to see God even in the mundane and simple day to day, that brings us joy (spiritually)...


    Arjuna then saw his friend again. These two friends were bonded in relationship. The akashic record and subtle realms (creative flux and possibilty) is a conglomeration of processes, a subjective evolution (evolution of consciousness)? I think this anyhow... so my act of bhakti is offered to that One (in radical grace, mercy, trust, and faith). Is there a possible communion in this with others?


    Samadhi is attained by focus and concentration on a particular object. If the object is the akashic record, then life times of knowledge will come. If the object is a friend, an admired one - if it is Sri Krsna...then that spiritual taste beatitude appear.


    If a siddhi is the object, then a profound utilization of that siddhi will appear in consciousness in due course. If nurture of a child is the focus then parental affection may appear, profound and deep (or simple and sweet)...


    I have no objection to any entities point of concentration...each has validity. But what is beneficial for all 'of us'? At that juncture polemics arise...hopefully at that point we are ready to surrender (in silence and joy). And reject anything that diminishes 'affection' for the object of 'authentic hearts desire'. If we look hard enough, and dare, maybe we will find a particular desire close to our heart, that has utilization in 'spiritual life' that pleases ourself and our God(ess)?


    My thoughts.

  2. Hi Kali, thx for the questions.


    Various siddhis are mentioned in sastra that I have read, but very little mentioned of the siddhi in detail. For example one siddhi is to become smaller than the smallest.

    Generally in discussions I have heard the opinion is expressed that a person can become tiny :) It would seem though, that once a particular siddhi is attained, the detail is understood through experience - it is known. Once it is known in specific details, it can thus be applied, through various aspects of the detail.


    Maybe details are not discussed because each named siddhi, may vary in detail, due to each persons unique subtle body and its history (cultivation). Through application, the various usages or attainments of a particular siddhi, may depend on the impression of the subtle body?


    I think we are aiming for something if we know a little from the words of the realized. If our faith is established in scripture we may seek to find particular aims there. Ofcourse though the written text is also limited by word usage. The aim could appear to us through various means, depending on the nature of the siddhi? The Hare Krsna mantra has an aim? Would a mantra to Earth Mother have a different aim? I think so.... Do we know the detail of siddhi, application and result? Not fully, but we begin practice and deepening also within the subtle body? Through whatever vessel holds our faith (the vessel that we consider bona-fide).


    The mantra begins the process, siddhi is attainment? Is an attainment an end, or ongoing? I think mantra siddhi is not the necessity, but instead it is the fulfillment of one's initial desires and aims.


    These are just some thoughts.

  3. Hey, enjoyed this question Dhiru, I have been thinking along a parallel line in some way.

    The first verse of Srimad Bhagavtam, translated by Srila Prabhupada and purport. He mentions vasudeva to be 'vasudeva son of Vasudeva'... described as Krsna. What is vasu-deva-aya? And the bija mantra? Here is my thoughts of the 'feminine':


    oḿ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya

    janmādy asya yato 'nvayād itarataś cārtheṣv abhijñaḥ svarāṭ

    tene brahma hṛdā ya ādi-kavaye muhyanti yat sūrayaḥ

    tejo-vāri-mṛdāḿ yathā vinimayo yatra tri-sargo 'mṛṣā

    dhāmnā svena sadā nirasta-kuhakaḿ satyaḿ paraḿ dhīmahi

    Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 1 Verse 1


    Its definately not purely Male is it? Oddly Radha is not mentioned directly in the Bhagavatam. Maybe to see the 'divine-shakti' as the highest worshipable object we have to encounter Devi? Maybe the inner aspect of the Gita is feminine, even though penned by a male (the priestly Veda-vyasa)? Is it Bhakti-devi?


    Just some thoughts.

  4. Yes:106:...

    Maybe, look into your heart and mind, and see what you desire. What feels natural.


    In that way faith may be easier to cultivate (by enthusiasm).


