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Posts posted by Haridham

  1. Well first I dont understand any vedas.


    Second this "Canadian boy" is an eternel spirit soul. Not a canadian or American boy or girl. Funny about how we are not this body is mentioned in the vedas.


    Yes you should read what an actual mahaatma is. It is stated in the chapter 9.13


    Now 90percent will leave because they dont follow prabhupad properly becuase prabhupad has strict rules and regulations which most people dont like following. I dont eat meat, have never had illicit sex, never gambled, never enjoyed intoxicants(including coffee, tea, onions and garlic) I am initiated by Gopal Krsna Maharaj one of Prabhupads dearest disciples.


    Now I love being taught things but can i ask you.


    What is love if you dont love krsna, his words, his devotees and his parampara.


    I am not a great bhakta. I am a bhakta in training and will be for the rest of my life. I do have respect for the vedas and to follow them properly is respect and love.


    Loving someone who is taking advantage of people because they want to be cheated is not love.


    Yes and i have met baba. I have met people who have met "afro" Baba. And guess what, they didnt like the fact that he was fake.


    The the Bhagavatam where it says krsna will come down as an avatar. He doesnt come as an ugly guy with an afro.


    See when someone asked Prabhupad about Sai "afro" baba Prabhupad said that anyone claiming to be G.O.D God is non different then D.O.G.


    THis is Srila Prabhupad.


    Now read more of praphupads books and you will see how he exposes these fools and demons.


    Thank you.


    Hare Krsna.



  2. About papaam and such you have to realise something. There are many fakes out there.


    THere are four main sampradayas and if they are not following them then its not legit.


    Now as for respect and such and reading the bagavat gita.


    See Bhaktivinoda thakur i am sure read the gita. Yet there was this Phalgu Bhagavam near his town who claimed to be god much like 'Satya' Sai 'afro Baba of today. Phalgu bhagavan claimed to visnu and such but Bhaktivinoda Thankur had him arrested. Later on ofourse this Phalgu Bhagavan commited suicide.


    Now it in nector of instruction(Sri Upadesh Amrit) it is stated that one should not associate with non devotees and people who are detrimental to your spiritual life. Associate with devotees and such.


    Now first try understanding vedic culture before you bring up points without reading sastra accuratly.


    LIke in the Srimad Bhagavatam no mention of your Afro Baba.


    Thank you.


    Hare krsna.

  3. Well I am just curious. I know there are many out there who claim to be krsna and such.


    Funny thing was that a Swami Narayan follower came to my house once when I wasnt home and preached to my mom.


    I so wish i was there.


    Anyways whats up with them

    I dont find them to be legit.


    Am I a fool, a rascal? Am i being offensive.


    Please let me know.


    Hare krsna.

  4. Well I have been a canadian citizen since 1993, been in canada since 1990. I was born in fiji but anyways...


    I was a canadian citizen and then went to bombay to get married. I have heard the same of 30,000 dollars.


    I am doing not so bad but sometimes when I realise that my own father betrayed me it hurts. I feel like crying sometimes when i dwell to much on it.


    I have a few plans on how to get a job, krsna will provide me with something. I just have to keep endevouring. I am also talking to a immigration cunsultant so he will help me.


    Krsna is testing me.


    If krsna brings you to it, Krsna will bring you through it.

  5. Well I sure hope that these new Jackson 5 arent as crazy as the other Jackson bunch.


    Did you know when presented with the Krsna book by the devotees, Micheal Jackson said it would have been better if he was on the cover of that book next to Radha then Krsna.


    whoa, talk about messed up.


    His music is interesting though...I mean if you look carefully at the song thriller you can tell the exact and precise time he is about to turn white.





  6. Hare krsna everyone.


    Thank you all and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.


    Thank you Gaurasundar,Ghari,Myra, thiest, Priita and the others.



    To Gaurasundars question if I love my wife


    Well if I didnt love my wife, I would have divorced her already. I am dedicated to my wife, she is my first priority. After I get married my first duty is to my wife not my parents. I have taken my vows and I am strong enough to follow through with them.




    She is from madagascar but we met in Mumbai, last november. We got married last march in Mumbai.


    Now everyone, that helped me so much. Ofcourse I will chant for my princess, this will show her how good Krsna Consciouss husbands can be.


    Now I am a canadian citizen, the reason i cant find a job is that because i dont have much skills and not only that I had a dream of once being a pro wrestler. I was good at it too so i didnt have a backup. Also I was planning on becoming a bramacari. Three years ago though I started to work at a movie theatre and see if i could save some money. After I got married I asked my manager if he could give me a raise and she said sure. But my father said you should quit the theatre job and help him in the bussiness. I said sure(since i thought it be a good son thing to do)and he said he would always help me. All of a sudden this divorce issue comes up and he tells me you have to do everything yourself, I wont help you.


    I have so much frustration inside me because of the betrayel I felt.


    But Here we now.


    I am trying to find a job and its difficult. I am not sure if i want to get the temple involved. I have grown up there but its hard for me to ask them for help. I have told a few of my close personal friends who are there for me emotionaly and my God brother has emailed guru Maharaj.


    I never listen to those rumors, mere speculation can ruin lives as i have experianced.


