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Posts posted by mohankrishna

  1. I agree with JN prabhu on the food scheme. However let us not forget that this masjid was built in place of the ancient Rama temple.


    I suppose destroying the masjid didn't bring back the temple - but perhaps it's just karma. For me; I cannot even imagine how much paapa could be accumulated through the destruction of a Krsna temple.


    Prabhu, don't some paapic actions bind even the progeny of that man/woman to it?





    In case anyone has not been to Ayodhya or had not seen the Babri Masjid, this is what it looked like:




    As you can see, it was an abandoned mosque in the middle of nowhere, overgrown with trees. If you go today to Ayodhya the mosque is gone, but you can see the location it was in. It is just huge empty fields, for perhaps 100 acres.


    This will be remembered as one of the stupidest and selfish actions to have been done by Indian politicians.


    Here is an interesting statement from 1918 about a well at the Babri Masjid that both Hindus and Muslims considered to have miraculous healing powers:




    So at some point everyone got along and forgot about the past invasions and fighting. But politicians chose to revive the hatred in order to win the elections, and that is how the BJP finally came to power.

  2. Jai Sriman Narayana!

    Actually accounts exist where the out of body experiencer has given specific detailed accounts of unreachable places. For example in one case the subject described a shoe present on a specific part of a hospital roof - this was later confirmed.


    The problem is these fools(the above scientists and their kind) have no proper realisations or experiences of their own. So how are they able to compare?! There is no logic in that. Now if I am able to leave my body at will (or otherwise) and travel places; then I try this scientific illusion of theirs - I'd be able to compare. But how can they compare having not known BOTH cases?!


    Nevertheless scientists cleverly show you only what they think they can reproduce. They will never tell you about the things they cannot. Documented OBEs have occured when persons are clinically dead - meaning NO brainwave activity registering on the measuring devices.

    How do they explain those? Or what about ones where persons are able to give accurate descriptions of complex surgical procedures with surgical precision? Or where persons are able to describe the environment in a remote area? THE list goes on and on. I'd like to see them include that in their article: "We have scientifically been able to reproduces these effects but we can't yet reproduce this and this and this and this"


    Conclusion - they want to view the world with tinted glasses so Krsna will happily hand them whatever shade!



  3. Namaskarams


    I've had one of 3 weird experiences just last morning and thought I'd share it. It's not a spiritual one just a little mystical.


    Last morning I awoke and my eyes stopped in the half open position. At that moment I had a compelling feeling suggesting I was about to leave my body. So in fraction of a second I decided to go to my gym (don't ask why). I felt that I was exiting this gross body slowly and saw extremely bright lights and thunderous sounds! I became very afraid so I thought against it - the lights and sounds slowly drowned out and my right ear began to ring exaggeratedly. Finally the ringing stopped..and I fully opened my eyes and got up (in my gross body). I'd never been so afraid in my life!

    This was definetly not a dream - when my eyes were half open I could clearly see the clock on my bedside cupboard and the swivel chair there.


    I regret getting scared and not being able to exit and see what it was like. Ah well!


    Maybe someone's had similar experiences? ...Or can explain?


    mohan krishna


    I noticed that the forum software automatically prevents posting a topic with all capital letters. In this case, it's somewhat significant.


    Perhaps the thread was started as "OBE", but the software renders it "Obe". I suppose the clearest presentation would have been "O.B.E." so it's clear that there's an acronym being used (for "Out of Body Experience").


    When I saw "Obe", I thought the discussion was going to be about some Japanese monk, or something similar.


    Still, an interesting thread!


    Hahahaha! I thought I titled it "OBE" !! Now I know I did.


    Thanks for letting me know




    Sounds like you might have been attacked by a strong ghost or subtle being.


    Sometimes when we sleep we get attacked by ghosts who try to possess our bodies.


    I have had a number of such experiences.


    These ghosts come and go and pass through occasionaly.


    Don't worry about it.


    Keep a large bell or a gong near your bed and when you feel like something strange is around just ring the bell or beat the gong and the vibrations will drive the subtle beings away by clearing the ether.


    Chanting the names of Vishnu are always good in these situations but if your chanting is not pure then might have some luck with mechanical methods like bells and gongs.


    Prabhu I find this hard to believe because the night before that eventful morning myself along with my father and mother were reciting the Vishnusahasranama. My parents are very devout and chant it several times a day. Through those sound vibrations I am confident that this house is "clean".

    I didn't feel the presence of any other being either.





