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Everything posted by xxvvii

  1. American is going on THE old way of 50's, therefore their outcome will be same.
  2. Let's talk reason at 1st. Scientists like to divide the world into 2 parts, objective & subjective, because of 2m2, but in research they alway bring their subj. notions into all steps, & don't forget they are no essential difference from other people who need money, honor, status, etc.. Absolutely obj. proof & Absolute pure land for science is not existed, for which it's not diff. for you to find some instances. Moreover, no one can deny the develo. of science, that's to say, science is not eternal truth. Today's big bang is tomorrow's big fun. Now let's talk belief. Belief needn't the proof of God because it comes from your heart. Ask yourself 3 q.s, "Whence did I come?", "Why am I here?", "Where will I go?", & more or less you will believe in God in a flash. However, belief does have cause - karman.
  3. This is not a good question, so I answer it in my way. In modern people (such as you)'s mind, "varna system" has been a complicated & confusing problem. On one hand, class systems like varna is omnipresent. If someone said "I can abolish varna system", I would reply "Can you abolish heaven & hell then". On the other hand, equality is omnipresent, too, because there is nothing but ONE. It's dependent on your standpoint whether everthing is equal or not. Westerner's equality is fictitious as they are unable to completely realize it.
  4. This word is too short for me. Pl. post more.
  5. Don't be too warry. Strange events are indispensable for new age drama to Shake this dark & deep-sleeping world. The people with fluke haven't been ready to treat them In Proper Ways & confront their God yet. They always say "this is impossible, that is impossible", but for God, Nothing Is Impossible. They always say "we are faithful", but before God, they would be ashamed of what they did. Could you tell me more about monkeyman?
  6. This is not true. In the concept of God, 3 polytheisms of vedic, Greek, & Norse are hardly different --Vedic - occult brahman (refer to RV 10.129) Greek - impersonalized Zeus (Zeus - Sky father) Norse - impersonalized Odin (another name, All-father) Surt, in my view, is just the "fire beast", or "fire mist", "primordial flame", "primordial milky ocean" (refer to RV 10.121 & stanza iv in Dzyan) "Sankaracharya the greatest of the Esoteric masters of India, says that fire means a deity which presides over Time (kala). " ----Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky
  7. Don't mistake Tokharian for the sole Aryan race in Central Asia. There were many races in the same appearance. Tokharians spoke in an IE language diff. from Indo-iranian. They was mainly distributed at Kucha, Argi, & maybe Miran. In older days, they lived in easter region in Gansu. They moved westward owing to the pressure of a north Asian race, Hun. Tokharian was a weak race among Chinese in the east, Hun in the north, & Indo-iranian in the west
  8. Notice that I didn't say karma is always negtive & I didn't thoroughly forbid violence. Meanwhile, you should see that the scriptures can be taken adv. of easily. ********* Sirach 15:14 He himself made man from the beginning, and left him in the hand of his counsel; 15:15 If thou wilt, to keep the commandments, and to perform acceptable faithfulness. 15:16 He hath set fire and water before thee: stretch forth thy hand unto whether thou wilt. 15:17 Before man is life and death; and whether him liketh shall be given him. 15:18 For the wisdom of the Lord is great, and he is mighty in power, and beholdeth all things: 15:19 And his eyes are upon them that fear him, and he knoweth every work of man. 15:20 He hath commanded no man to do wickedly, neither hath he given any man licence to sin. ------------- 40:5 Wrath, and envy, trouble, and unquietness, fear of death, and anger, and strife, and in the time of rest upon his bed his night sleep, do change his knowledge. 40:6 A little or nothing is his rest, and afterward he is in his sleep, as in a day of keeping watch, troubled in the vision of his heart, as if he were escaped out of a battle. 40:7 When all is safe, he awaketh, and marvelleth that the fear was nothing. 40:8 [such things happen] unto all flesh, both man and beast, and that is sevenfold more upon sinners. 40:9 Death, and bloodshed, strife, and sword, calamities, famine, tribulation, and the scourge; 40:10 These things are created for the wicked, and for their sakes came the flood. 40:11 All things that are of the earth shall turn to the earth again: and that which is of the waters doth return into the sea.
