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Posts posted by Ganeshprasad

  1. Jai Ganesh




    before we knock the verna system based on birth there are few facts worth considering, sure Lord Shree Krishna says four verna are my creation based on guna and karma



    How did the system work?

    Who decides the Varna?

    What is the function of Dharmadev/Yamraj? How is death karma and birth related?

    If the separation of ones dharma based on past karma does not happen here? Where else can it be?

    Is our birth an accident?

    This is what Shree Krishna also says

    BG 6.41/42 Pious living entities is born into a family of righteous or rich aristocracy or takes birth in a family of transcendentalist----

    Bg 9.32 O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth--women, vaisyas [merchants], as well as sudras [workers]--can approach the supreme destination.


    Arjun the dear friend of Lord Shree Krishna always addressed Karan as sut putra and did not give him the respect he deserved although he was by nature and birth a ksatriya(this fact was not common knowledge). Arjun only knew him as suta putra.

    Was Arjun wrong? No, he was guided by the apparent birth of that great warrior although he had the same blood running in him.

    Lion will produce a lion rabbit will give birth to a rabbit

    If you grow a particular verity of mango it will give you that type of fruit


    Birth is no ones fault it is soul’s choice and qualification through karma and it is through guna and karma we will mould our future here or there after.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  2. Jai Ganesh



    (If most of Hindus eat meat, kill animals yet they are correct. Then why blame others ?)


    Most Hindus do not eat meat, any practicing hindu know the facts of Karma, we are all responsible for our acts even eating veg.there is karma involved thare for Krishna advises us to offer our food and eat it in the form of parsad.

    i do not blame others, karma cathes up with all of us,and then we blame God. Question should be why blame God?


    Jai Shree Krishna



  3. Jai Ganesh



    (Ganeshprasad: Why did I not explicitly point out what I deemed to be ignorance in your post? The answer to that question is simply that the blind will remain blind, the ignorant will remain ignorant. Ignorance and blindness goes hand in hand with not being open-minded--so I believe that if I were to tell you why you are wrong, you will simply discount all that I say because you're going to blindly follow one thing. That's what maadhav has clearly displayed by not responding to my statements and questions on this very thread. But, if you insist on knowing, this is what I disagree with you on)



    That is very nice I am blind and ignorant because maadhav has not answered you. and if I discount what you say I am blind great logic.



    (First of all, who are you to say what is the right interpretation of the Gita and what is the wrong one? You can disagree on someone else's interpretation of the Gita, but you cannot say "Your interpretation is wrong because the only correct interpretation is MY interpretation." You can disagree, not discount, someone else's interpretation.)



    I may be no body, but any one studying gita will tell you that although spoken on battle field the massage is of dharma and following it, it makes you love the entire creation and it does not teach you violence.





    (The Jihadi "barbaric ideology" is a fundamentalist interpretation of the Koran. It is as if someone were reading the Gita and saw "Oh, Krishna says war is OK so was MUST be OK...LETS KILL NON-HINDUS!")



    No I said Islam is barbaric ideology spread on the strength of sword prove me wrong if you can, where else the Gita message is fundamentally different to Jihad, Krishna is asking Arjun who is over come by grief to do his duty and fight the war that was imminent.


    There is no message in Gita that says kill the non believer. The war was not on bases of religion.



    (What you are doing, Ganeshprasad, is you are labeling ALL of Islam and ALL Muslims to be bearers of the "barbaric ideology" of Jihad.)


    Well if they are peaceful they have to come out in force and denounce their misdoing otherwise they remain supporter by default.



    ( This is simply not true. Yes, the invaders of India 1000 years ago were Muslim. Yes, they killed thousands of Hindus in the process of invasion. But that gives you NO right to call all Muslims followers of the same fundamentalist "barbaric ideology" of the invaders 1000 years ago. )


    Their aim still remains the same, covert all the kafirs They live on the vedic land and enjoy more rights yet they side with Pakistan.

    If they believe in peace let them recognize the wrong doing of the past, it is quite easy to see the eyesores go to our holy Dham and you will see their domes on top of our mandirs, why cant they just hand it back it would be great step towards peace, we can all co exist in harmony.




    (Just like there are Hindus willing to kill any non-Hindus in India to "uphold their dharma" (I reference the VHP, the Shiv Sena, factions of the BJP, and our dear friend maadhav on this forum)



    This is simply not true Hindus are not willing to kill, infect they are dying trying to seek justice. America went wild after 9-11 and no one is accusing them and yet we face this problem time and again, we are always asked to exercise restraint.



