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Navod Shyamal

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Everything posted by Navod Shyamal

  1. hello i have always developed this keen interest in the potential power of the mind, and the fact that we are so much more than what most people think they are, i have also tried some third eye opening excersise's in the past and i've had many experiences how ever i abandoned the practice thinking that i'm not spiritually evolved enough to experince the other side of the world simply due to the fact that i had to guru recently while doing some research i came upon this technique called samyama and i was greatly amazed by the technique, and in all aspects i think it's a great gift to mankind. however i do not know how to do samyama, i know it's dhrana>dhyana>samadhi yet i have no clear idea of how to do it and the technique is nearly impossible to find online. it would be a great help if someone was kind enough to give some accurate detail of samyama, as in how to develop samadhi and and how to move on to do samyama, also i would like to know how to do samyama on a person, cause i've been confused whether it's to repeat the name of that person, or to visualize that person.... it would be greatly appericiated if someone could help
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