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Posts posted by Ganeshprasad

  1. Jai Ganesh


    Pranam maadavji


    Please keep up your crusade.

    I use to think you went on a bit too far trying to rid the cancer that has spread in our beloved vedic land, that we call India today but it seems we have enemies every where trying to divide us.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  2. Jai Ganesh



    (wrong.. even at that times the modern india was divided in separate countries and bharat was all the planet earth)


    The land which goes by the name India today,was ruled by maharaj Bharat in whose name the kingdom was named,even then there were little kingdoms but still they all paid there dues to chakravati raja up until the rule of maharaj parksit, so Bharat or India as we know today had her influence all over the world. let us not try and divide any more then it allready has.



    (pandavas were federal chiefs)


    Is that good or bad?


    Jai Shree Krishna

  3. Jai Ganesh



    (See how israel is proactive.I dont speak against the religion.Peaceful coexistence of all religions without conversions and violence is my wish)



    Your wish is not unreasonable,

    unfortunately just as the nature of scorpion is to sting so is the nature of Islam is to convert, peaceful coexistence in this context is difficult if not imposable, if the intention of Islam was peaceful as they claim, then they would have as any reasonable person would do is to un do the past mistakes and give back our places of worships.

    We get branded as fanatics simply wishing those eyesores be removed from our holy places.



    (Plus equal rights to Hindus and not to treat hindus as second class citizens in India is another wish.

    That's all.)


    Bring in uniform civil code for all the citizens, do we know of any other country which has different laws for its citizen?

    We can only blame our own politicians for this sorry situation, even the Hindu Muslim unrest is largely attributed to our corrupt politicians; this is the biggest hindrance in our spiritual and material progress.

    Jai Shree Krishna


  4. Jai Ganesh

    Birth is nothing to be proud of yet no need to scoff at either, if not birth what else can separate a verna perfectly, surely no body here thinks the birth is an accident, birth in any situation must be based on guna karma. A lion does not produce a rabbit.

    Sure humans are more complex, therefore we find more difficult to accept certain situation, especially in this age of kali, standards are lower, but we are what we are through our karma.

    Arjun the other hero of Bhagvat gita did not let go, even after seeing the universal form of the lord, the apparent birth of karan and calls him sutputra, it seems the birth has a big say in deciding our verna.

    Society can only function properly when all the four vernas live in harmony.

    Jai Shree Krishna


  5. Jai Ganesh



    (karna never said he was bramhin so how do you say he lied?)


    He pretended to be a brahmin to learn from Parsuram, i am sure you know the story, how Parsuram finds out that he was not and then cursed him.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  6. Jai Ganesh



    (karna is the greatest warrior of all time, i don't care what you say. Karna is the hero of the Mahabharata, second to Sri Krisna.)


    Karna born a warrior raised a sutputra, a great danvir,but lied to be a brahmin, which cost him dear on the battle field. a great hero among many great personalities hard to choose, Mahabharat would not be Maha without anyone one of them.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  7. Jai Ganesh



    (Ganga-putra Bhisma is one of the 12 Mahajana's. Yet even he was killed in the Battle. {for he did not try to stop when Dushanan was trying to offend Drapadi} and for this he was killed. Call it favouritism. When Bhisma was fighting so valiently with Arjuna, Krishna was about to break His promise 'not to fight' and was about to kill Bhisma, but Arjuna stopped Him.)


    You reason ill if you think Bhisma pita was killed, even in this mrityoulok it was his choice to die. He chose the moments to leave in utrayan.

    Bhisma made Krishna break his promise ready to save Arjun, made him take up weapon as he promised he would, what wonderful lila befitting a great mahajan.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  8. Jai Ganesh



    (Worshipping Durga is a whole different situation. Why? Durga is the goddess of material energy. Worshipping her means worshipping for material gain. One can worship her so that she may make one's spiritual path less affected by material considerations...but not as the supreme...)


    She is sister of Lord Krishna, i take her mercy any time, she lead me to Lord Shiva the peaceful one.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  9. Jai Ganesh



    (And suffered at the hands of the British...)


    How can we forget?



    (but why only concentrate on Islam? All religious communities have suffered at the hands of others...The mlecchas suffered repetitively at the hands of Vedic emperors - one only has to read the Mahabharata to be sure of that...)


    Looks like maadhavbhai is getting to you.


    Which Vedic emperor? Ram?Pariksit?

    and if there was a roug one was it to convert anyone?

    Emperors i read about is like Raja Harishchandra who would give up everything to uphold Satya.many nice examples i can quote, an emperor who would give up his chariot to land support to a creaper. Vedic kings were rajrishis they lived by Dharma.