    Sounds like you were stuck in the hypnogogic state which is that state half way between sleep and wakefullness. A most wonderful place I think. From that state astral projection can be done consciously. Fear held you back.


    Often just before exiting the body a tremendous ringing comes upon one. I have experienced this many times and it is note in some metaphysical books on astral projection. I have never heard of it in one ear only.


    Fear held you back. It's natural the first time you hear it. If someone hasn't heard what we are speaking of they can't imagine how absolutely intense that ringing is. The trick is to not fear anything and to just relax into it. Take the ringing as a signal to relax.


    Once relaxed a similarily intense feeling of vibration may overtake you. That is an astral sensation and also a signal to relax. Once relaxed you can then will yourself out of your body and either go visit some earthly place like a gym or better yet a temple where you can be an unseen observer (a friendly ghost) or you can go deeper in the complete astral dimension where if you desire is such you will find astral kirtans taking place and you can join in and be seen as a full participant by the others.


    The important thing is that whether in the body or out of the body always chant Hare Krsna. If in the astral it will greatly determine where you end up and what you experience.


    Don't have any regrets. It was a learning experience. When these things first started happening to me I was a teenager and never even heard of astral bodies or exiting my physical body. It just blew my mind. :eek:


    This is definetly a wild a whacky universe. Let's have some fun investigating while we are here and remembering the Lord in the heart is always with us.

    Hare Krsna!


    Excellent post Theist! Very interesting indeed! Upon fully waking up I thought I should have picked a temple - perhaps if it happens again I shall!

    Tell me - when such things happen to you are you able to varify atleast some of the things that you have seen? Speaking on this earthly plane - say you using your subtle body proceeded to a temple you've been to. Have you been able to varify what you saw by going there in your physical body?


    Thanks so much for your reply Theist



  7. Hare Krsna !


    I've had one of 3 weird experiences just last morning and thought I'd share it. It's not a spiritual one just a little mystical.


    Last morning I awoke and my eyes stopped in the half open position. At that moment I had a compelling feeling suggesting I was about to leave my body. So in fraction of a second I decided to go to my gym (don't ask why). I felt that I was exiting this gross body slowly and saw extremely bright lights and thunderous sounds! I became very afraid so I thought against it - the lights and sounds slowly drowned out and my right ear began to ring exaggeratedly. Finally the ringing stopped..and I fully opened my eyes and got up (in my gross body). I'd never been so afraid in my life!

    This was definetly not a dream - when my eyes were half open I could clearly see the clock on my bedside cupboard and the swivel chair there.


    I regret getting scared and not being able to exit and see what it was like. Ah well!


    Maybe someone's had similar experiences?


    Hare Krsna



  8. Hello guest who started thread,


    I believe I know what you're talking about. It's just a medical state. It's where you're conscious but your body is still "asleep" and cannot be controlled for moments. And you are in dark place where sometimes scary beings manifest or it can just be plain black. You try to scream and you know you are sending "scream" commands but your physical mouth does not open and your vocalchords do not make the sound.


    I personally had this experience twice on consecutive days - I had them in the morning before I awakened. For me it was plain black - complete darkness....being petrified I screamed except I didn't physically. Second time round I was calm and waited for the "control" over my body to be restored.

    I don't think you have anything to worry about. Modern medicine does not understand this phenomenon and probably never will. But it's extremely interesting.



  9. Thanks Nrsingha and Lowborn for your replies. :)

    However I was looking for more specific details... which roots? did they make fires, how?

    I understand that this sort of thing would require a book or volumes of books to detail. I believe in the Veda there is a section known as the "Aranyaka" which deals with forest affairs...but what does it include?


    I am sure one who takes shelter of Narayana's lotus feet would never be abandoned...but still one living in the forest must, for instance, rest in the right place - sleeping on or right next to a snake lair wouldn't be a good idea.


    Is this wisdom still in existance in it's full entirety?


    Hare Krsna



  10. Hare Krsna


    Just the other day I was watching a documentary about bushcraft and various aborigines' "living off the land" cultures. All of them were omnivorous...sparing not even the smallest creature.

    It got me wondering - how did/do vanaprastas live? Learning the details would be facinating! For instance; what did they eat? how did they shelter themselves? how did they ensure they were safe from the wild creatures...snakes, big cats? Is this knowledge still there?


    If anyone could enlighten me, I'd be grateful.






    hello all! i have gcse exams next year. i am also a strong believer in god. i would like to know if there are any sadhnas to ENSURE a pass in all the exams.


    can you please detailedly elabourate on how i should complete the sadhna you would recommend. please note that i am not able to get hold of all the special articles usually needed in most sadhnas so i would appreciate if the sadhna needs minimum articles. thankyou for your help in advance.