    Sri Upadesamrta verse 3 by Srila Rupa Goswami:

    The Nectar of Instruction Verse 3


    utsahan niscayad dhairyat


    sanga-tyagat sato vritteh

    shadbhir bhaktih prasidhyati


    utsahat -- by enthusiasm; niscayat -- by confidence; dhairyat -- by patience; tat-tat-karma -- various activities favorable for devotional service; pravartanat -- by performing; sanga-tyagat -- by giving up the association of nondevotees; satah -- of the great previous acaryas; vritteh -- by following in the footsteps; shadbhih -- by these six; bhaktih -- devotional service; prasidhyati -- advances or becomes successful.





    ...good travels, and when you get home, good service.

  5. I am moving to other areas of my life Hindustani. So will not be posting.


    Thank you Jahnava Nitai Das, I am glad a part of my journey will remain here on the servers. Thanks for allowing room for service, eccentrics, and fun.


    god bless all, good travels.




    He didn't continue on to say what attribute reigns in one's 50's but my best guess -- continuing with his "w" alliterations ... would be "wilting."


    -- Swarup Das



    In the NDE years ago Swarupa there was three colors.


    Black, that scared the pooh bear out of me :eek3:!

    White, that made me wonder :confused:?

    And grey :idea:!


    And as we know, there is no denying that one... Hopefully more grey than wilt for a while - following the path of harmony hey. Otherwise one may get wistful.


    Black and white was always the totem... And yes Ancient Mariner, old men will still bang their heads to Maiden and Dio for eternity (holding the mark within)! And believe in magic...like small children.




    But to be honest, he likes the Grateful Dead more...


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    Well the first days are the hardest days,

    Don't you worry any more, 'Cause when life looks like easy

    Street, there is danger at your door.

    Think this through with me, let me know your mind.

    Woh - oh, what I want to know, is are you kind?

    It's a buck dancer's choice my friend; better take my advice.

    You know all the rules by now and the fire from ice.

    Will you come with me, won't you come with me?

    Woh - oh, what I want to know, will you come with me?

    Goddamn, well I declare, have you seen the like?

    Their walls are built of cannonballs, their motto is

    Don't tread on me. Come hear Uncle John's Band playing

    To the tide, come with me, or go alone.

    It's the same story the crow told me;

    It's the only one he knows.

    Like the morning sun you come and like the wind you go.

    Ain't no time to hate, barely time to wait,

    Woh - oh, what I want to know, where does the time go?

    I live in a silver mine and I call it Beggar's Tomb;

    I got me a violin and I beg you call the tune

    Anybody's choice, I can hear your voice.

    Woh - oh, what I want to know, how does the song go?

    Come hear the Uncle John's Band by the riverside

    Got some things to talk about, here beside the risin' tide

    Come hear Uncle John's Band playing to the tide,

    Come on along, or go alone,

    He's come to take his children home.

    Woh - oh, what I want to know, how does the song go?

    Come hear Uncle John's Band by the riverside,

    Got some things to talk about here beside the risin' tide.

    Come hear Uncle John's Band playing to the tide, come on

    Along or go alone, he's come to take his children home.

  7. Gday, the bushfires did not get down this way thank God. Closest was about two hours away. I am ok Jan, thx. I am not jingle bells or any other name at Audarya, jingle bells must love to stir the possum ;) He better be careful, possums make good koori coats down this way ;)


    Its coming on winter here. Every summer now, bushfires press on the mind. It is a concern. The black saturday bushfires were surely hell! The last time we had had such fires was in 1986. Ash wednsday fires. The 1986 fires almost burnt out my home town, but the wind changed at the last moment. some locals still suffer from that day...


    I left writing at Audarya for several reasons. Less words is good some times I guess, to find the self. I am in the process of writing my journals - private at the moment. Spiritual life is a search of self discovery hey! And while we have this body, we also have a mind. So it seems all spiritual impressions will be colored by that mind - even extraordinary visions are mind stuff in my opinion, and if i was to be honest, in my case a yearning for liberation, and very complex.


    The mind is a trickster, with the ego at its survival centre. And I agree with the men who wear the sikhas (symbolic of the ego), that ego serves a prupose. I guess it is not my way to deny the world, or even the trickster in me...but to utilize and accept even the shadows, and make them dance. Humilty, humanity, and humor go well together. God help the heros in us ;) and the journey that many have walked before! Honesty is another H word I like... any of you got any fave sanskrit words beginning with H. Oh Hanuman!!!


