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Jahnava Nitai Das

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Everything posted by Jahnava Nitai Das

  1. If you're looking for answers in Hinduism or the Vedic teachings, then the best place to turn is the Bhagavad Gita. If the Bhagavad Gita doesn't provide any type of illumination or satisfaction for you, then I don't think you will find anything in these paths that will satisfy you. Maybe try giving the Bhagavad Gita one more reading and see if there is anything that inspires you.
  2. It has come on its own, actually I don't even know its there until I hear something recorded (I can't hear it when I talk). After 13 years of living in India the accent has adapted (unconsciously), probably to be more understandable to Indians.
  3. Thank you for all the comments. So far seven channels came for filming and showed the segments over the last two weeks (CNN, NDTV, ETV, OTV, Sony1, Zee News, and Aaj Tak). Most of them were not interested in anything philosophical, so they have edited out a lot of the interviews. But a few have showed the interviews. Also on Ratha Yatra day one channel was broadcasting our evening arati throughout the state of Orissa every one hour. There are still other reporters coming for filming, but if they are not going to show the interviews then I am not very interested in it. Last week there was a funny interview with a newspaper reporter where anytime I would say something spiritual his pen would literally stop writing, and then if I would say something material or political then it would again start writing. I watched for an hour as his hand stopped moving every single time a spiritual point came up, and it would stay idle for 5 or 10 minutes until I got off the spiritual topic and brought it back to useless things.
  4. Schizophrenia is actually the presence of multiple souls in one body (pretas or ghosts). In the west they are misdiagnosed as mental problems. Spiritual practices will help in removing all of these influences. Chanting Hare Krishna is the place to start.
  5. It is good for the pictures to face east, and when doing any sadhana just face the pictures.
  6. In haribhakti vilasa there is a statement that one should wear pancha malas (tulasi, rudraksha, sandal, lotus and sphatika I believe). But I have yet to see any sadhu wear both tulasi and rudraksha at the same time. They always wear one or the other. I have seen vaishnava sadhus wearing rudraksha and shaivite tilak because they are initiated in a shaivite line (like Mahaprabhu taking sannyasa from mayavadis). But still they didnt mix the two malas. I am not away of any prohibition for it though. It seems to be a matter of custom. I have only seen people wearing panca mala during festivals, pujas etc.
  7. ...ready to waste everyone's time. You are enlightened so please go sit in the corner of your room being enlightened. Don't waste people's time here. Do enlightened beings post fake questions, and then try to display their advanced knowledge by showing they knew the answer all along? That's the answer to your question right there.
  8. Mantra is that which delivers the mind. Praying to Krishna before eating delivers the mind, so in some sense it can be seen as mantra. Vedic mantras have different criteria, such as bija, devata, rishi, chanda, etc.
  9. The fact that we are experiencing threefold sufferings (adhidaivika, adhibhautika, and adhyatmika klesha) is proof we are not enlightened. There are many other proofs, but one is sufficient.
  10. Just replace the word Radha with Lakshmi and see how ludicrous your statement would be to a Sri Vaishnava.
  11. The early indologists were all Christians, and their sole aim in studying Hinduism's roots was to disprove it so that they could convert the Hindus to Christianity.
  12. In answer to the first question, certainly the mind can be changed in this very life. It's not only for homosexuals; all heterosexuals also have this duty to try to be free from their conditioned mind. It's not an easy thing, but devotional service to Krishna is the way.
