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Posts posted by Ganeshprasad

  1. Jai Ganesh


    Govindaram prabhu why use Ganapati to advertise your books? not that i am saying you cant , infect it is very good, but i saw you on other site you simply made it avaiable is it because there there is no takers for Ganapati? just courious.


    Jai Krishna



  2. Jai Ganesh



    (so now the pakistani army speaks for muhammed and the whole of islam?

    The Pakistani army represent a nation with political not religious motives - they do not represent Muhammed or the Koran...)


    Wrong, my friend.

    Pakistan means the land of the pure, carved out in the name of Islam, so any thing they do it represent their so called religion.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  3. Jai Ganesh



    (The Lord of the Universe is not specific enough - the Supreme cause of all causes would be more specific.)

    Wow I don’t know about yours but here is Atri Rishi qulificatin


    urged by Brahma to multiply creation, the sage Atri, the foremost of the knower of Brahman, removed with his wife to the Rksa mountain, intent on practicing austere penance.




    ( Brahma, Ksirodaksayi Visnu or Shiva can easily make a claim to being Lord of Universe, since they have equal roles. My point is that Mahavishnu does not have an equal role to those three - he is higher, superior to them all.)



    No not equal role do not try to misrepresent, different roles, but this is what the lord says;

    4.7/50-54 The lord said: The supreme cause of the universe, I am also Brahma (the creator) and Lord Shiva (the destroyer of the universe). I am the self, the lord and the witness, self effulgent and unqualified. Embracing my own Maya, consisting of the three gunas, it is I who create, protect and destroy the universe have assumed names appropriate to my functions, O Brahmana! It is in such a Brahman, the supreme sprit, who is one without a second, that the ignorant fool views Brahma, Rudra and other beings as distinct entities. Just as a man never conceives his own head, hands and other limbs as belonging to anyone else, even so he who is devoted to me does not regard his fellow creatures as distant from himself.

    He who sees no difference between Us three (Brahma, Rudra and Myself)-who are identical in essence and the very selves of all living beings-attains peace, O Daksa.






    (That is in the sense that we are all spirit soul coming from the one Supreme Lord - does not mean we are equal to the Lord.)


    Now where have I said this?




    (No, the Supreme Brahman has a source also - Krishna says 'I am the basis of that Brahman'...)

    They are eternal one entity.




    (Shankar is worshipped as Bhagavan in the Puranas perdominated by the mode of ignorance.)

    Yes when prajapati are praying to the lord they must be in ignorance deluded by the affect of the poision or Arjun Or lord Sri Ram

    Any case what different does that make, predominated by mode of ignorance, Bhagvan is Bhagvan.



    (Even the Shiva Mahapurana is pretty clear that Krsna is the refuge of Shankar. )


    You must be reading different from the one that I have, in any case I am not arguing who is greater, since I see them both as same, therefore I accept what Krishna says at face value, of Rudra I am Shankar..


    Jai Shree Krishna


  4. Jai Ganesh



    ( Atri Muni was asking for a son.)


    Yes not just any son but,

    4.1/20 I resort to protection to him who is the Lord of the universe. May he bless me with offspring like Himself.



    ( He was not praying to the Lord as a pure devotee with no desire for anything in return. Hence, the aspect of the absolute truth that would be revealed to him would naturally be the three most powerful personalities of the universe (Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu)


    And you know Atri?


    Atri muni(One of the sapta rishi) together with Sati Ansuya are one of the pillars of Vedic Dharma, for me to write any thing about them, I want be able to do justice.



    (Krishna himself will only appear to devotees. Krishna is not just the most powerful in this universe, he is most powerful of all that is manifest and unmanifest.)


    Yes I agree.



    ( Brahma, Shiva and Ksirodaksayi Vishnu are specifically presiding over this particular universe.)

    2) Therefore it is not false. Ksirodaklsayi Vishnu is equal to Brahma and Shiva. This is not however the case with Narayana (the supreme cause of all universes, not just one universe), Krishna (the all-attractive Absolute Truth), and Mahavishnu (Karnadaksayi Visnu, the personality on the causal ocean). Those three personalities are superior to Brahma, Ksirodaksayi Visnu and Shiva.)


    these are all same personalities going by different names and gunas. 4.7/50-54






    (Lord Shiva is an aspect of the Supreme Brahman, since Sadashiva is the Supreme Brahman's manifestation into the material world as Shiva-tattva.)


    In another word one and the same with different roles.



    (Krishna also says of wild beasts I am Lion - that does not mean we should pray to Lion as God...)

    If you are able to see Krishna in lion why not. But you are wrong in equating this statement with the specific statement of shankra. Shankar Bhagvan is already a subject of debate, who is worshiped as Bhagvan in many places, and Lord Shree Krishna confirms this.