    Integration of the psyche makes alot of sense to me.


    Some time ago an anymous devotee under a second name at Audarya, suggested I was a closet mayavadi. He had a belief to defend, a true defender of the faith. Good he pulled me up, the pooh was probably evident. He was wrong in the context though. Such an impersonal edifice is the internet, pervaded by the personalists and purists. Mayavadi is such a derogatory word, and one that I do not honor in my spiritual life, even if the western Hare Krsna's fling it around ( I would rather dip my finger in honey, being a pooh bear). Is the mind maya? I guess so. Do I use the mind as a tool to heal and self discover? Yes sir....


    So, closet mayavadi? It seems so, 'if the cap fits wear it', in the circle of the religious bent. Words hey, trying to define the eternal round of a soul/mind. What were you last life? And the life before, and before that? Were you also the Cat in the Hat, or a mayavadi in the closet? ;)


    We are all in this boat together, throwing stones into a pond, creating ripples for future births...and possibly evolution. Some hearts are shallow ponds, and some are grave oceans. And most humans I have met feel the beat. Even Melvin, another trickster... lub god, lub god, lub god....


    So what I have been up to? I am writing my personal journals, which hopefully will be ready for editing within the year. A very personal story, and I hope for the first time in my life 'honest' and close to what I am...in regards to being encased within a mind of 'vast impressions'.


    I do not like the word victim or survivor so much, but I guess they do relate to the ego and its inability to integrate and work within the shadow...to actualize. In one of my blogs a while ago, a commentator called me a tamo-yogi. Being of the '3 worlds', upper, middle, and lower...there is no denying that one either. So what are we? What is spirit? Do any of you know?...or can we only speculate at this stage of life? Maybe that is why we rest our hand of faith upon written script of the sages? What does the Bhagavad Gita say...some have only heard.


    I was raised in the Catholic education system, and am a survivor of psychological and spiritual abuse. At the age of 13, one year was spent under the violent and sick hand of a very tormented Christian Brother. And his abuse played a key role in my trickster religious mind. I will be writing about this in my journals. Karma can seem cruel, until we are fortunate and begin to understand a bigger picture of our being, and why we exist. Once we have a glimpse of the bigger picture, maybe then we can begin to be more peaceful human beings, and allow more of that picture to surface for further soul development. Ahimsa and self acceptance seem to go hand in hand.


    So here is the clincher. I left the Hare Krsna movement, but will never be an ingrate! Everything we have ever been, birth after birth is for our eternal good. For me personally, the discovery that I am a devotee (bhakta)...for eternity. Deeply grateful for that grace and gift. Of devotee of what...


    Simply a devotee of 'beauty and charm'. Srila BR Sridhara Dev Goswami put it well into words 'Sri Krsna Reality the Beautiful'. He also said 'to harmonize'. And he also said 'beauty and charm'. Truly a great soul among many...


    Honesty is the best policy at some stage in life, even if it is not pleasing to all. So my journal will be the way to get it straight, and move on, and actualize further. Love is and has always been the way. And what is love and how is it defined... That may be a 'personal' thing!


    So, mayavadi? What a silly word if used foolishly. A 'personalist'? Looking up at the 'sun' right now...and seeing a picture of beauty and charm! Personality is pervasive...


    You bet...a trickster. Probably a shaman some births ago too ;) Even God is the master of illusion... the supreme trickster.


    Take care Hat, Jan, Amlesh..and dear friend Hindustani. And lets not forget the originals of Audarya, Stonehearted, Mahak, gHari, Theist...respects is due where it is due.. We are all in this ship 'of mercy' together.


    Didn't you all know, bija is hopping mad...a kangaroo with a laptop! Come on... ;) Ooops, did i mean to say hopeing.


    If any would like to read the journals, give us a line after xmas. This lazy 'roo' may finish it god willing. He may not...






    (I am 40 in a few months, life begins at 40 - so they say)

  8. Three spiritual authorities were sitting in heaven 'contemplating' the virtues of the earthly aspirant who was aspiring oneday to join them.


