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Savyasaci replied to Apep's topic in The Hinduism Forum
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i will think in something about durga devi. in few day can be posted...
Here is the correction for this weekend !! Papamocani Ekadasi Yudhisthira Maharaja said, "0 Supreme Lord, I have heard from You the explanation of Amalaki Ekadasi, which occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Phalguna [February-March], and now I wish to hear about the Ekadasi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Caitra [March-April]. What is its name, 0 Lord, and what results can one attain by observing it?" The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, replied, "0 best of kings, for the benefit of everyone I shall gladly describe to you the glories of this Ekadasi which is known as Papamocani. The history of this Ekadasi was once narrated to the emperor Mandhata by Lomasa Risi. King Mandhata addressed the risi, '0 great sage, for the benefit of all people, please tell me the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Caitra, and please explain the process for observing it. Also, please describe the benefits one gains by observing this Ekadasi.' "Lomasa Risi replied, 'The Ekadasi that occurs during the dark part of the month of Caitra is named Papamocani Ekadasi For the faithful devotee it removes the influences of ghosts and demons. 0 lion among men, this Ekadasi also awards the eight perfections of life, fulfills all kinds of desires, purifies one's life of all sinful reactions, and makes a person perfectly virtuous. "'Now please listen to a historical account concerning this Ekadasi and Citraratha, the chief of the Gandharvas [heavenly musicians]. During the spring season, in the company of heavenly dancing girls, Citraratha once came upon a beautiful forest bursting forth with a great variety of flowers. There he and the girls joined other Gandharvas and many Kinnaras, along with Lord Indra himself, the king of heaven, who was enjoying a visit there. Everyone felt that there was no better garden than this forest. Many sages were also present, performing their austerities and penance The demigods particularly enjoyed visiting this celestial garden during the months of Caitra and Vaisakha [April-May]. " 'A great sage named Medhavi resided in that forest, and the very attractive dancing girls would always attempt to seduce him. One famous girl in particular, Manjughosa, contrived many ways to allure the exalted muni, but out of great respect for the sage and fear of his power, which he had attained after years and years of asceticism, she would not come very close to him. At a spot two miles from the sage, she pitched a tent and began singing very sweetly as she played a tamboura. Cupid himself became excited when he saw and heard her perform so nicely and smelled the fragrance of her sandal-paste unguent. He remembered his own unfortunate experience with Lord Siva and decided to take revenge by seducing Medhavi.' "'Using the eyebrows of Manjughosa as a bow, her glances as a bowstring, her eyes as arrows, and her breasts as a target, Cupid approached Medhavi in order to tempt him to break his trance and his vows. In other words, Cupid engaged Manjughosa as his assistant, and when she looked at that powerful and attractive young sage, she also became agitated by lust. Seeing that he was highly intelligent and learned, wearing a clean white brahmana's thread draped across his shoulder, holding a sannyasi's staff, and sitting handsomely in the asrama of Cyavana Risi Manjughosa came before him. "'She began to sing seductively, and the small bells on her belt and around her ankles, together with the bangles on her wrists, produced a delightful musical symphony. The sage Medhavi was enchanted. He understood that this beautiful young woman desired union with him, and at that instant Cupid increased his attraction for Mahjughosa by releasing his powerful weapons of taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound. "'Slowly Manjughosa approached Medhavi, her bodily movements and sweet glances attracting him. She gracefully put her tamboura down and embraced the sage with her two arms, just as a creeper winds itself around a strong tree. Captivated, Medhavi gave up his meditation and decided to sport with