    By the way which King are you talking about?


    Jai Shree Krishna

  10. Jai Ganesh



    The feminine energy or nature resides in all beings (Rupena Sansthita). As the flow of life, she is expressed as wisdom, sleep, the shadow, misunderstanding, peace, contentment, abundance, and many other qualities. To that constant presence, “I humble myself again and again.”


    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Vishnu Mayeti Shabditaa

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Chetan Netya Bhidhyate

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Budhi Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Nidra Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shudhaa Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Chaayaa Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shakti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Trishnaa Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Akshanti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Jaati Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Lajjaa Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shanti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Shraddha Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Kaanti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Lakshmi Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Vriti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Smriti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Dayaa Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Tushti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maatri Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah

    Yaa Devi Sarvabhuteshu Bhraanti Rupena Sanstitha

    Namastasyei (3) Namo Namah




    Hey jagjani hey jagdambe maa tu Bhavani Sarane lege

    Mother please take me in your lap.





    (Similarly, Agastya is not low on spiritual understanding, he is taking part in lila with Vishnu so that those who are inclined to reject the male aspect of God will not totally reject God but will instead at least pray to some goddess...)


    Sorry, is this your personal view or is it in some shastra?


    Jai Shree Krishna


  11. Jai Ganesh



    (not sure where you are going with this..)


    well i dont know about you but i am following in the footstep of my elders and my heart. like a child i am learning to walk sometimes run on the spritual path, road ahead is full of pit falls but i have a faith father/mother will pick me up.


    i am glad you agree, each verse of gita being from Krishna is complete in itself.


    Madhuradhi pati akhilam madhuram.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  12. Jai Ganesh





    (Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all reactions. Do not fear.




    Krishna doesn't say abandon all varieities of religion and surrender to Lord Siva. }He never mentions in Gita that He is same as Lord Siva}..verse you are reffering to is this




    BG 10.22: Of the Vedas I am the Sama Veda; of the demigods I am Indra, the king of heaven; of the senses I am the mind; and in living beings I am the living force [consciousness].


    Wonderful, now where have I misquoted verse 18.66?


    10.22 is also very interesting, it is well known fact Lord Shiva is Mahadev or Maheshisvara, now if lord Siva were just a demigod as lot of you like to believe, then don’t you think Lord Krishna would have said of demigod I am lord Shiva. Krishna does not make mistake and he does say of Rudra I am Shankar.

    Thanks bro.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  13. Jai Ganesh



    In reply to:




    Weather I am no one, without the knowledge of Sanskrit, it is not me who has chosen to argue, it is you hiding behind remaining faceless and nameless and therefore gutless, throwing baseless accusations.





    (translation: "how dare you disagree with me. you evil, fanatical, warmongering...." etc.)


    Your imagination is running wild, it is you if I can remember correctly called just about everyone on this forum ignorant because we do not know Sanskrit.


    Well I am waiting for you to tell me where have I called anyone on this forum evil or fanatical.



    (Ahem - taking verses out of context are we? Unfortunately for you, this question takes on a very different significance when it is not artificially divorced from the first half of the question. )


    O really.


    vaktum arhasyasheSheNa divyA hyAtmavibhUtayaH |

    yAbhir vibhUtibhir lokAn imAMs tvaM vyApya tiShThasi || 10.16 ||


    ((I see you conveniently forgot to give me translation ))



    (As you can, Arjuna's question to Krishna regarding his various forms was just after asking Krishna to tell him of his vibhUtis by which he pervades these worlds. Hence, the "forms" He is referring to are His vibhUtis - His representation among various things in the manifest world.)


    So who is giving new meaning to the above verse? Vibhutis means opulence or power when does it mean representation?


    (Therefore), You alone are able to fully describe Your own divine glories, the manifestations, by which You exist pervading all the universe. (10.16)

    How may I know You, O Lord, by constant contemplation? In what form (of manifestation) are You to be thought of by me, O Lord? (10.17)

    O Lord, explain to me again in detail, Your yogic power and glory; because, I am not satiated by hearing Your nectar-like words. (10.18)

    The Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, now I shall explain to you My prominent divine manifestations, because My manifestations are endless. (10.19)


    Notice the word my prominent divine manifestations are you saying his divine glory and power are separate from him? Have you ever heard of shakti and shaktiman are non different?




    (Saying that Krishna is equating Himself to the other devatas is asinine. Krishna was just declared to be superior even to the other devatas in 10.14. )


    It is equally foolish to doubt Krishnas word.



