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Posts posted by maadhav

  1. << But our only objection is that "Why should you preach your nonsense philosophy through Bhagavad-gita?" >>


    Some do it becuse:

    - they do not have their own authority, so they use Krishna's.

    it is like selling garbge with nice covering on it.


    - They mistaenly think they know what gita/krishna says.


    - They deliberately misinterpret gita/krisha.


    << Do you think it is right? >>



    HKs are good at challenging them.

    Unfortunately, many HKs act hostile to other vedic paths as well.



  2. why you want to know these things?


    any way here are your answers:


    << According to you what are the three most essential principles of Hinduism? >>


    austerity, mercy, charity, and truth are the pillars of dharma, per bhagavatam.


    << Is there a devil or Satan in Hinduism and if so what is he? >>






  3. You are doing a survey.


    << What are the challenges, if any, to practicing Hinduism? >>




    << What does being Hindu mean to you?>>



    << How has religion (Hinduism) shaped your life?>>

    sin-free living.


    << What do you feel are some misconceptions of your religion? >>


    I feel sorry that the non-Hindus belive the wrong prepresentations of Hinduism by ant-hindus.

    All who need to know hinduism need to know it from ptacticing authorities of Hinduism, not from Xiand and Muslims, etc.



  4. << I firmly believe in AIT, >>


    and BBC now says AIT was just a fabrication.


    Columns by S.Gurumurthy Nov 13, 2005


    Source: http://www.newindpress.com/column/News.asp?Topic=-97&Title=S%2EGurumurthy&ID=IE620051028230551&nDate=&Sub=&Cat=&


    As BBC proves Vivekananda right after a century...

    Saturday October 29 2005 09:27 IST

    S Gurumurthy

    ‘‘Do not believe such silly things as there was a race of mankind in South India called Dravidians differing widely from another race in northern India called the Aryans. This is entirely unfounded.’’ This is not from a saffron scholar of the 21st century. But Swami Vivekananda said it before an audience in the then Madras city as the 19th century was drawing to a close.


    Not knowing where the bright Aryans came from, ‘‘of late, there was an attempt made to prove,’’ he laughed and said: ‘‘Aryans lived on the Swiss lakes.’’ Yet the theory trotted out by F.Max Mueller in 1848 tracing the history of Hinduism to the invasion of indigenous people by Aryans around 1500 BC has obsessed India since then.


    It is now well known that the scholarly work of Max Mueller, once considered independent, was bought by the East India Company, and was thus a colonial view. Even as Swami Vivekananda dismissed Max Mueller’s theory as silly, he lauded Mueller’s work on Indian scriptures as next only to that of Sayanacharya.


    Max Mueller’s theory dominated the Indian academic and intellectual debate and politics of the 20th century and wrought havoc in the national psyche since then. It divided and disturbed the national mind; even threatened to sever southern India from the rest. Any dissent towards this view is even now castigated and isolated, as a sort of intellectual terrorism holds sway. But sustained and strenuous work by dedicated scholars has decimated this silly theory over the last hundred years.


    Yet, billions of pages of instruction in schools and colleges have, since Max Mueller expounded this view, enduringly poisoned and damaged the Indian psyche. And here comes a confession from a source linked to the very perpetrators of this intellectual crime, the ex-colonisers, that the theory, which Swami Vivekananda dismissed as silly, seems silly after all!


    Weeks back the BBC website came out with the startling disclosure that ‘‘there is now ample evidence to show that Max Mueller and those who followed him were wrong.’’ Answering ‘‘why the theory is no longer accepted,’’ the BBC says that ‘‘the Aryan invasion theory was based on archaeological, linguistic and ethnological evidence’ and ‘‘later research has either discredited this evidence or provided new evidence that combined with the earlier evidence makes other explanations likely.’’


    More important, the BBC admits that ‘‘modern historians of the area no longer believe that such invasions had such great influence on Indian history.’’ Even more important, it says that ‘‘it is generally accepted that the Indian history shows a continuity of progress from the earliest times to today.’’ More, ‘‘the changes brought to India by other cultures’’ are no longer thought to be a major ingredient of the development of Hinduism.