  9. 13:39 And as for your seeing him gather to himself another multitude that was peaceable, 13:40 these are the ten tribes which were led away from their own land into captivity in the days of King Hoshea, whom Shalmaneser the king of the Assyrians led captive; he took them across the river, and they were taken into another land. 13:41 But they formed this plan for themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the nations and go to a more distant region, where mankind had never lived, 13:42 that there at least they might keep their statutes which they had not kept in their own land. 13:43 And they went in by the narrow passages of the Euphrates river. 13:44 For at that time the Most High performed signs for them, and stopped the channels of the river until they had passed over. 13:45 Through that region there was a long way to go, a journey of a year and a half; and that country is called Arzareth. 13:46 "Then they dwelt there until the last times; and now, when they are about to come again, 13:47 the Most High will stop the channels of the river again, so that they may be able to pass over. Therefore you saw the multitude gathered together in peace. 13:48 But those who are left of your people, who are found within my holy borders, shall be saved. 13:49 Therefore when he destroys the multitude of the nations that are gathered together, he will defend the people who remain. 13:50 And then he will show them very many wonders."
  10. You're unfamiliar the history of central asia. In prehistoric age, there lived the race with hairs of various colors - brown, red, & golden. I recommand a book to you if you can find it. Die Seidenstrasse ---- Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, 1989, GFR.
  11. You're unfamiliar the history of central asia. In prehistoric age, there lived the race with hairs of various colors - brown, red, & golden. I recommand a book to you if you can find it. Die Seidenstrasse ---- Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, 1989, GFR.
  12. It's easy to understand. If Buddhists accept it, they have to admit the subjection of Buddhism to hinduism at the same time.
  13. It's easy to understand. If Buddhists accept it, they have to admit the subjection of Buddhism to hinduism at the same time.
  14. The mes.s look disorderly due to no separation lines in between. The names is unchanged "Au. Fel." when I save all pages. Why I have to fill in Subject? I could have followed last subject. Now I can't preview my mes..
  15. In any case, I think, Vyasa shouldn't be put together with Rama, Krishna, & Buddha.
  16. Look up into the sky, please. Can you find any one? No. No one is called Kalki that is coming. ******** I intend to go to your country in future when I finish the designing of my font. I need a most convenient reason for my trip, maybe traveling or promoting my font. Mmm? [This message has been edited by xxvvii (edited 07-30-2002).]
  17. Bho bhoH shiva, could Indus valley be cold & snowy airaanvej ((airaan-aryan,vej-vas in skt.?)-aaryaavarta)?
  18. Bho bhoH shiva, could Indus valley be cold & snowy airaanvej ((airaan-aryan,vej-vas in skt.?)-aaryaavarta)?
  19. Who is "the first origin of this creation"? Who is 2m2?
  20. Does fighting for nation brings karmic reactions? Certainly. Each one is responsible for his individual karma & the nation for the collective karma. Thereby it's reasonable to consider karma to be exact & strict.
  21. Interpolation brought at least an advantage - less att. to shrutis. You treat it as a problem because of the 2m2 of authoritative & inauthoritative. But how can you reach "Krishnas" if you can't open your mind & surpass scriptures? You shouldn't suspect Bg.'s authority at least. I can accept all contents of it.
  22. <FONT SIZE="1">What interests me is that Zoroastrians readily seem to accept that they came from the North and the fact that many of their stories are similar to Vedic stories. I have heard one hypothesis in the past that the ancient Aryans came from Lithuania. ---------- I don't think eranvej is Lithuania. Lithuania is located at the edge of IE-speaking area. Today, there is no doubt that Lithuanian has retained many ancient Indo-European forms. It is hard to say whether it was due to the character of the Lithuanians or of geographic position that their language has changed so little in the course of several thousand years. ---------- Their language little changed due to Lithuania's shorter distance to eranvej & its obturation in culture. BTW, What does "lathu" mean?</FONT>
  23. <FONT SIZE="1">What interests me is that Zoroastrians readily seem to accept that they came from the North and the fact that many of their stories are similar to Vedic stories. I have heard one hypothesis in the past that the ancient Aryans came from Lithuania. ---------- I don't think eranvej is Lithuania. Lithuania is located at the edge of IE-speaking area. Today, there is no doubt that Lithuanian has retained many ancient Indo-European forms. It is hard to say whether it was due to the character of the Lithuanians or of geographic position that their language has changed so little in the course of several thousand years. ---------- Their language little changed due to Lithuania's shorter distance to eranvej & its obturation in culture. BTW, What does "lathu" mean?</FONT>
  24. I don't think interpolation to be a serious problem. If a work has been interpolated, it has more writes. Sometime the interpolated parts are valuable, too.
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