    Jai Narsinghdev


    Jai Shree Krishna


  5. Jai Ganesh



    (Srimad Bhagavatam is the ONLY text that clearly states:

    'there is no cheating method in this scripture'

    'this purana is spotless')


    Let us see if you accept this.

    Sri Bhagvat 4.1-28Atri Muni desiring a son like him called upon the Bhagvan thinking of him only. But although he is far beyond the mental speculation of man, all three of you have come here. Kindly let me know how you have come, I am greatly bewildered about this.

    4.1/30 & 31

    AS you willed, precisely so it must happen; it could not otherwise. For it was your will, O Bahmana- you, who are so true of resolve. We three (taken together) represent the truth on which you cotemplated. Now there will be born to you, may you be blessed, three sons embodying our rays, who will themselves be celebrated throughout the world; O dear sage, and shall spread your fame too.


    4.6/42-46 Brahma said to Shiva: I know you to be the Ruler of the universe; for you are the same as the undifferentiated Brahma, etc


    4.7/50-54 The lord said: The supreme cause of the universe, I am also Brahma (the creator) and Lord Shiva (the destroyer of the universe). I am the self, the lord and the witness, self effulgent and unqualified. Embracing my own Maya, consisting of the three gunas, it is I who create, protect and destroy the universe have assumed names appropriate to my functions, O Brahmana! It is in such a Brahman, the supreme sprit, who is one without a second, that the ignorant fool views Brahma, Rudra and other beings as distinct entities. Just as a man never conceives his own head, hands and other limbs as belonging to anyone else, even so he who is devoted to me does not regard his fellow creatures as distant from himself.

    He who sees no difference between Us three (Brahma, Rudra and Myself)-who are identical in essence and the very selves of all living beings-attains peace, O Daksa.


    8.7/21-35 Prajapati praying to Lord Shiva as supreme Brahman.

    Read this with what Krishna says in BG. 10

    Of Rudras I am Shanker.


    we may begin to understand there is no contradiction


    Jai Shree Krishna

  6. Jai Ganesh



    (I would prefer to read the GITA instead. In it I find no reference to any ghosts or about their existence)



    will this do


    Chapter 9. TEXT 25


    yanti deva-vrata devan

    pitrn yanti pitr-vratah

    bhutani yanti bhutejya

    yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam




    yanti--achieve; deva-vratah--worshipers of demigods; devan--to demigods; pitrn--to ancestors; yanti--go; pitr-vratah--worshipers of the ancestors; bhutani--to ghosts and spirits; yanti--go; bhuta-ijyah--worshipers of ghosts and spirits; yanti--go; mat--My; yajinah--devotees; api--also; mam--unto Me.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  7. Jai Ganesh


    Islam is peaceful? Are you kidding?


    I have yet to know anything positively peaceful about Islam.

    They chant alha hu akbar bhismila rehman

    God is great the most merciful and then they slit the poor animal slowly. Even worse they behead humans for political gains.

    Can anyone tell me do they not learn compassion from the most merciful?


    N bomb in the hands of anyone is bad enough,but with Islam it is dangerous.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  8. Jai Ganesh





    (however in India today, as in many countries polygamy is illegal.)


    Is it? i wish, let us have one uniform law for all the citizen of India.



    It is not true that in Hindu culture women have more husbands. I understand that in saying so you are trying to belittle Hinduism.


    My point exactly.



    ( Hinduism per se, doesn't preach polyandry. So you should get your facts straight before shooting from the mouth.)


    I do not think this guest wanted to know the true reason about Draupadi and I dont think he/she is around to respond.


    Jai Shree Krishna

  9. Jai Ganesh

    A picture speaks a thousand words.


    Yes very nice picture depicting a wonderful past times of the lord.


    In Krishna Avatar the role is reversed in Ram Avatar Laxman served the Lord as younger brother. It is quiet natural in vedic culture the younger brother to serve the elder.


    The guest who asked for reference has not posted any thing that is nonsense, why are you so defensive?

    The lord as parmatma is our guru, he resides in out heart and guides us, the question is do we listen?


    Jai Shree Krishna


  10. Jai Ganesh



    (The current government is secular and does not follow religion it is therefore demonic. My whole point is that this government is illegitmate and must be replaced with one that recieves its authority and morality from the scriptures.)

    By your standard the whole world government is demonic. How do you propose to make the change?



    (Madrasas and christian schools would be shut down but those who claimed to be muslims and christians could still continue to go to mosques or churches and worship as they please as long as they followed the law of the land and accepted their roles as subjects of the King.)

    Vedic law of the land will be in direct conflict with Christians and Muslims why would they obey it?



