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Posts posted by maadhav

  1. i have not thought or read much about aura,

    but traditionally, the moortis of pictures of god, deva, or saints always show hallow around the whole body or around the head. so, if this is representatin of aura, then eiher some saw it or imagined it when there was no camera to take picture of it.


    about aura I have these questions:


    when a few persons see aura of a person,

    will they see same intensities and colors?


    if they picture it with different instruments (not same brand) will the picture be identical?


    has any scientific study been done about the subject?


    who has set the standard for interpreting aura, and how accurate are the imterpretations?


    is aura camere any different than IR camera?

    if yes, how?


  2. correct.


    however i understood as this:


    "don't act with hatred" => act with love => love islam.


    it is true that hating is not good,

    but it is also true that some things are difficult to not hate for many people.


    i know, there is a middle position between love and hate, that is not love and not hate.


    when the ocean did not give way to rama to ago attack lanka even after rama did request and offered gifts, rama did get angry, and immediately varun dev appeared bowing donw to rama. so, even a little bit of anger by 30-40% of the 1B hindus coulg get result fast, im my view. Even a show of anger is enough when done with unity. actually, gandhi got pissed off by the stubern/angry demand by the muslims for pakistan in 1947.


    so, hindus should not give up the show of anger towards any asura. stay calm within, but show a great anger at adharmis, and be ready to act if necessary.


  3. yes.


    the first decision of marriage was wrong.

    some facts were not known at the time of marrige.

    when the facts become know,

    then one need needs to make efforts to correct the problem.

    if it does not work, then divorce is okay.


    any spouse can divorce the other of the other is adharmai.

    marriage is not meant to live hellish live.



  4. nothing disagreable about what you said.

    what you said is: love islam but fight and get it out of the vedic land.


    you can love islam only after screening out some things.

    now, when one knows what islam has done to the vedic culture, there does not remain any motive to love it.

    it is as difficult for one to love islam

    as it is to love a barbarian who raped one's mother in the middle of the street in broad day.


    hindus are the victims of islam.

    so, if these victims cannot love islam (even if they try),

    then it is not big of a sin. no hindu should think like,

    "first i will spend some time to love islam, and then only i will fight islam with flowers and smiles." because more you wait more difficult it will get to fight and win.

    so, the right way is to fight and win ever if you could not love islam. after that you do dharma karma to null any sin/bad karma that might have occured. there are vedic processes to get free of any sins.


    also, if you find a combra in your home approaching your todler, i think that you will kill the cobra as soon as possible, even when you know that killing is sin, because not killing it is a bigger sin under the situation.


    remember that i am talking about islam ideology, not the followers of it.


    some deluded say that islam is also good because ramakrishna parama hamsa practiced it and attained the same god.

    they forget that he did not do jeehad, neither he went to mecca. additionally, there is no muslims who even thinks of getting god by the way ramakrishna did. muslims follow mullas in mosques and madresas, not ramakrishna. ramakrishna matha preachers do not go in mosques to preach ramakrishna version of islam, nor will the mosques allow them to preach there.


    also, rememer that when yudhisThir knew that thousands of jivas can get peace if he lives in hell, then he said that he would rather prefer to live in hell. this is sacrifice for the benefit of many.


  5. yes, i have said here many times that the hallmark of the vedic culture is to openly debate dharmic matters to seek/find/reveal truth and in most civil way. we did that even in last 500 years.


    a debate with irrationals cannot lead anywhere,

    except that the rational audience will know who is irrational.


    i am curious about a couple of things:

    what is your chosen picture that appears as your logo here please? what is the meaning of the world sephiroth please?


  6. it is hard to disagree with your point.

    so i would not disagree. thanks.


    our hindu ways are different than the barbarians', but our vedic way is not the way of dying. our way is not to give more value to the barbarians' lives then our own.

    there is a limit to our tolerance, per dharma.

    krishna has said it in gita.


    at one time sanatana/vedic dharma was all over the world.

    so there was no nationalism because there was only one nation- the earth. in the last 2-3 thousand years a couple of anti-vedic ideologies grew, and the vedic people lost influence in most part of the world. what ever is left, is left in Bharat now. so, the vedic world/nation has shrunk to vedic bharat. but even there, anti-vedic forces are causing havoc to vedic culture.


    some advocate that all nationalisms are bad.

    they forget that vedic nationalism is not bad.

    it was there all over the world once.

    the knowledge of krishna spread all over the world from Bharat, for the vedic culture.


    no one will disagree that one has absolute right to fully control what happens in one's house (that is not adharmic), and one also has right to protect one's house against the invaders. this is called "housalism".


