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Posts posted by Avinash

  1. Jagat ji,

    Sorry for troubling you. But, what to do? I am interested in a verse and need your help.

    Could you analyse Bhagavad Gita verse 7.26 for me? I have BG As It Is. The English translation and word-by-word meaning are given there. But I want to know how to arrive at the English translation of that verse from original Sanskrit in a step-by-step manner.

    Thank you.

  2. What I feel is that Vetican had already decided to give sainthood to mother Teresa. But, as per rules, she could get sainthood only if it was proved that she had performed some miracle. I don't think that the authorities in Vetican church themselves believe that this was a miracle.

  3. I wonder why some people think that the greatness of a person should be determined by if he/she has performed any miracle. I do not think it is good. On the contrary, I find it bad for the very person whom they are trying to glorify. This is because, if the greatness of some people are determined solely on the basis of the miracles they are said to have performed, then general public, in due course of time, will forget what other deeds these people have performed. If, in future, it is proved that the so called miracles were no miracles at all, then, in the eyes of general public, the greatness of these people will be reduced to naught.

  4. Kolkata: A controversy is brewing on the miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, on the basis of which the Vatican has put her on the fast track to sainthood.


    A Kolkata-based group called the Rationalists Association of India has questioned the authenticity of the miracle. And now West Bengal's former Health Minister, Partha De, has confirmed that the Missionaries of Charity was told two years ago that what was being viewed as a miracle was in fact a medical cure.


    Ever since the Vatican approved the miracle - that Mother Teresa's posthumous intervention had cured Monica Besra of a tumour in the stomach - she has consistently refused to speak about it. "I will not say anything. What I had to say, I said in Kolkata. I will not speak again," Monica insisted.


    Prabir Ghosh of the Rationalist Association of India, which was formed in 1985 to debunk tall claims, insisted, "It was a very ordinary disease and it was curable by treatment. Treatment was given and she was cured. Where is the miracle in that?"


    "Mother's greatness does not depend on whether she gets sainthood or not. Those who respect her will do so anyway, for her work and her service," he added.


    The Association's claim is based on investigations at the state government hospital at Balurghat in North Bengal where Monica Besra was treated for tuberculoid meningitis in 1998.


    In February 2000, the Missionaries of Charity approached the then health minister. They wanted a government doctor from Balurghat to testify in a religious court.


    "Apparently they desired that he (doctor) will depose that there was a miracle in treating Monica Besra, a patient who was treated at the hospital. We told them that was not possible, but that they could put their queries to the government. Indeed, they did put their queries and then we held an enquiry. It revealed that Monica had some ailment, she was treated in the hospital, she was cured and then she was released," Partha De elaborated.


    The Missionaries of Charity refused to comment on what is emerging as a conflict between religious faith and medical science. But the Rationalists Association is looking for the doctor who certified that Besra's cure was a miracle.

  5. Could you please give me a single word in Sanskrit that means "house of love"?


    I also need for "house of joy". I think the word "harShAlaya" can be used for "house of joy". But, can you think of some more words?


  6. My dear Kailasa ji,

    First of all let me say that nobody should criticize you just because you do not know English well. I know English, but you do not know it well. So what? You know Russian but I do not. In fact, you know English far more than I know Russian. I really appreciate it that, in spite of your problems with English, you take pains to post here to the best of your ability.

    But, if you can improve your knowledge of English a little bit, then it will help all those who read your post. It will help you also to understands the posts of others better.

    Jagat ji has started this thread for your benefit. So, why not avail this facility? Just think. You will learn a new language! Then you can tell me, "Avinash, I know both English and Russian, but you know only English." /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif Then I will not be able to say anything other than just keeping my mouth shut. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

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