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Everything posted by xxvvii

  1. As vaishnavas, what do you think about shaivas (spelling?)
  2. Recently I read an article on net, which says that Greek goddess gaia (root: ge - skt. ja) is in cow's form. [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 06-08-2002).]
  3. Now you need to learn communicating with me & each other through your mind (cit?) in short words as media. [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 06-08-2002).]
  4. HYMN CXXIX. Creation. 1. THEN was not non-existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it. What covered in, and where? and what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water? 2 Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal: no sign was there, the day's and night's divider. That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever. 3 Darkness there was: at first concealed in darknew this All was indiscriminated chaos. All that existed then was void and form less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit. 4 Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit. Sages who searched with their heart's thought discovered the existent's kinship in the non-existent. 5 Transversely was their severing line extended: what was above it then, and what below it? There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free action here and energy up yonder 6 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? The Gods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first came into being? 7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.
  5. I have neither the interest in wwiii's fatasy nor the attempt to interfere your gov.'s decision-making. What I expect is that you could learn sth. from the Israel, American, & recent decades' experiences of yourself. It's easy to be a Winner whereas it's hard to reach the Goal in a short term. Change your mind.
  6. The excerpts from nde articles about the forms of Son & occult Father ---- ******** He was dressed in a white, long-sleeved, floor-length robe with a wide gold band around the mid-section. He wore sandals. His dark brown hair was shoulder length; he had a long face, broad chin, dark eyes with black around both eyelids, like eyeliner pencil, but it wasn't. His skin was olive colored and his eyes were as liquid love. He communicated by looking at me. No words had to be spoken, as we could hear each other's thoughts. ---- in "Childhood ndes" (filename - children.doc) -------- "At the first heaven I met a Being. Or I should she he met me. I recognized him as Jesus Christ, and he led me through the three heavens. When I think about Jesus' physical presence, it almost fades away, because the predominant feature is that he is love through and through. As I recall, he had dark brown wavy hair and an olive complexion. I looked into his eyes. They were piercing but loving and as clear as blue water. You could almost see yourself mirrored in his eyes. When he looked at you, he looked straight through you and into you. You realized immediately that he knew all there was to know about you. "There now seemed to be a heavenly illumination that caused his hair to be light red and his eyes bluish, almost transparent, and his skin a light golden color. There is no way to fully describe his coloring. It is like another world's color. It's the Shekinah glory, iridescent golden light glowing through him. In his resurrection body, his coloring is uniquely different from anything on earth. ... "In a matter of seconds I found myself before the Most High. The Most High is the term I use because I recognized the presence of God the Father. In looking at him, I couldn't really see him, but there was an awesome glory, an awesome presence. You could feel it everywhere, and I realized that he was on the throne. When I tried to see what the throne was like, I discovered it was invisible. I knew it was there; I just could not see it. It was so big that it extended all the way to earth; earth is part of that throne. This was an incredible awareness. Stunned by it all, I felt as small as a little ant, so insignificant. Trembling, I found myself prostrate. While I was lying there on my face, he spoke to me. It was unlike the mental speech between Christ and me, because the Father sounded like many waters rushing. I lay there a very long time, with God speaking to my soul. The words he spoke to me can't be recalled, but they were about me and my life. ---- in "To Heaven and Back" (filename - christnde.doc) ******** Bkgd. of the 2nd part: Apollo/Balder is described respectively in Greek & Norse myths as bright & fair youth with a particular characteristic, golden-red hair. In fact, Apollo is light god like balder instead of sun god because of the confusion with older sun god, Helios. Apollo was born in Greece & killed in Norseland & Balder is his name in "Hyperboreas". - my personal view (apolloonos/baldr may be spelt as skt. apalonas/bardRi)
  7. They talk about the nuclear war like a delicious meal. [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-31-2002).]
  8. 4-14-99 - VISION - I saw a large gold coin. On the coin was a picture of Jesus. He was wearing long robes and had his left arm outstretched upward toward Heaven. Underneath the picture were the words: KING OF TERROR ********* Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. ********* E. ii 13:1 After seven days I dreamed a dream in the night; 13:2 and behold, a wind arose from the sea and stirred up all its waves. 13:3 And I looked, and behold, this wind made something like the figure of a man come up out of the heart of the sea. And I looked, and behold, that man flew with the clouds of heaven; and wherever he turned his face to look, everything under his gaze trembled, 13:4 and whenever his voice issued from his mouth, all who heard his voice melted as wax melts when it feels the fire. 13:5 After this I looked, and behold, an innumerable multitude of men were gathered together from the four winds of heaven to make war against the man who came up out of the sea. 13:6 And I looked, and behold, he carved out for himself a great mountain, and flew up upon it. 13:7 And I tried to see the region or place from which the mountain was carved, but I could not. 13:8 After this I looked, and behold, all who had gathered together against him, to wage war with him, were much afraid, yet dared to fight. 13:9 And behold, when he saw the onrush of the approaching multitude, he neither lifted his hand nor held a spear or any weapon of war; 13:10 but I saw only how he sent forth from his mouth as it were a stream of fire, and from his lips a flaming breath, and from his tongue he shot forth a storm of sparks. 13:11 All these were mingled together, the stream of fire and the flaming breath and the great storm, and fell on the onrushing multitude which was prepared to fight, and burned them all up, so that suddenly nothing was seen of the innumerable multitude but only the dust of ashes and the smell of smoke. When I saw it, I was amazed. [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-26-2002).] [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-26-2002).]