    The confession is an honest one. For the BBC does not only agree with Swami Vivekananda, it also points to the ‘dangers’ of the theory. It says that the theory ‘‘denies the Indian origin of India’s predominant culture’’; ‘‘gives credit for the Indian culture to the invaders from elsewhere.’’ It ‘‘teaches that the most revered Hindu scriptures are not actually Indian’’ and ‘‘devalues India’s culture by portraying it as less ancient than it actually is.’’


    It goes further and says that the ‘theory was not just wrong’, but ‘included unacceptably racist ideas.’ It suggested or asserted that Indian culture was not a culture in its own right but a synthesis of elements from other cultures; that Hinduism was not authentically Indian in origin, but the result of cultural imperialism; that Indian culture was static and only changed under outside influence; that the Dravidians were a nobody and got their faith from the Aryan invaders; that the indigenous people could acquire new ideas only from invaders or other races; that race was a biological, not a social, concept and thus rationalised ranking people in a hierarchy and the caste system; that the north Indian people descended from invaders from Europe, and so socially were closer to the British, thus rationalising colonialist presence; that the British were reforming India like the Aryans did thousands of years ago, thus justifying the role and the status of the Raj. Finally it says, ‘‘it downgraded the intellectual status of India and its people by giving falsely a later date to the elements of Indian science and culture.’’ Believe it?


    This confession of wrong done to India and high praise for India’s endogamous antiquity from an unlikely source approves of not just what Swami Vivekananda said over a century ago, but validates the ‘saffron’ view. This endangers the ‘secular’ scholarship whose bread and butter is now under threat. How will they continue to assert that India is more a khichadi than a continuity of undated antiquity?


    How will they go on asserting that there is nothing Indian about India; that there was never anything called India at all; that there is today an India courtesy the invaders – the Aryans, Turks, Moghuls or the British; that thanks to the British we are a nation....


    Yes, the secular scholarship is in deep trouble. But they have a solid reason to feel assured that it will take decades for this truth to overcome the billions of pages of falsehood printed and circulated so far. For the grains of truth to emerge from this mountain of falsehood will take a life’s time.



  5. good post.

    i do not think it willb e deleted.


    muslims and xians both talk of "the people of the book",

    thatn is jews, xians, and muslims. even turki faisal, the ambassador of saudi to US said so.


    the facts are:

    - both want to wipe out each other

    - both want to wipe out the unbelievers


    all we need to do is:


    - remind each of the other as their greatest enemy.

    - practice dharma per gita, unite and fight adharmis

    and defeat them.

    - keep Bharat for the Hindus.


  6. Very good post. Thanks.


    One can conclude logiaclly that god exists,

    if one use a bit of intelligence.


    when there is a system with smart design,

    then means that there is a smart designer.


    all the various bodies of living beings are smart designs.

    our thumb is a smart design.

    the position of nose far away from the rear is a smart design. hearty pumping automatically, and stomach digesting is a smart design.


    when something is in order/pattern then it means some one made it. Why the plantes of the sun are in the same plane?


    we benefit from the designs of the sun, the electro-magnetic medium and the eye. who desigend all these so that we can see? why he designed these for us?


    who is the designer?

    some fool atheist or his grandfather?


  7. << Gita is not the only source in Hinduism. >>


    barney, if you have interest to save sanatana dharma in Bharat, then do not try to cause rift within Hindus, and do not talk as if you are an anti-Hindu.


    Gita is well known as the BOOK OF HINDUISM.

    it is the essenece of the Vedas which are the root basis of Hinduism. You are insluting Hindus by speaking low of Gita.


    Puranas have glorified Gita, and you think low of Gita?


  8. << I am sure Vedas never say us to be fanatics.Vedas only support the Smartha principles.


