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    Do not seek perfection in a changing world.
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    <br />Instead, perfect your love.
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    svadezo bhuvana trayam
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    philosopher, educator

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  1. sha

    Time to Go

    Lord Krishna says- 'He (She) who is the SAME to the foe and friend and also HONOUR and DISHONOUR, who is the SAME in cold and heat, in PLEASURE and PAIN, who is FREE from ATTACHMENT, To whom CENSURE and PRAISE are EQUAL, who is silent, CONTENT with ANYTHING, HOMELESS, STEADY MINDED, FULL of Loving Devotion for Me - that PERSON is DEAR TO ME.' Gita- 12.18,19 Lord Krishna makes His teaching CLEAR to all saying - "matkarma kRnmatparamo madbhaktas sanga varjitaH nirvaira ssarva bhUteSu yassamAmeti pAndava" (Gita 11.55) "He, who DOES WORK FOR ME, who LOOKS ON ME AS SUPREME, who is DEVOTED TO ME, who is FREE FROM ATTACHMENT, who is WITHOUT HATRED FOR ANY BEING, he COMES TO ME, O Arjuna."
  2. <center><big>Counting Beads</big> Know thou this secret : nothing at all is gained By counting over the polished beads of the rosary, While the mind still wanders out into the world . But if you turn the rosary of the mind, Thy body will be full of light within. Even if an age-long time is spent in turning the rosary, The mind will never take a turn unto the Lord. O brother! Throw aside the rosary in your hand, And turn the rosary of your mind instead. The rosary of the mind, declares Kabir, Is the only rosary that is worth while. The physical rosary is an empty show. If by turning the rosary you could meet the Lord, Why does the Persian wheel, Revolving day and night, remain without the Lord? In thy hand there turneth ever the beads of the rosary ; In thy mouth there turneth the tongue; Thy mind turneth in ten directions; This, my dear friend, I say, Is no remembrance of the Name of the Lord. SANT KABIR Hari Bol!
  3. Another interesting question: Since Radha is dear to Krishna why not worship Radha ? Radha is the best devotee of Krishna, so Vaishnavas, why not be like her ? Hari /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif Hara bol!
  4. <center> Click below for more scriptural quotes <big><font color="red">More Shiva-Vishnu Discussion</font></big> Hari Hara Bol!
  5. <center><big>You are in me</big> You are in me I am in you Still to see you separate The joy gets expression! Expression of vision Expression of sound Expression of touch! The beauty you possess The music you play The melodious songs Sweet and tipsy words And Soft featherlike touch! I need you separate from me! Fools seek salvation Mingling of Soul and God Without any expression! Sunshine white The rainbow is enjoying The colorful display Separate apperance the key! O! Krishna! Pour your love Like rain pours With exciting thundering and lightening So is your lightening touch Glances and sweet words Of thundering emotions! O! Make me wet Both body and mind Let it drench in The loving shower of Your unending love! by shreeradha divinelove2/
  6. sorry /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif for the hurry! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  7. The original well known 'Mahaa Vaakya' from Upanishads are not manufactured by neo-advaitins nor neo-gaudiyas. What is a 'mahAvAkya'? Here is an excerpt: Acaya Shankara Bhagavatpada revealed the wisdom of the Vedas, as lived and experienced by him in his direct insight. He fashioned the verses in the dye of the four great commandments 'mahAvAkya' declared in our four Vedas: 1. In the Rig Veda (Aitreya Upanishad 3.3) is the mahAvAkya that defines Absolute Reality : 'Absolute Consciousness is Brahman' - "prajnAnaM brahma". 2. Enshrined in YajurVeda (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.1.10) we have the roar of Realization, "ahaM brahmAsmi", 'I am Brahman'. 3. Set along the songful mantras of the Sama Veda (Chandogya Upanishad 6.14.3, 6.8.7) we have the commandment that represent the advise of the masters, "tat tvaM asi", 'That Thou art'. 4. And roaring from the Atharvana Veda (Mandukyopanishad 1.2), we have the deafening silent experience of the student at his meditation seat, couched in the commandment, "Ayam AtmA brahma", "This Consciousness-in-me, the Self, is Brahman". (source- Sri Chinmayananda's Commentery on 'Maneesha Panchakam' of Adi Sankaracarya)
  8. <center><big><font color="red">avidyAm antare vartamAnAH svayaM dhIrAH paNDitaM manyamAnAH jaGghanya mAnAH pariyanti mUDhA andhenaiva nIyamAnA yathA 'ndhAH</font> <font color="blue">Abiding in the midst of ignorance, but thinking themselves wise and learned, fools aimlessly go hither and thither, like blind led by the blind.</font></big> - Atharva Veda, Mundaka Upanishad 1.2.8.
  9. <center><big>rAdhAmohana mandirAdupagataz candrAvalIm UcivAn rAdhe kSemamiheti tasya vacanaM zrutvAha candrAvalI | kaMsa kSemamaye vimugdha hRdaye! kaMsaH kva dRSTastvayA rAdhe kveti vilajjito natamukhaH smero hariH pAtu vaH ||</big> - Ujjvala nIlamaNi 15.93 smero hariH pAtu vaH
