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Everything posted by Trixie_Napoleon

  1. I thought 'hindu' was a misnomer by some invaders, not a religion.
  2. Yes, it is scary that people even come up with these ideas. Even children! Recently on the news there was the story of some children that found a needle on the street and stabbed another little girl with it telling her that she was going to die now.
  3. Those are some dedicated fans! Looks at all the posts.
  4. If anyone knows how to contact her, just pm me.
  5. Oh, and she has a daughter, about ten years old, named Priya.
  6. Trixie_Napoleon


    another picture test
  7. My grandmother had an 8th grade education. No wonder she was smarter than any of us!
  8. Urban legends can create so much fear.
  9. Mohini priya devi dasi. She is about 32 and I last saw her in Houston.
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