    Vedas consider all the deities as the manifestation of the same paramAthmA and view all of them equally. >>


    Please clarify wht you ean by "fanatic", and "all deities".

    List the deities included in your view.


  9. << My parents are not allowing me to read Srimad Bhagawatham they say ther will be fights in home if one reads that . >>


    They mean mahabharat, not bhagavatam.


    there is no good basis (except too much emotional overload), but some say that one should not read whole mahabharat in one time, else it will not help.

    reald a littel at a time, not all.


    krishna lilas are in bhagavatam. read them.


  10. good post. thanks.


    << Maybe by that time, most of his other brethen had died out and he was going back to Lord Vishnu. Who knows. >>


    Hanumanji is alive just as god is alive.


    Please read life of Neeb karoli Baba (or Neem karoli Baba)who left is body just 2-3 devades ago. Many have witnessed him knowing three kalas, knowing thoughts and actiosn of any one any time, being present at two plaes at on time, etc. he showed his Hanuman form to his host Sunil Mukherji.


    Even now he does appear in person to his devotees.


    Some of his lilas are very hilarious as well.


  11. We the vedic people have been suffering from it since 1000 years. What is new for us is that we are awaking realizing that that it is not possibel to assimilate islam on the vedic land. we need to nfollow Krishnanow, not gandhi or any gandhian. Ayatollas of Iram have exported Isdlam revolution for 20 years all over the world. Saudis also have exported and still exporting wahhabism every where including in Bharat.


    just as islam used western plane and technology to smash twin towers (9/11), saudis and others are raising suicide bombers in madreasa and schools they have created in slums of Bharat. in that way they do not need to send suicide bobmers frou outside to do terror. We need to close all madressas in Bharat and replace them with Vedic schools.


    We need to unite and act to keep Bharat for the Vedic people and not for the anti-vedics ideologies.


  12. Politics is about keeping law and order is a human society.

    It is about producing leaders and bringing them to political power, or/and about influencing the ploitical leaders to the wishes and desires of the polulation.


    So, unless one lives in seclusion, one (and so most) live in a society that has some form of government whose rules one abides with. Thus we, all the vedic people, are living under a government.


    As the Vedic people, we expect that the government provide us an environment that give us freedom to worship a Vedic deva, devi or god of our choice, and no one stops us from doing so, and no one causes problems to us in doing our sadhana. This requires that we put the political leaders of our choice in power; we also need to raise political leaders of our choice. if we do not do it, then the anti-vedic people do it to serve their anti-vedic interests, and we Hindus could come under their rule.


    Islam ruled over us fo several centuries, and the Xians rules over us for 200 years or so in Bharat. And we have suffered a great deal from them.


    See a quote below.


    Holy Terror - by Amir Taheri, Pg 32:

    A true believer (a Muslim) cannot remain indifferent to the political fate of the society in which he lives. Islam is a thoroughly political religion, and cannot be put in position of weakness simply because some means and tactics may be considered immoral.


    If we do not want to be the victims of the aggresive predator ideologies such as Islam, we need to take active part in poltics, raise our own journalists, take control of the media, etc. we need to unite and act.


  13. Hindu means Vedic.

    So Vedic pluralism means pluralism of all the vedic paths, devas, devis, and god.


    Any religion that says:

    - there is no soul in animals

    - there is no life after death

    - there exists a satan

    - ours is the only way, we have the monopoly

    to haven and god

    - accept our religion or we will killyoy

    - keep sinning and wash our sins by cinfessing onece a week

    - god is jealous

    - etc.


    is not included in this pluralism.

    this is according to Gita/Krishna.


    dear Hindus, please understand this.


  14. every different religion's temple will say different thing about god and what His message is.


    so, then what it would help you go many different temples?


    if you are a Hindu, you need to have one ishta deva you worship, then you respect all other vedic devas and their tempels. you can visit temples of the religions that are vedic, that is offshoots of hinduism. these are jainism, buddhism, and sikhism. why? just to respect them and know what they are. but follow/worship one - your ishta deva.





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