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Everything posted by barney

  1. He is not predicted anywhere in the vedas. BSP is not an incarnation of Caitanya or Krishna. He is an acharya whose love for Krishna and Gita gave him the inspiration and grace to translate and promote the KC among the west and he some what succeded in his aspiration before his demise. May his soul rest in peace.
  2. Of all four categories of beings, from Brahma down to the last clump of grass, only the man of knowledge is capable of eliminating desire and aversion. 4.5 Rare is the man who knows himself as the nondual Lord of the world, and he who knows this is not afraid of anything. 4.6
  3. Can you explain to me the taste of sugar. Without tasting it one can understand the taste. 366. give demonstrations 367. blind faith is not good 368. Blind faith is your perception to to mine and those who have experienced it.
  4. MEDITATION MESSAGES Chapter One 1. The tapas begins when the Siva comes. 2. The tapas succeeds when you identify with the Guru. 3. Find the origin of the mind. 4. Clear the mind of all ideas. 5. In the absence of ideas there is bliss. 6. Yoga is the suppression of the mind stuff from arising. 7. The Lord of the Linga is in your heart. 8. Abide in the silence. 9. There is something in meditation which no experience can equal. 10. The yogi goes into samadhi. 11. The investigation of Brahman leads to knowledge of the first cause. 12. How do we investigate? By going behind the mind. 13. Merge in the light. Reject all ideas from taking form. 14. In the absence of mind there is deep space. 15. There is nothing when God appears. 16. There is a dimension where the soul is free. 17. Stillness is the means of climbing the spiritual ladder. 18. Concentrate on the here and now to find eternity. 19. Focus on the moment of truth when the self disappears. 20. The nature of reality becomes known when the mind is still. 21. What occurs in the silence? The process of God manifesting. 22. The bliss of silence cannot be measured. 23. You are not the body. 24. In the quiet mind I can grow. 25. At the end of the tapas the Mother comes. 26. The peace beyond desire is the road to the infinite. 27. Make room in the house for God. 28. Complete the journey. 29. God works behind the veil. 30. I am calling you. 31. The glory of God is in the heart. 32. I will guide you. 33. Make the mind like an empty glass to receive illumination. 34. Look for the light. 35. I will give you what you can contain. 36. Can you see the eye of the Linga? 37. God is the never ending quest for freedom. 38. Isolation is needed for the soul’s development. 39. The secret of samadhi starts with the suppression of the mind. 40. Samadhi is thoughtlessness in communion with God’s peace. 41. I am in all things as the witness observer. 42. To reach the level of pure consciousness you must dissolve. 43. Search – strive – attain. 44. True happiness lies in not being disturbed by the world. 45. Experience samadhi in pure thoughtlessness. MEDITATION MESSAGES 46. The deity to be worshipped is in front of you. 47. There is no holding back when you are on the path. 48. Do not use the Guru as a crutch. 49. The bliss that you seek lies within. 50. The great search travels the road from darkness to light. 51. The sixth state of consciousness is beyond the five senses. 52. There are deeper layers of unfoldment in self realization. 53. Reality is dimensionless. 54. I am other than this illusion of the world. 55. Become free of the mind. 56. Become a monk and live in seclusion. 57. God is my soul’s magnet. 58. Strive to reach the great peace. 59. What is it that makes you search? 60. Exist in the void and see the light. 61. Forget the body and become free. 62. The true teacher is in the heart. 63. Who sustains the thought? 64. All things return to it. 65. Go into the region of peace where all thoughts cease. 66. Know that upon which all the worlds stand. 67. Aum is the universal song that reflects the divine presence. 68. God is beyond this gross world of matter. 69. There is a region where no thoughts can gain entry. 70. Experience the silence of the divine wideness. 71. Concentrate on the silence. 72. The Lord of infinity lives in the heart. 73. Float your ideas out with the breath. 74. There are infinite worlds of consciousness beyond the mind. 75. The descent of the higher consciousness comes with the soul’s opening. 76. Behave like a tapas yogi. 77. I will bless you through the fire. 78. Samadhi is merging the thought in the subject. 79. When the waters enter the ocean there is unity. 80. The soul’s progression rises to its source. 81. Sit on the seat of true consciousness. 82. Lose the consciousness of self. 83. Begin again. Forget yourself. 84. There are no personal experiences. They come from the Cosmic Whole. 85. Why do you accumulate more karma? 86. Enter the deep space of consciousness. 87. Find that upon which all desires cease. 88. You must expand to grow. 89. Watchful awareness is the way to enlightenment. 90. God is the breath of my soul. MEDITATION MESSAGES 91. Enjoy the state of desireless peace. 92. In the blank state the truth shines forth. 93. Each soul is a pearl on the thread of God. 94. I am you. 95. Meditation is when the subject and object become one. 96. The bliss that you search for is inside you. 97. Pierce through the veil and see the light. 98. I am not limited to the body. 99. Wire into the Cosmic Mind. 100. I lie concealed in your heart. 101. Surrender yourself into His hands. 102. You must try harder to realize Me. 103. Realize your true nature. 104. The kingdom of the white rose calls from afar for you to enter. 105. Become one with that which you aspire. 106. You merge into that which you want to achieve. 107. Samadhi is the means to explore the inner kingdom. 108. Become the witness of your thoughts. 109. I create the galaxies from ideas in my mind. 110. Seek to find the container of thoughts. 111. I am everywhere. 112. Can your body give you bliss? 113. True bliss is when the soul feels God’s touch. 114. The higher identity is realized in deep peace. 115. Guru can light the path but you have to follow the road. 116. Existence is the mask of God thinking a dream in time. 117. Can you hear the voice of silence? 118. Look at the cosmic light. 119. The everlasting consciousness arises out of the space of quiet. 120. It comes from afar. 121. The deliverer is within. 122. What is Samadhi? To be aware of God at every moment. 123. Your destiny is in Siva’s hands. 124. Pure awareness is the key to wisdom. 125. The road to freedom is filled with sorrow turned into joy. 126. In absolute calmness God shines through. 127. Can you feel His presence? 128. Tapas is where my glory lies. 129. Become incarnations of Siva and Parvati. 130. See with the eyes of Siva. 131. Go higher beyond form. 132. Who is it that makes you call? 133. God is the breath behind your life. 134. It is hidden but yet it comes out. 135. The search begins in silence. MEDITATION MESSAGES 136. The one from which many emerge is the goal. 137. The blank mind is the natural state of enlightenment. 138. Samadhi is a journey from the many to the one. 139. The Lord of tapas is inside you. 140. Brahma sahaja is the state of liberation. 141. There is hope in each new day for enlightenment. 142. The higher consciousness is just behind the mind in stillness. 143. Clouded by desire man does not see the truth. 144. The realization of separation is the first step toward the return. 145. Waiting is the way to success when the mind dies down. 146. The entry into the spiritual dimension requires a piercing vision. 147. The gates of Heaven are closed to the arrogant. 148. Eternity consciousness comes in the silent mind experiencing awareness. 149. Turn your attention toward the sound coming from the divine worlds. 150. What is behind the experience of stillness? 151. It cannot be contained since Brahman is infinite. 152. See between the eyes the light of God. 153. He looked behind the veil of eternity and saw God. 154. It is for you to develop. 155. The Guru will aid you. 156. Experience the voidness of the mind. 157. Realize the eternity of the heart. 158. Lift up your consciousness to the infinite. 159. The blue flame points the path to the hall of freedom. 160. The eye of the tiger reveals God’s mystery to the yogi. 161. Face the mountain and finish the task. 162. He glimpsed through eternity and saw the light. 163. Where is God found? On the mountain of stillness. 164. The wisdom of nonduality is the final realization. 165. Make contact with the infinite in deep silence. 166. The bells of thunder vibrate God’s notes in each center. 167. Rings of fire circle the universe of the yogi’s astral body. 168. The power of concentration burns through the worlds of change. 169. Higher than the world of thoughts is the world of bliss. 170. The mind’s turning away from the world is spiritual growth’s beginning. 171. The awakening comes in a flash. The effort lasts a lifetime. 172. The realization of the Absolute comes when all is one. 173. The Guru awakens the chela’s spiritual force. 174. The mind of God transforms words into reality. 175. When samadhi arises the mind subsides. 176. Dissolve into nothingness to experience the all pervading consciousness. 177. When your identification with Guru is perfect then you will realize God. 178. Above the mind is a region of peace where the divine presence flows. 179. Ideas act as barriers to realize eternal peace. 180. Your own self is responsible for your evolution. 181. Who is the witness of the mind’s pictures? MEDITATION MESSAGES 182. Enjoy the peace of quietness that is your true nature. 183. Tapas means leaving the body consciousness for the infinite experience. 184. Watch the mind before each thought arises. 185. The message of God is to change your consciousness. 186. The self is realized in deep meditation. 187. The purpose of meditation is to experience samadhi and know God. 188. Guru is living in a different dimension. 189. In the footsteps of silence God draws near the meditating soul. 190. In the stillness of the soul there is oneness. 191. Discipline the senses to cut the body tie. 192. Enjoy the delight of the void. 193. Pure being is your true nature. 194. In the absence of thought there is peace. 195. The yogi has no possessions. 196. In the deep state of consciousness the world disappears. 197. The form that you see does not reflect the reality. 198. Yoga is the absence of all thought waves from arising. 199. Your innate divinity will lead you to the goal. 200. The Guru works within to show you the way. 201. All the delusions of the mind come up during meditation for purification. 202. The source comes from above the mind. 203. You approach what you do not know. 204. You realize it by opening to oneness. 205. The soul is pulled to God by meditation. 206. Search for God with eyes of fire. 207. Lift up your consciousness beyond the body into the Spirit. 208. Man must go within to find his true nature. 209. In perfect silence there is peace. 210. See the Cosmic Mind behind creation. 211. Climb the mountain of consciousness. 212. The gates open when the seeker awakens to the call. 213. Cross the threshold from humanity into divinity by tapas yoga. 214. Are you ready to make the supreme sacrifice? 215. The unfoldment of knowledge comes when you can listen. 216. The purity of the heart is shown by its selfless actions. 217. I will take you up to the higher regions. 218. Stay with your mind fixed on eternity. 219. Explore the reaches of consciousness by clear awareness. 220. The goal is reached by staying in the light. 221. Wisdom lies in the heart untouched by desire. 222. Wait for the entire being to become full of peace. 223. I will meet you in the deep silence of meditation. 224. Hold all ideas still for illumination to shine. 225. The grace of the Lord flows to the devotee in bliss. 226. Visualize the appearance of the Lord becoming a permanent reality. 227. When your consciousness is constant then the divine form will appear. MEDITATION MESSAGES 228. The one is realized when the many disappear. 229. Behind the world of appearance yogis penetrate many layers of existence. 230. At each level of consciousness the Divine pervades the yogi’s awareness. 231. The mind creates a web of changing ideas that imprison man. 232. Liberation is the severing of the mind from impermanent thoughts. 233. The way of the yogi is to flow with the infinite. 234. He sees the presence of God in each happening. 235. The change of consciousness comes by constant inner striving. 236. Samadhi makes the experience of God a living reality. 237. When the light is one the yogi travels to other worlds. 238. He sees worlds taking shape by the breath of God. 239. Master your mind to attain freedom in the fourth state of consciousness. 240. The source of all awareness is realized in samadhi. 241. The inner path leads to the farthest reaches of infinity. 242. When all is quiet then I will come. 243. Explore the depths of consciousness to find your soul. 244. Stillness expands into the heights of realization during meditation. 245. Carry on your sadhana with diligence until the goal is reached. 246. When your mind’s ideas become still then God fills your consciousness. 247. Walk on the road to self discovery following the light. 248. Know that you are not alone in your quest. 249. In samadhi there are no thought waves blocking God realization. 250. All tapas focuses on merging with the divine bliss. 251. The mystery of God is revealed when samadhi dawns in meditation. 252. Bliss pervades the body of the yogi joining with God. 253. Call for the divine opening with the magnet of love. 254. As time passes grow into the Eternal by forgetting the world. 255. The Guru is the window through which God shines through. 256. The highest realization is that you exist in God. 257. God is the intelligent force that permeates the universe. 258. The direction of the mind determines your spiritual development. 259. Discover who you are in the deep silence of meditation. 260. Sleep is the nature of the mind detached from the world. 261. Awareness is the essence of the soul knowing its identity. 262. Fulfillment comes when the soul ascends to its original home. 263. Those who meditate find the peace which strengthens their life. 264. The yogi finds the path to ecstasy by keeping the mind free of thoughts. 265. Discover the wisdom which reveals God’s presence in your heart. 266. Hear the sound of Aum arising in meditation. 267. Freedom is the peace of knowing God’s presence. 268. Treasure the calm moments when the Spirit is near. 269. Catch the rays of the spiritual sun with the yogi’s third eye. 270. Yogis become equal to all things in life by radiating inner peace. 271. He knows the origin of light who penetrates the void. 272. Right here in the midst of life God calls the soul. 273. The soul awakens by trying to find the source of freedom. MEDITATION MESSAGES 274. The moment the Divine manifests there is absolute calm to receive bliss. 275. Light streams into the heart opened to the infinite consciousness. 276. Infinity meets the mind of man in the quiet of meditation. 277. The waves of the mind become still when God is found. 278. The clouds of ignorance vanish when the light of meditation dawns. 279. The sage’s life revolves around bringing God closer to man. 280. Sweep the mind clean of all ideas for God to walk upon it. 281. See the light that guides your soul to truth. 282. True vision comes in the stillness of the mind focused on God’s light. 283. The yogi knows death as a mask for the life to come. 284. Forsake the illusion of this world for the constant divine presence. 285. The power of tapas reveals all of God’s worlds to the yogi. 286. The flow of divine power opens the yogi’s psychic centers. 287. The atman is realized when only God is witnessed throughout existence. 288. He must overcome all attachments to the world. 289. Before realization dawns the yogi is tested a thousand times. 290. You get strength when you overcome the ego. 291. The yogi goes deep within himself to find God. 292. Realization is being aware of the Divine on all levels of existence. 293. Yoga is overcoming all difficulties by spiritual power. 294. Be that which you strive to be. 295. Open your soul to the living influence of the higher consciousness. 296. The true hero conquers all suffering in the challenge of life. 297. Face the mirror of consciousness and see your true nature. 298. Find the Guru in meditation to liberate your soul. 299. Stop all ideas from forming to experience the truth. 300. Free yourself from all ideas that limit you to the earth. 301. Going beyond the body and mind you enter a realm of stillness and beauty. 302. Use the earth as a platform to ascend to Heaven. 303. The yogi sees the future but lives in the present. 304. Time and space have no constraints of the liberated soul. 305. He sees through the chains of matter who lives by God’s light. 306. Magic moments come when time stands still before God’s presence. 307. The secret of wisdom lies in growing toward the light. 308. In the deep calm before the awakening the soul gets ready. 309. Meditation means focusing the mind on one point that unlocks cosmic mysteries. 310. Discover your true identity when all thoughts cease. 311. Time is the master that must be used to gain freedom. 312. Experience that which you seek. 313. The mind and body must be controlled to merge into the Spirit. 314. How does Swami want you to meditate? 315. Draw upon your inner resources. 316. It is known in the silence. 317. Eternity consciousness is piercing into the infinity of God’s mind. 318. Make your mind pure and tranquil to receive the Spirit. 319. God is an ocean of deep peace. MEDITATION MESSAGES 320. We invoke the powers that are hidden in ourselves by yoga. 321. When all is calm and still then I will appear. 322. Your reception depends upon your awareness. 323. The overhead ascension opens the door to spiritual freedom. 324. Become vessels of peace to light the world. 325. He unlocked the door to eternity by perfection in samadhi’s absorption. 326. They realize their inner nature who perceive God in everything. 327. Those who seek Me in everything know the self of all existence. 328. From the plane of universal intelligence God speaks to man. 329. The full absorption into nothingness yields the light of truth. 330. The end of the search is extinction of the mind in bliss. 331. I am known in the quietness as the friend of your soul. 332. Space and time disappear when God appears. 333. Can you catch the hand of God as a trusting child? 334. Samadhi withdraws the mind into another dimension where all is one. 335. The eye of eternity sees God’s light everywhere. 336. Detach yourself from the body to know the Spirit. 337. The original source calls the soul through Aum’s vibration. 338. The higher planes are reached by climbing the steps to eternity. 339. Long practice brings the goal within reach. 340. Exist in the silent peace waiting for God. 341. God is ever present in the heart. 342. When all is very still you can feel the divine presence. 343. He is untouched by the world who finds God everywhere. 344. Detach your awareness from the body into the soul. 345. Enter the region where all time stands still. 346. Can you see the origin of the mind in meditation? 347. I am revealed when the heart is pure. 348. Follow the path of the master until the goal is reached. 349. The treasures of the heart are revealed by divine love. 350. Tapas is curbing desires to experience God in meditation. 351. The Guru takes responsibility for the chela’s progress. 352. See with eyes of crystal in the cave of vision. 353. You live in the breath of God. 354. The mind wanders until it finds its origin. 355. Listen to the sound beyond creation and merge in it. 356. The yogi gains peace in meditation to see God. 357. Enjoy the peace flowing through the universe within your awakened soul. 358. Pierce through the void and see the face of truth. 359. In the deep silence of total being God is found. 360. The experience of I Am That is the gateway to immortality. 361. You go through many doors until you see the light. 362. Yoga is the bridge to eternity liberating the soul. 363. God resides in the stillness of the soul as the inner guide. 364. You must isolate the mind to become aware of the Spirit. 365. God comes when the inner flame lights the way to self realization
  5. Suffering and turmoil befalls a person who thinks he and God are seperate entity. When one merges with the Supreme Brahman one becomes a Mahatma and he sees God in ever living beings. His aura becomes more poweful than any others who think God is somewhere in the heavens. The choice is yours. Do you want to remain a ignorant being seeking God elsewhere or realize that HE is withing reach. Sri Ragavendra, Ramalingam Adikhal, Ramakrishna Pramahamsa, Sidhartha Gauthama Buddha, Shirdi Sai Baba, Manaikavasagar, Thirunauvkarasar and many others are example of human merging with God. They discovered God within them and not else where. The wisdom of truth will not be known to those who live in the dark. Open your mind and heart only than you will see light which burns in you and that light is God who has given you the free will to decide what you want to be. If you want to remain in the dark and take several birth before you discover the real TRUTH or realize it in this birth is you choice. No one can force you to choose. The choice is left to you.
  6. The Paramahamsa Upanishad 1. Narada (Lord of Events) inquired of the Lord of Love: "What is the state of the illumined man?" The Lord replied: "Hard to reach is the state Of the illumined man. Only a few Attain to it. But even one is enough. For he is the pure Self of the Scriptures; He is truly great because he serves me. And I reveal myself through him always." He has renounced all selfish attachments And observes no rites or ceremonies. He has only minimum possessions, And lives his life for the welfare of all. 2. He has no staff nor tuft nor sacred thread. He faces heat and cold, pleasure and pain, Honor and dishonor with equal calm. He is not affected by calumny, Pride, jealousy, status, joy, or sorrow, Greed, anger, or infatuation, Excitement, egoism, or other goads; For he knows he is neither body nor mind. Free from the sway of doubt and false knowledge He lives united with the Lord of Love. Who is ever serene, immutable, Indivisible, the source of all joy And wisdom. The Lord is his true home, His pilgrim's tuft of hair, his sacred thread; For he has entered the unitive state. 3. Having renounced every selfish desire, He has found his rest in the Lord of Love. Wisdom is the staff that supports him now. Those who take a mendicant's staff while they Are still at the mercy of their senses Cannot escape enormous suffering. The illumined man knows this truth of life. 4. For him the universe is his garment And the Lord not separate from himself. He offers no ancestral oblations; He praises nobody, blames nobody, Is never dependent on anyone. He has no need to repeat the mantram, No more need to practice meditation. The world of change and changeless reality Are one to him, for he sees all in God. 5. The aspirant who is seeking the Lord Must free himself from selfish attachments To people, money, and possessions. When his mind sheds every selfish desire, He becomes free from the duality Of pleasure and pain and rules his senses. No more is he capable of ill will; No more is he subject to elation, For his senses come to rest in the Self. Entering into the unitive state, He attains the goal of evolution. Truly he attains the goal of evolution. O M shanti shanti shanti
  7. Dear Raguraman, Forgive me if I give you the notion that I hate Vaishnava Acharyas. I hate no acharayas. Why would I hate them? Did they deprive me of my life for me to hate them. You have misunderstood me. When there are people who condemn Gandhiji for his sacrifice he made to bring independance to India surely a true Indian would not stand to such insults. I respect SP for his untiring work he had done during his life time to spread the teaching of the holy Gita but he fail to teach his followers to be respectful to followers of other dieties. The HK's may not call themselc=ves Hindus but we consider them as one and KC as a branch of Hinsuism. I am a devotee of all Hindu Gods as I see them as one and the same. The Supreme Brahman is he menefestation of all forms and name does not matter for me. But I have my own ishta devata and she is Mother Durga. For me all powers come from her but do I speak of her greatness here. No, I do not because I know there are others who think great of their own personal God like Krishna for Vaishnava. To me it make no difference. As for me I am a Hindu and I know the essance of Hinduism. Do not say I hate Vaisnavas coz as far as I am concern they are Hindus too. But I find that they do not want to be in the fold and like Pakistan they wish to be seperated from the main body. Once again I am sorry if I have offended you in any way. The truth is more important and I will speak my mind if there is any false accusation about Gandghiji although I was not born in India yet I have great respect for the mahatma.
