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Posts posted by maadhav

  1. just remembering and reciting gita in sanskrit

    also gets krishna's mercy. it is like carrying on krishna's message for others, like a postman.


    even if you do not know the meaning of each word of a verse, but know what is the message of the verse, then it gives you and others additional benefit and mercy or krishna.


    per krishna's word in gita ch. 18 last part,

    you become very dear to Him.


    it is better to recite when others interested can hear it.

    but you can recite alone just to memorize it.

    yes, devas and He hears it.


    it is important that you pronounce correctly in sanskrit.


  2. just as chaitanya is considered an incarnation ofkrishna as an idel krishna devotee, sahajananda is considered as an ideal sadhu incarnation of krishna. he incarneted with is residence -dhama - personified who was his first disciple - gunatitananda. gunatitananda however later kept telling that krishna is not above sahajananda but under which went against the word of even sahajananda.


    well, let not this begin a hot debate within us the vedic people. swinarayns are also vedic people, and they are very united and effective in getting things done, and also have lot of money too. their temple in amdavad was attached by islam terrorosts a 2-3 years ago.


    theirs is a branch of ramanuj sampradaya, but ramanuj sampradaya does not recognise it.


  3. << Hinduism and Buddhism dont have any concept of hell >>


    the vedic literature has very vivid description of various kinds of hells. but no one lives there permanently.

    after due suffering one gets out per one's karma.


  4. serious and more prevalent the problem, longehr it takes to cure. any society will have some edicts.

    what we want is more people free from drugs.


    almos all HKs took drugs,

    but they gave up afte becoming HKs.

    so, they worked a solution as guided by prabhupada.




  5. << Is it really possible for a non-Indian to convert to Hinduism and still be accepted? >>


    yes. never doubt it.

    it will need a lot of learning though, with open mind,

    but it is not difficult.


    there are millions of hare Krishnas (HKs)

    who are europeans/white, and we accept them as hindus.


    hnduism has nothing to do with race or national origin.





  6. << North Indians hold too much power and supportive of caste system, and South Indians are too pasify to do things their own way. Sad ...>>


    could not be true.


    what makes you think it is so please?

    sometimes anti-hindu use tactics to cause strife between north and south people. i assume you are not doing it.





  7. << North Indians hold too much power and supportive of caste system, and South Indians are too pasify to do things their own way. Sad ...>>


    could not be true.

    what makes you think it is so please?

    sometimes anti-hindu use tactics to cause strife between north and south people. i assume you ae not doing it.





  8. << Those Muslims who see the essence of their faith acheive the same place with Krishna (Rama, Shiva, Allah, theray nam) that Hindus who devote their lives to the worship of Krishna appears to be entitled to. >>


    how you know it please?

    What you are saying is that it is okay for muslims to kill hindus and destroy hindu religious infrastructure, becasue doing that they go to krishna; and you hindus go to krishna just by not fighting/resisting muslims but by being willing to be killed by them. some clever/cunning muslims advise hindus like that.


    << You people who regard Gandhi, the unifier, as something less than a Mahatma, are fated to follow the same path as the corrupt Hindus who guide the meek-minded towards fanaticism and, following this, everything that Hinduism is not. >>


    we see no scriptural support to categorie gandhi as a mahatma. Bharat has produced many mahatmas, and we know them. gandhi is no where clesoer to them.

    a poet gve title of mahatma to gandhi, and teh politcians took that oppertunity to pose gandhi as mahatma.

    krishna describes the characteristics of mahatma in gita.

    read it.


    << Being a Hindu means that you accept others veiws. >>


    no, we hindu do not need to accept. but we do not kill him just because he has different view. in contrast islam kills kafirs only becasue kafirs hold different views. they could kill you too if you are a kafir.


    << Do not be distracted by Maya. >>


    first be out of it, and tnen tell others.

    those who are sinking cannot save others.


    << Sing the Bhajan loudly and proudly...it is the only true Hindu hymn to come of this age of Kalki. >>


    there is no word "allah" in vedic literature.

    so, why should we believe that that is the only hymn for our good? why are you thinking that the hymns composed and sung by millions of the rishis and saints are useless and so we need to chant only this hymn?



