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Posts posted by Haridham

  1. Yes our main duty is to serve krsna. I have been there from time to time but it never felt like they were honouring goddes amba.


    The atmosphere wasnt spiritual at all either.


    If you know anything about the gujus and in perticular how the the people within the casts(eg: soni samaj nonsense) hate each other then u woudnt go.


    THere are always spreading rumors about each other and trying to ruin each others lives.


    Hare krsna.

  2. Just at the beggining of this past year my parents wanted me to get married in india. Now marriage is not a bad thing but i just said i want to marry a devotee and they just thought i was crazy.


    Anyways since they thought i was crazy they thought i should do some puja, which i didnt want to do cause i only follow prabhupads movement.


    So they took me to some yogis ashram to do some yagna.


    Some of this is quite funny i hope i dont offend anyone.


    This guy was some old "hindu" pujari who thought he knew everything.


    He told me that he was really powerful and he could help me from stop going crazy with the hare krsna's.


    I was wondering if he could help me from stop laughing so hard long enough to not soil my pants.


    He said you should get married and i should listen to him because he is not only a normal everyday indian yogis he was a yogi which could invite my "ancestors", and "demigoddes" into his body.


    He told me that that five thousand years ago i was a main cowherd boy with krsna..i chuckled a bit but then thought if this were true i woudnt be here now and most likey with krsna.....anyway things got more interesting.


    He said he had a degree in MBA, a bussiness degree and some law degree. So I asked him "how about a degree in B.S.(those of you not from northamerica it means bull sh"t) and he was like "what is that" So i said "u know, B.S., it seems what you are saying is a lot of B.S" He didnt understand so i let it go.


    So the next we go to the fire yagna. ALl of a sudden he started to shake and he said one of your ancestors has enterted his body. I chuckled but my parents were foolish enough to believe it.


    Funny enough, they were telling us how in terrible shape you are in and the only way to get help was that this yogi has to do more yagnas which ofcourse would cost a few thousand rupees. Wow, my ancestors knew how to do bussiness.


    Anyways, after he stoped shaking and while i was still trying not to laugh he told me that I have always born in my family lineage and i have an eternel duty to them. Funny how he said a few minutes ago he said i was born as krsna's friends....wow this guys are very trustworthy.


    Anyways, after he started to yell at me about how i should stop following Prabhupad and how my Guru(Gopal Krsna Maharaj)wasnt a real guru cause he didnt possess any "magical powers" and a real guru can have ashes coming out of his head or something i thought I finally should say something.


    I said "hmmmm....you know..anger is not a spiritual quality. Its quite in the mode of ignorance"


    That shut him but for a bit only to come out and say to my parents "They(iskcon) tell him to say this"


    Anyways he said chanting wasnt importand, getting married and collecting a lot of money was important.


    He then said that look at Mirabai. She left her husband and family for krsna. What kind of nonsense is that.


    I said "ee Mirabai was a devotee of krsna. She had something called bhakti and she was in the mode of goodness. You are in the mode of ignorance nor are you a devotee so you arent qualified to understand this"


    After another frown and look of disbelief, he said these are my devotees(he was saying discpiles but since he was an idiot we should let that go)pointing to some lady who was serving him. So i asked " are you a guru" He said "yeah" I said can i see your magical powers? He was baffled but then said i can have demigoddes enter into my body. I said oh yeah you have a degree in b.s. Ofcourse you can do that.


    I asked him "how he became a guru" He said "I just am"


    I replied "actually inorder to become a guru u must first be given sanyass by your own guru, you just cant become a guru" He said again "thats what they tell you dont they"


    I said yeah, "thats what the bagavat gita and Srimad Bagavatam state.


    Another frown.


    I just told him "you can fool many people but you cant fool me my friend"


    Anyways my parents believed that .. To top it off he had goddess Kali come into him.


    I am glad Srila Prabhupad is our Savior because there are so many people out there who dont know the scriptures and will believe anything they see or hear.


    Hare krsna.


  3. Well Well well. I wonder if his makeup and lipstick has holy powers too.


    Man that dude needs a makeover.


    I should call the guys from the show "Queer eye for the straight guy"(its a tv show from northamerica about gay guys doing make overs on straight guys,women,crazy indian holy man etc)


    I saw him on tv in india a year or so ago. Man for a god she has let his age get to him.


    Hare krsna


  4. Hare krsna Everyone. This is Haridham.


    I am just recalling a story from bookdistribution i had once. I have many stories but here is something small to discuss if we can.


    While doing books, a woman approached me and said "why does your culture say that women arent intelligent"?


    My Reply, "Do you think that you are a woman"


    Her Reply, "Well yeah I have to be i guess"


    THen I said "then you arent intelligent if you think you are woman. You are not this body. I told her that our culture describes the nature of the body a perticular soul carries. There are many men who are arent intelligent, simply because they think they are men"


    This got her attention and we conversed some more. I dont know what happened to her but what i could tell was that she left with a more clear understand of vedic culturee and she even took a book.


    So any comments.


    Hare krsna.

    Hari Dham

  5. Hare krsna everyone. I am just curious about something. I have put on several topics for discussion on this site and i was wondering if anyone has found them interesting.


    Look for haridham somewhere in this vast ocean of Audarya.


    Hare krsna


    Hari Dham

  6. There was a story in Toronto or Englad I think that there was this Rolling Sadhu who rolled down the street for peace. It was quite interesting as after a few rolls he would rest with his followers...who were women...wow rolling, wearing orange cloth, and having a long beard can attract women....wow. If this caught on who knows what guys in the west would do. No need for deoderant or cologne eh. ahahhahaha.