  8. A great soul is one who sacrifice his life for the poor and meek. Tell me what Srila Prabhupada sacrificed for? I respect Srila Prabhupada for his [only] effort in preaching the Gita to the westerners. Besides that he has nothing great to be proud of. There were masters before him who had odne the same. He was only following their footsteps. Do you know about Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami of Kauai? Kauai's Hindu Monastery is also home to Himalayan Academy, Hindu Heritage Endowment founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (below) (1927-2001) and is the home of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and the order of 21 swamis, yogis and sadhakas from six nations and is the Theological Seminary for Saiva Siddhanta Church housed on 458 acres of tropical lushness in Kauai, Hawaii. Right in the midst of the monastery complex is the renowned "Kadaval Nataraj Temple" where an exquisite six-foot tall, 150-year-old bronze image of Lord Nataraja is enshrined. Hindu pilgrims have been coming to the temple from around the world for over 30 years, to worship and seek audience and darshan with the Guru Mahasannidhanam. Saiva Siddhanta Church, founded in 1949, was incorporated under the laws of the United States of America in the State of California on December 30, 1957, and received recognition of its US Internal Revenue tax exempt status as a church on February 12, 1962. Its USA employer identification number is 94-6108645. Among America's oldest Hindu institutions, it established its international headquarters on Kauai, Hawaii on February 5, 1970. From this Garden Island in the Pacific Ocean, northernmost of the Hawaiian chain that forms the world's most remote land mass, the Church broadly serves the one billion-strong Hindu faith (fully one-sixth of the human family). The Church's ministry is dedicated to nurturing the membership and local missions in four continents and to serving, primarily through publications, the community of Hindus throughout the world. In August of 1986, the World Religious Parliament in New Delhi honored Subramuniyaswami as one of five Hindu spiritual leaders outside of India who had most dynamically promoted Sanatana Dharma in the past 25 years. He was given the title Jagadacharya, "World Teacher." In April of 1988, he was selected to represent Hinduism at the five-day Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival, held in England at Oxford University, and again in Moscow from January 11 to 15, 1990; and in Brazil, June 5-7, 1992. At Chicago's historic centenary Parliament of the World's Religions in September, 1993, he was elected to the Presidents' Assembly, a core group of 25 men and women representing the world's faiths. Once in a while on this Earth there arises a soul who, by living his tradition rightly and wholly, perfects his path and becomes a light to the world. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami was such a being, a living example of awakening and wisdom, a leader recognized worldwide as one of Hinduism's foremost ministers. In 1947, as a young man of 20, he journeyed to India and Sri Lanka and two years later was initiated into sannyasa by the renowned siddha yogi and worshiper of Siva, Jnanaguru Yogaswami of Sri Lanka, regarded as one of the 20th century's most remarkable mystics. Gurudeva was lauded as one of the strictest and most traditional gurus in the world. His Hindu Church nurtures its membership and local missions on five continents. The Academy serves, personally and through its magazine, books, courses and travel/study programs, serious seekers and Hindus of all denominations. Gurudeva's mission, received from his satguru, was to protect, preserve and promote the Saivite Hindu religion as expressed through its three pillars: temples, satgurus and scripture. That mission is now carried forward by his monastic and family communities. The congregation of Saiva Siddhanta Church is a disciplined, global fellowship of family initiates, monastics and students who follow the sadhana marga, the path of inner effort, yogic striving and personal transformation. Gurudeva was the hereditary guru of 2.5 million Sri Lankan Hindus. His various institutions form a Jaffna-Tamil-based organization which has branched out from his Sri Subramuniya Ashram in Alaveddy to meet the needs of the growing Hindu diaspora of this century. He also established a seven-acre monastery in Mauritius, which includes a public Spiritual Park. Gurudeva gently oversaw more than 50 independent temples worldwide. Missionaries and teachers within the family membership provide counseling and classes in Saivism for children, youth and adults. Then in 1995 it bestowed on him the title of Dharmachakra for his remarkable publications. The Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival chose Subramuniyaswami as a Hindu representative at its unique conferences. Thus, at Oxford, England, in 1988, Moscow in 1990 and Rio de Janiero in 1992, he joined hundreds of religious, political and scientific leaders from all countries to discuss privately, for the first time, the future of human life on this planet. At Chicago's historic centenary Parliament of the World's Religions in September, 1993, Gurudeva was elected one of three presidents, along with His Holiness Swami Chidananda Saraswati of the Rishikesh-based Divine Life Society and Kerala's Ammachi, Mata Amritanandamayi Ma, to represent Hinduism at the prestigious Presidents' Assembly, a core group of 25 men and women voicing the needs of world faiths. In April of 1999 Gurudeva lead 45 spiritual aspirants on an Innersearch from Vancouver to Anchorage, Alaska. Their ship, the MS Noordam, journeyed for 7 days and nights as they studied meditation and the mystical life together, explored the glaciers and redefined the cruise experience along the way. In Anchorage, Gurudeva founded the first Hindu temple in that state, calling together the native American Indian leaders to participate in the event. He also initiated a powerful series of book signings in California, Washington and Alaska, introducing his newest legacy book, Merging with Siva, to thousands of seekers. In August he traveled to Malaysia and Mauritius, where he met with the nation's leaders on several family-related topics, opened his Spiritual Park for 3,000 special guests, spent precious time with his Church members and continued the dynamic book signings, this time adding his newest book, Weaver's Wisdom, to the list. In March and April of 2000 he lead another Innersearch Travel-Study program to the Caribbean, visiting six nations with 53 of his devotees and meeting the Hindu leadership in that remote part of the world, with special events among 4,500 Hindus who came to honor him in Trinidad. In August of 2001 Gurudeva took 72 devotees on an incredible journey through Northern Europe, founding new Hindu temples along the way and visiting the Tamil communities in a dozen nations. It was a fitting end to his remarkable life. Just before departing for the European Innersearch, he completed his last legacy book, ''Living with Siva.'' Only weeks after returning from that dynamic odyssey, he attained his Maha Samadhi. Gurudeva was known to the end for spending personal time with new members, island visitors who pilgrimaged to his sacred home on Kauai and new young monks who have come to the monastery to give their life in selfless service and the Great Search for God within man. All of his work and mission, his amazing vision and all-encompassing projects now go forward under the able guidance of his successor, Bodhinatha. Aum Namasivaya! There is more about the Satguru but I think this will suffice to make you understand who else should be called mahatma beside Gandhiji.
  9. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY GOD? WHAT ARE THE EVIDENCES FOR THE (OMNI) PRESENCE OF GOD? WHAT PREVENTS US FROM REALISING GOD'S PRESENCE? God, to me, is the infinite Being who is immanent in everyone and everything and who transcends everyone and every­thing in the universe; He (or She if you prefer) is thus omni­present; and He is also omniscient and omnipotent. This life and the worlds we see are the play or display of His infinite powers and potenials; He is the Original Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the worlds; He is the Director of the play of Life and Dispenser of the results of players. He is formless and limitless but can assume any number of forms and limitations. He is the eternal "I" hiding behind numerous "i"s in bodies, minds, etc. Indeed, God = Man - (false) ego, as Baba has said! He is free and so has given the individual beings who are derived from Him, freewill. Given this freewill, Beings (known as jivas in samskrit) begin to play the Game of Life and become responsible for all their actions (which are fol­lowed by appropriate reactions as the Rule of the Game re­quires). If you identify yourself with Him, you enjoy the Game as the Inventor of a Game or as the spectator of a Game enjoys it. But if you have forgotten Him by identifying yourself with your Role in the Game or with your Body-Mind-Intelli­gence, you may be pleased or pained alternately as the Game proceeds in your favour or against your wishes. When the pleasure-pain cycle fatigues you, you seek release from the Role. But from one Role to another, you alternate and again become tired. Now, God appearing differ­ent from you, understands your agony and slowly makes you realise that you are not the Role but the Role-player, that you are not the body or mind or the intelligence but the one who is using them. At last you become aware who you really are-and there is a big merry laugh! The roles, the pleasures and pains have been self-imposed for the bliss of it! If you are like the Prisoner in a Jail bound by the results of your actions, you are said to be a bonded Being. But if you are like the Jail Superintendent, you are also in Jail most of the time, but free to leave it when you like (except for the sake of doing your duty voluntarily accepted by you), you are said to be a liberated-in-life person, a Jivan Mukta! As a Mukta or liberated person you are enjoying life! As a Bonded being, you don't! The Evidences for the omni presence of God are: (i) Consider the movement of planets and the earth in space: What a precision! What an accurate maintenance of distances, speeds etc.! If a plane or a rocket moves like that in the sky or space, you know that an intelligent man is in the pilot's seat or that some very intelligent man is remote-controlling it. But if a planet is moving, will you say it is an accident? Can't we infer the presence of a Super-intelligent Being behind that? (ii) Consider what Cressy Morrison, a Scientist seems to have written many years ago: The Sun to Earth distance is approximately 9x107 miles; if it is less, we will be roasted; if it is more, we will freeze! Similarly the Moon to Earth distance is approx. 2x105 miles; if it is less, the ocean waves will rise up so high that we will all be under water! Again, if the Earth's Crust had been 10 feet thicker, it has been estimated that Oxygen would not have been available in air and there would have been no life on earth! Similarly if the sea had been deeper by some feet, Carbon dioxide would have been absorbed by it and plants could not have grown and Oxygen would not have been available! Think again of the eel which swims to Bermuda even if it is born near Europe! Who taught it all that? Think of the Tarantula (which exists in USA in deserts etc.) which seems to be specifically created for the pepsis to lay its eggs on, after anesthetisation and used as the food for the larvae! (If killed instead of being anesthetised, it would decay and be not available as food!). Again, it seems that in Australia people once used cactus fences; their terrible propagation rate however became a horrible problem. It could not be checked by chemicals etc.etc. Then, a specific Bacteria was found to exist in Nature to eat the Cacti away! It was imported-it killed the Cacti and became extinct itself! What accurate specificity! What a balance! And if someone says it is all just an accident in Nature, then Shake­speare's plays are accidents too? A computer can write them? Ha! As a scientifically trained person, I believe it is not at all scientific to say that there is no super-intelligent omnipresent being behind all this! We see Atomic spectral lines and deduce the electron configurations in atoms. We observe some reactions and their rates and deduce their mechanisms. Using the same sort of reasoning, we can deduce the omni­presence of a Being behind all these phenomena! What Prevents us from Realising God's presence? What prevents us from realising this is our total dependence on our senses, instruments and our minds. No, Sir! That is not enough! Is Newtonian Mechanics enough to understand sub-atomic phenomena? We know that we have to resort to quantum mechanics. Are ears, noses, skin and tongue capable of seeing colours?! Only the eyes can perceive colours! So too, God cannot be perceived by senses and the instru­ments (which are extensions of the senses) or by the mind! Only Intuition or Insight can perceive God! This is present in all of us but because most of us do not use it, it tends to atrophy! How to activate this faculty of Intuition and Insight? If you like I will use a simile to help you to understand it: Think of a Cinema Theatre where a morning show or Noon show is on. To see the picture on the screen, (i) you have to get the ticket, (ii) the doors must be closed enough (iii) no strong lights must be on, inside; and (iv) no loud talking must be done. The Human body is like that Theatre. The Screen is the Intuition. The picture is Insight. The ticket is Guru or God's Grace . The doors are the senses which must be suffi­ciently controlled! The inside lights are thoughts which must be controlled or avoided! Loud Talk is Excessive Desires! There must be a ceiling on Desires! So, if you do all that, by the Grace of the Guru-God, you can have intuition and insight. The so-called Vedas are based on this only. By intuition and insight only the Vedic Seer-Saint has sung: "I know Him, the greatest Lord of all! He shines like the sun (in the sky of my Insight) beyond the darkness ( of a closed Mind and limited senses)! He has become or made all that has form and name! Through His creation that can be observed, He is showing His presence, Power and Glory!"
  10. barney


    Many are the gurus who are proficient to the utmost in Vedas and Shastras; but rare is the guru who has attained to the supreme Truth. Many are the gurus on earth who give what is other than the Self; but rare is the guru who brings to light the Atman. Many are the gurus who rob the disciple of his wealth; but rare is the guru who removes the disciple's afflictions. Many are they who are given to the discipline and conduct according to caste, stage, and family; but he who is devoid of all volition is a guru rare to find. He is the guru by whose very contact there flows the supreme bliss; the intelligent man shall choose such a one as the guru and no other. 22. Hinduism. Kularnava Tantra 13
  11. Prabhupada may have mastered the Gita but he has no ability to see the wisdom of Gandhi. He did not knight himself but was called Mahatma by the people of India. If not for him India would not have got her independence before the other nation under Britsh rule. What did Parabhupada did to gain the freedom of India? What did he do the stop the blood bath between the Muslims and Hindus? But Gandhi did by hunger strike, by going to prison and by getting killed by the same Hindus he helped to save from the British. Ungreatful Hindu fanatics killed the man who freed India. Giving independence to Pakistan was a wise decision at the time. If he had not agreed can you foresee what would have happened after independence than? It is easy to pass remark on such a great soul of the world without considering the time and situation but in practical could any of you have done what Gandhi did? The Koran does not discriminate or speak evil of othe faiths. It is the hadis, please do not just make your own conclution. The Koran and the Hadis are two different books. Can you quote from the Koran in which part it says kill all non believers? I know and I have the Kopran and Hadis with me. Most muslims follow the Hadis of Al' Bukhari and in it you will read all that is said about Islam. I did post the whole script here sometime back but was removed by the admin. You must be out of your mind if you say Gandhi was the cause of the division.
  12. It has been said a million times by great seers but people have their own notion. For ages the scriptures had been misinterpreted by many for what they perceive. Here we see the KC's being confused by their masters and the Vaishnavas and Shivaits being confused by their teachers and so are the Christians, Jews and Muslims. Even the Buddhist too misuderstood the teachings of the Buddha. They were strictly told not to make him an idol of worship but we see his instructions were not heeded. So many are living with confused minds and are confusing those who speak the truth. But do not worry time will heal. Eventualy they will realize the mistake. As far as the wise ones they should keep mum and follow the sequence and let nature change the ways of the ignorant.
  13. ‘Unique’ India is ‘shining’ Author: A Staff Reporter Publication: Times of Oman February 18, 2004 URL: http://www.timesofoman.com/newsdetails.asp?newsid=51131&pn=local Do you know any country where a Hindu is prime minister, a Muslim is president and a Christian is defence minister? An eminent scientist posed this question to a packed hall of eager audience here yesterday. With that, Dr Gopalakrishnan, scientist at the CSIR, and honorary director of the Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage, was concluding his speech on the ‘Views of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on Indian heritage’. The crowd in front of him did not have to scratch their heads for the answer. They might have wracked their brains if the question had the word “any country other than India”. And the fact of the matter is that they would not have come up with an answer even after many hours! “Yes, India is the only country in the world where a Hindu prime minister (A.B. Vajpayee), a Muslim president (Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam) and a Christian Defence Minister (George Fernandes) are running the affairs of the nation with a unity of purpose,” said Dr Gopalakrishnan, adding: “India gave the message of unity in diversity to the world... The Vedic message given by India is still spreading the message of love, help, cooperation, rational thinking, scientific vision, patriotic mission, rational spirituality ...” Elaborating Dr Kalam’s views and message for the Indians, the scientist stressed Dr Kalam’s words that “India is the country which respected the peace and freedom of each and every individual and nation. Many countries invaded India for many centuries; Indians had the bitter experience of massive destruction of wealth owing to these invasions. But India never invaded other countries. Indians never destroyed the wealth or looted any other countries. We always sent the message of peace all over the world. This is because we respect the freedom of others. This is our heritage.” Dr Gopalakrisnan said modern science had its roots and branches in India, and called for all-round development which is the need of the hour. “India has the science and technologies. Our ancient scientists had made great achievements in modern science and technologies. The mathematical and astronomical theorems of Aryabhata, Bhaskara, Vateswara, Madhava and many other ancient Indian scientists, developed centuries ago, are great contributions of ancient India to the modern world. Nagarjuna’s contribution through chemistry books stand as a great example on the unique subject of applied inorganic chemistry.” Science and technology was not an alien subject for Indians. Using the heritage of the scientific and technological knowledge existed in India, we have to build up a greater modern India. To bring home this point, Dr Gopalakrishnan quoted Dr Abdul Kalam who had always said: “For 50 years we have been a developing nation. It is time we see ourselves as a developed nation. ...We are among the top five nations of the world in terms of GDP; we have 10 per cent annual growth rate in most areas; we have to have self confidence for informing the world that we are a developed nation, a self-reliant and self-assured nation.” The great scientist-turned-president has no doubt whatsoever that “unless India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. Only strength respects strength”. And that is why Dr Kalam urges Indians that “we must be strong in all spheres ... we must become an economic power ... we must be powerful enough to protect our nation.” The great missile man of India gained experience in research and development in different branches of science and technology from “three great minds — Dr Vikram Sarabhai of the Department of Space; Prof. Satish Dhawan and Dr Brahma Prakash, the father of Indian nuclear materials.” The scientific contributions of Dr Kalam during the 20 years of his service with the Indian Space Research Organisation in developing the Satellite Launching Vehicle (SLV), the achievements in developing 23 types of missiles while working in the Defence Research and Development Organisation and the achievements of nuclear tests on May 11 and 13 are, in Dr Kalam’s own words, the “great milestones in my life”. Dr Gopalakrishna said Dr Kalam always advocated the utilisation of scientific achievements and innovations for the betterment of the common man. Science should always help the needy, poor, weak, in all walks of life. Dr Kalam demonstrated this by utilising space alloys for making artificial limbs for polio-crippled youths. Dr Kalam has reservations on the Indian media. He exhorts the media to be positive. India is a nation with great achievements, strengths and merits. These positive aspects are to be brought to light, instead of printing always the negatives. Indian achievements are worth projecting to the world and Dr Kalam urges the media to focus on them. “We are the first in milk production; we are number one in remote-sensing satellite; we are the second largest producer of wheat; we are the second largest producer of rice...” Dr Gopalakrishanan said the president always concluded his message saying: “You must proclaim India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation.” The president also takes a dig at those Indians who always feel proud of the greatness of “the countries they visit; they appreciate others’ discipline, hard work, etc., etc.” But these positives seen in other countries are to be translated to Indian life also. “Learning to follow the rules and respecting the country’s heritage are inevitably important for progress. We expect the government to do everything for us.” Dr Gopalakrishan exhorted the gathering, quoting the words of Dr Kalam, that there need to be a change of mentality — the mentality to “wait for a Mr Clean to come along and work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away”. “We expect the government to clean up everything, after electing them to power. But we are not going to stop chucking the garbage all over the place, nor are we going to stop to pick up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin.” Like former US president John F. Kennedy, President Kalam also urges the people of India to “ask what we can do for India and do what has to be done to make India what America and other western countries are today. Let us do what India needs from us.” Dr Kalam, with a missionary spirit of taking science to the forefront and with the spirit of taking India to the forefront of the world within the next 15 years, looks forward to making the nation as the most developed country by 2020, converting India into a knowledge-based country. The tremendous potential of youths; the fast developing infrastructure; the peaceful atmosphere; the enthusiasm prevailing in the field of process and product development and the ultra modern technology with a sound background of the international language, English, — all these are among the advantages of India, and Dr Gopalakrishnan quoted Dr Abdul Kalam’s words to bring home his point that “India is changing; we have to make the world understand the greatness of our motherland.”