  13. Everything should be after Christ, so their religion is superior.
  14. "Srila Jiva Gosvami points out some interesting facts about the ape Dvivida. Although Dvivida was an associate of Lord Ramacandra's, he later became corrupted by bad association with the demon Naraka, as stated here: narakasya sakha. This bad association was the reaction for an offense Dvivida had committed when, being proud of his strength, he disrespected Lord Ramacandra's brother Lakshmana and others. Those who worship Lord Ramacandra sometimes chant hymns addressed to Mainda and Dvivida, who are attendant deities of the Lord. According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, the Mainda and Dvivida mentioned in this verse are empowered expansions of these deities, who are residents of Lord Ramacandra's Vaikuntha domain. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura concurs with Srila Jiva Gosvami's view that Dvivida was ruined by bad association, which was a punishment for his having disrespected Sriman Lakshmana. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti states, however, that the Mainda and Dvivida mentioned here are actually the eternally liberated devotees addressed as attendant deities during the worship of Lord Ramacandra. The Lord arranged their degradation, he says, to show the evil of the bad association that results from offending great personalities. Thus Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti compares the fall of Dvivida and Mainda to that of Jaya and Vijaya. SB 10.67.3, purport"
  15. Here is what one scholar has commented on the misspelled tattoo: Padmesh Gupta, president of the United Kingdom Hindi committee and editor of Purvai, a Hindi language magazine said: "Whoever wrote this tattoo is clearly not a Hindi expert. There is no H in Victoria when it is written in Hindi." A spokesman for the Hindi department at the Indian High Commission in central London said: "Victoria is a name that we are used to writing in Hindi because of Queen Victoria. I can assure you that there is no H in Victoria. Complete article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4097437,00.html
  16. Since the water has been sitting open for an entire day, it probably shouldn't be drunk. Just pour it to a plant. Open water eventually becomes impure because insects and other things will fall in it.
  17. Baby Krishna also carries his father's shoes on his head, and Krishna became the servant of Arjuna as his chariot driver. Bhagavan gets joy by serving his devotees.
  18. The name is absolutely misspelled. There is no need to put H into the devanagari. It is pronounced Viktoria, without any stress; not VHIKTORIA. The H has no place in it.
  19. Pralayas only occur within the universal shell. The Vaikuntha planets are far beyond this universe, and all the material universes. There is one Vaikuntha Planet manifested within the universe (that is Dhruva Loka) but that is never affected by pralaya.
  20. Gita Press has the complete Tulasidas Ramayana available online for free download. I don't recall the site address though.
  21. The five christian propaganda posts have been removed.
  22. Please see my previous post. It is an indisputable fact that the cow has been described in the Vedas by the word "aghnya", which literally means "that which can never be killed". You have not studied the Vedas, nor do you have any concept of Hindu religion, otherwise you couldn't make absurd claims that beef eating was allowed in ancient India. It is this half-backed neo-indology that needs to be thrown out of India. It is nothing but Christian influence to subvert our religion for the purpose of converting Hindus to Christianity. Don't hide behind the veil of academics, openly admit your agenda. The historical and factual information that really needs to be added to the text books is that the most ancient word to describe cows in Indian culture is aghnya, "that which may never be killed", and this is found throughout the Vedas. Your Christian propaganda for converting Hindus has no place in our history textbooks.
  23. This hindi arati song is a recent composition and is not evidence to prove anything. Hare gramatically is vocative for both Hari and Hara, thus one will find all hymns calling out to Hari with the word hare. This does not mean that other places where the word hare is used cannot refer to shakti (hara). Hara refers to the divine feminine energy. Some see this as Radha, others as Lakshmi or Sita. There is nothing wrong in worshipping Radha Krishna and Sita Rama with hare krishna, hare rama.
  24. The problem with most Hindu temples in the west is that the priests are hired brahmins from India, whose sole aim is to make a good income in the west. As a result many hold on to caste prejudices, and discriminate against those born in lower castes or those from foreign countries. What you are actually looking for is a spiritual environment where the priests are actually spiritually dedicated people, not simply hired ritual performers. For that you may have to look around awhile, as true spiritual practitioners are pretty rare in this world. You should find a temple where the people are actually devotees of the Lord, not just hired priests. In such an environment, surrounded by devotees, there will never be a question of discrimination. Everyone will be filled with love for one another, as they see that Bhagavan is situated in the heart of all living entities.
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