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Posts posted by mohankrishna

  1. Namaskarams!


    The Srivaishnava tradition is a tradition of 'Ekadevopaasana'. So as advised by our Acharyas one should worship Sriman Narayana only. Essentially we see him as our Husband and should treat him as such. We rely on him entirely - this is what a Srivaishnava declares...if this is to be true why should such a person have to perform upasana on other deities? :)


    Any mistakes in my statement are my own and all that is correct is simply the reproduction of what I have learnt from great Acharyas.


    Hope that was a little helpful


    Mohan Krishna

  2. Namaskarams


    I was wondering where I could obtain books written by our sampradaic scholars and Acharyas? Has Srimad Rangapriya Acharyan written much in english?


    Unfortunately for me, I can't really read Kannada; just English. Please take this in to consideration.


    Thank you



    ps: I'm also interested in material from Sriman Narayanacharya of the Kautilya Institue. Upanyasam CDs/Tapes, too, would be beautiful.



    My son has come up with an interesting question when we were talking about the different yugas and species of life. "How do new species of living entities appear through out the different ages.? For example Hanuman and his species. Or dinosaurs, my understanding was their bones are remnants of the end of the last Kali-yuga. But how did such species develope?


    Does anyone know a source where we can find an answer for this question.


    Thanks, Govindarupini


    Govindarupini, please check your private message inbox on this forum...

  4. Thanks for your response indulekhadasi :) ! I know that sounds painful - but if he does I hope he finds the ultimate :pray:





    It is very possible, although I do not know how to predict such things. In my horoscope it says my dad might take sanyasa when he is 77 (woa, better not think about that- too painful).
  5. Namaskaarams


    I've been looking online to hear this Swamigal's lectures...but have been unsuccessful. I was hoping someone here would have some recordings which they could give me. Unfortunately I only know english and some kannada so it's hard for me to find Upanyasams which I can understand.


    So if anyone can help me out I'd be extremely grateful :)


    Jai Sriman Narayana



  6. Please check your "Private Messages" at the top right of your window. :)



    Please help me.


    For the last 10 years, i have tried to get closer to Sri Krsna by daily chanting and offering my services to the local temple. I used to think that only Sri Krsna was the reason for my life. Things were fine until i started to get into Darwinism. Also, my brother is a final year medical student and an atheist. Whenever we have an argument about GOD and creation, he always has something to say that would make me look at creation in a way against our scriptures. At this point, i am soooooo confused that i now doubt everything. I cannot carry on like this. Was my last 10 years a waste? Please someone help. Has someone been down my path? I've tried daily chanting in the hope that things would clear up but they haven't. I used to be convinced that GOD was everywhere and in everything and now all i see is the products of evolution.


    Please help :(


  7. Well said!:crying2: (tears of joy)



    What they actually achieved by this experiment is nothing but simulated autoscopy.

    When you are out of material body you naturally see your body and surroundings and by simulating autoscopy you experience something quite similar and thus there is sensation of detachment from the body.

    Depersonalization and derealization are felt during long virtual reality sessions or even after playing video games for many hours. I can't see how these experiments are revolutionary.

    Every person playing some realistic first person video game for 12 hours every day experienced sensation of detachment from the body, dimmed perception of outside world and numbness of senses.

    It naturally occurs when you identify through sugestion with some other person especially in such realistic enviroment with first person perspective.


    So called scientist observe reactions in brain during some experiences trying to prove that consciuosness is product of mere chemistry while this "chemistry" never existed anywhere else except in their own consciuousness.

    They start from the the premise that their brains are wired properly and ours are defective and thus we hallucinate.


    But we could say that their brains are actually defective ones and by accepting their standpoint humanity globally induces brain patterns that reuslt in halucinatory experience of matter as the sole reality and losing the sight of subtle spiritual truths.

    This is quite valid standpoint. Who actually decided that speculative mental activity is natural state of mind or the brain?

    We are forced to accept this to survive in their world and this way we follow the rules of their game.

    Even on a most basic materialistic level scientific outlook is just one possibility enforced upon all ther others.


    Spiritual people are accused by materialistic scientist of being hallucinating liars, primitives living in illusion and we are supposed to hang our heads in shame and not strike back. These are the most severe accusations.

    Even if we have a proof it won't metter because if they can't use their materialistic method then it is as good as nothing.



    Every being is striving for happiness and shaping it's surrouding accordingly so the fundamental rule for the "human-animal" of the science would be creating a world in which we interact only with those with similar brain patterns and destroying or enslaving all the others.

    Therefore, religious "human -animals" must wipe out scientific "human animals" because they cannot achieve their ideal while those are present and dominating the world.

    They would have no right to complain because that is how the species survive and evolve . By destroying their opponents and shaping the environment according to their desires and ideals.

    If there is no God and soul then all morality is artificial , we can create our own code to seccure our survival and wellbeing.

    If we adopt scientific approach then radical Muslims have every right to wipe out all the others opposing entities to secure happy life for their community.

    They would have perfect right to choose their own method for achieving their ideal.


    really, i want proof any organism has devolved just it as evolved. bring it on and it is probably worth the mitochondrial DNA proof.


    WHaow! Another genius - seriously though. Why do people clearly with great intelligence; like shvu and yourself hang around these Theistic forums so much? I mean why give a care about a bunch of people who're clearly ignorant toward the might of logic and all the good stuff in life?