  14. It is therefore necessary for me once for all distinctly to give my meaning of sanatana Hinduism. The word sanatana I use in its natural sense. I call myself a sanatani Hindu, because, 1. I believe in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas and allthat goes by the name of Hindu scriptures, and therefore in avatars and rebirth, 2. I believe in the varnashrama dharma in a sense in my opinion strictly Vedic but not in its present popular and crude sense, 3. I believe in the protection of the cow in its much larger sense than the popular, 4. I do not disbelieve in idol-worship. The reader will note that I have purposely refrained from using the word divine origin in reference to the Vedas or any other scriptures. For I do not believe in the exclusive divinity of the Vedas. I believe the Bible, the Koran, and the Zend-Avesta to be as much divinely inspired as the Vedas. My belief in the Hindu scriptures does not require me to accept every word and every verse as divinely inspired. Nor do I claim to have any first-hand knowledge of these wonderful books. But I do claim to know and feel the truths of the essential teaching of the scriptures. I decline to be bound by any interpretation, however learned it may be, if it is repugnant to reason or moral sense. I do most emphatically repudiate the claim (if they advance any such) of the present Shankaracharyas and shastris to give a correct interpretation of the Hindu scriptures. On the contrary I believe, that our present knowledge of these books is in a most chaotic state. I believe implicitly in the Hindu aphorism, that no one truly knows the Shastras who has not attained perfection in innocence (ahimsa), truth (satya) and self-control (brahmacharya) and who has not renounced all acquisition or possession of wealth. I believe in the institution of gurus, but in this age millions must go without a guru, because it is a rare thing to find a combination of perfect purity and perfect learning. But one need not despair of ever knowing the truth of one’s religion, because the fundamentals of Hinduism as of every great religion are unchangeable, and easily understood. Every Hindu believes in God and his oneness, in rebirth and salvation. But that which distinguishes Hinduism from every other religion is its cow-protection, more than its varnashrama. Varnashrama is, in my opinion, inherent in human nature, and Hinduism has simply reduced it to a science. It does attach to birth. A man cannot change his varna by choice. Not to abide by one’s varna is to disregard the law of heredity. The division, however, into innumerable castes is an unwarranted liberty taken with the doctrine. The four divisions are all-sufficing. I do not believe, that inter-dining or even inter-marriage necessarily deprives a man of his status that his birth has given him. The four divisions define a man’s calling, they do not restrict or regulate social intercourse. The divisions define duties, they confer no privileges. It is, I hold, against the genius of Hinduism to arrogate to oneself a higher status or assign to another a lower. All are born to serve God’s creation, a Brahmin with his knowledge, a Kshatriya with his power of protection, a Vaisya with his commercial ability and a Sudra with his bodily labour. This however does not mean that a Brahmin for instance is absolved from bodily labour, or the duty of protecting himself and others. His birth makes a Brahmin predominantly a man of knowledge, the fittest by heredity and training to impart it to others. There nothing, again, to prevent the Sudra from acquiring all the knowledge he wishes. Only, he will best serve with his body and need not envy others their special qualities for service. But a Brahmin who claims superiority by right of knowledge falls and has no knowledge. And so with the others who pride themselves their special qualities. Varnashrama is self-restraint and conservation and economy of energy. Though therefore varnashrama is not affected by inter-dining or inter-marriage, Hinduism does most emphatically discourage inter-dining and inter-marriage between divisions. Hinduism reached the highest limit of self-restraint. It is undoubtedly a religion of renunciation of tile flesh so that the spirit may be set free. It is no part of a Hindu’s duty to dine with his son. And by restricting his choice of a bride to a particular group, he exercises rare self-restraint. Hinduism does not regard a married state as by any means essential for salvation. Marriage is a “fall” even as birth is a “fall”. Salvation is freedom from birth and hence death also. Prohibition against inter-marriage and inter-dining is essential for a rapid evolution of the soul. But this self-denial is no test of varna. A Brahmin may remain a Brahmin, though he may dine with his Sudra brother, if he has not left off his duty of service by knowledge. It follows from what I have said above, that restraint in matters of marriage and dining is not based upon notions of superiority. A Hindu who refuses to dine with another from a sense of superiority misrepresents his dharma. Unfortunately, today Hinduism seems to consist merely in eating and not-eating. Once I horrified a pious Hindu by taking toast at a Mussulman’s house. I saw, that he was pained to see me pouring milk into a cup handed by a Mussulman friend, but his anguish knew no bounds when he saw me taking toast at the Mussulman’s hands. Hinduism is in danger of losing its substance if it resolves itself into a matter of elaborate rules as to what and with whom to eat. Abstemiousness from intoxicating drinks and drugs, and from all kinds of foods, especially meat, is undoubtedly a great aid to the evolution of the spirit, but it is by no means an end in itself. Many a man eating meat and with everybody but living in the fear of God is nearer his freedom than a man religiously abstaining from meat and many other things, but blaspheming God in every one of his acts. The central fact of Hinduism however is cow-protection. Cow-protection to me is one of the most wonderful phenomena in human evolution. It takes the human being beyond his species. The cow to me means the entire sub-human world. Man through the cow is enjoined to realize his identity with all that lives. Why the cow was selected for apotheosis is obvious to me. The cow was in India the best companion. She was the giver of plenty. Not only did she give milk, but she also made agriculture possible. The cow is a poem of pity. One reads pity in the gentle animal. She is the mother to millions of Indian mankind. Protection of the cow means protection of the whole dumb creation of God. The ancient seer, whoever he was, began with the cow. The appeal of the lower order of creation is all the more forcible because it is speechless. Cow-protection is the gift of Hinduism to the world. And Hinduism will live so long as there are Hindus to protect the cow. The way to protect is to die for her. It is a denial of Hinduism in and ahimsa to kill a human being to protect a cow. Hindus are enjoined to protect the cow by their tapasya, by self-purification, by self-sacrifice. The present-day cow-protection has degenerated into a perpetual feud with the Mussulmans, whereas cow-protection means conquering Mussulmans by our love. A Mussulman friend sent me some time ago a book detailing the inhumanities practised by us on the cow and her progeny. How we bleed her to take the last drop of milk from her, how we starve her to emaciation, how we ill-treat the calves, how we deprive them of their portion of milk, how cruelly we treat the oxen, how we castrate them, how we beat them, how we overload them. If they had speech, they would bear witness to our crimes against them which would stagger the world. By every act of cruelty to our cattle, we disown God and Hinduism. I do not know that the condition of the cattle in any other part of the world is so bad as in unhappy India. We may not blame the Englishman for this. We may not plead poverty in our defence. Criminal negligence is the only cause of the miserable condition of our cattle. Our pinjrapoles, though they are an answer to our instinct of mercy, are a clumsy demonstration of its execution. Instead of being model dairy farms and great profitable national institutions, they are merely depots for receiving decrepit cattle. Hindus will be judged not by their tilaks, not by the correct chanting of mantras, not by their pilgrimages, not by their most punctilious observance of caste rules but by their ability to protect the cow. Whilst professing the religion of cow-protection, we have enslaved the cow and her progeny, and have become slaves ourselves. It will now be understood why I consider myself a sanatani Hindu. I yield to none in my regard for the cow. I have made the Khilafat cause my own, because I see that through its preservation full protection can be secured for the cow. I do not ask my Mussulman friends to save the cow in consideration of my service. My prayer ascends daily to God Almighty, that my service of a cause I hold to be just may appear so pleasing to Him, that He may change the hearts of the Mussulmans, and fill them with pity for their Hindu neighbours and make them save the animal the latter hold dear as life itself. I can no more describe my feeling for Hinduism than for my own wife. She moves me as no other woman in the world can. Not that she has no faults. I dare say she has many more than I see myself. But the feeling of an indissoluble bond is there. Even so I feel for and about Hinduism with all its faults and limitations. Nothing elates me so much as the music of the Gita or the Ramayana by Tulsidas, the only two books in Hinduism I may be said to know. When I fancied I was taking my last breath, the Gita was my solace. I know the vice that is going on today in all the great Hindu shrines, but I love them in spite of their unspeakable failings. There is an interest which I take in them and which I take in no other. I am a reformer through and through. But my zeal never takes me to the rejection of any of the essential things of Hinduism. I have said I do not disbelieve in idol-worship. An idol does not excite any feeling of veneration in me. But I think that idol-worship is part of human nature. We hanker after symbolism. Why should one be more composed in a church than elsewhere? Images are an aid to worship. No Hindu considers an image to he God. I do not consider idol-worship a sin. It is clear from the foregoing, that Hinduism is not an exclusiv religion. In it there is room for the worship of all the prophets of the world. It is not a missionary religion in the ordinary sense of the term. It has no doubt absorbed many tribes in its fold, but this absorption has been of an evolutionary imperceptible character. Hinduism tells everyone to worship God according to his own faith or dharma, and so it lives at peace with all the religions. That being my conception of Hinduism, I have never been able to reconcile myself to untouchability. I have always regarded it as an excrescence. It is true that it has been handed down to us from generations, but so are many evil practices even to this day. I should be ashamed to think that dedication of girls to virtual prostitution was a part of Hinduism. Yet it is practised by Hindus in many parts of India. I consider it positive irreligion to sacrifice goats to Kali and do not consider it a part of Hinduism. Hinduism is a growth of ages. The very name, Hinduism, was given to the religion of the people of Hindustan by foreigners. There was no doubt at one time sacrifice of animals offered in the name of religion. But it is not religion, much less is it Hindu religion. And so also it seems to me, that when cow-protection became an article of faith with our ancestors, those who persisted in eating beef were excommunicated. The civil strife must have been fierce. Social boycott was applied not only to the recalcitrants, but their sins were visited upon their children also. The practice which had probably its origin in good intentions hardened into usage, and even verses crept in our sacred books giving the practice a permanence wholly undeserved and still less justified. Whether my theory is correct or not, untouchability is repugnant to reason and to the instinct of mercy, pity or love. A religion that establishes the worship of the cow cannot possibly countenance or warrant a cruel and inhuman boycott of human beings. And I should be content to be torn to pieces rather than disown the suppressed classes. Hindus will certainly never deserve freedom, nor get it if they allow their noble religion to be disgraced by the retention of the taint of untouchability. And as I love Hinduism dearer than life itself, the taint has become for me an intolerable burden. Let us not deny God by denying to a fifth of our race the right of association on an equal footing. M. K. Gandhi, Young India, 6-10-1921
  15. barney


    <false... every name is a different person and a different destination. Krsna does not cheat us, if we want krsna .. krsna comes. Bhakti means love, if i love my wife it does not mean that i love also your one> You are ignorant of the TRUTH. Path to God is many and experience and proves are many. The path by Adthi Shankara was different but the ultimate goal is one. The path taken my Swami Ramakrishna was different from Adthi Shankara but the ultimate goal is one. The path Buddha took was different but the goal was the same. Bakthi is love and you can show it not only by loving Krishna but by any other means. Love for your fellow human, service to mankind and caring for the needy is all love which in turn will ultimately goes to the Lord. You are confused because you are travelin in one track which is dangerous. Islam is one track and see how much problems it creates not only to its followers but to the whole world. Your love for your wife would be different from lovinbg my wife until and unless you have ulterior motive coz my love for your wife would be love for another being. <not exact, some of these forms you have said are god, some other are not god, some one is the supreme personality of god> Please define who is and who is not. As I have said ignorance can blind a person of reasoning. All forms of God came from one source and that is Brahman or the Supreme Power which the wise one call it SAKTHI. And sakthi has another meaning which is SHE. You need to dwell more on it before you make any conclution. <our mainstream simply seems that you do not want that people go deep in spirituality but remain superficial thinking that everything's the same> What is superficial thinking and what is sprituality? Do you mean that going to the temples I have mentioned is suoperficial? Please tell that to the millions who congregate at these temple day in and day out. Do you insist that these people close the temples? What is your basis? Do not say what you do not understand. <so what do you want to do with this union if you will get it? and union on wich basis? simply to adopt a meaningless name?> Do you know the base on what Hinduism has existed for thousands of years? Untity and understanding among the worshipers of these Godheads. I think you are asking for the clash of the Titans among the followers of Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva and Murugan. You have a disturbed mind that needs help. Please seek the help of a divine Guru.
  16. barney


    It can be Krishan, Shiva, Sakthi, Ganapathy or Murugan. It does not matter what nama but pue bakthi must be there in order to receive his grace. Do be like the Christians or Muslims who say only utter he name of Jesus/Allah. Hinduism is unique and gives the freedom to accept any form of the Supreme. Hindus are not barred from entering any temples be it Krishna, Vengatachalabathi or Shiva, Aghilandeshwari or Murugan, Ganapathy or Perumal. They are God in different manifestation. Some Hindus would like to segregate themselves from the mainstream which would only divide furher the unity of Hndus.
  17. But in whose heart is evil playing now? Did you consider why innocent people are dragged into this war? Fear is not only in your heart but in every living beings. The tiger fears when man encroaches into its territory, the snake fears when man digs into its hole, the elephant the largest mammal in the world fears when porchers approach it and each of us fear when our instinct tell us thers is danger. So, it is natural for eveyone to fear. But at the same time when your country is in danger of being attacked by enemy forces than you must put your fear aside and be prepared to sacrifice your life to defend your country against the enemy. You may be a faggot but that should not be the reason for you to hide your head in the toilet bowl. If it is you fate to die no one can stop it. You will only die once at least die a heroic death. From the beginning Islam had shown to be a hosile religion that brought extreme violence against non Muslims around the world. Afghanistan, Persia, Spain, India and many other countries had lost their own culture because of Islam. If Islam is a peaceful religion than where did all the suicide bombers come from? Are they Christians, Hindus, Bhais, Buddhist, Jains, Jews or Toaist? Please tell me who are they and what religion they belong to. The WTC was a god example and Osama Bin Laden is evil. As long as Islam is here the world would not experience real peace.
  18. barney


    I am the conscience in the heart of all creatures I am their beginning, their being, their end; I am the mind of the senses, I am the radiant sun among lights; I am the song in sacred lore; I am the king of deities; I am the priest of great seers; Of words, I am the eternal OM, the prayer of sacrifices I am the measure of what endures I am the chief of divine sages, leader of celestial musicians. I am the recluse philosopher among saints. I am the thunderbolt among weapons among cattle, the Kamadhenu I am the procreative god of love I am the endless cosmic serpent, the lord of all sea creatures; I am the chief of the ancestral fathers. I am gracious Siva among howling storms. Of restraints, I am death, Of measures, I am time. I am the purifying wind. I am the cleansing Ganga Of sciences, I am the science of the self; I am the dispute of orators. I am victory and resolve, the lucidity of lucid men. I am the brilliance of fiery heroes. I am the morality of ambitious men; I am the silence of the mystery I am the seed of all creatures I am the death destroyer of all. -- Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
  19. barney


    Guru Brarhmaa Gurur Vishhnuh Gururdevo Maheshvarah . Guruh Saakshaat Parabrahma Tasmai Shrii Guravenamah .. [i prostrate to that Shree Guru, who is himself Brahma, Vishnu, and God Maheshwara, and who is verily the Supreme Absolute itself].