  10. The previous post happened as an accidental error, though I was logged in. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  11. D: Are there degrees of illusion ? A: Illusion itself is illusory. It must be seen by somebody outside it , but how can such a seer be subject to it ? So , how can he speak of degrees of it ? You see various scenes passing on a cinema screen; fire seems to burn buildings to ashes ; water seems to wreck ships ; but the screen on which the pictures are projected remains unburnt and dry. Why ? Because the pictures are unreal and the screen real. Similarly , reflections pass through a mirror but it is not affected at all by their number or quality. In the same way , the world is a phenomenon upon the substratum of the single Reality which is not affected by it in any way. Reality is only One. Talk of illusion is due only to the point of view. Change your viewpoint to that of Knowledge and you will perceive the universe to be only Brahman. Being now immersed in the world , you see it as a real world; get beyond it and it will disappear and Reality alone will remain. ```````````````````````````````` The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi Arthur Osborne ```````````````````````````````` Hari Aum !!! source: /
  12. <center>This reminds me a verse posted on another board from 'Sri Krishna Karnamritam' of the Rasik Mahatma of South India, Lila Suka Bilva Mangala. Actually the Vrajavasis never paid importance to the Divine body of God nor Supreme Brahman but simply enjoyed His association and exploits in Prema Bhakti Rasa, Divine Love. kailAso navanItati kSitir ayaM prAgjagdha mRlloSati kSIrodopi nipItadugdhati lasatsmere praphulle mukhe mAtrA 'jIrNa dhiyA dRDhaM cakitayAnaSTAsmidRSTaHkayA "thU thU vatsaka! jIva lIva ciram" ityukto 'vatAnno hariH http://rsodha.members.easyspace.com/hiyashoda.bmp In the words of the Rasik Saint, Sri Bilva Mangala Thakura- <font color="blue">Mother Yashoda was fondling Baby Krishna on her lap and the adorable Child was smiling with joy opening wide His lotus mouth. Mother could not help noticing the contents of His stomach! She was startled to see the 'Kailasa Parvata' Mountain (the snowcapped abode of Lord Shiva on top of the universe) but composed herself thinking that as the previously eaten butter by her Son. At the sight of the earth planet, she thought that must be the lump of dirt her mischievous Boy was eating earlier. When she visualized the Ocean of milk, she surely recognized the (undigested) milk drunk by her poor Baby during the day. By now, mother Yashoda was firmly convinced herself that her precious Child must have been suffering from "indigestion" due to some envious, evil eyes around the neighborhood and by wicked spells. Being a very loving and caring mother, she innocently pronounced an auspicious incantation to drive out the effects of the evil spell and relieve the distress of her Child, and blessed Him -</font> <big><font color="red">"Long live, my Child, may You live long!"</big> Let my Saviour be the same adorable Lord Hari Who was protected by mother Yashoda.</font> Hari Bol!
  13. <center>This reminds me a verse posted on another board from 'Sri Krishna Karnamritam' of the Rasik Mahatma of South India, Lila Suka Bilva Mangala. Actually the Vrajavasis never paid importance to the Divine body of God nor Supreme Brahman but simply enjoyed His association and exploits in Prema Bhakti Rasa, Divine Love. kailAso navanItati kSitir ayaM prAgjagdha mRlloSati kSIrodopi nipItadugdhati lasatsmere praphulle mukhe mAtrA 'jIrNa dhiyA dRDhaM cakitayAnaSTAsmidRSTaHkayA "thU thU vatsaka! jIva lIva ciram" ityukto 'vatAnno hariH http://rsodha.members.easyspace.com/hiyashoda.bmp In the words of the Rasik Saint, Sri Bilva Mangala Thakura- <font color="blue">Mother Yashoda was fondling Baby Krishna on her lap and the adorable Child was smiling with joy opening wide His lotus mouth. Mother could not help noticing the contents of His stomach! She was startled to see the 'Kailasa Parvata' Mountain (the snowcapped abode of Lord Shiva on top of the universe) but composed herself thinking that as the previously eaten butter by her Son. At the sight of the earth planet, she thought that must be the lump of dirt her mischievous Boy was eating earlier. When she visualized the Ocean of milk, she surely recognized the (undigested) milk drunk by her poor Baby during the day. By now, mother Yashoda was firmly convinced herself that her precious Child must have been suffering from "indigestion" due to some envious, evil eyes around the neighborhood and by wicked spells. Being a very loving and caring mother, she innocently pronounced an auspicious incantation to drive out the effects of the evil spell and relieve the distress of her Child, and blessed Him -</font> <big><font color="red">"Long live, my Child, may You live long!"</big> Let my Saviour be the same adorable Lord Hari Who was protected by mother Yashoda.</font> Hari Bol!
  14. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  15. Why have you deleted my post on 'Shikshastaka-3'? Don't you all follow Lord Caitanya's teachings?
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