    Anyways after he rolled he would smoke a bidi. Beautiful isnt it. Roll for peace, smoke for peace.


    I should eat for peace, get fat for peace. Make some money and become a rich millionare just for peace.


    ....hey, give me that orange cloth.


    Have any of you heard this story.


    Pleas reply.


    Hare Krsna

    Hari Dham

  7. "Screw off" they tell me. "get lost" some would exclaim. Is there anyone that will stop for you to experiance what your experiancing you think. The only way to describe the glories and joys of book distribution is to go out yourself and give it a shot.


    Glories and joy? After reading the first few lines how can someone say that something like this is glorious and full of joy. Well when you distribute prabhupads books and tell people about krsna to the masses a feeling of joy that is undescribable takes over you. You know that you arent doing anything and anyone who stops for you is sent by krsna.


    "Screw off" and "Get lost" hearing those words can only get you more determined to give these books out because these are exactly the attitudes Srila Prabupad changed in the sixties with his books and the Maha Mantra.


    Its a great way to learn humility and humbleness. From people seeing you, dropping everything and giving you any amount of money to have Prabhupads books to crazy Christians who tell you that you are going to hell.


    If distributing books takes me to hell then that is the best path to hell.


    There is more parts coming later in my experiance of book distribution. If any others have any experiances please reply.


    thank you


    hare krsna


    Hari Dham

  8. Wow, today anyone can claim to be God and thousands of people will flock to them. Very interesting. Great business too.


    From Phalgu Baba,Sai afro Baba, the hugging lady god, to The Adi Da(a new guy who claims to become god when he was meditating on his roof and Lord Shiva entered him and then parvati came and he had union with her and thats how he became god. THousands of people follow him, mostly women


    Wow, when there is so many "Gods" to choose from the market for this job definatly has a future.


    About a week ago my friend and I was discussing this same point that anyone can say some flowery words and become god. We said why not we do some flowery words have a gimmick and we too can become god.


    So why not make cut a piece of wood that fits in your palm and start tapping on it. People will be curious and they will ask why are you tapping? We can say "shhhhhh...just tap and everything will come to you?


    Mix in some flowery words with a hint of catchy clothing and you are god. Just say tap on this only wood and you too can achieve God Realisation and that the self within you ist the God you have been searching for and . like this.


    Just Tap....shhhhhh....tap.....tap.....tap.....


    We can name it something cool too.


    Got any interesting names for this? If so please reply.


    Anyone can reply, as this is meant for entertainment purposes only, if anyone actually decides to do this dont hold me accountable but if you do make some money then we will have lunch.



    Thank you


    Hare krsna...ahhh shhhhh just tap.


    Hari Dham


  9. Well nobody even tried replying. Come on guys try remembering when you were kids and someone asked you these questions.



    Here is the first one


    Q How do u put an elephant in the refrigarator?

    A You open the door and put him in.

    (remember these are little children)


    Q How do you put a Giraffe in the refrigarator?

    A You open the door take the elephant out and put the giraffe in?(again they were testing for simplicity)


    Q The Lion who is the king of the jungle called a meeting.All the animals came execpt one. Which one?

    A The Giraffe because it was in the fridge.


    Q You have reached a river which has no other way execpt to swim across, but the river belongs to hungry crocodiles, paranhas etc, how will you get across?


    A You just swim across because all the crocodiles and paranhas are at the meeting.


    THere we go.


    Simple isnt it.


    SO simple that a 5 year old could get it. Actually 5 year olds got them all right and the university students didnt get any.


    Ahhhhh the simple times when we didnt have to make things so complicated. I feel and Avril Levine song coming up.


    Hare krsna.


    Hari Dham



  10. Well Some big University Did a big test a few months ago to see the difference in understanding of questions asked to University Students and 6 year old Students.



    This is quite mundane but fun.


    There are 4 Questions, lets see how you do in this Test.


    1 How Do you put an Elephant in a Refrigarator?


    2 How do you put a Giraffe in a Refrigarator?


    3 The Lion who is the king of the jungle called a meeting, all of the animals came execpt one. Which animal didnt show up?.


    4 You are have reached a river which has no other ways to cross execpt to swim across, but the river belongs to hungry crocodiles, piranhas etc, How will you ever get across?


    Lets see all of your answers.


    One important thing to remember is that all 4 questions relate to each other.



    Hope to get replies. Hare krsna


    Hari Dham




  11. When I was 9 years of age, just before joing jagat guru Srila Prabhupads movement, my parents and i had a chance to see the one and only Afro Baba named Sai.


    Well we waited for him for three hours, to a nine year old getting him bored is the biggest offence so i was tired of god already. hahahaha. Anyways he came 3 hours late(right on indian time) in a very beautiful vehicle, funny how God needed 30 body gaurds to protect him. Anyways He gave his "Darshan" and produced some ...er...ash for five minutes then left.


    That moment I realised i was ripped off and I came to the conclusion that..................




    ........... Sai Afro Baba is not god.


    God woudnt just ignore his devotees minutes after coming and one more reason i dont think he is god is.....


    ....... Because he is never mentioned in the vedas as the next incarnation of Krsna.


    Plus he is to ugly to be god.


    oh wait.....i see honey coming from my computer screen....ooooh its just maple syrp i put on my computer...hahahhahaah


    Just chant hare krsna. Jai Srila Prabhupad


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