  20. MEDITATION MESSAGES Chapter Seven 1. That which cannot be seen is the origin of our existence. 2. When all your duties are done where is time left for finding God? 3. The presence that is felt in meditation cannot be experienced in the world. 4. The longer you try the closer you get to the goal. 5. The inner Guru comes when the doors open by intense meditation. 6. God is standing here before your eyes but you do not see Him. 7. The light from which all wisdom comes lies hidden in your heart. 8. The mystery of God cannot be solved by the mind without His grace. 9. Until He comes the soul bound by ignorance forgets its true home. 10. The dream of freedom becomes a reality when the soul finds God. 11. Take a journey along the path to the heavens by meditation. 12. To live in the consciousness of the truth requires effort. 13. The only reality is the Lord that you seek. 14. In the mind’s deeper reaches a seed yearns to grow into divinity. 15. The living presence of God must be felt in meditation to become reality. 16. To leave the body and fly free from the mind leads to realization. 17. The experience of samadhi constitutes the solid foundation of truth. 18. Aum is the gateway to the higher freedom. 19. The body is a shell through which the soul moves toward God. 20. Make your surrender complete to see His face. 21. The name of God is a life raft taking you to eternity’s shore. 22. The realization of God opens a window letting the soul know its immortality. 23. The search for God takes many lifetimes until desires are replaced by wisdom. 24. When you are in tune with God there is joy every moment. 25. Eternal bliss is the reward of those who seek God to the source. 26. The withdrawn consciousness is the key to immortality. 27. Guidance on the path of life comes to those who can listen. 28. The loving Lord who looks after the universe lives in my heart. 29. He reached enlightenment by negating desires and living in the Eternal. 30. Experience your inner self to discover the proof of God’s existence. 31. Loose yourself in the object of contemplation to leave the body. 32. The waves of intuition come into the seeker for guidance. 33. The appearance of divinity is the fruit of realization. 34. Sit in waiting for the supreme experience that you seek. 35. When you only want Me then I am already here. 36. On the inner levels I will come to you. 37. There are many planes that impact upon our consciousness. 38. Peace is the foundation of progress. 39. Brahman is the underlying principle of the universe. 40. The Lord of eternity is your true source. 41. To seek the truth you need solitude. 42. We are lost in ignorance yearning to be free. 43. God is felt in the silence as a living infinite consciousness. 44. When all forms merge in the One that is realization. 45. Peace is the foundation leading to the expansion of bliss. MEDITATION MESSAGES 46. Living in your true nature is returning to God. 47. To taste the bliss you must make the sacrifice. 48. The indwelling Godhead is the leader in your quest. 49. When the waves of the mind go to its source that is realization. 50. That which aids peace is true understanding. 51. The superconscious state is beyond human speech. 52. The search after God leads to the discovery of oneness. 53. I exist in the ocean of Brahman as a wave. 54. At the summit of existence there is peace in God’s presence. 55. Truth is so versatile that it can be expressed in hundreds of ways. 56. I will come when your love for God surpasses all worldly attachments. 57. That which you cannot see is the cause of your existence. 58. God is a spirit that warms my soul. 59. Absorption in the Absolute is the way to realization. 60. When the screen of the mind is clear then I can flow through. 61. The realization of God must be your main desire. 62. When the Supreme Lord speaks to you in the silence you must listen. 63. The mystic knows the truth of being one with the Infinite. 64. The man who has no desires finds the door open to God. 65. Living in the eternal now is the fruit of realization. 66. Dissolve into the One and be free. 67. Suspend the mind to watch the Spirit. 68. The Spirit has no shape but moves all of creation. 69. The One by which all is held pervades all existence. 70. The secure foundation is the calmness where the mind makes no sound. 71. There are seven states of consciousness along the path to God. 72. Let your devotion be true and all else will follow. 73. Go beyond words to see the truth. 74. Before all was created I alone existed. 75. An enlightened being can liberate the world by raising individual consciousness. 76. Samadhi is silence of the mind where the light shines through. 77. Merge in the light and be free. 78. The ruler in the heart’s lotus city is the highest reality. 79. Everything you desire is not of God. 80. The highest consciousness is won in the absence of thought. 81. Pure awareness is the essence of consciousness. 82. Brahman is infinite consciousness where the light shines through. 83. The higher consciousness is won by prayer and sacrifice. 84. When the entire is sacrificed to God then the descent happens. 85. The one Soul who pervades all existence manifests in the silence. 86. Words of living fire descended into the seeker’s consciousness. 87. Peace and bliss are felt in the silence by the mystic. 88. The One becoming many is the secret of existence. 89. In samadhi you lose all body sensations to realize the Lord. 90. A jivamukta has no cares for the world. MEDITATION MESSAGES 91. Man must know the maker behind all minds. 92. Abide in the silence of your soul and be free. 93. Penetrate the void to know your real bliss. 94. Without devotion you cannot make progress. 95. Experience the truth in the quiet of the soul. 96. The seeking for God is part of the finding. 97. Brahma vidya is knowing your self. 98. The Lord reveals Himself in the silence. 99. The same God is behind all forms. 100. You do not know that the Lord is right in front of you. 101. Bliss floods the soul when you are in tune with God. 102. God paints a picture with our actions. 103. When you only want God then I will come. 104. Become the yogi who conquers the vast sea of consciousness. 105. The search for God must be continuous. 106. I want you to meditate. 107. The bliss you can’t win from the world is available in the heart. 108. The bliss of samadhi is worth the world to attain. 109. I am immortal because I have no birth. 110. Samadhi is a deep sleep where the world disappears. 111. When you die to the world you awake in God. 112. Regain your inner purity top realize the self. 113. Sit in the silence and enjoy the presence of the Lord. 114. Real knowledge has no words. 115. In the deeper layers of consciousness God comes. 116. Concentrate in the void upon the sun of enlightenment. 117. To realize the truth you must cut all attachments in life. 118. Karmic debts can only be repaid with knowledge. 119. To lose consciousness of your body is to soar into samadhi. 120. The first principle is the true essence of your being. 121. No time limits can be set on the quest for God. 122. The one Spirit pervades all of creation unseen by mortal eyes. 123. If you enjoy the bliss of the Infinite then life is worth living. 124. The Guru’s influence is continuous even beyond the body. 125. Soar into samadhi leaving the body behind. 126. Merge in the light to become free. 127. Merge with the Siva to liberate the jiva. 128. When you withdraw from the world troubles cease. 129. Abide in the self and be free. 130. Enjoy the bliss that comes with peace. 131. Only His light must shine in your heart. 132. You will attain the supreme knowledge when your desires cease. 133. The speaker within knows no limits. 134. I am here beyond the senses and the mind. 135. The deep peace is the abode of my manifestation. MEDITATION MESSAGES 136. If you only want God then you will succeed. 137. The ultimate ruler of the universe is in your heart. 138. Real samadhi is when the mind is at peace. 139. When you have no more desires then you can see the Lord. 140. In the stillness I will come. 141. Soar into the bliss of the Infinite. 142. To sit in silence and wait for the Lord is yoga. 143. The indestructible is beyond the limits of the mind. 144. The infinite presence of God is felt in the silence. 145. To listen to the inner voice requires concentration. 146. To search for the truth expands the consciousness into God's light. 147. In the deep recesses of your heart lies the truth. 148. The engine that runs the universe is known when the mind reaches samadhi. 149. Free yourself from the mind to live in God. 150. In the absence of the mind there is peace. 151. That without name or form is contained in all names and forms. 152. Focus your awareness on the one point that leads to infinity. 153. Trace the source of the inner sound that you hear. 154. The bliss of Brahman outweighs the world. 155. Guru bhakti is essential on the spiritual path. 156. Control the mind by focusing on one point. 157. God is one when unmanifest but becomes many when manifest. 158. Annul the self to see God. 159. The vacant mind is the abode of God. 160. Penetrate the core of the void where God lies. 161. Let the divine name purify your soul. 162. Exist in the consciousness of the vast Being who pervades the universe. 163. Brahma vidya is knowing who you are. 164. Absorption into the bliss is the way to Brahman. 165. Divine sparks from a mystic fire come to enlighten the yogi's consciousness. 166. When the mind makes no sound then God is found. 167. Sink into God and become free. 168. When you make God your only objective then success is assured. 169. In the deep consciousness when the mind is vacant then I appear. 170. An ocean of bliss is the goal that we seek. 171. Clear the mind of all ideas to see the truth. 172. We are all brain cells in God's cosmic mind. 173. He looked into eternity and saw the truth. 174. The supreme reality beyond the worlds lives within the center of your heart. 175. The eye of the Linga sees into eternity. 176. A silence pervades the universe that comes from the heart. 177. Thousands have written about Him but no one knows Him. 178. The eternal mystery is right before you. 179. Forget the world and be free from the miseries of time. 180. The liberated soul swims as a swan in the lake of God's bliss. 181. The desires of the mind block realization. MEDITATION MESSAGES 182. Watch the mind empty and become free. 183. Abide in God to feel the bliss within your soul. 184. Nonexistence of the mind is the gateway to immortality. 185. The bliss that you feel justifies the effort. 186. Merge with god to satisfy your soul. 187. In the deep ecstasy of the quiet heart God appears. 188. The ineffable name was upon his lips. 189. We are born into existence to seek the Lord. 190. The inner ruler of my soul has called me. 191. When all the illusions of the mind become still then I will come. 192. There is bliss in silence when you the Divine Being. 193. Have no other concerns but Me. 194. The Infinite takes finite shape to touch the devotee's heart. 195. The mystery of samadhi is solved when God takes hold of your soul. 196. Samadhi is when there are no disturbances to the mind. 197. I exist in the body of God. 198. One universal consciousness is the motor behind activity. 199. Lost in the bliss of the Spirit you do not know the world. 200. Destroy your ego to realize the Lord. 201. When you give yourself completely to the higher consciousness then I will descend. 202. Those who seek after Me are never forsaken. 203. When you abide in your true nature that is samadhi. 204. The deeper layers of consciousness are discovered in samadhi. 205. The Guru works in subtle ways. 206. The yogi experiences true bliss in his heart. 207. I abide on the mountain peak of your soul. 208. I am the flame in your heart that will never die. 209. The Central Reality weaves through the world with the thread of its being. 210. That Brahman which does not change is the sole reality. 211. God can be realized in a flash when His grace descends. 212. The breath of the eternal comes from a source beyond the mind. 213. The core of liberation is living in the Eternal. 214. God is communicating with us through life. 215. The immortality of the soul is realized in meditation. 216. I will exist beyond the body. 217. Beyond the personal God is the impersonal Brahman. 218. The self is the same everywhere. 219. God has always been with you. 220. The discovery of the self comes in the silence. 221. The self is to be won by austerity. 222. The disc of light leads to the world of non-becoming. 223. Samadhi is silence of the mind where all is still. 224. Silence is the self beyond the windows of the mind. 225.Remember God in all things throughout the day. 226. To merge with the Lord you must be pure. 227. He who must reach the top must climb the steps. MEDITATION MESSAGES 228. A yogi has nothing and is free. 229. Renounce everything to find the All. 230. The door is always open for those who can see. 231. Those who follow the light to its source gain enlightenment. 232. A portion of universal consciousness has solidified into man. 233. You must wait for that which is already here. 234. The voice of silence is heard by the mind at peace. 235. Climb the mountain of consciousness by the power of silence. 236. God is the mystery that sends universes into existence. 237. From out of His mind all possibility becomes manifest. 238. The word is only a sign for the truth. 239. Samadhi is when the consciousness arises out of the body into the Infinite. 240. The last journey is when God comes ending all rebirth. 241. Liberation is abiding in God consciousness everyday unaffected by the world. 242. The eyes that can see the Lord must be pure. 243. The distance between man and God is the point of awakening. 244. If from egoism you suffer the goal will not be reached. 245. All the worlds have their root in His cause. 246. The true jnani has no desires since he lives in the wisdom of God. 247. In the center of your being lives the flame of God. 248. The offering of surrender paves the way for God’s face to manifest. 249. The still ocean reflects the movements of the mind at peace. 250. Be all the One has given your soul to fulfill. 251. The longing for God must come first. 252. The undivided consciousness is your true nature. 253. In tune with the Infinite you cast aside all worries. 254. Real knowledge is knowing the self. 255. The center of your existence is the flame of god. 256. Merging in Aum is the gateway to infinity. 257. The call of the heart lights the flame of devotion. 258. The bliss that you feel shows the nearness of God. 259. The intensity of the experience depends upon your effort. 260. Spiritual experiences come with the unfolding of spirit into your consciousness. 261. The crowning experience of meditation is merging in the Divine Presence. 262. You must intensify your tapas to realize God. 263. The bliss you enjoy in meditation cannot be realized in the outside world. 264. A thin veil separates life from death. 265. The soul is immortal as it passes through different bodies. 266. Keep your sadhana a secret from all outside view. 267. False glimmers are the threads that maya weaves through our life. 268. To be one with the Absolute is the goal of sadhana. 269. It comes in the silence of the soul. 270. The clouds move away revealing the Divine Sun when samadhi is experienced. 271. Dissolve in the ocean of bliss. 272. A yogi’s only desire should be for God. 273. Pain and pleasure are the revolving door of life until God is found. MEDITATION MESSAGES 274. Liberation is not possible until you give up all desires. 275. Enjoy the peace of the soul with the mind quiet. 276. Let the world take care of itself while the soul seeks its liberation. 277. Perfection is to be sought in the glory of God. 278. The road to liberation is traveled by no desire. 279. The teacher unknown lies in your heart. 280. In the deep silence of the mind there is pure awareness. 281. In the still hours of awakening the flame of truth reveals eternal enlightenment. 282. Tapas means going inside yourself to find God. 283. I will unlock the doors of your consciousness. 284. From the womb to the tomb the jiva is engulfed in desires. 285. I am beyond the senses and the mind. 286. If you make the supreme sacrifice God will come. 287. To go into samadhi you must go beyond the mind’s roof. 288. A Cosmic Being with love at its center rules the world. 289. The deep love and intensity of Siva’s presence is felt in meditation. 290. Deeper and deeper into higher levels of consciousness the yogi soars in samadhi. 291. The secret of samadhi is to be at peace. 292. The reality of god is oneness. 293. In that oneness we see God’s face. 294. Swallowed up by the divine bliss the soul finds its destiny. 295. The awakening to God reveals the light in the heart. 296. The currents of peace flow through the soul free of desire. 297. The swan swims in the ocean of bliss knowing God is always here. 298. God is the shore to which the yogis sail. 299. The moments of meditation turn into realization when God’s bliss floods the soul. 300. The answer is within to the freedom that you seek. 301. The void is the preparation for the soul’s purification. 302. The higher consciousness comes only when you wait in silence. 303. The Infinite is the key to freedom that unlocks the door to immortality. 304. If the mind wanders the door closes. 305. God is the hope that leads to freedom. 306. When being and nonbecoming merge in bliss then God is found. 307. There is a deep well from which all the worlds come forth. 308. When everything disappears then only God remains. 309. In His light one can see reality. 310. If you want liberation you must use every moment to only seek God. 311. Through the door of opportunity pass divine inspiration that stirs the seeker’s heart. 312. The descent of fire brings the spirit into the yogi’s awakened consciousness. 313. Infinity is the goal that the soul aspires to discover. 314. Above the mind lies the Spirit waiting to be born. 315. The higher realms of consciousness exist for the yogi who enters samadhi. 316. The Spirit of God abides where time and space disappear. 317. He who is always thinking of Me comes to Me. 318. You have no stake in the world till I come. 319. The interior castle is built by devotion. MEDITATION MESSAGES 320. The instructions of the Guru come in the silence. 321. A wave of unknowing sinks the mind in a deep sleep before God. 322. Only pure consciousness remains when God comes. 323. Make yourself a hollow shell to receive Spirit’s animating presence. 324. The eye that sees the vision of reality merges with the Divine Sun. 325. God is the original fire whose burning brought forth the worlds. 326. The call of the flute vibrates within the heart expanding with divine ecstasy. 327. He who can hear Aum’s sound must travel to the source. 328. The window opens to a greater seeing when the mind is attuned. 329. The celestial planes are reached by those who travel beyond the mind. 330. That which has no name or form is the goal of your mission. 331. He meets with you when the doors of love are opened wide. 332. The Guru is here to guide the disciple in meditation. 333. A flower grows toward the light just as the yogi longs for God. 334. You must learn to contain all the forces that you receive. 335. Suffering is not the way to God. 336. Cast the mind into a deep sleep so that God may come through. 337. The feeling of God’s presence is like the warm embrace of living fire. 338. Light the blue flame of devotion within the heart yearning for Spirit’s touch. 339. Penetrate beyond the void to where the glory of the Divine Being manifests. 340. The labyrinth of desire traps the soul into wandering through repeated births. 341. Siva dances in the yogi’s heart lighting the flames of undying ecstasy. 342. In the calm hours of the great awakening God shines through maya’s clouds. 343. The origin of man lies in the mind of God. 344. The cause of awakening is the soul’s growth out of maya. 345. Wisdom reveals the light of God. 346. The chakras open when the soul is ready to experience God’s light. 347. The petals unfold as the kundalini races toward Spirit on the head’s summit. 348. The inner laboratory is where man sees God after long practice of meditation. 349. God is the point from where creation shines through into time and space. 350.On the summit of existence Lord Siva sits radiating wisdom to yogis. 351. When you have nothing left to accomplish your seeds of karma are burnt. 352. The jivamukta is one who is free from action yet works for God. 353. Glide into eternity on the wings of devotion and be free from time. 354. The soul gains moksha by passing into God’s hand and leaving maya behind. 355. Maya is God’s mask of multiplicity by which creation functions in time. 356. The door to the mystic beyond is opened by finding wisdom’s key. 357. That which separates us from the divine presence is our limiting ego. 358. Swamiji is telling you the truth but are you always listening? 359. The beginning of our quest for God leads to that without any end. 360. The soul that has purity reaches the divine goal. 361. The light shines when the psychic doors of perception are opened by yoga. 362. When you burn in God’s fire the ego dissolves without a trace. 363. To attain cosmic consciousness your constant effort must attract divine grace. 364. God is the key around which creation’s house is built. 365. Samadhi is merging the consciousness in divine light until only God remains.
  21. MEDITATION MESSAGES Chapter Six 1. Enlightenment is knowing the self as the center of all existence. 2. The underlying essence is realized in meditation as the infinite space containing all. 3. The spell of maya is broken when the yogi realizes Brahman as his self. 4. Inner peace is experienced as a wide expanse where no ideas can enter. 5. There is another dimension where all exist in freedom. 6. Waves of bliss flood the soul immersed in the vision of God. 7. If you fly to God leave all earthly worries behind. 8. I come through the clouds to reach the light. 9. This is the knowledge of Siva that comes through meditation. 10. A spontaneous flow of the Spirit sustains the truth seeker on his journey. 11. The Guru’s image must be constantly kept in front of the disciple’s mind. 12. The soul takes a body for its growth through life’s trials. 13. Taste the nectar of the divine name flooding your soul with bliss. 14. Samadhi is both the means and the goal of yoga. 15. The Guru works within for the disciple’s welfare. 16. In absolute stillness I will manifest when the consciousness attains samadhi. 17. I am atman ever free because all bliss is in me. 18. The Absolute is realized in the void where all is pure consciousness. 19. True happiness lies within the soul that is attuned to God. 20. The tapas is the starting point from samadhi to realization. 21. There is no road map to the infinite. 22. The secret journey is not for all men to see. 23. The inward path leaves behind all attachments to seek God’s embrace. 24. Progress is measured by cleansing the mind of all worldly ideas. 25. The changeless reality is our true home. 26. When the mind subsides the self appears. 27. The flame burns brightly when there is no agitation. 28. God is the leader of my soul. 29. Dissolve in an ocean of consciousness to realize the Lord. 30. Brahman is an ocean of consciousness where possibility becomes reality. 31. That all pervading consciousness is your true home of immortal bliss. 32. Become Siva to realize Siva. 33. Go into the void to know the truth of pure consciousness. 34. Go into the mind of God to become enlightened. 35. The world is in your heart floating in thought. 36. The eternal truth is spread by sages touched by God’s presence. 37. The seven chakras spin as wheels of light radiating an ascending energy. 38. The kundalini energy awakens to arise by the fire of yoga tapas. 39. The Linga within is a perfect reflection of God’s eternal flame. 40. Rest content in the self. 41. The bliss that you seek lies in the heart. 42. Inner development calls for inner peace. 43. The bliss of Brahman is your true nature. 44. I choose my own to uplift when they are ready. 45. To absorb the force requires years of preparation. MEDITATION MESSAGES 46. The inner Guru is installed when the seeker approaches the master. 47. The bliss expands in the heart when the heart is known. 48. There is another dimension in which the light shines freely. 49. The self exists where thought does not. 50. The light of the soul is seen in meditation. 51. The true essence of man is the Spirit inhabiting life. 52. The eyes that see the Divine have been purified by devotion. 53. The Cosmic Mind upholds the universe. 54. The universe unfolds as an idea of God. 55. Go to the source of consciousness to find God. 56. Sing to Siva of your love. 57. Renounce all attachments to the world if you want God to come. 58. God is the goal of your soul’s journey through life. 59. The inner guide delivers the message for you to act upon. 60. Here in the arena of life you are tested to find God. 61. God is an ever new experience that has no end. 62. Luminous shining ones reach down to help man in his quest for immortality. 63. You must become Parvati to worship Siva. 64. The Lord is the keeper of my soul’s flame. 65. Make no response to the demands of the senses. 66. When the waker becomes the dreamer only the watcher remains. 67. The nightmare of the soul is feeling lost from God. 68. Experience the truth in the deepness of your soul. 69. The way of Parvati is to surrender to the Lord. 70. Samadhi is when there is no thought of the world. 71. The Sovereign Lord of the universe sees our every action. 72. Dissolve in the infinite and be free. 73. I am the light that the liberated yogis see. 74. I am the silence that awakens the soul to God’s reality. 75. I am the voice that speaks wisdom through the door of intuition. 76. The knowledge of the self brings cessation of the world. 77. When you only want Me then I will come. 78. I have known you through so many lifetimes. 79. A point of light expands within the heart revealing God’s presence. 80. He who is so vast takes a shape to teach man. 81. Get out of the body consciousness to reach the Spirit. 82. To be liberated means to have no desires. 83. The freed soul exists in the ocean of God. 84. That by which the mind turns back is the God that you seek. 85. The sage has no attachments to things of this world. 86. Go into the deep contemplation where all is wideness and peace. 87. The Eternal Lord is ever new bliss in the hearts of devotees. 88. We take a body to fulfill karma until knowledge is achieved. 