her-and instantly his purity of heart and mind abandoned him. Forgetting even the difference between night and day, he went away with her to sport for a long, long time. "'Seeing that the young yoga's sanctity had become seriously eroded, Manjughosa decided to abandon him and return home. She said, "0 great one, please permit me to return home." "'Medhavi replied, "But you have only just arrived, 0 beautiful one. Please stay with me at least until tomorrow." "'Fearful of the sage's yogic power, Manjughosa stayed with Medhavi for precisely fifty-seven years, nine months, and three days, but to Medhavi all this time seemed like a moment. Again she asked him, "Please permit me to leave." " 'Medhavi replied, "0 dear one, listen to me. Stay with me for one more night, and then you may leave tomorrow morning. Just stay with me until after I have performed my morning duties and chanted the sacred Gayatri mantra. Please wait until then." "Manjughosa was still fearful of the sage's great yogic power, but she forced a smile and said, "How long will it take you to finish your morning hymns and rituals? Please be merciful and think of all the time you have already spent with me." "'The sage reflected on the years he had been with Manjughosa and then said with great astonishment, "Why, I have spent more than fiftyseven years with you!" His eyes turned red and began to emanate sparks. He now regarded Manjughosa as death personified and the destroyer of his spiritual life. "You rascal woman! You have turned all the hard-earned results of my austerities to ashes!" Trembling with anger, he cursed Manjughosa "0 sinful one, 0 hard-hearted, degraded one! You know only sin! May all terrible fortune be yours! 0 rascal woman, I curse you to become an evil hobgoblin pisaca!" "'Cursed by the sage Medhavi, the beautiful Manjughosa humbly beseeched him, "O best of the brdhmanas, please be merciful to me and revoke your curse! 0 great one, it is said that association with pure devotees gives immediate results but their curses take effect only after seven days. I have been with you for fifty-seven years, 0 master, so please be kind to me!" "'Medhavi Muni replied, "0 gentle lady, what can I possibly do? You have destroyed all my austerities. But even though you have done this sinful deed, I shall tell you a way you can be released from my wrath. In the dark fortnight of the month of Caitra there is an allauspicious Ekadasi that removes all one's sins. Its name is Papamocani, 0 beautiful one, and whoever fasts on this sacred day becomes completely freed from having to take birth in any kind of devilish form." " 'With these words, the sage left at once for his father's asrama. Seeing him enter the hermitage, Cyavana Muni said, "0 son, by acting unlawfully you have squandered the wealth of your penances and austerities." "'Medhavi replied, "O Father, kindly reveal what atonement I must perform to remove the obnoxious sin I have incurred by privately associating with the dancing girl Manjughosa'' "'Cyavana Muni answered, "Dear son, you must fast on Papamocani Ekadasi. which occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Caitra. It eradicates all sins, no matter how grievous they may be." "'Medhavi followed his father's advice and fasted on Papamocani Ekadasi. Thus all his sins were destroyed and he again became filled with excellent merit. Similarly, Manjughosa observed the same fast and became free of the hobgoblin curse. Ascending once again to the heavenly spheres, she too returned to her former position.' "Lomasa Risi continued, 'Thus, 0 king, the great benefit of fasting on Papamocani Ekadasi is that whoever does so with faith and devotion will have all his sins completely destroyed.' Sri Krsna concluded, "0 King Yudhisthira, whoever reads or hears about Papamocani Ekadasi. obtains the very same merit he would get if he donated a thousand cows in charity, and he also nullifies the sinful reactions he may have incurred by killing a brahmana, killing an embryo through abortion, drinking liquor, or having sex with his guru's wife. Such is the incalculable benefit of properly observing this holy day of Papamocani Ekadasi, which is so dear to Me and so meritorious."
ups !! it was towards my own error. apologize about that.... let me found this, what you said?... papamocani, ekadasi?.. Allright, i will recheck.
