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Posts posted by Shivam

  1. PAMHO



    Hare Krishna,

    Devotees I am worried after reading an article posted on www.ISKCON.com in the news section.

    The temple in Bangladesh was literally terrorised, much damage happened to the temple. Most importantly, they burned devotees with boiling water. The devotees needed to be hospitalized.


    I made this post for the purpose of finding a way to help the temple and its devotees.

    If anyone knows please tell. Possibly other devotees reading will help as well.


    Hari Bol


    I will still say that an atheist has beliefs, because until you die you can't know what will follow. An atheist believes that there is nothing out there. A negative cannot be proven. An atheist can only feel that certain beliefs are correct. It is the same way with a religious person.


    True Indeed! Notice the modern day Monks of Buddha. They believe they are Athiestic [which they appear to be], however Buddha is Krishna.


    Krishna had such mercy upon the Athiests at the time that he descended as Lord Buddha to lead the Athiests to God indirectly. He said, Yes there is No God, so Take Shelter of Me and forget about this Material Nature. While they are saying forget about God there is no God, let us worship our Buddha, THEY ARE WORSHIPPING THE SUPREME LORD INDIRECTLY ! Such Mercy from Lord Krishna. Even those without religion get mercy of him. Even Cats and Dogs dont starve.


    Hare Krishna


    A real Vaisnava does not even look down upon an ant, what to speak of those embodied as humans with whom they might have philosophical disagreements. True Divine inspiration cannot be checked by considerations of time and space. As we know from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Vaishnavas like Srila Prabhupada are forever manifest in the sound vibration containing the gist of their ideas and are not limited by apparent physical constraints in coming to assist sincere seekers in their contemporary search for true understanding. It all depends upon the intensity of the eagerness of sincere inquiry and also their subsequent actual inner receptivity. You are a jiva with a built in permanent connection to Supersoul of Whom Srila Prabhupada is directly representative. Why don't you ask Srila Prabhupada yourself?




    Jagabandhu dasa


    Thank You Prabhuji, this was of Great Use.


    Hari Bol!


    What question do you have about Krsna that you cqannot find in Prabhupada's books?


    I find reading Prabhupada's books answers more questions then I even knew to ask. Enough to keep me busy for many lifetimes.


    True Indeed, Srila Prabhupada's books answer more questions than one would ask in such depth, However I have Tailor Made Questions for Prabhupada. They consist of questions based on his teachings. An example of one of my questions I'd ask Srila Prabhupada is "You have taught that one must take instruction of a Bonafide Guru and must choose him wisely. Who do you find to be the most Bonafide Guru alive today? [Now that You're Not Present On This Material World Of Course]."


    Why do people look down on Rivtik people? I hear Rivtik's believe they should submit to Srila Prabhupada as Guru directly. What would Prabhupada say about this?


    My questions are very specific and may be offensive so I'm apologizing in advance.

    Your Servant,


    Hare Krishna



    Hare Krsna devotees, I have another question about a possible form/child of the Lord. Is Lord Ayyappa a worshipable deity ? May I offer him my service?

    Please forgive me if I've made any offenses in my questions. They are strictly for my own spiritual growth.


    Hare Krsna


    Nice question Shivam prabhu.


    When you are chanting Hare Krishna, the mantra is meant for Radha and Krishna, no matter who you are sitting in front of, so there should be no difference in result. I do suppose that if you sit in front of Radha and Krishna, it will greatly benefit your chanting of the maha mantra, as having their direct darshan will obviously help you in your meditation on the Divine Couple.

    So maybe you mean that one who is sitting in front of Lord Shiva praising Him, in the understanding that He is the best devotee of Lord Krishna, if that will then no doubt please Krishna more then directly praising Him? I think so, because you are praising Shiva as a devotee of Krishna, and like you said, Krishna is more pleased when you praise His devotee.

    Many of Lord Siva's pastimes in conjunction with Krishna are very endearing in my opinion. I happily remember them and praise Sivaji in His manifestation of Gopisvara Mahadeva daily.

    I hope the answer was of any use to you prabhu,


    Hare Krishna


    Thank you very much for your responce Prabhuji. This clarifies alot to me.


    Hare Krishna



    Dear devotees, I was thinking about a scripture I read in the Caitanya Caritamrta. It said that Lord Krishna is pleased more when one praises his devotees than when one praises Lord Krishna directly. I know this to be valid, but my question is if one is praying Hare Krsna infront of Vishnu and one is praying Hare Krsna infront of Shiva, which one receives more benefit?


    Please forgive me if I have made any offenses. I'm just curious to this question.


    Hare Krishna


    Hare Krsna,

    Here is a quote from a lecture Srila Prabhupada gave:


    Prabhupada: So Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Absolute Truth is realized in three phases: brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate [sB 1.2.11]. Absolute Truth can be realized in the beginning as impersonal Brahman, which is the objective of the jnanis, and next, Paramatma, which is the objective of the yogis, and at last, the last word in the absolute understanding is person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Ultimate issue is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just like we understand that in the sun globe there is the Supreme Person or the surya-narayana, or the chief person within the sun planet. His name is also given in the Bhagavad-gita-Vivasvan. The Lord says in the Fourth Chapter, imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam: [bg. 4.1] "I first of all explained this science, this yoga system of Bhagavad-gita, to Vivasvan, the sun-god." Vivasvan manave prahur manur iksvakave 'bravit. And Vivasvan, the sun-god, he explained to Manu, and Manu explained to his son. In this way, by the disciplic succession the knowledge has come down. So when we speak of jnana, knowledge, it must be learned from a person. So Bhagavan, the last word in the understanding of Absolute Truth, He says in this Bhagavad-gita.


    Hope this helps.


    Yes this helps but Vivasvan(Surya-Narayana) is Krishna himself correct?


    Hare Krsna


    Hare Krsna,

    Yes, it is a very beautiful set of verses from the 4th canto chapter 24 of the Bhagavatam. Lord Siva is instructing the Pracetas. Here is a link to them: They begin at about text 20






    Thank you VERY MUCH Prabhuji!!

    I have the book version of this. Are you familiar with the Picture of Lord Siva meditating upon Sri Krishna with the Pracetas? Could you find that picture for us and others to see Prabhuji? This would be greatly appreciated.


    Hare Krsna

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