89. When the Supreme Lord takes a body a mission is fulfilled elevating man. 90. Love is the motive that binds the devotee to the Lord. MEDITATION MESSAGES 91. Make your mind an empty tube to receive God’s word. 92. The symphony of nature flows from a hidden divine conductor. 93. Vairagya is ending attachments to the world to find God. 94. Timelessness is being alone with God when the world disappears. 95. Safety is in the changeless. 96. Cross the frontier where the mind has no hold. 97. I am Siva the Lord that liberates the bound souls. 98. Wisdom is knowing the infinite beyond all forms. 99. Enter into samadhi where the consciousness is fully absorbed in the Brahman. 100. You are always alone since there is no second. 101. Mind is a reflection of the Spirit made manifest. 102. The living God is your true destiny. 103. The Absolute is reached by meditating on the Aum sound. 104. When everything drops away only God remains. 105. There is another dimension where all is light and bliss. 106. The soul must be free to experience the end of suffering. 107. Bondage is caused by thinking of the world and forgetting the Creator. 108. Purity opens the heart to receive God’s light. 109. When the mind becomes quiet then the Spirit appears. 110. Only God is true and the world is false. 111. The self is known by austerities that turn the consciousness within. 112. The bliss that fills the heart is the sign of God’s love. 113. Become that which you worship by identifying with what you love. 114. The mystery of God is known when the world disappears in divine light. 115. Go between the lines and seek the hidden meaning of life. 116. The man who seeks God must renounce the world. 117. There is no limit to the soul’s expansion of consciousness in God. 118. The Lord is standing here right before our very eyes. 119. Give yourself completely to the Lord. 120. The name is the bridge merging you in His presence. 121. The sweet Lord of bliss lives in the heart. 122. All this is the Brahman existing in the mind of God. 123. Be still and know the Brahman behind all existence. 124. Make thy body a shield to support the soul’s evolution. 125. Exist in the pure consciousness where nothing exists. 126. Moksha comes in the silence when only God remains. 127. Be content it is all here. 128. The Ancient Being is the core of our existence. 129. The experience of God brings relief to the world of change. 130. His belief is in the highest who transcends time in life. 131. The infinite absorbs our consciousness when samadhi stills the mind. 132. Endless worlds appear in the yogi’s consciousness who leaves the body. 133. Climbing the astral ladder reveals worlds of light where mind is supreme. 134. Leaving the body through the head astral regions appear containing beings of light. 135. Wheels of energy spin in the lotus centers opened by yoga’s practice. MEDITATION MESSAGES 136. The eye of the yogi sees the self in all things. 137. You are the unborn going through many lifetimes by identifying with experiences. 138. Surrender to Me completely and I will come. 139. Turn away from the body to experience the Spirit within. 140. The superconsciousness state is attained after years of tapas invoking God’s will. 141. He reached the state where there is neither beginning nor end. 142. The student became a cup for the teacher to pour wisdom. 143. The yogi sees all things in the image of God. 144. The eye of Siva opens to remove the world’s darkness with wisdom’s light. 145. He heard on the subtle level words from the wisdom of the gods. 146. The word reveals the will of the Lord. 147. You have lost your way by being attached to others. 148. The origin of all sweetness lives in your heart. 149. The book in your heart unfolds the message of the Higher Being. 150. The name of the Lord will set you free. 151. You exist to serve the Lord with each action of your life. 152. Penetrate the mystery of self realization and see the all pervading light. 153. Be dead to the body and alive in the Spirit. 154. The bliss that you seek lies hidden in your heart. 155. An ocean of joy floods the soul that has seen God. 156. The soul that has reached the highest level of existence won’t come back. 157. Advance into the changeless where all is freedom and bliss. 158. Before I was born the road was clear for the soul to travel. 159. True happiness is within where lies the treasure of God’s living presence. 160. The knowledge of God starts with the self. 161. The Spirit inhabiting nature gives life to its existence. 162. Leave all attachments behind and cling to the hand of the Lord. 163. When the two become one there is a blending of the will. 164. Forget the world and be still to receive the flow of the Spirit. 165. Food for the soul comes from living in the presence of God. 166. Tapas is staying in one place with the consciousness focused on the Lord. 167. The meeting with God plunges the soul into a consciousness beyond its existence. 168. The still silent Spirit is the basis of our life. 169. Spiritual experiences happen to the yogi passing through the threshold of samadhi. 170. Become that which you want to merge in. 171. The central reality comes in the light. 172. When you no more feel the body you enter the deep trance state. 173. Until the ego is annulled God will not come. 174. The eagle flying toward the sun represents man’s search for immortality. 175. Death in the astral world means rebirth in the physical world. 176. Nobody knows the Creator but all know His creation. 177. The central reality is realized by piercing the mind to know the Spirit. 178. The silence is its own reward. 179. Extinction of desires reveals the self because it alone remains. 180. The knowledge of the self comes in meditation revealing God’s essence. 181. The deeper dimensions of consciousness revealing God are entered in samadhi. MEDITATION MESSAGES 182. Sleep on the ocean of eternity and breathe in God. 183. Tapas is being unconcerned with the world by keeping the vision of God. 184. You shall be protected. 185. The Lord protects His devotees from every harm. 186. Karmic seeds draw one toward action to achieve hidden goals. 187. Keep your love affair with God a secret. 188. When you want only Me then I will come. 189. The empty mind is a fit receptacle for the truth. 190. The experience of God swallows you up in a greater presence. 191. In the deep recesses of the mind the light of the soul shines. 192. The self alone remains when all else has vanished from your consciousness. 193. The inner light is your true home where God’s presence shines. 194. Clear vision sees the divine flame burning in every atom of creation. 195. God is an ocean of peace that pours over the soul in meditation. 196. Sages of wisdom know the truth in their heart. 197. The heart opens to divine love when you surrender to God. 198. The pure, the vast, the perfect manifest Spirit in the opened soul. 199. The flame of God shines brightly for those who can see. 200. He who is always thinking of Me never sees the dust. 201. When the room of the mind is empty God’s presence is felt. 202. There is a maker who is the source of our being. 203. God is the magnet that draws our soul to its fulfillment. 204. Continuous wideness greets the seeker of the truth in meditation. 205. Silent waiting unlocks the doors of separation letting in the Spirit. 206. I am one with the Spirit as a point of God’s living light. 207. Close the mind to hear the ringing bells of the Spirit’s entry. 208. As the swan gliding on a lake the liberated soul swims in God. 209. Go through the eye of the Linga to find release. 210. When you no more feel the body then you enter into the Spirit. 211. Spiritual wisdom surpasses psychic experiences in unlocking God’s mystery. 212. Psychic phenomenon is not the truth that you seek. 213. You are fee but do not know it. 214. Wideness and peace are the signs of entry into the Spirit. 215. Samadhi is nothingness in which the light of Spirit reveals itself. 216. To approach God you need surrender and truth. 217. On a still night you can hear forever the footsteps of God. 218. He lost consciousness of the body and soared into the Spirit. 219. In absolute silence I will come and embrace your being. 220. The sea is like the infinite Brahman of eternal consciousness. 221. You need a central focus to develop your soul. 222. The peace that you seek lies within the silence of your soul. 223. Siva gazes at Parvati while worlds come into existence. 224. The mirror of the mind must be polished for God to shine through. 225. Walk on the clouds above the world with the mind held in suspension. 226. We can’t see the hidden power that creates galaxies and lights our soul. 227. He searched for the impossible by letting truth become reality. MEDITATION MESSAGES 228. That which cannot be held by thought is reached in meditation. 229. That which has no name or form is the mystery realized by yogis. 230. You gain immortality by knowing God. 231. The highest state of consciousness is reached by constant aspiration. 232. The one united consciousness sees Brahman in everything. 233. All those are welcome who come to Me. 234. Nobody comes to Me who has not been called. 235. No form can satisfy the Absolute. 236. Clear the mind to see the truth. 237. In silence there is blessed relief. 238. I am the Guru assigned to you. 239. Can you see beyond the stars where the reality lies? 240. It is locked within you waiting to be drawn out. 241. You must stop the mind to know the truth. 242. There is no greater love than the bliss of the Creator. 243. Aum is the fountain that leads to spiritual experience. 244. You do not know what you are doing. 245. A real tapas yogi has no worries about the world. 246. He sees the reality guiding his every action on the path. 247. The tracks have been set for you to follow as God commands. 248. He expands beyond the body who sees the reality everywhere in all directions. 249. The light beyond all lights is the object of your search. 250. Realize what you are doing. 251. God speaks to us through the world. 252. Sit in front of Me unmoved by the universe. 253. The light is revealed when the energy is turned on. 254. The fact of the quest is proof of God’s guiding hand. 255. Go out of the body into God where all is peace and light. 256. Above the head lies the kingdom of supreme bliss filled with wisdom. 257. You have bought time by your actions to fulfill the soul’s mission. 258. In the absence of thought the wideness expands into bliss. 259. Go to the well to draw up the living waters of inspiration. 260. On the mountain there is a vast calm that is reached by meditation. 261. At the summit of existence the Absolute exists in a mystery beyond silence. 262. You are unprepared to reach the summit of existence without entering samadhi. 263. You need absorption into the self to withdraw from the world. 264. You will become absorbed into the self only when the mind stands still. 265. The One hides behind the many. 266. Abandonment to the Lord is the gateway to victory in meditation. 267. The mind of God contains the world stage which we perceive as reality. 268. The yogi catches the wings of God and ascends to heaven. 269. God is the boatman who takes us to the shore of immortality. 270. The other side is beyond matter and ruled by thought. 271. Be regular in your spiritual practices to attain the goal that you seek. 272. I shall come when the path is made ready by aspiration’s flame. 273. Samadhi is a translucent state where God shines through the consciousness. MEDITATION MESSAGES 274. The stairway to the infinite is climbed when the kundalini pierces through the head. 275. The silence of the mind becomes a peace widening into divine experience. 276. The eyes of the Guru see the self in every object pervading creation. 277. The window opens into eternity for the yogi awake in God. 278. Heightened experience of the Spirit is the reward for the seeker entering samadhi. 279. Hold the mind in suspension to unlock the key to wisdom. 280. The door of perception is opened by the mind for the soul’s evolution. 281. The soul encased in a body is the gift of God to creation. 282. The stage of reality exists in God’s mind for man to play upon. 283. The sword of wisdom cuts through the jungle of falsehood to reveal light. 284. Who Am I is the message of the Guru for aspirants to follow. 285. The truth seekers learn to control the mind to experience the divine presence. 286. Unending is man’s quest for God and immortality. 287. Freedom is being able to see the self living eternally in God’s ocean. 288. The doors open revealing the light through which the Spirit manifests to man. 289. Wideness expands leaving the body behind to enter the cosmic consciousness plane. 290. The tree grows toward the sun just as the yogi moves toward God. 291. Freedom is being able to leave the world to enter the divine embrace. 292. Without a trace the Spirit rules over the destiny of man. 293. Sacred lines of geometry reveal the divine plan in creation. 294. In the realm of ideas there is constant activity that hides the One. 295. The beauty of flowers comes from the astral world reflected on this earth. 296. The ultimate experience brings the divine presence into man’s consciousness. 297. The inner witness observes all action detached from their results. 298. Go into each activity as the soul’s offering to God. 299. The purity of consciousness leads the seeker to the divine goal. 300. The body is a vehicle for the soul to manifest its will. 301. Each day is a new opportunity for man to meet the Lord. 302. The deeper state of consciousness lead man to experiencing God’s presence. 303. When the world disappears the Spirit fills the yogi’s consciousness with bliss. 304. Observing the consciousness as a silent witness the self is revealed. 305. In the absence of thought the soul awakens to the nearness of Spirit. 306. By going deeper within the world recedes and the vision of God grows. 307. The eye of the beholder in samadhi sees the world pervaded by Spirit. 308. The voice of the Lord is heard in the silent hours of meditation. 309. Into the darkness there is a greater darkness where the mind cannot enter. 310. The sun shines within guiding the seeker along the way to God. 311. There is a greater bliss that invades the soul when time stands still. 312. The presence of God is felt as a flame burning within the heart. 313. In the quiet waiting I will come. 314. Each step that you take must be made secure to move forward. 315. Go out of the body to reach the summit of existence. 316. Absorbed in the consciousness of the vast the yogi ascended to Heaven. 317. The highest consciousness is attained when the mind stands still in samadhi. 318. When the time comes you leave the body and enter another dimension. 319. A revolving circle of light leads the way to your new home. MEDITATION MESSAGES 320. A door opens and a voice is heard calling the soul home. 321. Thick layers of darkness are removed when God’s light manifests. 322. To be free is to have no desires for this world. 323. To please God is to leave the ego behind and lovingly serve Him. 324. Surrounded by light the divine vision filled the soul with bliss. 325. Be the witness of the mind to find the truth. 326. The Ancient Being stands by the universe that He has created. 327. The first principle is the cause of our existence. 328. We exist as souls sent out to act upon this world. 329. A soul is a unit of consciousness that evolves with each birth. 330. Light the torch of freedom to seek God within your soul’s cave. 331. With each breath he took the name of God was upon his lips. 332. The ascension of consciousness is accomplished by moving up each chakra. 333. To be at peace means to rest in the arms of God. 334. The way goes through the cave of consciousness to discover the light. 335. Watch time go by to learn the lesson of the world’s unreality. 336. An all pervading Spirit is the goal of your soul’s journey. 337. The supreme offering takes place when the soul turns toward God. 338. The journey of the soul takes many incarnations in its quest for wisdom. 339. The eye of wisdom sees through many layers of darkness where God’s glory dwells. 340. The realization of God takes the consciousness beyond time and space into reality. 341. The foundation of the world is built upon life struggling to be free. 342. The soul separates from the world of matter to gain its original identity. 343. A worker in the cause of truth must first seek gaining self knowledge. 344. The pleasures of the world fade as the soul grows closer to God. 345. Your search for God must be constant to receive the supreme blessing. 346. The Lord dances upon the soul until it touches His hand. 347. Thoughts invade the mind and disappear when in samadhi. 348. Only the living presence of God remains when the soul fully surrenders. 349. Far off is the goal you seek until you realize His living presence. 350. God beckons you from afar to move closer where all boundaries disappear. 351. Over the wall appears a luminous country where the divinity stands unveiled. 352. We were made to travel to the ends of the universe seeking God. 353. The atman is the inner controller around whom all our actions ultimately revolve. 354. Keep the flame burning within the heart to see the inner ruler. 355. When all thoughts stand still time becomes eternity where God is revealed. 356. All names and forms fade in samadhi leaving only the divine essence. 357. The light burns brighter the closer you get to God. 358. His voice is heard in the silence of the soul. 359. He is ever near to those who dwell in peace. 360. Visions reflect the state of the mind as ideas take shape. 361. The deeper you go the more you know there is no end. 362. The escape from the ego consciousness comes when the soul surrenders to God. 363. Progress is measured not by visions but by living in awareness of God. 364. Climb up the ladder of consciousness to the summit of existence. 365. Yoga is knowing the self dwelling ever blissful in the divine reality.
  22. MEDITATION MESSAGES Chapter Five 1. The ancient principle is the guide of our journey. 2. God is the flame of my heart. 3. Always I have walked before you to follow. 4. Worship of the Linga is worship of the Guru. 5. Freedom in the Linga is the goal of your quest. 6. I have come to see who you are. 7. Meetings with eternity occur deep in the heart during meditation. 8. You will know Me when you are in samadhi’s trance. 9. Aum is the gateway to infinite light that comes in meditation. 10. Contentment leads to enlightenment when wisdom shines. 11. It is arisen from within when the door is open and the way prepared. 12. See things in their true perspective. 13. The existence of God is the central truth that moves our soul. 14. The form is a reflection of the formless projected in time. 15. In the deep peace of silence truth comes. 16. You are the servant of the Lord. 17. Real tapas is being with God alone. 18. To know the reality you must go through a circle of light. 19. Silent teachings come in the heart opened to God. 20. To be everywhere at once is the mystery of God. 21. That which dissolves one’s attachments to this world is Siva. 22. The object is fulfilled when the inner Spirit is lighted. 23. I am a moksha Linga. 24. I will give you liberation when you merge in Me. 25. When the waves of the mind are still there is realization. 26. In the deep silence beyond time the infinite shines through. 27. At the moment of samadhi the light of God manifests. 28. The Guru reflects the bliss of cosmic consciousness to all seekers. 29. The presence is felt as the bliss of an all pervading oneness. 30. I am always here. 31. The Guru appears in the meditation to give instructions. 32. Words of wisdom penetrate the soul to spur its evolution. 33. At death’s moment consciousness stands still awaiting a new entry. 34. The sea in which all thoughts arise is your ultimate goal. 35. The soul longs to unite with God to gain freedom. 36. The sage meditates long hours to see the face of the Eternal. 37. The self cannot be seen in visions but can be known in stillness. 38. The origin of the ego is the I consciousness which reflects the self. 39. In the deep calm of open space I will come. 40. The substratum behind existence is the God that you seek. 41. Keeping the mind still on one subject constitutes the entry into samadhi. 42. The world is a mirage projected on the mind by time. 43. I am lodged in your heart. 44. Peace is the nature of your existence. 45. The death of the soul is an impossibility. MEDITATION MESSAGES 46. The universe exists as an idea of God. 47. God gives reality to the world of name and form. 48. I will never forsake you in your quest to discover your true nature. 49. The origin of thought comes from the mind’s desires. 50. Turn the mind off to gain easy entry into the Spirit. 51. Free yourself from the mind to see God. 52. The odyssey of the Spirit is a long journey. 53. The great Cosmic Mind is the source of our existence. 54. An enlightened being experiences the knowledge of pure consciousness. 55. His mind dissolves into a sea of divine bliss. 56. The center of vision must expand to touch the feet of God. 57. God stands where the consciousness is full of light. 58. The sage who has mental peace has no desires. 59. He lives in full awareness of the Eternal Being. 60. God speaks through the soul that is in meditation. 61. Divine words enter the mind which is at rest. 62. Be ready to die to enjoy the truth. 63. Only the pure soul can receive the vision of God. 64. He opened a new level of consciousness where the light shines. 65. He taught the truth by silence where the mind disappears into light. 66. Go out of the body above the head to the center of truth. 67. Rays of intuition come in silence to move the soul home. 68. The true nature of the self is bliss. 69. Exist in the happiness where no thoughts abide. 70. Drop all desires to be free. 71. Desires create mind waves that cover your true self. 72. The self is realized in the absence of thought. 73. Exist in the pure space of reality. 74. The self is a reservoir of bliss. 75. It is already here as the center of your existence. 76. There is nothing to achieve since the self is ever present. 77. Guru prepares the way but you have to follow the path. 78. I am always before you dancing in your heart. 79. The bliss that you seek is not to be found in numbers. 80. The saint who is one with God can extend His blessings. 81. To discover the truth you must know your self. 82. The happiness in meditation lasts more than a lifetime. 83. No existence apart from the truth is realization. 84. The self is the center of our existence. 85. Clear the mind of all ideas to feel God’s presence. 86. Let your surrender be sincere in the goal that you seek. 87. The power behind form has projected the universe into existence. 88. The soul has no karma when it sees itself as part of God. 89. In samadhi you lose consciousness of the body and soar into the Spirit. 90. God is a reservoir of bliss that flows to the devotee. MEDITATION MESSAGES 91. To discover the reality you must remain the same in all circumstances. 92. The soul must remember why it has come. 93. The silence of the self is the key to wisdom. 94. In thoughtless purity the true self abides. 95. We must surrender ourselves to go into a deeper state of reality. 96. The jnani lives where faith has become realization. 97. Open your soul to God and be free. 98. The soul is reborn for desires. 99. The world is empty. 100. I am not material. 101. The self is known in silence. 102. Where being and nonbeing meet that is realization. 103. The real yogi stays in seclusion. 104. The object of meditation is to gain knowledge. 105. By knowing Him all is known. 106. By His light all shines. 107. The inner self is the origin of all existence. 108. We forget our true identity when we live in the world. 109. Absence of thoughts is the gateway to bliss. 110. Experience the self in the silence of the soul. 111. I exist beyond the body. 112. The self ever abides in its own nature. 113. The jnani has no desires to fulfill. 114. I am not of this body nor of the mind. 115. Lord work through me. 116. Exist in your true nature beyond the door of silence. 117. The bliss of the Absolute is the quest of your journey. 118. Act upon your wisdom to be free. 119. When you identify with the Guru the journey is done. 120. Find release in the silence of the soul. 121. Swamiji is calling you. 122. I no longer have a body. 123. It is there waiting to be seen. 124. Swamiji is always here to help you. 125. Experience the silence of the infinite. 126. Find the origin of the mind to know God. 127. The Guru carries the disciple to the goal. 128. Absence of desires is the road to freedom. 129. I am always present in my name. 130. Let the mind come under the control of the atman. 131. Cleanse the mind of all ideas to see God. 132. The Guru is the agent of God. 133. To manifest the truth is his mission. 134. Only God remains when the world disappears. 135. The Guru abides within inside you. MEDITATION MESSAGES 136. Guru’s grace is essential for the spiritual quest. 137. The journey begins where you are revealing Thou Art That. 138. Swamiji paid no attention to the body while in meditation. 139. Gain the experience first. 140. Remove the layers of ignorance. 141. Look forward into the void of reality. 142. Forget the body to be free. 143. Mouna means absence of thoughts. 144. The Guru lives within when the disciple is ready. 145. Existence without thoughts is the key to bliss. 146. Make the supreme sacrifice to realize God. 147. The soul turns outward identifying with the world which causes bondage. 148. Guru’s form is the gateway to victory. 149. The mind goes into its true essence by Aum’s sound. 150. Exist in the nothingness of the mind. 151. Let the mind sink into its pure essence. 152. The self cannot be won by effort of the mind. 153. The presence of the Lord is felt in the silence. 154. To merge in the Cosmic Absolute you must go through the void. 155. The yogi enjoys a lot of bliss in God’s presence. 156. I must come before all others. 157. The power of the Lord is revealed through the mantra. 158. When you see everything the same that is samadhi. 159. Make your mind a fit vehicle to receive the divine presence. 160. Lose yourself in the trance of my being. 161. A still consciousness pervades the universe directing its play. 162. Sages went into the forest meditating on Aum to find God. 163. Regain your original self by being the silent witness. 164. Samadhi is evenness of mind where all thoughts cease. 165. It comes in a flash when divine grace silences the mind. 166. The Guru must be the focus of your life. 167. I am not always here in this world of men. 168. When you identify with the Guru then progress begins. 