VijayA EkAdasii Yudhisthira Maharaj said, “Oh Lord Sri Krishna, O glorious son of Vasudeva, please be merciful to me and describe the EkAdasii that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of PhAlguna (February-March).” Lord Sri Krishna replied, “Oh Yudhisthira, Oh king of kings, gladly I shall tell you about this great fast, known as VijayA EkAdasii. Whoever observes it certainly achieves success in this life and the next. All the sins of one who fasts on this EkAdasii and hears its sublime glories are eradicated. “NArada Muni once asked lord BrahmA, who sits on a lotus flower about the VijayA EkAdasii. Sri NArada said, ‘Oh best of all the demigods, kindly tell me the merit one can achieve by faithfully observing VijayA EkAdasii.’ “NArada’s great father then replied, ‘My dear son, this oldest of fasting days is pure, and it nullifies all sins. I have never revealed this to anyone until today, but you can understand beyond any doubt that this EkAdasii bestows the result indicated by its name… (VijayA meaning Victory). “When Lord Rama was exiled to the forest for fourteen years, He, the goddess SitA, and His divine brother Lakshmana stayed at Panchavati as mendicants. Mother SitA was then kidnapped by the demon RAvana, and Lord Rama seemingly became bewildered like an ordinary man by distress. While searching for His beloved consort, the Lord came upon the dying JatAyu and thereafter killed His enemy Kabandha.. The great devotee-vulture JatAyu returned to Vaikuntha after telling Rama how His dear SitA had been abducted by Ravana. “ Later, Lord Rama and Sugriva, the king of the monkeys, became friends. Together they amassed a grand army of monkeys and bears and sent HanumAnji his minister to Sri LankA, where he was able to see Janaki (Srimati SitA devi) in an Ashoka grove garden. He delivered Lord Rama’s message and showed the ring proving his authenticity for rendering such great service to the Supreme Lord Sri Rama. “ With the help of Sugriva, Lord Rama proceeded toward Sri Lanka. Upon arriving at the shore of the ocean with the army of monkeys, He could understand that the water was uncommonly deep and hostile. Thus He said to Lakshmana, “Oh son of Sumitra, how can We earn enough merit to be able to cross this vast ocean, the unfathomable abode of Varuna deva? I can see no easy way to cross it, teeming as it is with sharks and other ferocious aquatics.” “ Lakshmana replied, “Oh best of all beings, Oh origin of all the devas, Oh primal personality, the great sage BakadAlbhya lives on an island just four miles from here. Oh Raghava, he has seen many Brahmäs come and go, so aged and wise is he. Let us go to him, take his darshan (audience) and ask him how We can safely reach Our goal.” “So Rama and Lakshmana proceeded to the humble Ashrama of the incomparable BakadAlbhya Muni. Approaching him, the two Lords paid Their respectful obeisances to him as if he were a second Vishnu. BakadAlbhya could immediately understand, however, that Sri Rama was actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who for His own reasons had appeared on the Earth and was enacting just like a human being. “ ‘ “Rama, “ said BakadAlbhya, “Oh best of the human beings, why have You come to my lowly abode?” “ ‘The Lord replied, “Oh great, twice born brahmin, I have come here to the ocean shore with My phalanx of monkey and bear warriors in order to cross the sea and conquer Lanka and its demon horde headed by Ravana. Oh greatest of sages, please be merciful unto Me and please tell Me how I can cross this vast ocean. That is why I have come to your Ashrama today.” The sage said, “Oh Lord Sri Rama, I shall tell you of the most exalted of all fasts, observing which You will surely conquer Ravana and be eternally glorified. Kindly now listen with full attention. “On the day before EkAdasii, fashion a water pot of gold or silver, or even copper. Even clay will do if these metals are unavailable. Fill the pot with pure water and then decorate it nicely with mango leaves. Cover it and place it near a holy altar upon a mound of seven grains (the seven grains are barley, wheat, rice, corn, chickpeas, kukani, and dahl or peas). Now take Your morning bath, decorate the water pot with flower garlands and sandalwood paste, and inn the concave lid atop the pot place there the barley, pomegranate, and coconut. Now with great love and devotion worship the water pot Deity form and offer Him incense, sandalwood paste, flowers, a ghee lamp, and a plate of sumptuous foods. Remain there awake that night beside this sacred pot. On top of the lid filled with barley, etc., place a golden mUrthy of Lord Sri NArAyana. “ ‘ “When EkAdasii dawns, take Your morning bath and then decorate the water pot with fine sandalwood paste and garlands. Then worship the pot again with first class incense, lamps, sandalwood paste and flowers dipped in sandalwood paste, and then devoutly/devotedly place many kinds of cooked food, pomegranate, and coconut before the water pot. Then remain awake over night. “ ‘ “When the