    One authority suggested:


    “He does pretty well, but sometimes he gets off track

    and contemplates Jennifer Lopez’s navel.”




    "By his (my Guru Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada's) strong desire, THE HOLY NAME OF GAURANGA will first spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. Then in all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra."

    Now, we know we are not chanting the pure maha-mantra if our hearts are full of offences. So how do we chant the maha-mantra?


    Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura realized a way to explain it simply, by story:





    Shri Navadvipa Dhaam Mahatmya





    Parikrama Khanda





    Prathama Adhyaaya - Chapter 1





    Saadhaarana mahaatmya



    Introductory Glories of Shri Navadvipa Dhaam


    ....."The spiritual glories and importance of the Holy Name, Pastimes and Abode of the Supreme Lord Krishna are known and easily accessible to the whole humanity through the revealed Vedic scriptures."

    tabu krishna-prema saadhaarane

    naahi paaya

    ihaara kaarana kiba chintaha hiyaaya..47

    "Even though Lord Krishna's glories and pastimes are known so openly and widely in this world, pure love for Lord Krishna, which is goal of all human endeavors, remains allusive and unobtainable to the general mass of the people."

    ihaate aache ta eka gudha-tattva saara

    maayaa-mugdha jiva taahaa naa kare vichaara..48

    "This mystery of the greatest question and dilemma in the human form of life is not thought about by the souls bewildered by Maya, the illusory energy of the Lord.

    bahu janma krishna bhaji prema naahi haya

    aparaadha-punja taara aachaya nischaya..49

    "If one does not achieve pure love of God after worshiping Lord Krishna and chanting His Holy Names for many lives, one should understand that one has certainly mountains of offenses in one's heart."

    aparaadha-shunya haye laya krishna-naama

    tabe jiva krishna-prema labhe aviraama..50

    "If and only if one chants the Holy Names of Lord Krishna by becoming totally devoid of all offenses against the Holy Names. Deity and Abodes, then that soul will be able to attain the pure love for Lord Krishna without any interruption."

    shri chaitanya avatare bada vilakshana

    aparaadha-sattve jiva labhe prema-dhana..51

    "The incarnation of Lord Gauranga is exceptionally opulent, powerful and influential among all forms of God. Even though Lord Krishna's Name considers offenses and does not give love to an offensive soul, Lord Gauranga's Name, Pastimes and Abodes do not consider offenses and award pure love of God to even the offensive souls. This unprecedented and unimaginable munificence of Lord Gauranga's incarnation is the only life-saving hope for the conditioned souls of Kali Yuga."

    nitaai chaitanya bali jei jiva daake

    suvimala krishna-prema anveshaya taake..52

    "The most esoteric and purest love of Lord Krishna begins searching after that most auspicious soul who feelingly calls out the most benevolent Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga."

    aparaadha baadhaa tara kichu naahi kare

    niramala krishna-preme taara ankhi jhare..53

    "Even the formidable obstacles posed due to the offenses in one's heart are rendered ineffective by the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga and the eyes miraculously flow with the sublime tears of pristinely pure love for Lord Krishna when one chants the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga even though offenses are present in the heart."

    svalpa kaale aparaadha aapani palaaya

    hridaya shodhita haya prema baadhe taaya..54

    "After granting the most confidential pure love for Lord Krishna to even the offensive chanter, the Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga make the offenses run away from the heart within a very short time. Then the heart becomes fully purified and the love increases even more."

    kali-jivera aparaadha asankhya durvaara

    gaura-naama vinaa taara naahika uddhaara..55

    "The offenses and sins of the souls of Kali Yuga are unlimited and absolutely impossible to overcome. Thus, there is no other means of deliverance in Kali Yuga other than the exceptionally merciful Holy Name of Lord Gauranga."

    ataeva gaura vinaa kalite upaaya

    naa dekhi kothaa o aara shaastra phukaaraya..56

    "Thus, it a firmly established and repeatedly stressed truth in all the Vedic scriptures that there is no other means of extrication from the cycle of birth and death other than the Holy Names, Pastimes, Abodes and Associates of Lord Gauranga."....


    Anyhow, sorry for the divergence...back to Srila Prabhupada's svarupa....