169. In the temple of the heart the Guru abides. 170. Reality is seeing the One Being pervading all the circumstances of life. 171. The soul’s true nature is immortality when God is known. 172. The soul’s origin and goal are the first cause. 173. Keep the world out of the mind during meditation. 174. In the vacuum of the mind the world is not seen. 175. You will know the reality when all thoughts subside. 176. The consciousness of the void waits for God’s light. 177. We are drops of the cosmic dream in the vast ocean of infinity. 178. On the inner levels there is direction from the rishis. 179. The unattainable is reached by meditation. 180. By knowing Him the bounds of eternity are crossed. 181. The opening comes in the silence. MEDITATION MESSAGES 182. Awaken your true nature in samadhi. 183. An unseen hand moves the world. 184. The light shines upon the soul. 185. Brahma vidya is to be treasured. 186. Effortless samadhi is the yogi’s nature. 187. To seek God you must leave material things behind. 188. God is the resting place of all thoughts. 189. The universal consciousness that pervades existence is waiting behind the mind. 190. Siva as the Guru is the bondage destroyer of worldly attachments. 191. You must experience the truth in God’s trance. 192. Rest in the Spirit and be free. 193. The astral world is full of all kinds of spirits. 194. The place between life and death is an entry point for realization. 195. Not without effort are the worlds of light won. 196. The worlds of light are the home of the gods. 197. Swamiji is meditating through you. 198. Let the mind sleep for the soul to awake. 199. In its presence there is joy. 200. In the state of equilibrium God manifests through the soul. 201. In the city of nine gates there is a hidden sun. 202. The odyssey of the soul passes through many bodies until God is found. 203. A wide expanse of eternity was felt within his soul. 204. The consciousness of the yogi sees beyond the shores of eternity. 205. He knows the secret of God in the midst of action. 206. Time begins to slow down when God is seen. 207. The purification of the mind is the first step toward realization. 208. Man is a refugee from his true home. 209. Do your meditation and help will come. 210. Go into the ocean of Brahman. 211. The mind creates its own world of reality. 212. The secret of cosmic consciousness is in seeing the self in everything. 213. Controlling the mind is the highway to the infinite. 214. The secrets of the mind are locked by the ego. 215. Drop all desires and be free. 216. See the still tranquil peace pervading all existence. 217. We exist in a wider cosmos floating in God’s mind. 218. The supersensuous feeling of God’s embrace expands into unending bliss. 219. In whatever form you seek Me I will come. 220. The Guru within awakens the soul to its destiny. 221. Eternity is your true home. 222. The yogi has no desires to fulfill as he approaches nearer to God. 223. Be absolutely still to reach the infinite mind of God. 224. To see God in everything is the height of knowledge. 225. The inner search begins with effort and ends with grace. 226. To cross beyond the border of the mind opens you to infinity. 227. To approach God you enter a space of wideness where all is peace. MEDITATION MESSAGES 228. Hidden in the depths of the heart is the goal that you seek. 229. Brahman is to be realized as the witness that remains after thoughts cease. 230. The Absolute has become the One that by its will creates the many. 231. Samadhi is the superconsciousness state where you merge with the Divine One. 232. Develop the eye of discrimination to see the truth. 233. I am not of the mind but of the Spirit. 234. Brahman is the eternal tree upon which the worlds are born. 235. You are here for our guidance. 236. Everything is in Me as a dream bubble floating through existence. 237. Have no desires to be free to see God. 238. Desires keep us chained to the changing phenomena of this world. 239. I am doing the tapas through you to reveal the truth. 240. The inward journey has no path for the eye to see. 241. In samadhi all light merges in God’s sun. 242. The Guru lives eternally in the disciple’s heart. 243. Be aware of the divine presence each moment of meditation. 244. Clear the mind of all ideas to witness the ever present reality. 245. The will of God is imperfectly reflected on the mind’s screen. 246. The awakened soul answers the call of the divine voice. 247. When the flame does not waver the mind is still to enter samadhi. 248. To gain release you must have discernment on what is real. 249. He embodied the vast in his yogi consciousness. 250. The yogi aspires for God all the day. 251. Focus the mind on the one point that leads to eternity. 252. The true Guru teaches in the silence. 253. He knows the state where all is God’s presence. 254. An enlightened being knows the truth behind existence. 255. Brahman is the sole reality underlying all phenomena. 256. The soul has no possessions. 257. True happiness lies in living in the embrace of God. 258. The inner controller is God’s representative in man. 259. All the world is in Me. 260. See through the eyes of wisdom God’s presence on all levels of existence. 261. The reality is the basis of existence that yogis realize in samadhi. 262. I am one with the cosmic flame I adore. 263. In the deep recesses of your heart the light of God shines. 264. There are grades of experience along the pathway to liberation. 265. Tapas is a long journey to the truth. 266. Lost in the Spirit’s wonder the soul merges in God. 267. Leave the body consciousness behind to enter the realm of the Spirit. 268. Everyday God looks at the actions that the soul has done. 269. Siva is my strength to continue on the path to liberation. 270. Wake up from the dream of life and see God’s reality. 271. If you really want to do tapas you must stay in one room. 272. God is not in objects that attract the mind. 273. He resides in expanded consciousness beyond thoughts. MEDITATION MESSAGES 274. In the deep silence where all is peace God dwells. 275. In the quiet moments of the soul the bliss expands. 276. Where the personality of the Guru withdraws only God remains. 277. In the stillness I have known the truth where God’s light shines. 278. Being in tune with the infinite is knowing your self. 279. The self is the point within where God meets man. 280. Be aware of Me at every moment. 281. That infinite space without any bounds is your true home. 282. He pierced the veil of the infinite and saw the eternal face. 283. He who sees Me in each action has no separation. 284. He who sees that one luminous being in every form has realization. 285. There are no boundaries for he who has awoken from maya’s dream. 286. He lives in the infinite with every breath of his life. 287. A liberated being acts as a wave on God’s sea. 288. When you put the Divine first life has a deeper purpose. 289. When you see all things as God your soul attains oneness. 290. When the yogi’s mind is still then he will know who he is. 291. I exist as a part of pure consciousness of the Divine Dreamer. 292. Siva and Shakti are within you. 293. The clue of the Creator is in the creation. 294. To be successful in the spiritual life requires effort and God’s grace. 295. To reach the Spirit you must climb the ladder of conscious self unfoldment. 296. The sage knows the truth by deep penetration into the cosmic mysteries. 297. A true yogi knows how to enter samadhi and dissolve in God. 298. When the vessel is full then the realization comes. 299. The path of the rishis leads to the light. 300. They light the fire of meditation and enter samadhi. 301. The waker, dreamer, and sleeper live within one underlying consciousness. 302. Yogic visions develop by focusing the mind on one point. 303. Seek the divine presence within your soul by quiet contemplation. 304. The beauty of the Lord is felt within the heart burning with devotion. 305. The victory of Spirit comes when the body becomes an instrument serving God. 306. Learn how to consciously sleep to wake up in the Spirit. 307. The perception of God everywhere is the fruit of realization. 308. To invoke the Spirit the call must be continuous. 309. The preparations for the great sacrifice require every part of man’s being. 310. When the time is ready I will come to take you home. 311. When the surrender is complete the door will open to God’s palace. 312. Within every level of consciousness preparation is being made for the next ascent. 313. I exist as a point of light in another dimension. 314. As you sublimate the body you ascend in the Spirit. 315. The perception of reality is colored by the mind’s filter. 316. Rest in the Lord and be at peace. 317. Feel His love pervade the universe as the source of your being. 318. Merge in the Spirit and be free. 319. Underlying all phenomena is the noumena. MEDITATION MESSAGES 320. Go into the superconsciousness state where the mind of God lives. 321. Samadhi if forgetting the world to enter God. 322. When everything is still then I will appear. 323. To choose death or immortality is the goal of life. 324. Self denial based on spiritual knowledge leads to self realization. 325. True freedom is experiencing the bliss of detachment while playing in God’s world. 326. The gateway to immortality through the head reaches the world of the sun. 327. An ocean of deep peace awaits the soul that has surrendered to God. 328. There is a conscious presence that is to be realized in deep meditation. 329. The return home is accomplished by following the path of self discovery. 330. When the mind’s waves are still the bliss flows through the soul. 331. God broadcasts His message through waves of inspiration heard by spiritual seekers. 332. In the valley of decision the mountain path points to spiritual freedom. 333. At the summit of existence the sage looks upon the world with compassion. 334. I hear the voice of the higher consciousness teaching words of wisdom. 335. Enter the trance where the mind disappears and the divine witness appears. 336. The highest consciousness is reached by meditating on the infinite expanse of God. 337. Let the self dissolve in the divine presence. 338. Cosmic consciousness is knowing the divine reality pervading all existence. 339. Yoga is taming the mind in the quest for God. 340. When the vision is centered then the light will appear. 341. The darkness will vanish as God comes closer. 342. The Guru is the channel through which God comes through. 343. The nectar of immortality is in living in God’s presence. 344. When the breath slows down the mind subsides in its source. 345. Through many lifetimes the soul proceeds by trial and error toward enlightenment. 346. Swimming in the ocean of existence man forgets the indwelling divinity. 347. An ocean of light proceeds the final revelation of Spirit’s glory. 348. The truth is reached in the quiet hour of the soul’s awakening. 349. The call must be steady for the Divine to appear. 350. The crown of realization is won by constant effort in perfecting the meditation. 351. Unending bliss awaits the seeker who discovers the indwelling divinity. 352. The experience of the Divine opens the vision to His presence everywhere. 353. Light and bliss liberate the soul that merges in God’s oneness. 354. The crossing of the world into the Spirit takes place in meditation. 355. The inner life of the yogi is dedicated to fulfilling God’s will. 356. Each drop of life in Spirit’s ocean expresses God’s glory. 357. The soul wakes up from the dream of mortality by seeking the Divine. 358. God comes as a still voice touching the heart with wisdom’s fire. 359. Enlightenment is renouncing desire to live in God’s light. 360. The manifestation of God is continuous for those with eyes to see. 361. A deep peace engulfs the soul dissolved in the ocean of cosmic consciousness. 362. The Ancient One having no age uses time to manifest His creation. 363. The spiritual warrior conquers every obstacle to emerge as an enlightened sage. 364. Unending bliss seizes the soul that has entered God’s light. 365. God works through liberated sages to awaken struggling souls with wisdom’s torch.
  23. MEDITATION MESSAGES Chapter Four 1. I have come from so far to see you. 2. Let the mind return to its source. 3. Waves of karmic illusion roll over the shore of the unsteady mind. 4. Brahman consciousness is knowing the self as your very life. 5. Atman swaroop is your true nature. 6. When you see Me in everything that is realization. 7. The one reality upon which all the worlds are built is Brahman. 8. One in whom all desires are fulfilled has left the world for God. 9. Watch your mind till it calms down in utter silence. 10. On the covering of your mind is written your destiny. 11. Blissful nothingness is the key to realization of the Absolute. 12. Abide in your original essence to discover the truth. 13. The human master is a reflection of the divine master. 14. Aum is the mystic syllable revealing the infinite presence. 15. Detach yourself from the body if you want to realize God. 16. Explore the vast source of the mind where thought touches reality. 17. In the blank mind the truth is known. 18. Surrender the self to know the self. 19. Know your true nature in the silence. 20. The bridge to eternity is traveled when the mind realizes the self. 21. An ocean of bliss awaits the seeker of truth. 22. The knower of Brahman sees the self in all things. 23. The path that has no goal cannot be known by the mind. 24. It can be known by the soul’s intuition. 25. Absorbed in the Brahman the world is lost to view. 26. The mighty self that pervades the worlds is in your heart. 27. The mind flows toward its source in meditation. 28. The inner dimensions are opened in a flood of light. 29. The eyes that look into eternity see the world as pervaded by God. 30. Root out the ego to discover the self. 31. There is no consciousness apart from the self. 32. The clear sea where no thoughts arise is the first step toward samadhi. 33. The self is not known by action. 34. It is self evident upon reception. 35. The beginning of wisdom is to feel bliss as one’s true nature. 36. The bliss arises out of the serenity during meditation. 37. When you identify with the world God is invisible to the soul. 38. Float in the ocean of bliss to the one that you adore. 39. Realize the deep peace that is thy very nature. 40. Works bind the doer to seek its fruit. 41. Feel the peace and go into samadhi. 42. A real teacher with knowledge leads the disciple to God. 43. The true meaning of tapas is to seek the self. 44. Go back to your true identity. 45. Draw your mind back to the center. MEDITATION MESSAGES 46. The knower of the self realizes the eternal I pervading all existence. 47. By the intensity of your longing the divine experience comes. 48. Brahman is the secret container of all existence. 49. In absolute stillness the truth is known within. 50. The spiritual warrior relies upon his own strength. 51. Brahma vidya is realizing the self as our true identity. 52. Freedom is living in the blissful presence of God. 53. Still the mind to discover the self. 54. True bliss lies behind the screen of the mind. 55. Absorption into the nothingness is the gateway to samadhi. 56. The self cannot be seen with the eyes. 57. When the mind returns to its origin that is realization. 58. Erase the self to know the all. 59. Layers of bliss engulf the soul lost in samadhi. 60. When everything disappears Brahman alone remains. 61. God is an ocean of bliss. 62. The inner controller knows the path of truth. 63. I will always be with you. 64. That which is always here is your true nature. 65. The persistence of the soul after death demonstrates its eternal essence. 66. Yoga is letting the mind abide in its original essence. 67. Peace and bliss are the two eyes of God. 68. Freedom is the goal of the journey to God. 69. The body cannot give you any happiness. 70. Close off all attachments to be free. 71. The still moment when God is found dissolves the world in light. 72. The contact has not been lost. 73. Inner peace is your true essence linking the soul to the Eternal. 74. The truth is always here. 75. Cross over the threshold to eternity. 76. Tapas is focusing on one thought to the exclusion of everything else. 77. Focus the mind on one point that leads to the light. 78. Absorb yourself in the form of the Guru. 79. The room of freedom is inside your soul. 80. Freedom is in knowing the self. 81. Guru is eternal beyond the body. 82. I will give you my wisdom. 83. You are blessed in that you are trying. 84. The inner voice speaks to the soul in meditation. 85. Watch the mind to attain freedom. 86. The Guru is the source of cosmic energy. 87. The still small Spirit of God expanded to become the worlds. 88. Wait upon God in silent expectation of the great awakening. 89. The mind creates a million worlds until God is seen. 90. The secret of God realization lies in your hand, heart, and head. MEDITATION MESSAGES 91. The search for God is the true aim of life. 92. The man who has realized the self has no worries. 93. The self cannot be realized with outward eyes. 94. The bliss that is your true nature is right here. 95. Live in the eternal present where time stands still and God appears. 96. God is infinite space permeated by a Cosmic Mind. 97. God speaks the supreme message to those who listen. 98. Forget the self to know God. 99. Pure alertness is the key to realization. 100. His body is made of light. 101. That which remains is the heart of your quest. 102. The bliss that is within is the best in the world. 103. True meditation is keeping the mind in silence. 104. Abide in the mind without any thoughts. 105. Bask in the silence of the soul. 106. Recognize the world as a mirage that conceals God. 107. I am the Buddha ever free. 108. In peaceful oblivion let the soul grow. 109. Make the mind an empty bowl to receive the light. 110. Absorb thyself into that which you contemplate. 111. In the silence is the abode of God. 112. The pilgrim to eternity crosses all boundaries of this world. 113. The Lord of the universe is in your heart. 114. Watchful awareness is the key to liberation. 115. The bliss is in the room of silence. 116. The waiting will soon be over. 117. The path is ready when the Guru comes. 118. Turn away from the world to focus only on Me. 119. God is an ocean of peace waiting to be born. 120. The still voice that created the universe comes from the mind of God. 121. The Lord is standing in front of you at every moment. 122. I will teach you on the inner planes on how to reach God. 123. The Guru is responsible for looking after the disciple. 124. The peace that flows with no ideas is the key to liberation. 125. The deeper states of consciousness come with the fire of aspiration. 126. The yogis know how to control their mind. 127. Those who know God do not fear death. 128. God is a point of infinite space that knows no boundaries. 129. Journey to the ends of time to discover your maker. 130. That which the mind cannot comprehend is the center of our existence. 131. God is a state of consciousness where all desires cease. 132. The detachment of the mind from objects is the first step toward liberation. 133. A jivamukta is one who knows the truth in life realizing God’s freedom. 134. The abode of truth is justice and wisdom flowing from God’s Spirit. 135. Follow the point that leads to no end. MEDITATION MESSAGES 136. The wheels of destiny turn by the will of God. 137. Concentrate until you are no more aware of the body consciousness. 138. I am one with the Spirit that I adore. 139. You yourself can determine when it will happen. 140. In peaceful wakefulness the Lord will come. 141. Time does not matter in the pursuit of God. 142. Let your aim be to clear the mind of desires. 143. Go beyond the body to find the soul in the cave of God. 144. The empty void is the gate of awakening to the Spirit. 145. Pure awareness is the key to realization of the divine presence. 146. Ignorance must be vanquished by light. 147. Samadhi is ceaseless consciousness of the infinite. 148. You become that which you worship. 149. The unseizable must be caught by meditation. 150. With a still clear mind the Brahman is realized. 151. Detach your body from the mind and sail into Spirit’s ecstasy. 152. The link must be reestablished between your soul and God. 153. Stay away from the world to know God. 154. The eyes of the yogi are withdrawn to focus on the self. 155. The key is emptiness to the door of fulfillment. 156. To go through nothingness to find the all is realization. 157. We all exist in the mind of Brahman. 158. Enlightened consciousness is the sign of the true Guru. 159. The awareness of awareness is the first step toward realization. 160. To exist in thoughtlessness is the way to perfection. 161. Exist in the still consciousness where all is one. 162. To burn up desires is to know the self. 163. The silent witnesses to God’s splendor are the saints awakened. 164. Samadhi is when the mind returns to its source. 165. Dissolve your personality in the infinite. 166. The self is the core of our existence. 167. Go into the deepest peace to see God. 168. Go into the peace where your body and mind disappear. 169. Beyond the subject and object there lies the truth. 170. That from which the mind turns back is the object of our journey. 171. The meaning of life is to discover one’s inner bliss. 172. Those who are freed from desire reach Heaven. 173. The presence is in the peace you feel. 174. When the Guru awakens the kundalini progress is being made. 175. Tapas is forgetting the world to dive deeper into God. 176. Become a silent receptacle to be filled by the Lord. 177. The Lord of a thousand eyes sees our every movement. 178. The four gates of knowledge are realized by the sacrifice of yoga. 179. The fire of tapas brings the yogi into God’s sun world. 180. The discovery of the self comes in the long hours of silence. 181. The great Spirit who pervades the universe is in our heart. MEDITATION MESSAGES 182. I will lead you along the road to God. 183. Fall asleep to the world to see God. 184. Rely upon God for your progress. 185. The One without a second is the only reality behind existence. 186. An ocean of love awaits the seeker. 187. Be still to feel the presence of God. 188. You are free yet you enslave yourself. 189. Renunciation is the way to realizing only God’s reality. 190. You have been given time by God to develop your soul. 191. You know the truth by the practice of entering samadhi. 192. The light in the center has arisen from my heart. 193. He sees every act of existence in the consciousness of Brahman. 194. The deep peace where all is still is the foundation of Brahman. 195. The hand of God touches the soul in meditation. 196. The way of Narada is the path of bliss. 197. God is the oneness that pervades the universe. 198. Rely upon God to liberate your soul. 199. God is ever close to those who see with the eye of wisdom. 200. The object which you worship must absorb the mind in God. 201. In the deepest recesses of your soul there shines the light of God. 202. I desire the flowers of your heart. 203. The inner Guru is the best teacher. 204. You must overcome all difficulties with faith. 205. God speaks in the silence of your soul. 206. Pure consciousness is the state of divine awareness. 207. So many lifetimes you have sought Me in the wrong things. 208. Knowledge with devotion is the means to liberation. 209. The shining inner witness is the cause of our liberation. 210. Mighty words of wisdom must be practiced by the heart. 211. Withdraw your mind from the world to see God. 212. In the mirror of the mind the light shines through. 213. Beyond all names and forms is the object of our quest. 214. Keep the being still to see the supreme image of the Lord. 215. Look deep into your soul to see the face of God. 216. Have faith that the Creator sees our every action. 217. In the deepest light there is darkness removed by God’s glory. 218. Detach yourself from the body to realize God. 219. The highest peace comes in meditation. 220. The world will not satisfy the soul. 221. In the depths of your soul there is the divine presence. 222. To merge with the reality your mind must become still. 223. Clear away the obstacles to the mind’s freedom. 224. Come with a pure heart. 225. Watch the mind empty to be God filled. 226. Clear vision with a blank mind is the road to freedom. 227. The Guru in your heart is the real answer. MEDITATION MESSAGES 228. Meditation is the best offering to win God’s grace. 229. Superconscious knowledge comes in the absence of any thought. 230. All this is the Brahman and yet Brahman is not all this. 231. Surrender your mind into the peace of God. 232. The awareness of awareness is the key to the higher consciousness. 233. Link yourself to the Creator by chanting His name. 234. The entry into the astral world depends upon concentration. 235. God is the highest consciousness over all existence. 236. The tapas begins when the mind is clear to concentrate on the God point. 237. The name of God can take you to Heaven. 238. When the mind stops there is bliss. 239. Experience pure consciousness in the deep void. 240. Dive deep into the source of your being. 241. Liberation from desire is the gateway to eternity. 242. Find the origin of the mind in the self. 243. In the emptiness of the mind there is peace in God’s presence. 244. That which is impressed upon the mind must dissolve in samadhi. 245. In the silence the self is revealed. 246. Keep the mirror of the mind clean to see God. 247. Cleave to Me with all thy might. 248. Omnipotent God is your true home. 249. Go to the source in deep meditation. 250. The riches you find are not in the heart. 251. I am the universal cosmic Spirit beyond time and form. 252. All shapes are mine to express the Spirit in creation. 253. The mind wants to hang on to ideas. 254. The soul searches for its true home of happiness. 255. The jnani does not stop to hold the toys of life. 256. He sees the light in all circumstances of existence. 257. God should be your only object of desire. 258. Who Am I is the quest of our existence. 259. Knowledge of Brahman comes by detachment and self awakening. 260. Wisdom is realizing one’s identity with the infinite. 261. The Cosmic Self is the center of our existence. 262. We must worship whom the Guru worships. 263. The seeker of the truth must know the reality from falsehood. 264. We must keep the mind blank to experience the truth. 265. To experience the truth requires many years of practice. 266. Enter the deep void in samadhi to see the light. 267. I am always with you through the trials of life. 268. The silent witness knows by identity the existence of God. 269. The peace that you feel ushers in the presence of God. 270. Be asleep to the world but awake to the Spirit. 