    under the rights and ideology of housalism, asuras will do adharmic things within their own house. but suras will do dharmic things in their house. housalism means protecting the house against enemies, and intruders, and exercising the freedom of choice and action within the house.


    the same concept, when extended to a group of people living in a country, is called nationalism. so, there is asuric nationalism, e. g. pakistan, bangaldesh, hitler's germany, Saddam's iraq,etc. but there is good nationalism called vedic nationalism (actually it is universalism).


    suras/devotees do satsanga. they raise devotee communities.

    so, bharat is a nation of satsangis, devotees, yogis, and nation of thousands of devotee communities.

    if the freedom to do satsanga, moorti pooja, various yogas, etc. is not permitted by anti-vedics, then it is a problem there. so, that freedom to live per a chosen vedic path must be maintained and protected in a country where the vedic culture is born.


    to tag vedic nationalism as bad, is a grave mistake out of lack of full understanding.


    what are the sentiments of a vedic nationalist?

    "i love this vedic culture and dharma. i love this various vedic people doing their yogas and sadhans. i will protect this vedic society living in this vedic land against the anti-vedic invaders and ieologies, so that these vedic peope and their future generations can conitue doing their own sadhanas. i will spread this culture where it is received well and in friendly manner. i will welcome any migrant from outside who is friendly to the vedic culture." i do not see anything wrong with this sentiment.


    hope this clear the point.


  7. pick a good username and we can talk.

    many anti-vedics say the same as you said.


    muslims are expert in using kafirs' resurces, infrastructure, and kafir scriptures against the kafirs. see wht thy did in 9/11. kafirs' plane, kafir's gas, kafir's everything, and kaafir's target. similary they delude Hindus quoting Hindu scriptures agaisnt the Hindus so that they do not unite.


    the idea that all kind of nationalism is bad is faulty.


    per krishna, in gita, there are suras and there are asuras.

    suras have their nationalis, which is quite different from asura's nationalism. without a nation, you are no one, like the jews were for 2000+ pears.


    a nation is nothng but a place of yoru own

    where you can do your own thing - yoga practice including chanting or sankirtana. if you do not like nationalism, then you do not like any nation, and so tehn you need to live out of all nations where no nation rules.

    if you chosoe to liev in a nation, then you agree to support that nation and nationalism, a sentiment that keeps all united to protect that nation.


    unless you can give detailed analysis why vedic nationalism is just as bad as germany's nationalism, or US's nationalism (which they call it americanism,) my argument that hindu nationalism is desirable and not a bad thing at all.


    when all good flowers unite to make sure no thornes grow in their garden, then that gardenism=natninalism is not bad at all, compard to the natninalism of weeds and thorny plants who want to invade and take over all the rose gardens.


    << you are right... but you are attemping to cheat us saying that this has to do with joining hindu fanaticism and nationalism >>


    you have contradiction in the above.

    take a position based on truth.


  8. The vedic culture is based on

    accepting the vedas as the authority

    and living per vedas.


    A vedic society has four varnas as desigened by krishna,

    and each verna has equal right and means to realize god or go to haven.


    Each varna respects other varnas and takes care of them,

    any internal strife, like a family fued, is either because of ignorance, or becasue some one did malpractice dharma. Such internal fueds should not be taken as an excuse to totally throw away the vedic social system.


    A society is like a garden.

    what grows in it depends upon

    what is the fertilizer,

    what seeds are put in it and how,

    and how it is taken care of.


    The vedic society is like a garden

    that gives peace and spiritual upliftment to all.


    In contrast, the Islam garden produces thorns, and poisonous leaves and fruits that cause terror and ashanti every whare.


    Now the goal of the vedic garden is that all could go to god or haven. But the garden/the society/the culture has to be maintained in a country to make it happen. the maintenance of this garden is every vedic persons' responsibility which can be carried out unitedly.


    no garden, no fruit, no flowers.


    Thus, the vedic people need to stay united to preserve and flourish the vedic culture in a secure vedic land - Bharat.


    Many vedic people interpret the sanatana dharma as just a matter of personal practice. They think, "if i do this sadhana or yoga or something, i will get god ahd haven. i do not care for others." This kind of faulty selfish thinking keeps them disunited against the ant-vedic people who want to destroy the vedic culture entirely. Such selfish hindus, even if they personally progress spiritually , they fail to contribute anything towards the maintenance and protection of the vedic garden. consequently their own future genertions could not have the vedic garden in which they grew.


    therefore, the vedic people have two main duties:


    1) To maintain and protect the vedic garden in their own homeland. This duty is more important than the second.


    2) Practice the vedic dharma as they choose.