  9. islam (taliban) has destroyed bamian buddha statue (in afghanistan) a few years ago while the whole world watched it on tv.


    so, it is clear that those muslims who claim islam is tolerant and peace loving, need to donate and work to re-build bamian buddha.


    so, could you suggest or motivate any org.

    to collect donations from muslims of pakistan, bangladesh, bharat, and other countries to re-build bamian buddha?

    Please suggest org. names here.


    while donations are collected, also muslim volunteers are to be found who will provide labor to rebuild bamian buddha.


    when muslim donations and labor are secured to rebuild bamian buddha, and when it is rebuilt by muslim funds and labor, then it is a sure litmus test to know that islam is tolerant.


    if it does not happen, then it is a sure evidence that all muslims actually are happy that bamian buddha is destroyed,

    proving that islam is not tolerant nor is peace loving.

    (althout the evidence showing that are everywhere.)


  10. why please?


    << We can have peace if we unite. >>

    yes, if we unite to act to achieve peace.


    << How could we have peace when we ourself are having so many differences in our own relgion? Te Vaishnavites against the Shiviates and vice versa. Hinduism itself is divided >>


    gita unites all the vedic paths.

    not knowing it properly causes un-necessary interla strife.


    << surely it would be a playground for the Muslims and Christians a like. >>


    and to avoid it, we should not debate hindu-internal issues at global level, but work within to solve. while working to solve internal issues, we should stand united at the global stage against the anti-hindus. to do it all we need to say is:


    "we are all vedic people of/from the vedic land -bharat- and we live by Gita only. Gita is our Book." This avoids unnecessary discussion about manu Smriti which never was used as a Vedic law book.


    << Look how the dhalits are being treated by the orthodox Hindus. >>


    as far as i know, the word and issue "dailt" is created by politicians to unfarily defame hindus. if dalit measn shudra varna, then krishna says in gita that shudras are also an important part of the vedic society. shudras also have eaual right to realising god, and theyare free to develop qualities of any other varna. but no varna shoudl pretend to be another varna. the veduc culture have produced many saints from shudra varna, and all hindus respect them.


    if any hindu is malpracticing varnasrama, then we need to help him give up malpractice. that is hindu-internal work/misison. also, just becaseu some hindus malpractice hinduism, it does not give right to anti-hindus to poke their nose in our internal affairs or convert hindus.


    democracy and western "secularism" concept in bharat is used by anti-hindus as a free pass to intrude vedic socities and convert and or work against majority hindu interests.

    this we need to stop.

  11. << Can any Muslim destroy that particular black icon and say we do not worship idol? That is the challange we Hindus must ask the muslims around the world. >>


    so, how that challenge is going to change teh messag of koran that says convert even by force, or kill kafirs?


    until koran is followed,

    the world and Bhart and hindus will not have peace.


    your above lines tells to debate (and win it) with muslims.

    but a muslim never debates rationally.


    irrationals only use brute force,

    and they can only be controlled by brute force.

    see the rise and fall of taliban which proves it.

    taliban is not dead, because koran has followers.


  12. << People who take drugs are people who are have problems in life. >>




    << And as long as they have problem they will think of wanting to take drugs. >>


    now, think a bit on this.


    is it not true that all have more or less problems?


    is it not true that some cultural ways of living give more problems, and other ways give less or no problems?


    i know many people who do have problems, but they do not take drugs. how you explain it please?


    so, it proves that people can be drug free, even if they have problems. but there are ways perticualrly the vedic ways such that if you live in that style, yo do not get problems. so no problems, no need to think of drugs.


    drug is not the only way to solve or forget the problem.


    tell us if you could understand this.


    so, there is a way.


  13. << My boyfriend is Catholic and I am a Muslim women. >>


    and you are asking Hindus for a solution.

    So, either you are really not a catholic,

    or are attracted to hinduism.

    and Islam is stark enemy of hinduism.


    i suggest you do some self analysis to sort out if you really are a catholic, and if your boyfriend is really a muslim.


    until we know correct analysis result,

    an advice is that both give you your religion of your birth, and become hindus.

    then we can tell how to live hindu/vedic style.


    islam is 180 degree opposite to hinduism.


    to quit islam means getting a fatwa to be killed.

    islam is one way. you enter at birth, not by careful choice.

    and then you are not allowed to quit.

    hinduism provides maximum freedom of thoughts and actions.