    ("Hinduism" would be discouraged and true religion would be taught in gurukulas and temples under the guidance of qualified brahmins. The vedas would once again reign supreme in the Kingdom of Bharat. )



    Take the word Hinduism out and substitute with Vedic makes no different you still have varieties and no compulsion, and that is what I like about Hinduism, no eternal hell or haven but the progress in my spiritual quest at my pace and the path of my choice.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  11. Jai Ganesh


    It seems that our Muslim guest has panic attack of consciousness.

    If you come in peace and if you think Islam is peaceful let us here you denounce the atrocities us Hindus suffered perpetually from it. All the temples that were destroyed and your dome on top of our mandir is a constant reminder. Let us here from you and your mullahs that that was a mistake and give them back, then I will believe you, that Islam is a peaceful religion like any religion should be.

    Jai Shree Krishna


  12. Jai Ganesh



    (And we are called upon to worship such a God; to get upon our knees and tell him that he is good, that he is merciful, that he is just, that he is love)


    you better beleive that who else but he who goes every where we go? he fufills our desires.




    (Age of chandra guptha.Megasthanis visited India then and said "I have never seen a people more civilized than Indians.They dont know lies,theft and crime.Even if a bar of gold lays unclaimed on street nobody touches it.People are happy and intelligent to the core")


    and why do you think that was the situation?


    Jai Shree Krishna

  13. Jai Ganesh


    (ok, my view may not be how it really was.)


    And that is very honest, by the way maadhavji I do not claim to know how it was either.



    (at this time, how is the situation in bharat, good or bad for the vedic culture? please describe honestly, and suggest what can be done to solve the problems.)


    In one word



    I have always been of the opinion that one has to live with dharma first and only then one can become qulified to preach.Our Bharat faces huge problems both from within and without.I find we are too disunited, our media has to learn first and formost to be Dharmic and Desh premi.


    When i said to you earlier koi sari disa dekhati nathi this is what i ment, we are leaving our dharma, many are blaming the verna system but in reality we are abandoning our dharma in prefrance to western ways beleiving their propoganda.




    (every varna can help solve hindus' problems in bharat.)


    I agree.


    jai brahmans,

    jai kshatriyas,

    jai vaishyas,

    jai shudras,

    jai varnasramis,

    jai bharat,

    jai ganesh! Vighna Vinasak.



    (ajay to asuras,

    ajay to asuric invaded ideologies.)


    Pardon me maadhavji, ajay means undefeated but yes defeat to asuras and their ideologies, we need the media to help us.


    Jai Shree Krishna


  14. Jai Ganesh

    Nirjala ekadesi other wise know as Bhim ekadashi, it is said one who observes this day and fast without water on this day is absolve from sins of not fasting on other ekadashi days.


    So the story goes as much as I can remember is that on this auspicious day Bhim set out to take a bath in the river. Mother Kunti reminds Bhim of the ekadashi and reminds him to observe it but Bhim as we all know liked his food too much so he is pleading with his mother and asks her to prepare Khicdi on his return from daily routine, he kept thinking of food and keep convincing himself that he can not fast but the lord had other ides for him.


    On the way to the river, Bhim meets with a Siva pujari who is lamenting how difficult it is for him to bring jal for the lord, so he true to pandavs nature obliged to help and he does not do any thing in small measure, he spreads himself across the stream of water diverted it to come pass the temple, he lied there all day thinking of going home and eat but he could not forsake his task and the pujari never came to relieve him.

    This is how much I remember; please feel free to correct me.


    By the way today is GANESH CHATURTHI may he bless us all


    Jai Shree Krishna


  15. Jai Ganesh

    << Who decides the Varna? >>



    (in the vedic system, a guru at a gurukula with whoma child lives till 25 years, recommends teh student at graduation wht varna he is.)


    Is this your view, are you able to support this with any evidence, as far as I know the children were given upanayana at a very early stage. These are samskaras based on birth and performed in childhood.

    They learnt skill according to their samskaras. Did sudras actually go to grukul?

    For instance if we take example of guru Dron he only thought Ksatriyas or Parsuram only Brahmins.

    Can you immagin the confusion if a perso belonging to one verna was declared another verna does he now give up his home and go live in different quarters? Don’t forget all the vernas lived in separate quarters, who would marry him? In a house hold you have all different vernas how do they live together?



    (he knows it beacse he has seen the gunas and karmas of the child, and skills and knowldege of the child.)


    I have no doubt the guru knows, but in those days vernas were perfect the guru would teach I do not think they had to decide the vernas, I have not heard this any where.

    With the onset of kali every thing is deteriorating and thus the confusion.



    (in our times, each person decides or finds out what strong guna he/she has, and then he should do karma that are compatible with that guna. if he chooses karma for which he has no strong gunas, he would be a failure many times. that tells that karma is not for him.)


    This is not a perfect social order free for all.