    (Once again, proof positive that reading within context produces a different understanding than taking isolated shlokas completely out of context. Specifically:)


    Sure, but when we are in denial we can never accept what Arjun has asked vibhuti or form or both, either way Krasna says I am Shankra is good enough reason for me to see Krishna in Shiva or Shiva in Krishna.



    (Honest approach to gItA --> leads to correct understanding

    VHP/HSC/Ramakrishna approach to gItA ----> leads to contradictory and inconsistent misinterpretations)


    No one has monopoly on honesty.




    (Precisely, you create philosophy around the religious culture you have already become accustomed to. This is why you are not objective, and why you conveniently rearrange the evidence to suit your needs.)


    I am proud of my religious heritage, I have no ability to create philosophy, if I am not objective that is my bad karma, thank goodness you are not the judge or else you would falsely accuse me of calling you evil and god knows what else.



    (By the way, where in the chapter did Krishna say He is "maa Sarasvati?")


    only by implication you asked me if would worship fine speech among women, well who can excel mata Sarasvati?



    (Having faith in something does not make it correct.)


    I have faith in Krishna and Shiva no problem.



    (Having no knowledge in Sanskrit makes you dependent on those who do as far as understanding Bhagavad-gItA is concerned.)


    We are all dependent in some thing or the other, I also have faith on the supreme lord who reside in all our hearts and gives us the necessary knowledge according to our desires.




    (Ok, so is it ok to worship Cheating? If Shiva being another form of Krishna is proven by these verses, then from the same verses it is also proven:


    Cheating is another form of Krishna (BG 10.36)

    Airaavata is another form of Krishna (BG 10.27)

    The letter A is another form of Krishna (10.33)

    The ocean is another form of Krishna (BG 10.24)

    The Maargashirsha month is another form of Krishna (BG 10.35)

    Death is another form of Krishna (BG 10.34)


    and you doubt what Krishna is saying.




    (Ganeshprasad you are so intolerant. Why do you not Worship the letter A? Why do you not bow down before letter A and offer incense and camphor to it? Why do you not have a picture of letter a akshara on your mandir? )

    Am I intolerant because I do not worship letter A? do you know without the letter “a” there is no speech, because a is present in all the alphabet. You are actually mocking Krishna for saying that he is the letter A.





    (Oh, you say Shiva is same as Krishna based on Bhagavad-gItA 10th chapter. But then you say you worship Sarasvati. OK, so where does Krishna say He is same as Sarasvati?)


    I have already explained this.



    (I don't care who you worship, frankly. But you should admit that you don't care what the gItA says. Otherwise, why do you worship Sarasvati as Supreme God? Where is that stated in gItA? )


    You are jumping to conclusion, if Krishna says I am fine speech among women only one person comes to mind and that is mata Sarasvati, and she is part of lords energy so it is not difficult to worship her.

    Jai Shree Krishna


  14. Jai Ganesh



    (neki kar, dariyAme dAl.


    == do work per dharma, or do good benevolent work,

    and then dump it (the ego) in the ocean, means forget it.)


    Thanks brother, i had not heard this before.



    (tumi marhathi aahe?)


    Na bhai, aame Kathiyavadi che.



    (first thing we hindus need is a lot of hindus talk the dharma and rashtra issues and understand our problems and talk of solutions, and never say, "we cannot do anything."


    pleas help towards that goal. thanks.)


    prabhu we have to practice and be an example for others to follow.and also do our bit for matru bhumi just like that little bird who wanted to empty the ocean, we have a huge task in front, keep at it.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  15. Jai Ganesh



    (In fact, you are no one to argue with me, or with anyone else for that matter, because your sole modus operandi to get your point across is to villify the other person until he gives up trying to talk some common sense into you.)


    Weather I am no one, without the knowledge of Sanskrit, it is not me who has chosen to argue, it is you hiding behind remaining faceless and nameless and therefore gutless, throwing baseless accusations.



    (I will say this again - the question to Lord Krishna in gItA chapter 10 was to describe His vibhUtis.)


    Go fool someone else; here is the question Arjun is asking;


    TEXT 17

    katham vidyam aham yogims

    tvam sada paricintayan

    kesu kesu ca bhavesu

    cintyo 'si bhagavan maya


    katham--how; vidyam aham--shall I know; yogin--O supreme mystic; tvam--You; sada--always; paricintayan--thinking; kesu--in which; kesu--in which; ca--also; bhavesu--nature; cintyah asi--You are remembered; bhagavan--O Supreme; maya--by me.


    How should I meditate on You? In what various forms are You to be contemplated, O Blessed Lord?