    She told me a story just a couple of days ago of one of her friends who was also from madagascar got married to a guy from london and again people spread rumors about her. They told her husband and his family that she is pregnant with someone elses baby. Her husband ofcourse believed that and threw her out of the house. His family didnt want all the rumors to affect their "family name". So now she is in Madagascar really traumatized and thinks that her husband will call her any day now. Its been over a year.


    I told my wife that there is a difference between him and I. The difference is that guy married her because of sex desire, there was no love involved, they dont know what the purpose of marriage is. It is better off that she is without him. He wasnt a good man so what to speak of being a good husband.


    I told her i am by yourside, its only me, you and krsna.


    THere is much more to this story ofcourse. I will tell you the story of how we ended up falling in love.


    If anyone wants to comment on this or want me to post the story up let me know.


    Hare krsna.






  7. Well hare krsna everyone. I am deciding to tell you what my problem actually is.


    Well to make a long story short, I got married last march to this nice girl from Madagascar.(at my parents forcefull request)I wanted to marry a devotee but they said devotees are bad. Anyways so i saw her and liked her and the first thing i told her i was a devotee. I told my parents(especially my dad) that vaisnava aparadha is a horrible thing and we will pay for this.(he did more things which i cant say now)


    So anyways my situation got bad the day after my birthday but to cut the story short here it is.


    Well, what has happend is that people(soni, gujuratis) have been spreading rumors about my wife. Silly rumors but rumors that has affected my whole life. I know this is a test by krsna.


    What has happened is that they have brainwashed my parents that this girl only married me for the visa, she has had her appendix removed(so what) she has rotten teeth(so what) and she has some skin disease. They also said she has had thousands of boyfriends and such and will ruin your sons life.


    Funny thing is that they are spreading rumors about me there telling them that i have gotten some girl pregnant yada yada yada.


    Anyways my parents want me to get a divorce, ofcourse i wont but the thing is I have to sponser my wife from madagascar but i dont have a job. I quit my theatre job to work with my dad but he says he wont help me.


    I dont have a job, i am getting stressed, my wife is hurting because of all of this. You know how it is in indian 'culture' that if the girl gets divorced its her fault etc.


    Anyways, there is more to this story then i am saying but thats just a jist of it.


    If anyone can offer me some help please do so


    Hare krsna





  8. Hare krsna everyone, this is haridham with another interesting post.


    Well for this topic i am dissusing or attempt to discuss the overwhelming number of 'spiritual or religious' groups especially in india.


    Now if you visit a country like india, you are surely to get confused and flustered when you see all this especially if you havent read the vedas. Ofcourse many people havent. We have Srila prabhupad who has given us the do's and dont's of spiritual life and india.


    From Sai 'afro' baba, Ramkrishna mission, and others to some out there who claim they can show u god in 6 months. Wow amazing isnt it. Who to trust? Who to follow?


    Now ofcourse all these groups are saying nice things, doing good welfare work but are they part of any sampradaya. Perticularly the four sampradayas "Brahma madava gaudiya, Sri Sampradaya, Rudra Sampradaya or Kumara Sampradaya?????


    Well if they are not in those four then they are not legit. People cant just concoct anything they wish on a public with no knowledge because they know some sanskrit and such. Heck even Ravana knew sanskrit but we know what he did right.


    They all claim to be god from Sai 'afro Baba to Ramkrishna and such. They are many new ones in india probably throwing their hats in to become the next gods.


    Now, for me anyway when i see pictures of these people i dont see any aura or sense anything that would prove to me that they are gods or gurus for that matter.


    When I saw Prabhupad the case was different.


    So its upto you who you want to believe.


    Just chant and read prabhupads books.


    hare krsna



  9. Thank you prabhuji.


    I think the most important thing is that i have to be patiant and show by example.


    She is from a guju(soni) background but lucky for me krsna gave me a wife who hates the sonis as much as i do. lol.


    We have a very interesting story going on with our marriage right now. Just a like a good 1980's hindi movie.


    I might post if people like.


    Hare krsna



  10. Hare krsna everyone. This haridham again.


    I love this site by the way.


    I have a question though.


    I just got married last march and my wife isnt a devotee but i told her from the beggining that i am in iskcon etc. There is quite a unique story behind this which i will post later.


    Now my question is what is the best way i can help her experiance the wonderful bliss of krsna consciousness. I have grown up in the movement. Since i was 9 i mean although an outsider krsna consciousness has ruled my life.


    From book distribution, bus tours, associating with devotees, car washes, and many other projects.


    I mean she has started to chant a couple of rounds which is good and right now she is in madagascar so i know i cant do much but how can i let her experiance what i have experianced.


    I dont want to force her


    Hare krsna.



  11. Hare krsna everyone, this is Haridham.


    Well i am wondering something.


    If i were to ask for help in any manner could anyone help me. Right now I am going through a terrible time in my life and dont know what to do. Yes I do chant my 16 rounds and follow the four regs. I say that because i know some of you would say ask me if i was. Now I understand that i should depend on krsna but we should also be practicle. I think krsna has given us this association so we can help each other practicaly.


    Hare krsna.



  12. Hare krsna everyone. This is Haridham.


    Can I ask if I had a problem materialy and needed help with something, could anyone help me.


    I am just curious, right now i am at a down time in my life and yes i am chanting the maha mantra and following the four regs.


    I know a lot of you will say just depend on krsna and such but we should also provide practical help. Krsna has given us devotees who should help each other.


    I need help


    Hare krsna

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