    People who posess such intelligence as yourselves should be on a scientific forum - like quantum physics for instance...or whatever your background is.


    You'd be of more use educating people in those forums than here where noone pays heed to your time consuming posts - and I respect that. You see if you hang around here too much then people will think that you have doubts in your sciences and are leaning toward foolish religion! And that's the last thing you want! I'm sure a lot of people already think that - so you better just go before it consumes all of your dignity.


    Good luck guys! :)


    You mean evolution is a THEORY unlike the FACT that God waved his wand and there were Adam, Eve and the Apple in the middle east? If evolution is a theory to you, then you have 200 years of catching up to do. Evolution says your grand daddy was a chimp...but your post says you may just be one too.


    Go back to school, sonny and pay attention in class this time. Until then - for the good of the world - refrain from spreading your high school drop-out level wisdom to others. The person who asked the question is an anthropologist and was certainly not directing his question to the likes of you... if you know what I mean.




    You are ignorant of the knowledge I have...let alone the knowledge you have! I do not think it is a theory - that's what it is known as to the scientific community. Unfortunately you do not study anything and are susceptable to mass media brainwashing. Why don't you pick up some real antro and archeo books?! study the cases then you can talk!

    You just know a thing or two and try to make it appear as though you know the subject - well it's not working!


    What have you studied at school or uni (if you made it that far)?!

    And quit saying "Cheers" at the end of every bloody post you make - NOONE is applauding you; so there's no need to thank them.

  10. Dude! It's the THEORY of evolution...NOT the FACT of evolution. You want to believe that your gran'daddy was a chimp, that's fine! - I'm not stopping you. But her question does not pertain to the likes of you.





    It is possible, if you stop following the general ignorant line of thinking that evolution is atheistic. That is just religious politics set forth by some crooks to gain mileage.


    Why is evolution a threat to religion? It does go against creation stories found in some old religious books, but why are those stories essential for theism? How many really believe Adam and Eve populated the entire world anymore? A few hundred years ago - yes, but in today's world with all the knowledge gained, rigidly holding on to such beliefs is an insult to one's own intelligence. It is no different from believing the earth is flat or is a set of alternating concentric circles of land and water as imagined by the author of the Bhagavatam.


    No one - without exception - is 100% comfortable with his or her religion. There is always something that cannot be digested and in such case they make compromises by ignoring the disturbing elements or finding alternate explanations. As a Hare Krishna, you will find there are numerous, outdated concepts from old Indian religious books that have been compromised and tailored to arrive at present day hare krishna religion. This holds true for all religions.


    You have to similarly make your peace with creation stories and separate them from your religious beliefs. One can still believe in Jesus without believing in Adam, Eve and the Apple. And similarly in Krishna without the dozens of embellishments.



  11. Do not worry! I know the situation. Surprisingly the answer is simple :); you must read a few books :-

    Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race


    Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory

    These two books are a must for you! They've been authored by Drutakarma das (Michael Cremo) and sadaputa das (Richard Thompson)

    And check this out http://www.archive.org/details/HGSataputaDasRichardLThomsonSciencefromtheVedicperspective





    How can I deal with being an anthropologist and still be a devotee at the same time? Is that possible? I'm learning about all kinds of theories some which oppose or contradict religion.. the main one is evolution. Please give me your thoughts.

  12. Thanks Guruvani! Those are excellent quotations - that's what I was looking for :D


    Thing is; I came accross this singing of the Buddhist 'Heart Sutra' on youtube and the meaning is given at the same aswell.

    So I was wondering if it described the truth about any aspect of the Lord.


    Well on top of towers or like now in the high mountains of Tibet are where vultures are apt to get right to work. It doesn't take any statement from an acarya to know that in the plains or cities of India or New York leaving dead bodies around would only feed to rats and wild dogs, spreading disease all over the place.


    But a change is nedded in both burial system of the west and the deforesting seen in India for cremations. I think it is Sweden or the Netherlands maybe that has a system of burial in which a tree is planted over the grave and I believe the corpse actually feeds the trees growth somehow without being attractive to animals. Maybe by the depth of the hole.


    I think this system is best where possible and cremation second best but a good alternative to wood has to be used.


    The reason for cremation is to ensure the atman does not hang around. I believe this is one of the reasons. Actually in the Vedic system trees are meant to be planted on various ocasions - not just when someone's dead.

    True - disease is a good reason.

    hahah you can choose you body to be tree fertilizer - I'll stick with ash!


    Yes that is a Tibetan Buddhist practice. I think it very wise. Let some creature gain some sustenance from the corpse and preserved the land from the wasteful practice of burial or the land stripping waste of trees caused by cremation.


    Beyond that it is a wonderful meditation on the eventual desitination of the material body. It promotes detachment.


    Wikipedia states:-

    "Traditionally, Zoroastrians disposed of their dead by leaving them atop open-topped enclosures, called Towers of Silence, or Dokhmas. Vultures and the weather would clean the flesh off the bones, which were then placed into an ossuary at the center of the Tower."


    It does appear wise but I'm sure our Acharyas have a good reason for not following this method.


    The Buddhists take the body of the dead person and put it on the mountain for the vultures to eat.

    Beyond that......it's anybody's guess!!!:D


    (this is true, the Buddhists of Tibet take dead bodies and feed them to vultures)(I saw it on TV, so it must be true):D


    Hahaha! I think they are Zoroastrians.:P

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