    (We must learn to end the hatred, to practice what we preach and preach what we believe--tolerance, harmony, and peace. Hinduism is the religion of such great people like Mahatma Gandhi--do not tarnish its beautiful, praiseworthy reputation by sinking to the level of fundamentalist terrorists by spreading hatred and violence. )


    Yes it is very nice, we all love that but you can’t clap with one hand.

    When there is fire you can’t just wish cool breeze, you have to extinguish the fire.


    So people like maadhav are all clued up of the danger of Islam and i am not going to kick him.


    My following of dharma is nothing to do with the so called good reputation that it enjoys, infect we are simply a joke to those who follow different faith; they know how to use few choice words just to keep us quiet. I follow it because I love it.



    Jai Shree Krishna


  4. Gai Ganesh



    You have made a lot of points which may be true in bits, is it your realization in to the absulute truth or is it pure speculation on your part?



    ( The husband/wife notion is a puranic myth.)


    Careful you are insulting vast majority of Hindus who have faith in these purans.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  5. Jai Ganesh

    Thanks for clearing you position



    (every slogas in vedas is given 2 to 3 pashyas.Whose pashya is best has been debated for centuries.)


    What is pashya? pardon my ignorance.



    (But have no worries.Advaitha,vishistathvaidha,dwaidha,pasupatha,ganathipatya,saktha,soura,goumaram are all vedic religions.It doesnt matter which one of these you follow.)


    I do not have problem with any one of them, if we live by dharma all the concepts should turn in to realization eventualy we reach the truth.

    my problem is when someone says that Krishna was mortal like us and became god and also we can become like him.God is god it is wrong for us to think we can become one when we are not.


    Jai Shree Krishna



  6. Jai Ganesh


    Priya-Vaishnava it is so as you say.


    You are being very brave, in todays climate verna is being look down upon, at best everyone saying it is based on guna karma, and sure it is.Krishna says four verna are my creation based on guna karma. i ask is birth an accident? no, it is based on guna karma of ones previous life.

    i ask does lion give birth to rabbit?

    yes it is importent to progress from what ever position one finds in, just as in an exam if one gets good mark but then gets puffed up and stops the further studies then there will be failure.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  7. Jai Ganesh

    Dwaita v Adawita I do not know much

    All I know is I am not god and since the lord is already out there how can I become him/her?

    I may realize I am part of him as such have a blissful existence, against the miserable condition that I find myself in this material world.

    Just as a drop of water enters the ocean and becomes part of the whole, it would be ridiculous for the drop to think it is the whole mighty ocean.

    If I can quote one prayer I believe it is in sankracharya sampradaya correct me if I am wrong, it goes like this



    I surrender my existence in your hand



    Only different between you and me is that I am a mortal man and you are Narayan



    I am under the clutches of the sansar and the sansar is in your hand.


    Krishna says only the fool thinks that I have taken this birth, any one who understands his transcendental existence is immediately liberated so says he in Bhagvat Gita.

    Jai Shree Krishna


  8. Jai Ganesh



    (The vedas which your forefathers chanted will not go waste.It will save you.)


    This is very nice faith.



    (I dont have the age and experience to advice you.But I will pray to krishna for your well being and your son's change of mind.)


    You have already given good advice, which proves your maturity


    Jai Shree Krishna


  9. Jai Shree Krishna

    Jai Ganesh


    ( "koran teaches violence"


    So does Bhagavad Gita - and just like the dharmic war portrayed in the Gita, the Muslim principle of jihad is a religious war when there is irreligion in the world...therefore why do u insist on destroying Islam? Would u like it if Muslims destroyed the Gita because of it's encouragement of war? There is no difference between the dharmic war in the Gita and the jihad in Islam. The only difference is between the interpretation. Just like the Hindus have generally succeeded in stopping the more fanatical interpretations of the Gita, for the good of India, we should help the Muslims phase out the fanatical interpretations of the Koran.)


    Stop misrepresenting Gita, gita does not encourage violence

    How can you compare jihad with Lord Krishna’s instruction to Arjun to uphold the Dharma.


    Islam is nothing but barbaric ideology spread on the strength of the sword. They did not care for dharma, they destroyed any thing that came in their way without any compassion, they did that and are doing it in the name Allah how ironic the most compensate one.


    Stop trying to be politically correct there is no comparison between Lord Krishna’s instruction in Gita to Arjun and jihad


    Jai Shree Krishna


  10. Jai Ganesh



    (I told him I don't want any physical contact and he says he doesn't see how that makes sense because we already hugged and he wants to take our relationship to the next level, a sexual level. He said he doesn't want to force me to do anything I don't want to do. I told him no. He tells me if I want to be with him, love him, care for him, marry him I should just do it and risk it even though its not guaranteed that we will get married.He says I have doubts and that's why I won't do it. )


    I dont see how this makes you selfish being moral and Dharmic, it he who sounds selfish to me, he is making unnecessary demands to you.

    he says he is Krishna concious, if so remind him of 4 regulative pricipals one of them being no sex outside of marraige.