    Instead of focusing on the INSTRUCTIONS, they have deviated to focus on any number of other irrelevant issues, such as his svarup. The result is that the Caitanya movement, stemming from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada has "fallen" into the status of mundane religious institution. by suchandra


    The only pressing need today is that we take full shelter of Lords Nityananda Gauranga! Happy Gaura Purnima, Suchandra.

  11. Sri Caitanya full of grace and mercy hey! Rasa-raja!



    "Simply by chanting or hearing the name of Lord Nityananda, the sinful inclinations in the hearts of all the living entities in the universe are permanently destroyed and their inherent purity is automatically awakened. On chanting or hearing the name of Lord Nityananda, even the merchants, degraded, fallen and foolish people are purified and immediately become

    realized in the Absolute Truth and devotees of the Lord." (Chaitanya-Bhagavata, Madhya-Khanda 3.134)

    Shrila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami

    chaitanya-nityanande nahi esaba vicara, nama laite prema dena, vahe asrudhara

    (Cc Adi 8.31)

    "But if one only chants, with some slight faith, the holy names of Lord Gauranga and Nityananda, very quickly he is cleansed of all offenses. Since in the chanting of the names of Nityananda-Gauranga there is no consideration of offenses, one will very quickly come to the stage of love of God, simply by chanting Their names and tears of pure love for Krishna

    will flow from the eyes."

    `nityananda' balite haya krishna-premodaya;aulaya sakala anga,asru-ganga vaya.

    (Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 8.23)

    "Simply by chanting the name 'Nityananda' one awakens his love for Krishna. Thus all his bodily limbs are agitated by ecstasy of love of God, and tears flow from his eyes like the waters of the Ganges."




    Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura

    grhe ba vanete thake, 'ha gauranga' bo'le dake, narottama mage tara sanga.

    "One may reside in the house or in the forest, but if he is constantly chanting `Gauranga!', then I (Narottama) want his association."




    Lord Nityananda

    bhaja gauranga kaha gauranga laha gaurangera nama re;

    ye jana gauranga bhaje sei amara prana re.

    "Worship Gauranga, chant the 'Gauranga' mantra and take the name of 'Gauranga'. Those who will worship Gauranga in this way by constantly chanting His name are veritably My life and soul"




    In Shri Chaitanya-chandramrita Verse 53 , Shrila Prabodhananda Sarasvati states the paramount importance of the chanting name of Lord Gauranga:

    ha hanta citta-bhuvi me paramosarayam,

    sad-bhakti-kalpa-latikankurita katham syat;

    hrdy ekam eva param asvasaniyam asti,

    chaitanya-nama-kalayan na kadapi socyah.

    Alas! Alas! How will the desire creeper of pure unalloyed devotional service to Lord Krishna sprout in the supremely unfertile desert of my heart? In my heart, there is only one supreme consolation and solace. That is chanting of the name of Lord Gauranga. This chanting will eternally put an end to all my lamentation and will work wonders in my heart softening it with love of God.




    Chaitanya-bhagavata, Adi-khanda 9.385:

    nityananda-hena bhakta sunile sravane; avasya paibe krishnacandra sei jane.

    Shripada Madhavendera Puri states: "If one simply hears the name 'Nityananda', he will most certainly attain the lotus feet of Lord Krishnacandra irrespective of any other consideration."



    On board the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965, Verse 3, by Shrila Prabhupada:

    tara iccha balavan pascatyete than than

    hoy jate gauranger nam

    prthivite nagaradi asamudra nada nadi

    sakalei loy krishna nam

    "By his (my Guru Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada's) strong desire, THE HOLY NAME OF GAURANGA will first spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. Then in all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra."


    well done Sonic! we become like who we hang out with! Gauranga's mercy is sufficient....

    Happy Gaura Purnima! Please chant Gauranga constantly as per the acaraya's wishes and wisdom:



    Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura

    grhe ba vanete thake, 'ha gauranga' bo'le dake, narottama mage tara sanga.

    "One may reside in the house or in the forest, but if he is constantly chanting `Gauranga!', then I (Narottama) want his association."



