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Posts posted by mohankrishna

  1. Hello people,

    Soon I will be going to karnataka for over a month. I intend on searching for 'shadows of the truth'. Siddhis, various astrologers..etc...

    I'll keep a diary account of events...and will post these events should they be helpful to vaishnavas and people in general.


    Unfortunately this quest is that which has arisen from troubles of the mind..grips of maya. However my inspiration is from Atmatattva das prabhu and J.N. das prabhu. My respects to them.


    If anyone has any information, ideas - please inform me.


    I hope i find these 'shadows' so that this maya loosens her grip on me.


    Thank you



  2. Hare Krishna


    Can someone tell me the main differences between kundalini and ashtanga yoga? Also, is it possible to start when you are 20yrs of age- still possible to become an advanced practitioner that is ?


    Thank you




    Radhe Krishna,


    The basic three philosophies state that god is one and only one although they view differences in its form. God is a singular term. He is unique. It is not as if there are a band of gods and they have a head.


    what is referred to as demigods are the devatha ganam.


    A devatha can never be a god.


    Devathas are as perishable like you and me although there is difference of age, whereas God is omnipresent, omnipotent and imperishable.


    God is the supreme.


    none is above him.


    the ladder of manushya to brahmam is explained in ananda valli of thaithriya upanishad.


    To raise devatha to the poistion of God is to upgrade them unscripturally and downgrade god unscripturally.


    Apart from this, give importance to what is said in thirukural


    "Epporul yaar yaar vaai ketpinum

    Apporul meiporul kaanbadharivu"


    Meaning - Information has to be looked at the facevalue of its truth rather than its source.


    Radhe Krishna


    Hare krishna!


    I accept what you say. Thank you for the clarification. For a moment up there i thought you were saying that the conclusion of the 3 philosophies was voidism! hahah


    Thank you.


    ps. what do you do?


    Radhe Krishna,


    The same question was asked to me when I pointed out the voidness in the concept of godhead and demigods which is against the teachings of Advaita, Visishtadvaita and dvaita.

    All the three philosophies teach that God is one and only one although there are differences as to his form.


    Radhe krishna


    Are you putting forth that voidness is against these three philosophies or are you saying that the concept of godhead and demigods is?



  5. hi there. i sense atheism...if i'm right, what sort or atheism is it - the kind where one says " there is no god" or the kind that says "hmm, i don't know whether there is a god, but i don't know if he is not there either" ?

    if i am mistaken- my apologies.

    are you well versed in sanskrit grammar and the vedas? ( i don't mean reading english translations).

  6. Hare Krishna!

    I am hoping someone who is well versed in the Vedas (or any Veda) will answer this question. Though all comments are ofcourse wolcome.


    Sayana, in his commentary on one of the verses in the Rig Veda, states the speed of light. How does he arrive at this?


    Also, slightly away from this topic - How did archeologists put a date on the Rig Veda?


    Thank you

    Hare Krishna!



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