271. His invisibility is the glue that holds the universe together. 272. He is unlimited by name or form. 273. He is all pervading throughout the universe as its source. MEDITATION MESSAGES 274. He is the Cosmic Mind of which the universe is His dream. 275. He is the voice of wisdom that speaks in the silence of the soul. 276. Enter the state of samadhi by being aware of the silence. 277. Merge in the presence of God where all is light. 278. Let not the world disturb you in the quest for God. 279. Swami is only here to show the way. 280. The search for the inner countries must be continuous. 281. The regions of light are too intense for those unprepared. 282. Let the world of the mind give way to God’s Heaven. 283. The opening is only one part of the way. 284. The spiritual pilgrimage is an inward journey. 285. The path is too far for those who are steeped in worldly karma. 286. The goal is to merge in the light and be free. 287. I am in the heart of those who listen and obey. 288. An unknown God that leads our souls is the goal of our journey. 289. Our quest for perfection must enter the void to see the light. 290. The nature of the self is to know by identity. 291. When you come up to my level that is tapas. 292. Automatically it will come to you when you are ready. 293. God is the house in which we live. 294. Brahman is the reality of which all things are made. 295. The transcendental experience shows us our eternal foundation. 296. The sage has no desires to fulfill. 297. He has completed the round of existence in a human form. 298. The source of all existence is in my heart. 299. The rule is to surrender everything to God. 300. To feel His bliss you must be absolutely pure. 301. To be freed from the body the mind must yield to the Spirit. 302. The destruction of the mind is the way to victory. 303. The deepest reaches of man are in his soul. 304. The sage sees beyond the senses into the infinite presence of God. 305. I am before you in every direction you turn. 306. So beautiful is the feeling of God’s closeness in the soul. 307. Cultivate the crossing of the mind. 308. Release the life force from its identification with the body. 309. Let the mind return to its natural source. 310. Absorb the deep state of consciousness by dissolving in divinity. 311. An ocean of bliss surrounds the soul lost in God. 312. Let the soul abide in its own essence. 313. The foundation of the mind is thought arising from the silence. 314. The true Guru never leaves his disciple alone. 315. He is with him every moment of the meditation. 316. God is the all pervading master of the universe. 317. His grace comes in the form of the heart’s bliss. 318. The highest truth knows the self as the center of all existence. 319. The way to enlightenment is to see through the mind where God shines. MEDITATION MESSAGES 320. The vision must penetrate through many obstacles of the mind to see God. 321. God is the light upon which the soul grows. 322. You are never apart from Him. 323. The feeling of separation is overcome by meditation. 324. Your source is in the heart hidden by layers of the mind. 325. When the third eye opens there is light everywhere. 326. The discovery of the self is the key to spiritual life. 327. The witness experiences the presence of God in samadhi. 328. The light expands and time disappears in samadhi’s bliss of oneness. 329. It comes beyond the door of perception through the soul’s window. 330. The cup of life tastes of God’s sweetness in the sage’s hand. 331. The play of divine consciousness embraces the soul in samadhi. 332. The Guru comes in a flash of thunder entering the disciple’s life. 333. God breaks down the walls of ego freeing the devotee’s soul. 334. There is no more you or I in the sage’s heart. 335. The deep well of consciousness bubbles with divine possibility waiting to manifest. 336. In the silence the voice of God speaks to the soul. 337. Giving up all worldly attachments for the love of God leads to bliss. 338. You must seek Me in the heart where the light shines. 339. When the doors of the heart open God appears. 340. I had a vision that Siva embraced the world in peace. 341. God sees everywhere the souls yearning to be free. 342. To seek to find out who you are must be experienced in meditation. 343. The nature of the mind must be controlled from manifesting as changing thoughts. 344. I have prepared the way for you to follow until realization is attained. 345. There is no more darkness to see when God’s grace shines through. 346. You must find the bliss you truly are. 347. The nature of the atman is to shine as self knowledge. 348. The process of inner cleansing must go on until every thought is pure. 349. The mind must go back to its original source. 350. To pass through the door between life and death ends upon God realization. 351. Enlightenment is knowing the divine oneness pervading creation’s play. 352. In deep samadhi the world disappears as an idea of God. 353. To be free is to have no desire for the world. 354. To end the cycle of rebirth you must find the ultimate cause. 355. The reason for your suffering is the identification with matter. 356. I am pervading all the world as light. 357. Liberation is knowing the divine cause as the center of your existence. 358. That which cannot be expressed by words is the highest truth. 359. The realization of peace opens the consciousness to God’s presence. 360. The bliss expands in the heart filled with God’s oneness. 361. The light of God awakens the soul lost in contemplation. 362. The vision of God comes in a flash that changes the whole lifetime. 363. The walls of separation break down when divinity appears. 364. The message is heard, the light is seen, and all is one. 365. The work is done when all life is free to serve God.
  24. MEDITATION MESSAGES Chapter Three 1. Go into the silence and come out with His presence. 2. Lose yourself in the infinite timelessness of the Spirit. 3. To have no desires is true freedom. 4. The divine name is a life raft in the ocean of woe. 5. Go into the higher state of consciousness by leaving the body behind. 6. Experience your true nature in the deep silence. 7. That luminous essence is your true being. 8. Eternal knowledge leads the soul back to God. 9. Drop all thoughts of the world and let the Spirit flow. 10. Commune with God in silence and listen for His answer. 11. When you have no more thoughts you dissolve in God’s sea. 12. I am known by the light that awakens your soul. 13. I am the voice that speaks in the silence of meditation. 14. Aum’s vibration merges the mind in Spirit’s power. 15. God is the still voice that runs the universe. 16. God is your Guru and master. 17. Brahman is an infinite current of bliss. 18. The one to whom you listen is the source of your being. 19. To persevere on the quest for truth is the highest virtue. 20. The closer you get to God the more bliss you feel. 21. The disciple’s training leads to practical application in the spiritual field. 22. The bliss of God flows through the opened heart in waves of love. 23. When the mind becomes still the self shines in its true nature. 24. Trance is a connection with another plane taking over the mind. 25. Change the mind’s attachment to objects of this world. 26. Lose yourself in the bliss of the divine name. 27. Search for your true identity in the depths of your soul. 28. The kingdom of the golden lotus is entered by inner vision. 29. The entry into the inner countries depends upon leaving the body. 30. The inner way of the mystic is to find truth in silence. 31. Peace without desires comes in deep meditation where all is still. 32. The stillness of divine communion is the gateway to the soul’s ascension. 33. To sink into samadhi and enjoy God’s bliss is life’s goal. 34. To liberate the mind from all ideas focus on the God point. 35. Waves of peace descend upon the soul merged in God’s presence. 36. Concentrate so intently on one subject that the world disappears. 37. God looks after the sage who knows the truth. 38. You will never get satisfaction in outward things. 39. No birth, no death, no self have I that am Brahman ever free. 40. Follow my path to reach the goal. 41. Erase all negative images from the mind. 42. Have no desires to be free. 43. The bliss of Brahman comes when the mind is vacant. 44. The quest begins with the Spirit’s touch and ends with its embrace. 45. Intensify the bliss realized in meditation. MEDITATION MESSAGES 46. Go into the quiet zone to discover the truth. 47. Discover the peace that lies within the soul awakened to God. 48. Listen to the quiet that remains when all thoughts vanish. 49. The self lies beyond the ravings of the mind. 50. The eye of the perceiver is opened in silent concentration. 51. Keep the mind free from any ideas that disturb the peace. 52. Get out of this world and know that only Brahman exists. 53. The one principle that sustains existence manifests in the quiet mind. 54. The God state exists above the normal consciousness. 55. The perfect master lives in the world as God’s actor. 56. Concentrate on vacant space to merge in the silence. 57. I am surrounded by God’s presence in deep meditation. 58. To be alone is the path to realize the Divine Being. 59. When you die remember that which was your goal in life. 60. Enter the quiet zone to enjoy the bliss of realization. 61. Leave all thoughts behind to enter the paradise of clear being. 62. Connect your soul with the Cosmic Mind. 63. The mind’s layers must be discarded to find the truth. 64. Merge in the Aum sound and see the light. 65. The blissful peace of samadhi makes the world disappear. 66. Absorption into the nothingness to see the One brings peace. 67. Leaving the body you exist in a world created by the mind. 68. Having no thought waves allows the self to reveal itself. 69. Go into the silence and enter the void where God is. 70. The vacant mind is the gateway to Heaven. 71. There is nothing to hold on to if you want God. 72. Samadhi is a state free from desires where only God flows. 73. Why waste time on empty things? 74. The depth of the Spirit is reached in deep meditation. 75. Leave the body consciousness and enjoy the Spirit’s freedom. 76. Focus the mind on one point and merge in the source. 77. The bliss that you seek lies in the heart. 78. The Guru exists on the inner planes guiding the disciple. 79. The upliftment of the soul to God begins with tapas. 80. The deeper layers of consciousness are revealed in samadhi. 81. The knowledge of God comes in the silence as a stream of light. 82. Look within the soul and see the light of God. 83. The higher self is known by aspiring for Heaven everyday. 84. Tapas reveals who you are through the fire of God. 85. Brahman realization is a state of consciousness where only oneness is. 86. The voice of God is heard through intuition. 87. Celebrate the joy in life while dancing in God’s presence. 88. Cultivate your inner development by watching the mind become still. 89. Desires will never satisfy your life. 90. To discover the truth you must have an aim and pursue it. MEDITATION MESSAGES 91. The deep peace that I feel is a sign that God has come. 92. When the mind is at peace you enter the superconscious state. 93. Annul all outside influences and focus on the self. 94. Withdraw your consciousness from the body and receive the Spirit. 95. The eye of the future knows the true destiny of man. 96. A true mystic has no attachments. 97. The road to liberation is strewn with flowers of wisdom. 98. The yogi seeks God in every circumstance. 99. Brahma vidya is knowing the self as one with the Supreme. 100. To see the self in all things is cosmic consciousness. 101. Vedanta is the science of the human soul perceiving the infinite. 102. The bliss of God is felt in the silence. 103. In the valley of eternity plant the tree of wisdom. 104. Relax the mind to feel the deeper layers of your being. 105. To serve God you must feel never apart. 106. You must realize His presence in each action. 107. The search is within to discover everlasting bliss. 108. Give yourself completely to the Lord. 109. The power of silence reveals your true essence. 110. The light beyond the senses is the sign of God. 111. In samadhi there is no object for the mind to hold on to. 112. Immersed in the Cosmic One time stood still. 113. The bliss that is felt within the heart is the touch of God. 114. The space in the heart leads to the infinite. 115. A sea of wonder awaits the truth seeker in meditation. 116. Renounce everything to see God. 117. The Guru plants the seed which the disciple must grow. 118. The real mystic sees the future as ideas from the Divine Mind. 119. Cosmic consciousness is knowing the universe in God’s embrace. 120. I am present in all creation as the witness soul. 121. Go into silence to know the truth. 122. The form of the Guru is the gateway to liberation. 123. Liberation is living with no desires in a life filled with bliss. 124. Swami has no body. 125. Focus the awareness on the point of inner vision. 126. Leave your attention to the body and enter the Spirit. 127. End all attachments to the world of duality and change. 128. The bliss of Brahman is felt when the world disappears. 129. In the absence of nature one gets back to the original source. 130. Realize the changeless and be free. 131. The consciousness must become absorbed in the vast. 132. Heaven is entered by those who leave attachments behind. 133. Withdraw the awareness from the body and focus on the Spirit within. 134. Try not to have a single thought apart from God. 135. Living in the atman is the supreme felicity. MEDITATION MESSAGES 136. The yogi exists in his own bliss. 137. Heavenly bliss is achieved by meditation. 138. Find your own path in the silence of the mind. 139. Absorption into the nothingness to realize the all is samadhi. 140. Abide in the deep peace where all is quiet without thought forms. 141. Enter the region of peaceful bliss where all stands still. 142. Focus on one point to the exclusion of all other things. 143. Exist in the higher consciousness without any desires. 144. The void is man’s natural state of consciousness. 145. When nothing happens everything is being prepared. 146. In the deep hours of contemplation the way is cleared. 147. Aum is the word of Brahman that unlocks the doors to the infinite. 148. Shut out the world from your consciousness. 149. The inner search precedes in silence. 150. The hidden reality is behind man’s quest for freedom. 151. By silence you go to the source. 152. Go into the silence to find the truth. 153. Your consciousness must be open to the light beyond time. 154. Feel free from the body to touch God’s hand. 155. Liberation is knowing who you are in God consciousness. 156. Lift up your consciousness to the summit of divine existence. 157. Open to the infinite with a still mind absorbed in deep meditation. 158. Cut off all contacts to perform tapas. 159. Solitude is the gateway to freedom. 160. Purity releases the mind from desire. 161. I am in all forms in the universe. 162. The cosmic drama begins and ends with Me. 163. The still mind is the doorway to liberation. 164. The inner commandment is to listen in the Spirit’s silence. 165. Contentment is the means to self discovery. 166. The light grows within the heart surrendered to God. 167. Emptiness is the beginning of life in the Spirit. 168. The eternal unchanging God is the object of our quest. 169. Siva vidya is knowing the self. 170. Allow no disturbances to distract the course of meditation. 171. To reach the superconscious state requires absorption in Brahman. 172. The Guru comes by God’s grace. 173. The gateway to the Eternal is through the head. 174. Liberation starts with the desire to know the truth. 175. The light becomes real when illusion vanishes. 176. Find the silent immensity from which all the worlds have sprung. 177. We invoke the fire to win the light. 178. Upon the point let your soul expand. 179. I am above the dualities of the world. 180. Seek knowledge in the calm stillness of the heart. 181. The proper way to do meditation is to sit by the self. MEDITATION MESSAGES 182. Real concentration requires effort to establish divine consciousness. 183. Explore your inner being to find the essence of God. 184. Speak to God for your soul’s benefit. 185. In the silence of your mind the divine image appears. 186. The higher consciousness is reached meditating on a point in infinity. 187. Do not be attached to the world if you want to reach God. 188. The silent immensity is the thinker who holds the universe in his mind. 189. By going deep within you find the maker of the universe. 190. The super power that rules the universe lives in your heart and beyond. 191. God is beyond time and space living in bliss. 192. To feel His presence each moment is moksha. 193. Surrender everything to Me and realize I am the only reality. 194. Banish all objects from your mind and focus on the one reality. 195. The highest state of consciousness begins when the mind sleeps. 196. Isolation develops the soul. 197. Disregard all previous attachments in your quest to be free. 198. Have no regrets when you leave behind the world for the Spirit. 199. In thoughtless solitude the sun will dawn. 200. The edge of eternity that no one knows is visited by God realized sages. 201. Remove the covering of ignorance and see the light. 202. Layers of peace engulf the soul lost in deep meditation. 203. He opened the door a little bit to get the people to follow. 204. Swami is always with his disciples. 205. Make yourself a fit vehicle for the divine force to grow. 206. Brahman is the infinite consciousness that pervades the creation. 207. Peace comes in the absence of desire. 208. Be sincere in your spiritual quest. 209. In absolute silence the Supreme is known as the presence beyond sound. 210. I will come to you in the quiet of your soul. 211. I hear your voice when the heart is still. 212. Focus on the one reality behind all appearances. 213. You must be prepared to make the great journey. 214. Experience the pure blankness of the mind. 215. The ultimate mystery is reached in silence. 216. Thoughtless peace is the road to immortal bliss. 217. The power that runs the universe is in your heart. 218. The mystical experiences come in the quiet. 219. Let the pure essence flow through you. 220. Experience the peace where all thoughts cease. 221. Clear the mind of all ideas to see God. 222. When all the ideas will stop God comes. 223. The changeless reality abides in the heart. 224. Don’t let any thought enter the door of your mind. 225. Mouna means not getting involved in the world. 226. Focus you mind on the one point that leads to eternity. 227. The one reality behind all forms is known in the silence. MEDITATION MESSAGES 228. Be aware of pure consciousness each moment in your quest. 229. The point of no return is reached when God erases the mind. 230. When the winds of the mind are free the light does not shine. 231. Eliminate the world from your ideas. 232. The secret of being is in non becoming. 233. The unexplored country is the goal of your journey. 234. Join your consciousness with the infinite. 235. I am the bliss that never dies. 236. Pure awareness brings the dawn of a new consciousness. 237. Steady focus unlocks the doors of light. 238. The yogi in samadhi has no thought waves. 239. The man who is content has everything. 240. Give up time to know the eternal consciousness. 241. He sees the light who knows the self. 242. The true knower of the self has no desires. 243. There is no gulf between the knower and the known in samadhi. 244. The atman is pure awareness of the infinite. 245. The sage who is content within himself lives in the atman. 246. Mindlessness is the road to the atman. 247. I am an infinite wave on God’s cosmic ocean. 248. Dedication reveals the flower of realization. 249. Enlightenment moves from the world of shadows to reality unveiled. 250. The formless reality is the center of our existence. 251. Detach yourself from the body to free the soul. 252. To approach God you need an offering of love. 253. The higher consciousness takes you beyond the world of form into the light. 254. I am teaching you so that you will know what I have attained. 255. The first initiation is to know the self. 256. Union with Brahman is experienced when your original spiritual nature is known. 257. Guru’s form is the doorway to liberation. 258. The experience of God is felt like a cool breeze under the sun. 259. Negate the world so that only God remains. 260. God is the Guru who teaches through silence during life’s experiences. 261. True spirituality begins with inner peace in the quest for God. 262. The window to eternity is opened by tapas. 263. The wrong direction is away from God into maya’s illusion. 264. The power of illusion can be overcome by tapas. 265. Staying in samadhi is the message of the Guru. 266. The drop of consciousness merges into the infinite sea during meditation. 267. Detach yourself from the mind and let the soul shine through. 268. Tapas has the power to liberate you by continuous samadhi. 269. A luminous blue intensity shines in the heart revealing the Divine. 270. Go into the nothingness to see the all. 271. Swami gives no verbal teaching so that you can listen inside. 272. Let all your thought waves vanish to feel His presence. 273. He is more close to you than your very being. MEDITATION MESSAGES 274. He who seeks to become one with Lord Siva must control his senses. 275. Everything is empty but that which remains. 276. The secret of samadhi is silent absorption in the self. 277. The experience of samadhi comes in the quiet room of your mind. 278. Tap into your divine source. 279. Let the shakti work upon yourself. 280. To do tapas you must be totally detached from the world. 281. God is the center of a cosmic geometry dancing in Spirit’s bliss. 282. The world tree from which existence springs has its seed in God. 283. Beware of changing patterns of the mind. 284. The wideness beyond the body is your true home. 285. Tapas means drawing the self into our life. 286. The fruit of your penance is to serve God. 287. Living and dying become the same when you are established in the self. 288. When the mind and body are left behind the self will shine. 289. When you and the subject are one that is samadhi. 290. Dissolve your mind into its original essence. 291. He is alive in your heart. 292. Freedom from attachment is the first step toward wisdom. 293. When you go into samadhi you do not know anything about the world. 294. You have to show God that you only want Him. 295. Swami will give you the force. 296. Samadhi is when you merge into that which you contemplate. 297. The secret of samadhi lies in knowing the self. 298. Samadhi is consciousness where separation between knower and known has ended. 299. The bliss that pervades the universe is the sign of God. 300. Renounce the world to go forward in the Spirit. 301. The bliss of peace is within your reach. 302. The yogi goes through the air in a dream body made of light. 303. The withdrawal from within takes you into a moment of eternity. 304. The inner journey has many steps until the goal is reached. 305. The master of eternity has no form that can express his glory. 306. The seeker after realization must know how to enter the wide void. 307. The zone of nothingness holds the key to God’s mystery. 308. Be eternally still to see the Absolute. 309. Look within for the goal that you seek. 310. In the ocean of Brahman there is bliss. 311. Pure awareness is the key to realization. 312. You will know who you are when samadhi comes. 313. Climb up the ladder of consciousness to the summit of existence. 314. The bliss of Brahman flows through the yogi’s consciousness. 315. The Brahman is eternal but the world is not. 316. The yogi pierces through the illusion of this world. 317. Be totally absorbed in the self that is eternity’s center. 318. The mystic Guru teaches in the heart. 319. The inner dimensions are covered by layers of ignorance. MEDITATION MESSAGES 320. The mysteries of the mind are revealed in meditation. 321. Perfect peace is the fruit enjoyed when the mind’s ideas cease. 322. In the absolute quiet there is pure consciousness. 323. Prolong the duration of stillness to realize the Absolute Being. 324. Eradication of the mind’s desires is the doorway to liberation. 325. Live in the consciousness of eternal peace. 326. Abide in the self and know who you are. 327. Let the mind reside in its pure essence. 328. The sage is immersed in the glory of God. 329. The luminous regions are attained by self unfoldment during tapas. 330. The experience of higher consciousness comes in deep peace. 331. Follow the mind’s point to its origin. 332. Only by the withdrawn mind can you attain realization. 333. All this is impermanent except the Lord that you seek. 334. In the superconsciousness state there are no more thought waves. 335. Annul thyself to let God shine through. 336. When you become established in the pure self you experience bliss. 337. The divine presence is the object of our quest. 338. A continuous flow of stillness is the way to attract the Divine. 339. The stopping of all ideas is the key to wisdom. 340. I am revealed in the silence of the soul. 341. When the mind becomes empty then I will appear. 342. The love in your heart must constantly flow to God. 343. The state of God ecstasy comes with samadhi. 344. Let the mind inhere in its original nature. 345. The flight to freedom takes you beyond life into eternity. 346. The pearl of wisdom lies in your heart. 347. Aum is the infinite seed word that reveals the Brahman. 348. The bliss of Brahman is the goal of all meditation. 349. You enter into samadhi when the mind is clear. 350. The inner journey goes beyond this world into new spiritual planes. 351. He shone as a light to guide others to truth. 352. Brahma jnana is when the self realizes its identity with God. 353. The Guru picks the chela to awaken his soul. 354. Still the mind of all ideas to realize the divine presence. 355. The search after Brahman is for knowing the essence of existence. 356. Subtler than the subtlest it cannot be found with the eyes. 357. It is an experience that comes when the soul is pure. 358. The Guru is the key to wisdom unlocking the door to illumination. 359. When you know who you are then you will forget the world. 360. The inner search leads to the state of nonduality. 361. Lose body consciousness to gain freedom of the soul. 362. When you no more run around then you come to Me. 363. The secret of the mind lies in being still. 364. God is the supreme primeval being whom no thought can measure. 365. Siva prepares you for the trip beyond darkness into light.