    (in most cases it is easy for a child to pick up gunas and karmas of his father or mother. thus the family of each varna continues.)


    Is the child picking up his parents gunas? Or is it that he has come with his own guna karma carrying on from where he left?





    (note that each varna has equal oppertunity to go to god.)


    Any one who seeks him.




    ye yatha mam prapadyante

    tams tathaiva bhajamy aham

    mama vartmanuvartante

    manusyah partha sarvasah


    Jai Shree Krishna

  16. Jai Ganesh



    (it is a consequence of karma and desires of many a souls, parent and child souls included. however, each sould has god given freedom to choose what to do in currnt life.)


    Yes all the souls have right to choose, but there are laws also,

    One's inferior natural work is better than superior unnatural work. One who does the work ordained by one's inherent nature (without selfish motives) incurs no sin (or Karmic reaction). (See also 3.35) (18.47)

    One's natural work, even though defective, should not be abandoned; because all undertakings are enveloped by defects as fire is covered by smoke, O Arjuna. (18.48)


    and I feel the birth of any soul in to any particular yoni is a natural selection based on past Karma, but in this age of kali the true nature is being clouded by intense desire to enjoy, so the Brahmins who feel they are being left out are going on wrong direction and the sudras who were denied previously are going on other direction, it is a real mess. What to expect it is kali yug where quarreling and hypocrisy prevails there is no order and there is worst to come, but there is one guna which is most desired if one want to make progress that is chanting of the names of the lord but un fortunately here also people fight as to what name? Ready to make an appradh of some names chanted as equal to the other.





    (kula, family line, sure. but by guna and karma he is not an asura. he is a brahmana, because he preached, then he was a kshatriya because he ruled (if i am not mistaken).


    Here you are confusing one does not change the Verna like that, he is born in an asura Kula but a great mahagan this are exception just like vibhisan born a raksas but a devotee. One recognizes this.

    There are no names for this situation or verna they are above all the designation.




    (- why many advanced swamis came out of the hippies?)


    << And many of the gurus have fallen down.

    they are great at chanting but i can not learn morals from them. >>



    (i would not disagree, but i know that there sure are a few great goswmis too. that proves my point.)


    Thank you, I used to be in awe of this gurus and devotees, how great I thought, I use to fall down to ground and pay my obeisance’s then we find out how a lot of them fall down and I started thinking here I am chanted their names and glorifying them but I am asked not to chant the names of lord Shiva, they use to ridicule the Hindus for doing so but I never gave up on lord Shiva and I am glad I didn’t




    (the need is to recognise one's gunas and karma and treat one acccordingly, not by birth. if you say, "prahlad is from an asura family," then no problem, but if you say or treat prahlad as an asura, then it is a problem. it would be sin.)


    Of course credit where credit is due, if Brahmin is not following his dharma then he/ she is a disgrace to that Kula and if a sudra is acting in service of the lord then he/she is a credit to their Kula and a great devotee. Lets not forget just as all the parts are important in a body so are the four Verna’s but head can not do the job of the arms or the legs do the job of the head, although the human social order is more complicated then the simple human body analogy, there is room for change like vishvamitra but this are exception and not a rule, but hey any thing is possible in kali yug like initiation by telephone or tape recorder or may be e Brahmin would you believe that, what next?




    (a corrupt anti hindu politician who cares for himself only and misuses his power and authority is an asura. he does not deserve any treatment better than an asura deserves.

    in contrast, a born shudra who has studied scriptures well, and practices and preaches a yoga is a brahmana by guna and karnma. to treat him like a shudra is sin. there is nothing wrong in saying he is from a shudra family. but to insult him is sin too.)


    Yes agree but I blame the lust, anger and greed and I blame the mulas and Xian’s for breaking up our social order or should I blame the kali yug,




    (samajyaa ke nahi.n?)

    Su,n samajvanu? Koi sari disa dekhati nathi, pan kayar thaiy basvani jarur nathi.

    te chata je game jagad guru jagdishne.


    Koti koti praNam! Maadhavji

    Jai Shree Krishna


  17. Jai Ganesh



    (krishna does not say it in gita.

    varna is determined only by guna and karma per gita.)


    So tell me maadhvji is birth just random with out guna and kaema?


    << Your varna is determined by your birth & your birth is determined by your past gunas. >>


    (if this were true, then

    - why prahlad was born in an asura family?)


    He is a great personality born to assist in lords lila.

    still his kula is asura.


    (- why ganhi's son became alomst a bum?)


    Who is this?



    (- why many advanced swamis came out of the hippies?)


    And many of the gurus have fallen down.


    they are great at chanting but i can not learn morals from them.



    (there is no way but to just accept krishna's message from gita in this matter.)


    i have no problem with this.


    Jai Shree Krishna


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