    Try putting a £20 note in each of your exam papers.


    this idiot who makes his living "debunking" fraud mystics is not better than a fraud mystic himself.

    He is a parasite on society and make his money on the flip side of the fraud coin.

    He is a jealous punk and somebody should put that germ out of his misery, while he is still young enough to lament death.


    HAHahahaha! :D That's very true Guruvani! funny thing is his fame rests on fraudsters...last thing he wants to find is the real thing. Atleast that's his subconscious motive.




    I wonder why you did not consider these scientists and instead asked others if they knew someone who could take up this challenge.


    Anyway, this is good news. Please tell me how I can reach these scientists. I will strike a deal with them (10% commission) out of the money they get by proving Randi false.


    Since people like myself and Randi are cock-sure that paranormal phenomenon are bogus, an encounter with these scientists should change our minds and you will gain a place in heaven for your good deed.


    So hopefully now, your people should debunk Randi in a weeks time. Waiting with anticipation...



    No, I think I've found my god - you! Oh you are so great you claim not to be god and humbler still that you say he does not exist. These are but the games of my god shiv - you may be in guise but i can still spot thee for yee give away the hint that you know everything - enough to say that such phenomenon does not exist. With this phrase of yours alone I can tell that yee are aware of all the goings on on this earth to be "cock-sure". I bow down to you - knower of all, seer of all. :pray:


    Are you so sure that he is the ignorant one?


    Have you actually seen a Sadhak display a siddhi in a convincing manner? A display of something that defies nature's laws (as we known them) and was not a trick? I can tell you this...you can search high and low; you will not find a single example. A display of divine magic is always something that is seen by someone else, somewhere else, but never seen by you firsthand.


    Sure, you can get to see some cheap tricks available from some self professed godmen such as pulling a ladoo out of thin air, or a ring or a pinch of sacred ash. These are third grade tricks that can be successfully performed by an amateur magician. As for slightly complex levels of magic such as converting water into Chardonnay, they always happen somewhere else and can never be witnessed by you. Really appreciable miracles such as eradicating disease from the world or poverty or saving the starving kids in Africa are out of the question. Most miracles do not go beyond the ladoo/ring/ash level.


    Shankara from 1300 years ago writes that miracles do not happen in his time and this is from someone who was living in a time and place where every Tom Dick and Harry was making up stories of divine miracles. If he was not living in primitive oil lamp, clay pot times and had access to the internet, he would have not objected to throwing a similar challenge as Randi. James Randi knows exactly what he is talking about and there will be no takers for those million dollars. This is real life and in real life sarees do not come out of thin air nor do blind people get cured through miracle touches. These stories - sorry to break the bubble - are strictly for the gullible.


    If you have not realized it, siddhis and miracles play no role in Bhakti and spiritual progress. They are totally irrelevant and I bet there are some religious people right on this forum who will agree with this (althought not outwardly, perhaps).




    Your ignorance is truly remarkable. The problem with people like you is that you sit in your chair feet up and think you've searched the world - it is ppl like you who are dull witted; just a sheep in the herd being led into a ditch. I say led becuase you do not think for your own and are easily influenced by the media. Let me first tell you that I, being a student of science, have done my research into papers authored by well accomplished scientists (many of whom occupied seats of prestige many nobel laureates) on paranormal phenomenon.

    Now, I will put my trust to the great men of science who have given "my daily equations" which ensure the jet I design won't drop out of the sky THAN you. :)


    [qoute]First, there is a sadness for the life you left behind, then there is forgetfulness, where that life is like a distant dream to you. Then there is deep sleep. Then, there is gradual awakening in a new body, and a new life.[/qoute]


    Who experience this?


    Everyone experiences it. Just becuase you do not remember something happend does not mean it did not. I'm sure any one who indulges in alcohol will be able to tell you that.

    Reincarnation - amazing evidence exists for it. There are many scientific studies and reports on it. Very compelling evidence.



  16. Yes haha ppl jokingly say he's darwin reincarnated to fix things hahaha...don't worry if you missed it on tele. watch it here:-



    Initially you'll see it's in french..but that's just the intro. the rest's in english.


    Siddhi means perfection. It usually refers to extrordinary control of matter in subtler means. For example being able to teleport objects, or hear distant sounds. One of the other members recently posted a link - a man with apparent siddhis. Looks very legit to me.

    Here's the link.



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