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Anjali Agnihotri

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. The shivlinga should be 6 inches-1 feet if kept at home. The restricted pooja time is 12-4. You can perfrom the ritual before or after this time. Thanks.
  2. Differences between real and fake rudrakshas A real rudraksha A fake rudraksha 1. Form Flat like a fish Round 2. Colour (reddish) Fast Runs when washed in water 3. If thrown in water Sinks immediately Either floats or sinks gradually with wavy movements 4. An opening thoughout its length Present Has to be made with a needle 5. Rotation about itself when hung in a copper vessel or in water. Occurs Does not occur 6. Which frequencies does it absorb? Sama (Sattva) -
  3. To see a snake in dream indicates great potential for spiritual growth. snakes represent healing, transformation, knowledge and wisdom and indicate renewed energy, positive change.
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