  25. MEDITATION MESSAGES Chapter One 1. The tapas begins when the Siva comes. 2. The tapas succeeds when you identify with the Guru. 3. Find the origin of the mind. 4. Clear the mind of all ideas. 5. In the absence of ideas there is bliss. 6. Yoga is the suppression of the mind stuff from arising. 7. The Lord of the Linga is in your heart. 8. Abide in the silence. 9. There is something in meditation which no experience can equal. 10. The yogi goes into samadhi. 11. The investigation of Brahman leads to knowledge of the first cause. 12. How do we investigate? By going behind the mind. 13. Merge in the light. Reject all ideas from taking form. 14. In the absence of mind there is deep space. 15. There is nothing when God appears. 16. There is a dimension where the soul is free. 17. Stillness is the means of climbing the spiritual ladder. 18. Concentrate on the here and now to find eternity. 19. Focus on the moment of truth when the self disappears. 20. The nature of reality becomes known when the mind is still. 21. What occurs in the silence? The process of God manifesting. 22. The bliss of silence cannot be measured. 23. You are not the body. 24. In the quiet mind I can grow. 25. At the end of the tapas the Mother comes. 26. The peace beyond desire is the road to the infinite. 27. Make room in the house for God. 28. Complete the journey. 29. God works behind the veil. 30. I am calling you. 31. The glory of God is in the heart. 32. I will guide you. 33. Make the mind like an empty glass to receive illumination. 34. Look for the light. 35. I will give you what you can contain. 36. Can you see the eye of the Linga? 37. God is the never ending quest for freedom. 38. Isolation is needed for the soul’s development. 39. The secret of samadhi starts with the suppression of the mind. 40. Samadhi is thoughtlessness in communion with God’s peace. 41. I am in all things as the witness observer. 42. To reach the level of pure consciousness you must dissolve. 43. Search – strive – attain. 44. True happiness lies in not being disturbed by the world. 45. Experience samadhi in pure thoughtlessness. MEDITATION MESSAGES 46. The deity to be worshipped is in front of you. 47. There is no holding back when you are on the path. 48. Do not use the Guru as a crutch. 49. The bliss that you seek lies within. 50. The great search travels the road from darkness to light. 51. The sixth state of consciousness is beyond the five senses. 52. There are deeper layers of unfoldment in self realization. 53. Reality is dimensionless. 54. I am other than this illusion of the world. 55. Become free of the mind. 56. Become a monk and live in seclusion. 57. God is my soul’s magnet. 58. Strive to reach the great peace. 59. What is it that makes you search? 60. Exist in the void and see the light. 61. Forget the body and become free. 62. The true teacher is in the heart. 63. Who sustains the thought? 64. All things return to it. 65. Go into the region of peace where all thoughts cease. 66. Know that upon which all the worlds stand. 67. Aum is the universal song that reflects the divine presence. 68. God is beyond this gross world of matter. 69. There is a region where no thoughts can gain entry. 70. Experience the silence of the divine wideness. 71. Concentrate on the silence. 72. The Lord of infinity lives in the heart. 73. Float your ideas out with the breath. 74. There are infinite worlds of consciousness beyond the mind. 75. The descent of the higher consciousness comes with the soul’s opening. 76. Behave like a tapas yogi. 77. I will bless you through the fire. 78. Samadhi is merging the thought in the subject. 79. When the waters enter the ocean there is unity. 80. The soul’s progression rises to its source. 81. Sit on the seat of true consciousness. 82. Lose the consciousness of self. 83. Begin again. Forget yourself. 84. There are no personal experiences. They come from the Cosmic Whole. 85. Why do you accumulate more karma? 86. Enter the deep space of consciousness. 87. Find that upon which all desires cease. 88. You must expand to grow. 89. Watchful awareness is the way to enlightenment. 90. God is the breath of my soul. MEDITATION MESSAGES 91. Enjoy the state of desireless peace. 92. In the blank state the truth shines forth. 93. Each soul is a pearl on the thread of God. 94. I am you. 95. Meditation is when the subject and object become one. 96. The bliss that you search for is inside you. 97. Pierce through the veil and see the light. 98. I am not limited to the body. 99. Wire into the Cosmic Mind. 100. I lie concealed in your heart. 101. Surrender yourself into His hands. 102. You must try harder to realize Me. 103. Realize your true nature. 104. The kingdom of the white rose calls from afar for you to enter. 105. Become one with that which you aspire. 106. You merge into that which you want to achieve. 107. Samadhi is the means to explore the inner kingdom. 108. Become the witness of your thoughts. 109. I create the galaxies from ideas in my mind. 110. Seek to find the container of thoughts. 111. I am everywhere. 112. Can your body give you bliss? 113. True bliss is when the soul feels God’s touch. 114. The higher identity is realized in deep peace. 115. Guru can light the path but you have to follow the road. 116. Existence is the mask of God thinking a dream in time. 117. Can you hear the voice of silence? 118. Look at the cosmic light. 119. The everlasting consciousness arises out of the space of quiet. 120. It comes from afar. 121. The deliverer is within. 122. What is Samadhi? To be aware of God at every moment. 123. Your destiny is in Siva’s hands. 124. Pure awareness is the key to wisdom. 125. The road to freedom is filled with sorrow turned into joy. 126. In absolute calmness God shines through. 127. Can you feel His presence? 128. Tapas is where my glory lies. 129. Become incarnations of Siva and Parvati. 130. See with the eyes of Siva. 131. Go higher beyond form. 132. Who is it that makes you call? 133. God is the breath behind your life. 134. It is hidden but yet it comes out. 135. The search begins in silence. MEDITATION MESSAGES 136. The one from which many emerge is the goal. 137. The blank mind is the natural state of enlightenment. 138. Samadhi is a journey from the many to the one. 139. The Lord of tapas is inside you. 140. Brahma sahaja is the state of liberation. 141. There is hope in each new day for enlightenment. 142. The higher consciousness is just behind the mind in stillness. 143. Clouded by desire man does not see the truth. 144. The realization of separation is the first step toward the return. 145. Waiting is the way to success when the mind dies down. 146. The entry into the spiritual dimension requires a piercing vision. 147. The gates of Heaven are closed to the arrogant. 148. Eternity consciousness comes in the silent mind experiencing awareness. 149. Turn your attention toward the sound coming from the divine worlds. 150. What is behind the experience of stillness? 151. It cannot be contained since Brahman is infinite. 152. See between the eyes the light of God. 153. He looked behind the veil of eternity and saw God. 154. It is for you to develop. 155. The Guru will aid you. 156. Experience the voidness of the mind. 157. Realize the eternity of the heart. 158. Lift up your consciousness to the infinite. 159. The blue flame points the path to the hall of freedom. 160. The eye of the tiger reveals God’s mystery to the yogi. 161. Face the mountain and finish the task. 162. He glimpsed through eternity and saw the light. 163. Where is God found? On the mountain of stillness. 164. The wisdom of nonduality is the final realization. 165. Make contact with the infinite in deep silence. 166. The bells of thunder vibrate God’s notes in each center. 167. Rings of fire circle the universe of the yogi’s astral body. 168. The power of concentration burns through the worlds of change. 169. Higher than the world of thoughts is the world of bliss. 170. The mind’s turning away from the world is spiritual growth’s beginning. 171. The awakening comes in a flash. The effort lasts a lifetime. 172. The realization of the Absolute comes when all is one. 173. The Guru awakens the chela’s spiritual force. 174. The mind of God transforms words into reality. 175. When samadhi arises the mind subsides. 176. Dissolve into nothingness to experience the all pervading consciousness. 177. When your identification with Guru is perfect then you will realize God. 178. Above the mind is a region of peace where the divine presence flows. 179. Ideas act as barriers to realize eternal peace. 180. Your own self is responsible for your evolution. 181. Who is the witness of the mind’s pictures? MEDITATION MESSAGES 182. Enjoy the peace of quietness that is your true nature. 183. Tapas means leaving the body consciousness for the infinite experience. 184. Watch the mind before each thought arises. 185. The message of God is to change your consciousness. 186. The self is realized in deep meditation. 187. The purpose of meditation is to experience samadhi and know God. 188. Guru is living in a different dimension. 189. In the footsteps of silence God draws near the meditating soul. 190. In the stillness of the soul there is oneness. 191. Discipline the senses to cut the body tie. 192. Enjoy the delight of the void. 193. Pure being is your true nature. 194. In the absence of thought there is peace. 195. The yogi has no possessions. 196. In the deep state of consciousness the world disappears. 197. The form that you see does not reflect the reality. 198. Yoga is the absence of all thought waves from arising. 199. Your innate divinity will lead you to the goal. 200. The Guru works within to show you the way. 201. All the delusions of the mind come up during meditation for purification. 202. The source comes from above the mind. 203. You approach what you do not know. 204. You realize it by opening to oneness. 205. The soul is pulled to God by meditation. 206. Search for God with eyes of fire. 207. Lift up your consciousness beyond the body into the Spirit. 208. Man must go within to find his true nature. 209. In perfect silence there is peace. 210. See the Cosmic Mind behind creation. 211. Climb the mountain of consciousness. 212. The gates open when the seeker awakens to the call. 213. Cross the threshold from humanity into divinity by tapas yoga. 214. Are you ready to make the supreme sacrifice? 215. The unfoldment of knowledge comes when you can listen. 216. The purity of the heart is shown by its selfless actions. 217. I will take you up to the higher regions. 218. Stay with your mind fixed on eternity. 219. Explore the reaches of consciousness by clear awareness. 220. The goal is reached by staying in the light. 221. Wisdom lies in the heart untouched by desire. 222. Wait for the entire being to become full of peace. 223. I will meet you in the deep silence of meditation. 224. Hold all ideas still for illumination to shine. 225. The grace of the Lord flows to the devotee in bliss. 226. Visualize the appearance of the Lord becoming a permanent reality. 227. When your consciousness is constant then the divine form will appear. MEDITATION MESSAGES 228. The one is realized when the many disappear. 229. Behind the world of appearance yogis penetrate many layers of existence. 230. At each level of consciousness the Divine pervades the yogi’s awareness. 231. The mind creates a web of changing ideas that imprison man. 232. Liberation is the severing of the mind from impermanent thoughts. 233. The way of the yogi is to flow with the infinite. 234. He sees the presence of God in each happening. 235. The change of consciousness comes by constant inner striving. 236. Samadhi makes the experience of God a living reality. 237. When the light is one the yogi travels to other worlds. 238. He sees worlds taking shape by the breath of God. 239. Master your mind to attain freedom in the fourth state of consciousness. 240. The source of all awareness is realized in samadhi. 241. The inner path leads to the farthest reaches of infinity. 242. When all is quiet then I will come. 243. Explore the depths of consciousness to find your soul. 244. Stillness expands into the heights of realization during meditation. 245. Carry on your sadhana with diligence until the goal is reached. 246. When your mind’s ideas become still then God fills your consciousness. 247. Walk on the road to self discovery following the light. 248. Know that you are not alone in your quest. 249. In samadhi there are no thought waves blocking God realization. 250. All tapas focuses on merging with the divine bliss. 251. The mystery of God is revealed when samadhi dawns in meditation. 252. Bliss pervades the body of the yogi joining with God. 253. Call for the divine opening with the magnet of love. 254. As time passes grow into the Eternal by forgetting the world. 255. The Guru is the window through which God shines through. 256. The highest realization is that you exist in God. 257. God is the intelligent force that permeates the universe. 258. The direction of the mind determines your spiritual development. 259. Discover who you are in the deep silence of meditation. 260. Sleep is the nature of the mind detached from the world. 261. Awareness is the essence of the soul knowing its identity. 262. Fulfillment comes when the soul ascends to its original home. 263. Those who meditate find the peace which strengthens their life. 264. The yogi finds the path to ecstasy by keeping the mind free of thoughts. 265. Discover the wisdom which reveals God’s presence in your heart. 266. Hear the sound of Aum arising in meditation. 267. Freedom is the peace of knowing God’s presence. 268. Treasure the calm moments when the Spirit is near. 269. Catch the rays of the spiritual sun with the yogi’s third eye. 270. Yogis become equal to all things in life by radiating inner peace. 271. He knows the origin of light who penetrates the void. 272. Right here in the midst of life God calls the soul. 273. The soul awakens by trying to find the source of freedom. MEDITATION MESSAGES 274. The moment the Divine manifests there is absolute calm to receive bliss. 275. Light streams into the heart opened to the infinite consciousness. 276. Infinity meets the mind of man in the quiet of meditation. 277. The waves of the mind become still when God is found. 278. The clouds of ignorance vanish when the light of meditation dawns. 279. The sage’s life revolves around bringing God closer to man. 280. Sweep the mind clean of all ideas for God to walk upon it. 281. See the light that guides your soul to truth. 282. True vision comes in the stillness of the mind focused on God’s light. 283. The yogi knows death as a mask for the life to come. 284. Forsake the illusion of this world for the constant divine presence. 285. The power of tapas reveals all of God’s worlds to the yogi. 286. The flow of divine power opens the yogi’s psychic centers. 287. The atman is realized when only God is witnessed throughout existence. 288. He must overcome all attachments to the world. 289. Before realization dawns the yogi is tested a thousand times. 290. You get strength when you overcome the ego. 291. The yogi goes deep within himself to find God. 292. Realization is being aware of the Divine on all levels of existence. 293. Yoga is overcoming all difficulties by spiritual power. 294. Be that which you strive to be. 295. Open your soul to the living influence of the higher consciousness. 296. The true hero conquers all suffering in the challenge of life. 297. Face the mirror of consciousness and see your true nature. 298. Find the Guru in meditation to liberate your soul. 299. Stop all ideas from forming to experience the truth. 300. Free yourself from all ideas that limit you to the earth. 301. Going beyond the body and mind you enter a realm of stillness and beauty. 302. Use the earth as a platform to ascend to Heaven. 303. The yogi sees the future but lives in the present. 304. Time and space have no constraints of the liberated soul. 305. He sees through the chains of matter who lives by God’s light. 306. Magic moments come when time stands still before God’s presence. 307. The secret of wisdom lies in growing toward the light. 308. In the deep calm before the awakening the soul gets ready. 309. Meditation means focusing the mind on one point that unlocks cosmic mysteries. 310. Discover your true identity when all thoughts cease. 311. Time is the master that must be used to gain freedom. 312. Experience that which you seek. 313. The mind and body must be controlled to merge into the Spirit. 314. How does Swami want you to meditate? 315. Draw upon your inner resources. 316. It is known in the silence. 317. Eternity consciousness is piercing into the infinity of God’s mind. 318. Make your mind pure and tranquil to receive the Spirit. 319. God is an ocean of deep peace. MEDITATION MESSAGES 320. We invoke the powers that are hidden in ourselves by yoga. 321. When all is calm and still then I will appear. 322. Your reception depends upon your awareness. 323. The overhead ascension opens the door to spiritual freedom. 324. Become vessels of peace to light the world. 325. He unlocked the door to eternity by perfection in samadhi’s absorption. 326. They realize their inner nature who perceive God in everything. 327. Those who seek Me in everything know the self of all existence. 328. From the plane of universal intelligence God speaks to man. 329. The full absorption into nothingness yields the light of truth. 330. The end of the search is extinction of the mind in bliss. 331. I am known in the quietness as the friend of your soul. 332. Space and time disappear when God appears. 333. Can you catch the hand of God as a trusting child? 334. Samadhi withdraws the mind into another dimension where all is one. 335. The eye of eternity sees God’s light everywhere. 336. Detach yourself from the body to know the Spirit. 337. The original source calls the soul through Aum’s vibration. 338. The higher planes are reached by climbing the steps to eternity. 339. Long practice brings the goal within reach. 340. Exist in the silent peace waiting for God. 341. God is ever present in the heart. 342. When all is very still you can feel the divine presence. 343. He is untouched by the world who finds God everywhere. 344. Detach your awareness from the body into the soul. 345. Enter the region where all time stands still. 346. Can you see the origin of the mind in meditation? 347. I am revealed when the heart is pure. 348. Follow the path of the master until the goal is reached. 349. The treasures of the heart are revealed by divine love. 350. Tapas is curbing desires to experience God in meditation. 351. The Guru takes responsibility for the chela’s progress. 352. See with eyes of crystal in the cave of vision. 353. You live in the breath of God. 354. The mind wanders until it finds its origin. 355. Listen to the sound beyond creation and merge in it. 356. The yogi gains peace in meditation to see God. 357. Enjoy the peace flowing through the universe within your awakened soul. 358. Pierce through the void and see the face of truth. 359. In the deep silence of total being God is found. 360. The experience of I Am That is the gateway to immortality. 361. You go through many doors until you see the light. 362. Yoga is the bridge to eternity liberating the soul. 363. God resides in the stillness of the soul as the inner guide. 364. You must isolate the mind to become aware of the Spirit. 365. God comes when the inner flame lights the way to self realization.
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