  14. << India is the next superpower. But what kind of power will she be? Will she be India:


    a secular, >>


    no. we have to make it Hindu, because hinduism is inherently secular but not in the sence of western meaning of teh sord secular.


    << ..Western style, >>


    no. vedic style. we have to make it.


    << ..caste ridden, >> no, varnasrmi in the style krishna has described in gita. varnas per guna and karma vighaaga.


    << ..empire? >> we hindus neve created "empires" enve when we had strong influence all over the world. hinduism is not about dominating ove others, but progressing towards peace, prospecity, and shanti, but willing to subdue any adharma.


    << Or will she be Bharat Mata, the queen of nations who spreads the Dharma all over the world? >>


    yes, but having no interest to convert forcibly or by intice. the fragnrence of hinduism will attract people to willingly accept vedic style living. it is happening, but no credit is given to Hindus or Bharat for it.


  15. makes sense.


    below lines are/were a bit hard for me to understand.

    so i tried to make sens as follows by putting words in parenthesis. please let me know if you meant different thing.


    << Only reason I could see why US could make it this far (up to india/asia) is because of Muslims (in asia). Hindus ignore Christians, Buddhists ignore Christians, Hell ... most Asians ignore Christians.


    They (xians) are here (in asia) because of Muslims and their stupidity(,) and Muslims make their (muslim) presence felt by using Christians and their (muslims') presence here. It's like two evil beings, both feed on each other and causing problems for others. >>


    the truth is that both (xianity and islam)

    are ou ther to take over the world and all human beings.

    therefore, actually they are competing ruthlessy to take over. let us remind both of them this stark fact.


    when one wins (and xianity will),

    we have ways to help them understand spirituality.


    at one time devas joined danavas to churn the ocean for nector. this puranic story has wisdom eternal.

    the only thing is, we need to remain united and focussed, and do not forget our global hindu/vedic interests.


  16. Below is a headline news.



    London Financial Times

    August 23, 2005


    The Global Superpower Is Starting To Lose Its Grip On Asia



    This superpower wants to remain a superpower (mostly militarily, economically, and politically, but not spiritually.)


    to maintain its status quo, it does and will employ all tactics and strategies and means it has.


    the roots of this desire are in the ideology it follows - xianity. but it will not admit it is xianity.

    instead it will say it is american values.


    it has cia, and world bank etc. to achieve its goal.


    it does not like any external power to be in its vicinity, but it pokes its nose very close to e.g. bharat in the border states who are small, like bangladesh etc.


    and it is sad that bharat is not saying, "please do not extend your nose around here. we will take care of these border states . this is our sphere of influence."


    it has interest to cause asian neighbors fight with each other, even cause internal fights. this way it thinks that it is safe, and no one will have time and energy to challanege or equal or surpass it.


    under the pretex of democracy, it says, "forget that islam has caused killings and destructions of hindu religious infrastructure for 1000 years. now give muslims protection and legal favors." this is like saying - keep cobras in your homeland, even when they kill you.


    it says nationalism is bad -wrong.

    why, because nationalism can unite a nation, and unity brings some good results for the nation, but it could piss off this s-power. so, it says nationalism is not good.

    on the other hand, it promotes its own nationalism, but it does not tell it is nationalism, instead it is americanism.


    same for social divisions.

    it blames hindus for caste, and it has its own caste system,

    but under different name.


    xianity preaches monopoly.


    so it thinks that only it has to have the monopolies for:

    - being a superpower

    - technology giant

    - gadzilla with WMDs.

    - be a leader of all in every area.

    - doing anything anywhere.


    despite all these problems, it has some good things:

    - police

    - law enforcement

    - freedom of speech and thought

    - and a few more things.


    but it is time bharat needs to say to this s-power:


    "please cease all your activities of influencing small states around our border. we will take care of them.

    we are not coming to influence at your border.

    so please be nice, and we are not your ememies,

    but please understand that intelligence is no one's monopoly. we and all others have right to progress by our own strength, and we never bother others. we do not poke our nose like you do. so stop."


    any more factual thoughts?


  17. << Be Thank ful for being a Hindu... >>




    it seems you do not know any indian language,

    and bharat probably is not your birthplace.

    there is also error in the category definitions.


    not a problem,

    but when sanskrit words are used incorrectly, it misleads others (mostly non indians) about you mastery of samskrit or an indian language.


    could you please share some info about you.

    okay if you cannot.


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