    So, please pray that no yogi, swami, sanyasi, sadhu, or aacharya will act selfishly only for his personal attainment of god or haven. Personal sadhana can wait, if the garden needs care, protection and maintenance, and growth.


    now i have one queston:


    if the barbarias have forced their barbaric ideologies upon others and caused a lot of misery, why not a civil dharmic ideology be forced on the barbarians?


    Just as a loving mother forces her sick child to drink a bitter medicine, a civil group can force civil ideology upon a sick barbaric group/person. Now, a hindu never want to do it, as it is against gita's word. but when the problem is right in your own home country due to the invaded barbaric ideology, i see noghing wrong in doing so in the most civil ways, but all ways should be kept open to do the right thing. when a barbian who relies on the weapons and violence knows that the civil opponent will not do violence, he feels secure and strong and know he will surely win. therefore, kshatriya solution must be kept ready when negotiating in civil ways with the barbarians.


    may the vedic garden grow and flourish in bharat and the world.


  9. yes, initially he was a disciple of chaitanya.


    hardly any vedic swami/saint has fought with mlechha.

    but many have expressed displeasure about it.

    althouh chaitanya did force a kazzi to come to terms

    by a mass devotee procession with burning tourches.


    this is in stark contrast with the mullas

    who will arouse the muslims to fight with any kafir who even slightly insutlts koran or islam.


    the main reason for this, in my view, is that no swami/saint had anga-raxakas, no kshatriya group disciples who would protect him/her 24/7. This situation forced them to not say anything in public that would cause some muslim to kill them. swami dayananda saraswati was openly (but not constantly) against islam, and he was poisoned/killed by a muslim cook.


    when a guru/swami/shastra/sadhus say/hint about something that is anti-vedic, it is up to the kshatriya spirited people to take the initiative and do the right thing unitedly. simply runing away from the problem doe snot solve the problem, unless you run away to live to fight at the right time and place.




    siurce: http://www.rss.org/New_RSS/News/NewsDetail.jsp


    The physiological effects of reading Sanskrit are

    similar to those experienced during the Transcendental

    Meditation® technique, according to research recently

    completed by Dr. Fred Travis, director of the

    ERG/psychophysiology lab of Maharishi University of

    Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.


    Dr. Travis asked his test subjects to read passages

    from the Bhagavad-Gita in Sanskrit and in modern

    foreign languages (Spanish, French, or German). In

    each case they could pronounce the sounds but did not

    know the meaning. He measured brain wave patterns

    (ERG), heart and breath rate, and galvanic skin

    resistance during two reading sessions and during a

    15-minute session of the Transcendental Meditation



    He found that while they read Sanskrit their

    physiology was similar to those measured during the

    Transcendental Meditation technique, but significantly

    different from reading a modern language.


    Their skin resistance steadily increased during

    reading Sanskrit and during practice of the

    Transcendental Meditation technique (showing greater

    stability in their physiology) but remained the same

    during the reading of a modern language.


    Their ERG alpha power and coherence during reading

    Sanskrit were also similar to that during the practice

    of the Transcendental Meditation technique, and both

    of these were higher than when the subjects read a

    modern language.


    Dr. Travis said that these findings support

    Maharishi's predictions on the effects of reading

    Sanskrit. Maharishi, in Vedic Knowledge for Everyone,

    predicted that reading the Vedic Literature as it

    flows and progresses in perfect sequential order has

    the effect of regulating and balancing the functioning

    of the brain physiology and training consciousness,

    the mind, to always flow in perfect accordance with

    the evolutionary direction of Natural Law.


    Dr. Travis found the similarity of physiology during

    reading Sanskrit and the Transcendental Meditation

    technique is especially noteworthy because one reads

    with his or her eyes open and engages in active

    perceptual and cognitive processes, while the

    Transcendental Meditation technique is done with one's

    eyes closed and entails a reduction of mental

    activity. This suggests that the state gained during

    the practice of the Transcendental Meditation

    technique may be integrated with active mental

    processes by reading Sanskrit.


    Dr. Travis said, "The Transcendental Meditation

    technique takes the awareness to pure consciousness at

    the source of thought. Seeing similar patterns of

    physiology during reading Sanskrit as during the

    Transcendental Meditation technique suggests that

    reading Sanskrit enlivens pure consciousness at the

    source of thought and integrates that state with

    reading and speaking. In short, while practice of the

    Transcendental Meditation technique locates pure

    consciousness, leading to the state of Transcendental

    Consciousness, reading Sanskrit integrates inner

    silence with outer activity, helping to cultivate


    by Brynne Sissom


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