    What you do now is up to you, it is your life but do not give in to any blackmail from your boyfriend that is not love.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  11. Jai Ganesh


    Jai Shree Krishna maadhav



    (however, kshatriyas are allowed to eat non veg. if teh situation requires it.)


    Where does it say in our shastra this? I know they are allowed to hunt to sharpan their fighting skill but never heard they are allowed to eat non veg.


    Krishna clearly says offer me a leaf,a flower,a fruit and water.

    there is satvic, rajsic and tamsic food and non veg falls in to Tamsic, if the shastra sanctions it, it must be for the tamsic people not for kshatriya.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  12. Jai Ganesh


    It is rather sad to see religion spread on coning people or enticing with wealth or so call miracles which are nothing but fabricated lies.


    What Christianity offers is very basic, where else the Vedas are so deep it offers its seeker a deep understanding of life in this material world as well as beyond in spiritual world.


    How, what and where it is all contained in it, all one has to do is take a dip in it.


    Ask a Christian or a Muslim why does the creator allow so much cruelty, or disparity in this world?

    Why is some one born with a silver spoon and others are so poor or why someone is healthy and some one so frail? If the god is so fair why this decimation?

    Christians do not have answer to this for that matter nor does Islam.

    How can you call an isolated incidence a miracle if some is cured, it is only temporary

    Our suffering never goes away it is always there in this material word.


    The Gita has all the answers, just seek and all will be revealed.

    Jai Shree Krishna


  13. Jai Ganesh


    Hello savraj welcome, i am glad you are asking question.

    before you choose any thing, you should ask this questions

    who am i? where do i come from? where am i going? what is the purpose of life?

    Only Karma can answer why there is disparity in the creation.

    Life is a miracle and the death is most amazing.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  14. Jai Ganesh

    Dear abc I do not know what you are going on about in relation to this thread, and I say this respectfully.


    I state this again, for who ever care to answer, the original questioner alleged and I quote


    ‘ In muslim or christan culture only men have more wives, but in Hindu culture women have more husbands.’


    I ask again, is it in our culture for women to have more husbands?

    Please note the question is in plural sense also in direct relation to Muslim allowed to marry more wives


    Jai Shree Krishna


  15. Jai Ganesh


    (My understanding is that all religions are imperfect in one way or another because there is nothing that the human mind can grasp that can be "perfect." You can have a religion that is most near to perfect as possible in comparison to other religions, but it will nonetheless remain imperfect. There is only one thing that is perfect and that is the Truth. Religion is the path TO the Truth, not the Truth itself. These must never be confused.)


    I beg to differ if the path is imperfect it can never reach the truth, on the other hand the Dharma given by the Lord is always perfect, imperfection is in our sincerity to follow it, caught up in this ocean of sansar full of desires.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  16. Jai Ganesh



    (If you want to discuss, you will not try to divert the matter by arguing something.)


    I do not know what you are trying to say, at least it make no sense to me.


    If anybody who is diverting it is you, let me remind what the title of this thread is

    (( Why did Droupadi married five husband,

    In muslim or christan culture only men have more wives, but in Hindu culture women have more husbands.))

    Since when does one example make a Hindu culture,

    is this a wide spread practice in our culture? Why should I explain anything to some one who has no intention to know the real reason, the headline question is nothing to do with the question that followed,


    I ask you is it a rule in Hindu culture for women to have many husbands?


    And then you asked ‘What about Krishna?’

    So I ask you is your question in context with the original question?




    (Here we are discussing what is wrong and what is correct for humans, regardless of whether they are 'Avatars' or not. If you have correct explaination, let others know it.)


    With due respect right and wrong is not under discussion here.


    abc = xyz? No


    Jai Shree Krishna

  17. Jai Ganesh



    (You do not have proper explanation (What about Krishna ?)


    Have you read the question Mr. abc?


    Perhaps we can discuss proper explanation after you have read it. That is if you are genuine in your inquiry, just like the guest who asked the question who I doubt very much if he realy wanted to know why sati Droupadi married five husband.

    All you want to do is try and malign Hindus.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  18. Jai Ganesh


    Your question in not genuine, you sight an example of very special personalities this is an exception not a rule,

    You make it sound as if this is Hindu culture where women have more husbands.


    I do not know what your agenda is, but it is sure not to know why Drupadi had 5 husband, or else why would you allege that in Hindu culture women have more husbands.


    Do you know why Muslims are allowed more wives?


    Jai Shree Krishna


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