  9. Love is oneness/difference (1/2), ie., connection. Bhg. Supreme bliss comes to a Self-realized yogi whose mind is tranquil, whose desires are under control, and who is free from sin (or faults). (6.27) Such a sinless yogi, who constantly engages the mind with the Self, easily enjoys the infinite bliss of contact with Brahman. (6.28) Because of perceiving the (same) Self (abiding) in all beings and all beings (abiding) in the (same) Self; a yogi, who is in union with the Self, sees everybeing with an equal eye. (See also 4.35) (6.29) Those who see Me in everything and see everything in Me, are not separated from Me and I am not separated from them. (6.30) [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-22-2002).]
  10. The following is an excerpt from an NDE article in NDE site. Explain The Trinity The Father, of course, is God, or Infinity, who created and controls the universe. The Son is an individualized portion of God who has attained a perfect oneness with God - which is also our goal. The Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, would be the Master-Vibration which flows into us as freely as the barriers we have built up against it will allow. Do You Believe In A Devil? No, but if there is one, he would have to be an insane angel who was crazy enough to fight with God, which would be as futile as for us to try to stop the sunrise. I believe the devil is a mythological character, invented by man and used for a scapegoat. Grown people with immature minds like to blame the devil for their misdeeds instead of acting like men and taking the blame themselves. However, there may be earth-bound spirits of low vibrations, whom we may regard as devils because they annoy us through mental telepathy. These demons tune in on us through our low vibrations of hate, fear and greed. They can be tuned out with unselfish love, or if necessary be chased away by the stronger spirit of Jesus Christ. There's an old saying, "Birds of a feather, flock together." The way to be rid of the "devil" is not to be like him. Do You Believe In Predestination Or Free Will? Both. Since they told me I had a destiny, why wouldn't everyone else have one? Obviously, our brains can only know what we've recorded in them, but our oversouls know all about us. That's why they try to guide us, and keep us in our bodies until our life's work is finished - just like we try to stay in our cars until we reach our destinations. Yet, we all have free will. Any of us can get drunk and drive into a telephone pole. What Is Karma? Karma is the totality of all our actions - good and bad - which determine our fate, or destiny. If we do only good things we will eventually run out of bad karma and only good things will happen to us, and vice versa. The purpose of karma is to force us to learn life's lessons whether we want to or not. Between lives, with the great knowledge of our oversouls, we choose the next life we are going to live and how much karma we are going to meet and settle. For example, if you abused animals, or people, in one life your oversoul would probably cause you to reincarnate into a situation where you'd get abused to make you realize the misery you've caused others. The only way to bypass karma is to develop so much unselfish love that paying bad karma will serve no purpose - much like a college student challenging a course he already knows. What's Wrong With Fixed Beliefs About The Hereafter? Things change little in the hereafter. Suppose we have the fixed idea that we'll sleep till the resurrection of the body. Then suppose there isn't a resurrection of the body. We might sleep a very long time. On the other hand, if we have no fixed beliefs about anything, we'd be free to adapt to the new surroundings and fit in where we belong with no unusual difficulty. Everything has its place. Fixed beliefs are useful in prayer where doubt is fatal. Yet doubt is always useful in sizing up religious dogma, reading junk mail, listening to commercials, and the promises of politicians. Why Are People Turned Off By Religion? Any complete body of knowledge is like a spoke in a wheel - pointing to the center of ultimate truth. Science, art, music, philosophy and religion run into trouble because they are not yet complete bodies of knowledge even though religion is advertised and sold as such. Many religionists think they have the whole truth and the only short-cut to heaven. And in their well-meaning zeal to rescue wayward humanity, they argue, persuade and even go to war to force non-believers to accept their formula for getting into heaven. Outsiders are turned off mostly because the churches can't agree among themselves. Some churches have even resorted to torture to force their particular brand of God's love on people who were perfectly satisfied and thought they were on good terms with God already. But even though the churches have abused religion, and the beliefs of some churches are ridiculous to other churches, I believe everyone should have some kind of a religion, or philosophy, to encourage them to think and grow spiritually. What Is God Like? I don't know. I didn't see Him. But I did feel a Master Vibration which must be a part of God because it kept everything in good order and controlled the universe. Maybe it was the Holy Spirit. People differ a great deal in their ideas of what God is like. Little children imagine Him to be a gray-haired old man with a long white beard. One religious denomination believes there is a Mr. and Mrs. God. Other churches consider God to be a universal spirit that created and rules the universe, while the atheists say there is no God at all - until they get in a jam. Then they pray like there really is one! Under self-hypnosis, I once asked what God was like. I saw a huge mountain almost covered with clouds. Here and there were small peekholes through which I could see lightning and great activity. Then a voice from somewhere said, "To fully understand God, you'll have to be almost as great as He is!¡± This put me in my place. But for reasoning purposes I had to have some kind of a mental image of what God is like. To me now, after many years of thought, He's a combination of many things such as: the known and unknown laws of nature, light, electricity, gravity, time, space, infinity, love and life itself - totally incomprehensible! But since we have life, we must all be a small part of Him. That's probably why we call Him Father and consider ourselves his onery kids - who always need forgiveness.