  12. http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1011137/Ambush-heightens-fears-over-NIreland-stability


    Over 15 years ago I was travelling the world. 23 years old. I was in London and went to go to the pub for a beer and sandwich:). Tasty beer indeed...


    I touched the pub door and a shiver went through my body. I listened and intuited danger so did not go in and walked away...


    Five minutes later a IRA bomb went off in that pub and killed all the patrons in it. That was the last IRA bomb in London.


    I am Australian and live in Australia where there are many Irish immigrants from the 1800's. Ireland has always been close to my heart and home!


    Why so much much violence? Haven't we had enough!!!


    Wake up you foolish men!!! Your sectarian religion and values is something we do not want anymore...



  13. Mankind individually and collectively has existed in fragmentation for a long time...


    As the conscious world evolves the living organism will begin to manifest its singular unity of purpose...considering time and place, and what is necessary for its survival...


    Survival is inbuilt into the living organism (on all levels, even universal)...


    What is needed is a living harmony...of deep spiritual value...


    We can see that earth is crying due to exploitation. The eastern transcendence wishes to escape earth, therefore neglect...


    The western rationale and science wishes to exploit earth for economic sustainability...


    But, each of these traditions has great integral value in the evolution and development of consciousness (manifest)...there is no need to caste aside...


    If we place both of these traditions on a triangle (moving upward) we then need a foundation!


    The foundation is the earth (the indigenous) and sustainable...


    With a solid foundation east and west will move toward full evolution and perfection, and earth will be sustained!


    If we destroy the foundation we will degrade, perish and die. Exploit? Or flourish?


    We now have the choice...choose! Respect the traditional people...they hold great wisdom.


    It's evolution baby;)!



    but I thought that Purity held its own outstanding beauty

    yeah...that intent will bring peace of mind. a tiny fragment of that part of god are good times.



    also I don't want to participate in the transgression for the future generation.

    too right...some native americans hold in mind up to 9 generations in the future. in their way.

  15. It fluctuates for me day to day, week to week, and month to month.


    Sometimes feeling spiritual, other times totally unspiritual.


    I like to see my body as a part of nature. Just like the weather changes from day to day, and the seasons come and go...so to it is with the body.


    While the body remains, one must tolerate fluctuation. This fluctuating is temporary.


    One thing that helps me revitalize to appreciate more, is nature, riding my bike and walking my dog on nice slow walks. God is there somedays in these activity...then I know all is not empty.


    Hope this helps in some small way.

  16. I am an aspiring devotee of Sri Krsna. Some of you may know last year I went to see Amritanandamayi Devi Maa.


    I had not been to big cities and big crowds for years and had no money for the trip/accomodation. Within that week a surprise payment from the government came into my bank. But the hurdle was not over, I was nervous to go to the city. Very rarely go to cities on the last 15 years.


    One night I felt Maa strongly impress in my mind, 'come I will guide your way'. It was a magic few days. I went to see Maa on the saturday and for the next days got to spend quality time in Iskcon Melbourne mangala arati programs. I thought I had landed in heaven. I did.


    The following weeks were very special, and then very transparent. Still, helping me to see my shortcomings which are deep, and also helping to see how big is God's grace!


    In the mail today I received my monthly Matruvani from Ammachi. I felt to share the opening message from Maa here. It is how I feel lately about life and what my hopes and dreams are for all of us. From all faith, I know we are one family and living conscious unity.


    Only read on if you have interest. Forgive my typos as it is not a copy and paste. Also, please forgive my outburts at Audarya, with some grace I will learn to love more.



    Nature - our first mother. Amma's Message


    Nature is our first mother. She nurtures us throughout our lives.....Just as a child is obliged to his birth mother, we should also feel an obligation and responsibility toward Mother Nature. If we forget this responsibility, it is equal to forgetting our own self. If we forget Nature, we will cease to exist, for to do so is to walk toward death.


    In, the old days, there was no specific need for environmental preservation becuase protecting Nature was a part of worshipping God and life itself. More than remebering God, the people used to love and serve Nature and society. They saw the Creator through the creation. They loved, worshipped and protected Nature as the visible form of God.


    Let us try to reawaken this attitude. At present, the biggest threat to mankind is not a third world war, but the loss of Nature's harmony and our widening seperation from Nature....