    How may I know You, O Lord, by constant contemplation? In what form (of manifestation) are You to be thought of by me, O Lord? (10.17)



    (When Krishna says He is Shiva among Rudras, Meru among mountains, fine intelligence among women, He is not necessarily referring to literal 1:1 identity.)


    When lord Shiva is worshiped as god since time memorial it is not hard to make connection, I worship maa Sarasvati and if you can worship Govardhan hill, Meru would not be so difficult to make connection, after all Krishna is saying this, are you doubting his word? This is the gamble I am prepared to take and if Krishna want to cheat me so be it.




    (And if you think you are smarter than all the other gItA commentators (even though you do not even read Sanskrit), then by all means worship Lord Shiva instead of Krishna.)


    My lack of reading Sanskrit does not stop me having my faith and I do not worship Lord Shiva instead Lord Krishna nor do I worship Lord Krishna instead of Lord Shiva I am happy in both their worship.



    (But also you should have no problems with those who worship Meru instead of Shiva. Or with those who worship cheating instead of any devata. After all, in the same context, Krishna does say that He is the gambling of cheats in BG 10.36.)


    If you are able to connect to Meru I have no problem, if cheating is a worshipable process I have no problem, only example I know is Youdhistar cheating Dronacharya on Krishna’s instructions.



    (Do you worship cheating, Ganeshprasad? Why not? Are you saying that cheating is not the Supreme God? Well, how intolerant of you!)


    If you can see the cheating of Krishna that act is worshipable, I have not express my view on it but I do not doubt his word, do you Mr/mrs nameless guest doubt his word?



    (Well, it is all very interesting how the Advaitins want to operate here. They want to use "Among Rudras, I am Shiva" to "prove" that Shiva is equal to Krishna. But when you quote the verse just 14 verses later which says "Among gamblers, I am cheating," suddenly they have a problem with that logic. )


    How interesting someone who is full of Sanskrit, thinks he has a right to assume I am an advaitin, and thinks I have a problem with verse which says “Among gamblers, I am cheating,”


    This reminds me of a story of cobbler and a Sanskrit learned Brahmin. The Brahmin could not understand the lord threading elephant through the eye of a needle.



    (Can you say double standard?)





    (Oh, but don't think. Don't bother about this inconsistency. I am simply Evil and Intolerant and all that. That can be the only reason I brought this up.)


    Never called you Evil, you are making this up to make you feel good.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  16. Jai Ganesh



    (No what I meant was Siva is a demigod along with many many more demigods and that Sai Baba is nothing but a fake, he isn't an incarnation of Siva and it's bad to say so. )


    this is what you wrote and I quote “Siva is only a demigod and a devotee of Lord Krishna. It's sad that so many people accept these false gods like Sai Baba.”


    Hardly the meaning you are giving now, three person mentioned here and you have used plural to describe them false, this is the method people use to drag good name of someone by implication.


    Any way I accept your correction, even if I do not agree with your giving Devta status to Lord Siva, I can live with that, after all he is Mukund priya.


    In any case this not the right thread to discuss this point.

    Jai Shree Krishna


  17. Jai Ganesh



    (Not this again. Why can't some people simply read the bhagavad-gItA instead of pulling isolated comments out of context and using them as slogans?)


    Well if you read the Gita again and again and understand what question Lord Krishna is asked by Arjun you may want to accept his word on face value but hey who am i to argue with a faceless, nameless guest, with all the clues and sarcasm.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  18. Jai Ganesh




    ( In fact I feel he's blasphemous to call himself an incarnation of Siva. Not that I even believe Siva to be God, Siva is only a demigod and a devotee of Lord Krishna. It's sad that so many people accept these false gods like Sai Baba.)


    Such callous attitude towards Lord Shiva is uncalled for, your belief has no bearing on reality weather Siva is god or not you can not dismiss him as “only’’ and speak of him in the same bracket “as these false gods” like Sai Baba


    Lord Shiva has been worshiped as god since the Vedic time by his devotees, it your misfortune to think that it is sad. Lord Shree Krishna says of Rudra I am Shankar, and some people try to find any excuse to dismiss this statement and that is I find very sad.


    As for Sai Baba I have no comment.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  19. Jai Ganesh


    I know among Gujrati comunity this is considered a holy month, if you can you are enjoyed to fast according to your ability perform pious activity, have satsang.


    this extra month falls every three years in different time of the year. just like in a leap year we have an extra day every 4 years (earth going round the sun 365.25 days). We follow the lunar cycle and you will have to cunsult an expert how this is worked out.


    Sorry can not help any more then this,the book i had on this subject is missing.


    Jai Shree Krishna

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