  11. In modern societies, a lot of persons show diff. faces to others & himself. For others he is a objective man whose every words & actions are right; for himself he is a subjective man whose many words & actions are dependent on his interest. So he is a man/animal.
  12. xxvvii


    Caste system is of no problem, & the real problem, existed in people's hearts, has to do with dharma, kali yuga, & me. [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-22-2002).]
  13. This topic is mentioned in OT.,Bible & the end of maghAbhArata. The material body can only stay in time-space area. So the answer depends on the definition of heaven. I suggest you search "garment" in The Keys Of Enoch.
  14. I have no interest for this topic. look at your hand & forearm & try to draw a boundary of them. You'll fail because of connection.
  15. I'm sorry for the dark period that all people have to pass through. Now I feel I'm Jesus before the crucifixion. [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-18-2002).]
  16. I'd rather put my hand on the head.
  17. Literal trans.:This vision of mine that you have seen is diff. to see. Even Angels always wish to see this vision. Background Trikaaya -- Brahman (associated with life), ViSNu (ass. with sound), KriSNa (ass. with form) Expl. Arjuna could see battlefield & KriSNa with his own eye, & see Brahman & ViSNu with the divine eye. So the sight & the vision didn't disturb one another. In the vision, he could see Brahman as the background of infinite effulgence & darkness, & ViSNu as the faces of Brahman along with countless expansions. In 11.10 - 11.11 the expansions is mentioned; In 11.12 - 11.16 Brahman is mentioned; In 11.17 King of Mercy - Vendor is mentioned; In 11.18 - 11.23 Brahman is mentioned; In 11.24 - 11.30 King of Terror - Killer is mentioned; [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-05-2002).]
  18. In raama's times, madhu's definition is out of q. -- a traditional IE drink -- An alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey, water, & resin.
  19. What's your advice, Mr. gHri, then? It's no problem that I have already doubt your, Mr. gUru's identity. You remain insatiable although I always treat you with equity & shanti. To show my favour you can consult me by my email boxes about the Ch. traslations of names & terms in the format of -- Romanized skt. word with stress symbol; Your tran.s in Simp. Ch. (GB2312); Word's description. [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 05-02-2002).]
  20. Animal/human sacrifice shouldn't be supported. But tradition can't be changed in a night & Aryan, as a nomadic race, lives on livestocks. Don't attach to vegetarianism though it's better.
  21. All things are perfect for God's plan except developing souls. They are imperfect & bring imperfection to the world. You would not take equalitarianism for granted if you acknowledged the existence of souls & their diff. consciousness level. Esdras II 7:20 Let many perish who are now living, rather than that the law of God which is set before them be disregarded!
  22. All things are perfect for God's plan except developing souls. They are imperfect & bring imperfection to the world. You would not take equalitarianism for granted if you acknowledged the existence of souls & their diff. consciousness level. Esdras II 7:20 Let many perish who are now living, rather than that the law of God which is set before them be disregarded!
  23. Mmaranr is too desirous to be enlightened. The next step is not to get truth at once but learn a certain amount of spiritual knowledge. ------ I feel more satisfied to believe that the existence of everything is due to some mysterious forces of nature. I don't attribute these forces to God. But, these are blind forces of nature that has no purpose, foresight or mercy. ------ No. If you (God) create a machine (world) for making sth. (eg., evolution), you become its indirect maker. At the same time you keep the abilities to interfere this machine's running. ****** Bhg. O Arjuna, My Prakriti (or the material nature) is the womb wherein I place the seed (of spirit or Purusha) from which all beings are born. (See also 9.10) (14.03) Whatever forms are produced in all different wombs, O Arjuna, the great Prakriti is their (body-giving) mother, and the Purusha is the (seed or life-giving) father. (14.04) ****** Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. ****** ------ Theist: One who believes in the people who proclaimed there is a God. Atheist: One who does not believe in the people who proclaimed there is a God. ------ Yes. You can "believe" only. ****** luke 24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: ******
  24. A-E-I-O-U, What's your advice, MRg?
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