    Life becomes fulfilled when humankind and nature move together, hand in hand, in harmony. When melody and rhythm compliment each other, the music becomes beautiful and pleasing to the ear. Likewise, when people live in accordance with the laws of nature, life becomes like a beautiful song.


    Nature is a huge flower garden. The animals, birds, trees, and plants and people are the gardens fully blossomed flowers of diverse colors. The beauty of this garden is complete only when all of these exist as a unity, thereby spreading the vibrations of love and oneness. May all our minds become one in love. Let us work together to prevent these diverse flowers from withering away, so that the garden may remain eternally beautiful.


    ***Amma would now like to share a few more points she feels are worth refelcting upon.


    1. Imagine the human race was removed from the face of the earth. The planet would once again become lush with vegetation. The water and the air would become pure. All of nature would be filled with joy. Conversely, imagine there was no life on earth except human beings. We would be unable to survive. This earth created by God and the song arising from Nature are in perfect tune and rhythm. It is only human beings who bring in tones of dissonance.


    2. The source of peace and harmony is love and compassion. Through love, the tender bud of our hearts will blossom. Then the beautiful fragrance of love will spread all around.


    3. The bird of society has two wings: science and spirituality. These two must go hand in hand, as both are needed for the progress of society. If we hold onto spiritual values while moving forward, then science can become a tool to bring about world peace and harmony.


    4. We must never lose our inner strength. Only weak minds see the dark side of everything and become confused. Those with optimism see the rays of God's grace in any darkness. The lamp of this faith is within us. Light this lamp; it will shower light to guide each and every step we make. Let us not remain stuck in the painfiul memories of the wars and conflicts of days gone past. Forget the dark history of hatred and rivalry and welcome a new era of faith, love, and unity. For this, we must all work together. No effort, no matter how small, will ever be wasted. Even if just one flower blossoms in the middle of a desert, at least it's something. This is the attitude to develop when performing actions. Our abilities may be limited, but if we row the boat of life with the paddles of self-effort, then the wind of God's grace will definately come to assist us.


    5. We should be ready to change. Otherwise, we will be forced to change. If not change, then death - we have to choose one or the other.


    6. The human race should understand that it's not the only species with a right to life. How many species have already become extinct! It is no enough to have kindness and compassion for human beings; we need to have such compassion toward all living beings.

    7. We will not be able to escape from disease just by destroying populations of mosquitoes, chickens, and cows. The restoration of Nature's harmony should be our first priority.




    If the source of war is in the mind of man, then the source of peace resides there also. If we want tp prevent war in the future, we need to start inculcating values in our childern at a young age. If we want to make yoghurt, all we need to do is add a small amount of yoghurt to some milk, stir it and allow it to sit for some time. Similarly, when parents set a good example, they impart positive values to their children. Then noble qualities spontaneoulsy arise in the children.......Let us stand together and show the world that compassion, love and concern, for our fellow beings have not completely vanished from the face of the earth. Let us build a new world of peace and harmony by remaining deeply rooted in the universal values that have nurtured humanity since time immemorial. Let us say goodbye to war and brutality forever, reducing them to thye stuff of fairy-tales. Let us be remembered in the future as the generation of peace.


    om lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu (may all beings in all the worlds be happy).




    ...that I am not willing to do some dirty work for Krsna by andy


    sorry to but in,


    that need not be said andy. both you and me and every other devotee would relish some cleaning service, just as we enjoy kirtan. same same.


    Oh I know you are not Beggar. Beggar and Shakti-fan are the same person. He used to post something as Beggar and then respond to his own posts under the name Shakti-fan. Hasn't happened in a long time until today but those posts got wiped out. Used to happen back in the cbrahma vs. beggar era of this forum that were preceded by the Guruvani vs. everyone era which was preceded by the Guruvani vs. Kulapavana era or something resembling that order and substance. Somewhere in the mix was the advaitians vs. vaisnavas era I think but I wasn't really paying much attention during that era so I could be wrong about that one. by ancient

    you are alot of fun ancient, and a good observor


    both of you (sonic) have shared a nice mood...thx

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