DwAdasi dawns, take the water pot to the bank of a holy river, or even to the shore of a small pond. After worshipping it again properly, Oh King of kings, offer it with all the aforementioned ingredients to a pure hearted brahmin, expert in the Vedic sciences. If You and Your military commanders observe the VijayA EkAdasii in this way, You will surely be victorious in every way.” “” ‘Lord Sri RAmachandra Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, did just as BakadAlbhya Muni instructed, and thus He conquered all demoniac forces. Similarly, anyone who observes the VijayA EkAdasii in this way will always be victorious in this mortal world, and after leaving this world he/she will reside forever in the anxiety free realm of the Kingdom of God known as the Vaikunthas.” “ ‘Oh NArada, my son, from this history you can understand why one should observe this EkAdasii fast properly, strictly following the rules and regulations. This fast is powerful enough to eradicate all one’s sinful reactions, even the most abominable ones.” Lord Sri Krishna concluded, “Oh Yudhisthira, anyone who reads or hears this history will attain the same great merit as that which is earned by performing a horse sacrifice on days of yore.” ok, nice picture for the forthcoming fast. I wanna remarc that the speciality of the food ofered in pure pure estatic devotion shall take the importance as of them being granes and all the cooked grained ingredients. jay Bagavan !
interesting... if you rebuque it i think it wont couse anger, but before rebuquing refute it can be refuted inna constructed way of things ----happening that way. For me this keeps an interesting point steel. however, everyone seems to be aniquilated yet, that´s true ! I think it refers to throw an arrow of knowledge, selfleslly....
beautifulll, i thank the heavens sustainer for letting me to know about Him. a lecture by His Hollines Praladhananda Swami After Goura-pournima preparations in Mayapuri. Live from Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir! February 19, 2006 Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam 2.2.17 Speaker: HH Prahladananda Swami __ na yatra kalo 'nimisam parah prabhuh kuto nu deva jagatam ya isire na yatra sattvam na rajas tamas ca na vai vikaro na mahan pradhanam TRANSLATION: In that transcendental state of labdhopasanti, there is no supremacy of devastating time, which controls even the celestial demigods who are empowered to rule over mundane creatures. (And what to speak of the demigods themselves?) Nor is there the mode of material goodness, nor passion, nor ignorance, nor even the false ego, nor the material Causal Ocean, nor the material nature. PURPORT: Devastating time, which controls even the celestial demigods by its manifestations of past, present and future, does not act on the transcendental plane. The influence of time is exhibited by the symptoms of birth, death, old age and disease, and these four principles of material conditions are present everywhere in any part of the material cosmos up to the planet Brahmaloka, where the duration of life of the inhabitants appears to us to be fabulous. Insurmountable time even brings about the death of Brahma, so what to speak of other demigods like Indra, Candra, Surya, Vayu and Varuna? The astronomical influence directed by the different demigods over mundane creatures is also conspicuous by its absence. In material existence, the living entities are afraid of Satanic influence, but for a devotee on the transcendental plane there is no such fear at all. The living entities change their material bodies in different shapes and forms under the influence of the different modes of material nature, but in the transcendental state the devotee is guna-tita, or above the material modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. Thus the false ego of "I am the lord of all I survey" does not arise there. In the material world the false ego of the living being trying to lord it over the material nature is something like the moth's falling in a blazing fire. The moth is captivated by the glaring beauty of the fire, and when he comes to enjoy it, the blazing fire consumes him. In the transcendental state the living being is pure in his consciousness, and as such he has no false ego to lord it over the material nature. Rather, his pure consciousness directs him to surrender unto the Supreme Lord, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita (7.19): vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah. All this indicates that in the transcendental state there is neither material creation nor the Causal Ocean for material nature. The above-mentioned state of affairs is factual on the transcendental plane, but is factually revealed in a transcendentalist's knowledge of the advanced state of pure consciousness. Such transcendentalists are of two types, namely the impersonalists and the devotees. For the impersonalist the ultimate goal or destination is the brahmajyoti of the spiritual sky, but for the devotees the ultimate goal is the Vaikuntha planets. The devotees experience the above-mentioned state of affairs by attainment of spiritual forms for activity in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. But the impersonalist, because of his neglecting the association of the Lord, does not develop a spiritual body for spiritual activity, but remains a spiritual spark only, merged in the effulgent spiritual rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord is the full-fledged form of eternity, bliss and knowledge, but the formless brahmajyoti is simply eternity and knowledge. The Vaikuntha planets are also forms of eternity, bliss and knowledge, and therefore the devotees of the Lord, who are admitted into the abode of the Lord, also get bodies of eternity, bliss and knowledge. As such there is no difference between one and another. The Lord's abode, name, fame, entourage, etc., are of the same transcendental quality, and how this transcendental quality differs from the material world is explained herewith in this verse. In the Bhagavad-gita, three principal subjects have been explained by Lord Sri Krsna, namely karma-yoga, jnana-yoga and bhakti-yoga, but one can reach the Vaikuntha planets by the practice of bhakti-yoga only. The other two are incompetent in helping one reach the Vaikunthalokas, although they can, however, conveniently take one to the effulgent brahmajyoti, as described above. (namo om, etc.) Here in Srimad Bhagavatam it explains what's not in the spiritual world. For one who is going to miss old age, disease, death, the modes of material nature, devastating time, etc, the spiritual world is not a very good place to go. Unfortunately, due to our long association with the material nature, we actually like being in the material world, to some extent because it is our nature that we are worshipers. We are by nature devotees, dasa. So dasa is our eternal nature, and now, we have become devoted to so many material bodies. Actually in the present time, this body that we are in has become our worshipable deity. We wake up in the morning and immediately we look in the mirror and we ask the mirror, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the greatest of them all?" The mirror immediately responds by saying, "Isn't it obvious?"[laughter] With that enthusing comment, we proceed to perform our puja. We do our abhiseka. Those who are very dedicated, in the mode of goodness, to our bodies, they take a shower. We make our plan how many offerings a day, what we will prepare for the deity. We immediately begin to decorate the deity and put clothes on it, different perfumes. Then we go out to spread the glories of the deity, see how many bhaktas we can get and how many demons we have to slay today. This is our nature. And most of us are on the platform of nistha. We are fixed. Even a thought of deviating for a moment from our unalloyed love for our body makes us very much disturbed. Even Mother Yasoda may have to learn a few things from how carefully we protect our bodies, from how much anxiety we get into from any threat to our body. Therefore, Krsna consciousness, of course, is meant to convince us that there is a better alternative to worshiping a dead body. Although the body is already dead, somehow or another, we are thinking that the body is alive and we are afraid in the future it might die, although at every moment it is dying. One has to become convinced that the soul is by nature a worshipper of Krsna and by worshiping Krsna, whatever one is actually looking for, which is namely knowledge and how to be eternally happy. As I once mentioned, when Srila Prabhupada came to Buffalo in 1969 and there were a few devotees in the temple, in the first class, he asked the devotees there, he said, "Do you want to become happy?" Since no one had asked such a profound question before, no one knew the answer. No one dared to say yes. [laughter] Then Prabhupada looked very concerned, so he asked the same question again, "Don't you want to become happy?" Everyone was very busily trying to figure out what the correct answer could be, but no one said anything, so Prabhupada looked even more concerned. He asked for the third time, "Don't you want to become happy?" Then one devotee took a guess, and he said, "Yes." Prabhupada gave a big sigh of relief and said, "Oh, that is very good." [laughter] People don't know why they're suffering so much. In the material world, there are four purusarthas, namely, dharma, artha, kama, and moksa, but in the present age, people don't know what dharma is. They don't know how material nature is working. They don't know what the goal is, mainly to get out of the material life. Instead, they are absorbed in so-called economic development. One time Prabhupada was asked that here in the western world, where he was speaking, or even in the modern world, India, now it is all over the world, they don't perform sacrifice, practically everyone is sinful, so why is it they have so much money, so much economic development? Prabhupada's response was, "They don't have economic development, they don't even know what economic development is." Actually, economic development means good food. Even the billionaires with so much money, they don't eat as well as the poverty stricken devotees. They can't even conceive of how the devotees are eating. And annad bhavanti bhutani parjanyad anna-sambhavah, because the devotees know how to perform sacrifice, therefore Krsna is providing nice prasad. And economic development means clean air, fresh air. Not that you go to city like Tokyo and you have to find out where they are selling air on the street. That is not economic development. And fresh water; believe it or not, within the realm of history, there used to be a time when people used to not have to buy bottled water. [laughter] It seems like it must have been ancient history, but there was actually historical time that people could actually drink the water from the tap. Economic development also means nice relationships between people. Not that there's no more marriage in some places, there's only partnership, because people don't believe, what to speak of happily-ever-after, they don't even believe it's going to be for a few years at the most. Even within so-called marriage life, they can't even relate to each other. They can't even understand why they have these children. One devotee who works for the Department for Human Resources in one of the states in Australia was telling me that his wife, she does investigations. She actually goes to the different houses and places where there is report of child abuse. In a country which has around nineteen million people, and in that state, it has maybe two or three million people, every month there are eight hundred to a thousand reports of child abuse. And those are the reported child abuses. So that's progress. That's how we're loving our children. That's the direction of this economic development, where people take care of their cars better than they take care of their children. If you report an abuse of their dog, they'd be immediately arrested and there would be a big scandal, but if you abuse your children it is normal, practically. And what to speak of peace, freedom from fear, everyone is in anxiety. They don't know if they are going to get anything to eat tomorrow if they say the wrong thing, the government may come and arrest them, call in the terrorists or they may lose their jobs or someone may become disturbed at that. Everyone is in constant anxiety or fear. So where is the progress? In a place where people can't eat, they can't even sleep. The people who have the most money have the most trouble sleeping. They have to take a pill to go to sleep, they have to take a pill to wake up, and they have to take a pill to counteract the effects of the two pills they just took. [laughter] So what is the progress? Where is the economic development? They consider it barbaric to live in the country and breathe clean air, to eat fresh food, to be peaceful, to not be in anxiety to get more and more and more. "So much wealth do I have and by my schemes I'm going to get more and more and more. So much is mine and in the future I'll get more." And what does that lead to? "He is my enemy - I'll kill him and my other enemies will also be killed. I'm the lord of everything. I'm perfect. This body is the deity - follow it or you're finished. Surrender: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah I am perfect, I am powerful, and I am happy. I'll go to work twenty-four hours a day and make money and with that money I'll buy paradise. I'll put a deposit on a Vaikuntha planet. The goddess of fortune will come to live with me and we'll have so many expansions, plenary and partial. All the ones who make it to Harvard, they're my plenary expansions and the ones who can't make it past public school, they're my partial expansions. [laughter] I'll get my Garuda and go to the fourteen cities and spread my glories everywhere." So this is material life, everyone is working hard for the so-called happiness of material life. So here it is mentioned that there is no happiness in material life. ye hi samsparsa-ja bhoga duhkha-yonaya eva te ady-antavantah kaunteya na tesu ramate budhah "An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti, such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does not delight in them." Just like, say we were going fishing. We're not, it's just an example. And we take along our rod and our reel and the tackle and the bait and the hook. We throw the line in the water and at the end of the line there's a big hook and some bait. Immediately, there are so many fish swimming to get the bait. The big macho fishes are bumping each other out of the way, "I'm going to get it first!" Lo and behold, one fish grabs the bait and enjoys and then gets hooked. Then the fisherman reels up the line, grabs hold of the fish, cuts him open, throws him on to the frying pan and he gets fried. He thought he was going to enjoy, but actually, he got fried. So that's material life. Maya says, "Come and enjoy, come and enjoy," and the result is that people get fried. There are so many animals, the hunter in the forest blows his horn, plays on his flute, and all the deer crowd around, "Wow listen to that concert, that is sweet." And lo and behold - Bang! "Wasn't as good as I thought." The elephant, they take a she-elephant and put it one side of the pit, and the elephant says, "Wow, there she is, true love!" And he runs towards the elephant and "boom", he's in the hole. tat sadhu manye 'sura-varya dehinam sada samudvigna-dhiyam asad-grahat hitvatma-patam grham andha-kupam vanam gato yad dharim asrayeta He's in the hole. The animals can show us what is the result of becoming attached to the senses, but the human being is not only attached to one sense, he is attached to so many senses, all the senses. I remember one time I was sitting on an airplane and the man next to me was eating the meal, which was unmentionable. At the same time, he was smoking a cigarette while he was eating a meal. [laughter] At the same time, he had his earphones on and I could hear music: "Bam-bam-bam-bam-bam". [laughter] At the same time, he was watching the movie. And at the same time, he was talking to me, telling me how much anxiety he was in. [laughter] So people have a solution, but matir na krsne paratah svato va mitho 'bhipadyeta grha-vratanam They don't know the aim of life. They're trying to solve their problems, but they don't do it in a Krsna conscious way because they are fixed in this idea that somehow or other, if I solve the problems of the body, then I'll become happy. But there's no end to the problems of the body. The more one tries to solve the problems of the body, especially if it's not done in a proper way, then the more problems they get. Because they don't know dharma, they don't know that the goal is moksa. Therefore, their solutions simply cause more and more anxiety, more and more problems, less and less happiness. na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah They don't know that the goal is to reach Krsna. They are being led by blind leaders. Therefore the solution is naisam matis tavad urukramanghrim, the solution is that the devotees who have this knowledge, who actually know how to live peacefully, happily, sanely on the material platform, or at least know what to eat, who know the solution to life, they have to inform people by their example, by their experience, by their preaching, what is the actual goal of life and how to achieve it. Otherwise, we can see that due to the absence of knowledge in material society, people and suffering and their suffering is ever-increasing. Srila Prabhupada said if you light a match in a dark room, the darkness cannot put out the match. So ti is simply a question of preaching this philosophy, preaching this knowledge, and those who are sincere, those who are half sane, they will be able to appreciate it and there will be true progress in society towards the actual goal of life and the actual knowledge of how to achieve it. So thank you very much. [applause] Are there any questions? Or a question? OK, thank you very much. Grantharaj Srimad-Bhagavatam ki jai, Srila Prabhupada ki jai, gaura-premanande!
Cann anyone told me about this, Here ? It would be awesome. NagArjuna, from a buddhism i have listen something.
Excuse me, i have got to organize this things. first, of all. all this religions can fit into one only, anyhow.
in the bible is well known not to all that there is stated, what are the ten comandments..? me ask, to have it present for future ! thankx in advance, if you can help.
beautifull, indeed soulvision, real Purity is the best to go through i mean to say. from the heart.
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare / hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare !! Jah loved the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling of jacob,.. GLorious things have been spoken of the OH city of God, i´ll make mention to Rahab and Babylon to them that know I, behold phylistia and tyre with Ethiopia, It shall be said that this man was born there, And the HIgest himself shall establish the earth. Jah, Rasta-far I so, there is more...!
nomatter. Deal?
i see now that there is --no need at all to grasp in the dark in the temples, un less one knows what been happennin. right?. the homework is for each personaly. there is, some reggae song am into, it says like music gonna teach them one lesson !! i recalll a time when i get to meet bhakti vilash in the temple and there was a readding of ta gita verse and all prassadamm we all eat, there i can not remember the exact verse sayi something like.. there is no benefit if is not kindle the fire and all.. then one can get to know things as they are.
bandari badara... audio streems(www.gitamrita.org) as the kitchen the wellfortune, sometimes de doggie here in the houses eats well cause of remants from the food stuff, is a matter of clean hearted ones, then a deal. be sincere with thy self , of what you wanna do for real.