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Posts posted by JRdd

  1. Okay, I can get it locally, the reishi. They sell it in many forms locally, and I'll look for the Oregon one. What do you know about Oregon graperoot?


    On reading books I have on Chinese medicine I see that they are really focused on the organs, including lesser known ones like the pancreas and spleen. But can Chinese practices be mixed with other schools of medicine thought and everything (all the different herbs, etc., can still be effective?


    No one ever talks about healing cirrhosis. I have yet to see this. Everyone who talks about healing the liver talks of healing the viruses affecting the liver, or other symptoms, but not about actual advanced fibrosis. I really do think that most hopeful messages I get about what to do for my liver are no longer appropriate to my condition. I mean the milk thistle did not, over the years, show any improvement at all in my overall health. Instead I have been getting worse at an alarming rate. And believe me I have been careful with diet over the years, occasionally splurging on something funner to eat when I feel I can handle it (like temple prasad last summer), buying organic food as the major part of my groceries, juicing, things like that. I pay attention to how foods affect me, too.


    I'll give the MSM another shot. I hurt on a daily basis and hate adding more cramps and stuff in, but I will try to see my way through this. Is the bulk white powder good? I have also been wondering this. A local man sells it, cheap. Or is it better to get some more refined version, like in a tablet? Do other MSM preps work, like eyedrops?

    Yes, I know about those bitter greens. I wish I had more discipline about taste. the most discipline I can muster about dandelions is pulling them up to make room for the marigolds. Oh but in Chinese medicine it seems they list unexpected foods as bitter foods, like artichoke, and maybe even eggplant? I will find out, unless you have some hints to input here.

    Well I never knew that about ginseng. Is there any other natural substance that is adaptogenic?

    Licorice yes, well instinctively I quit that a few weeks ago, was taking lots of mg a day. I cannot stand to have any more retention than I already have, and now you say this causes it.

    I think I do not need much in the way of liver tonics. There isn't much liver here to tone. It's more about staying alive until they can get me to the transplant list stage, but the evaluation is taking so long to set up as this is an epidemic. Millons are reckoned to have this disease and not even know it. I think almost everyone, in the baby boomer age group especially, should get checked for Hep C (HCV).

    I do not know if your solution of me taking potassium supplements is the best for me. I apparently haven't the ability to retain it or something. I get it, but it goes out. This is related to the liver failure (I am officially "end stage liver disease".) I have said before it is interesting to be hit with news of impending death, and to watch the body breaking down. Still, in the conditioned state (and also because it is the nature of the soul, being eternal, to want to be alive) the urge to survive and do the best one can to keep the body going, compells one. Hope I can keep that spirit going.

    Okay I forgot about ginger being great for the stomach, and will use it in teas more. I only use a bit in vegetable juice. Honey? That sounds good. I remember that Srila Prabhupada made some comment about life not being worth living if one couldn't even enjoy nice food.

    Chamomile, one of my favorite all-time standbys. The happy tea.

    No the cramping is from liver failure side affects. I don't take anti-inflammatories, like Ibuprofen. I don't eat vinegar but my hair likes it. So do the pickles I occasionally put on a vegy burger. Vicodin I rarely take and it actually takes away the cramps. I only do a half dose when I do.


    Thanks so much for your continuing inputs. It is giving me a lot of ideas. And reminders too.


    ys, JR



  2. I thought ashvagandha sounded familiar but thought I might have seen it in India only. I will check it out. So reishi is for hep C? The rest, yeah I love artichokes, and crave licorice (and now I know why), but last week my doctor said licorice takes potassium out of the body and causes tiredness, and to stop taking it. I gave blood that day for a potassium check and I'll find out what it shows. They have chekce this a few times this year, I think. I think the potassium lack also causes the cramping, now that I think about it. any idea about this? A lot of what I do is based not only on research but intuition and tuning in with my own body.

    As for diet, I love and crave bitter melon like it was candy, but there is none around. I regularly use ginger, and espcially garlic ( I think it helps with the toxins in me), but for a while stopped as I found out they thin the blod and I have very low platelets. But they seem to help me more than they hinder. Just how do you find balance between contradictory needs of the body?

    Thanks again, in aniticipation, Jayaradhe


  3. Thanks for all this info, Shiva. I will look into Reishi. Impportant to note is that I have severe cirrhosis, which is a whole different kettle of gulab jamons than just hep C on its own. For years i have been taken milk thistle and dandelion tincture, and other things known to heal hep c, but I think my liver has gone beyond that. Basically, there is't much liver tissue left to save, and I believe all the scar tissue (cirrhosis) which has replaced most of the liver, physically leaves no room for liver growth anyway. I have heard of and am intersted in anything which might dissolve the scar tissue.

    About MSM, I have a bulk bag of it, white powder. A few years ago I tried a quarter of a teaspoon in water and got cramps. I am hesitant about it since. Can it possibly be too hard on my system, or shoud I give it another try?

    About ginseng, I hate the taste, can not stand it. So please quit dispelling my excuses for not taking it. Posted Image

    thanks, JR

  4. I was coming to thank theist for his suggestions and also to express doubts about the wear and tear which biking and even dumbbells might do for me, and to seek further comments on this, then saw this post by Shiva, which I think hits closer to my condition, age, and illness.

    Originally posted by shiva:

    better then biking or weight lifting,especially if you are on in years,(those exercises are very stressfull to the knees and joints)is hatha-yoga, join a class the benefit is very immediate and non stressfull.

    If you can't do that,swim.Swimming is very non stress, and brings relief to those with arthritis.

    I had exactly those misgivings. I am not at all up to that sort of exercise. I am also builidng up from severe malnutrition, and have been assured by my doc that it takes a long time to recover from that, so I am hopeful. Yoga is something I have been wanting to do again for some time, and since I don't have the discipline to start a regimen on my own, joining a class is a great idea. I am getting a car for the first time in my life, so will now have the freedom to do that, as well as drive to the lake whenever I want. Everyday! I have always loved swimming way out into the middle of the lake and lying on the water, far away from anyone, just sky and trees and mountains all around. Yoga and swimming feel safe to me.


    Eating nuts for weight gain is not recommended for those who are prone to diabetes, To much fat is bad for those people,and fat ingestion is not good for anyone as a weight gainer,to much fat is bad for the liver,causes lethargy,raises body temperature,and does not cause the muscle mass you desire.


    Yes, I could not eat enough nuts to gain weight. I have always consumed lots of almonds, which are lower in fat, and alkaline, but even those are becoming less of a feature in my life. It is interesting how different bodies and conditions require totally different diets. Like people with hep c but not cirrhosis have a completely different diet from those with cirrhosis.


    Herbs i recommend for women are as follows:

    Dong Quai(Dang Kwai),is a Chines root, known as Ginseng for women,it has many benefits, and is the number one tonic for women in Chinese herbology.


    Yes, I will get some of this. I used to make my own tincture of this, with asparagus root and ginger root, and I forgot what a strengthening tincture this is, for women.


    Ginseng, both panax ginseng and siberian ginseng are also very strong tonics for both female and male.

    I thought ginseng was for men and dong quai for women. At least this is what Janet Zand (of Zand Formulas) told me when she gave me the tincture recipe. Do you know anything about this?


    Aswhagandha, this is known as Indian ginseng and is similar in effect to ginseng.

    And this is good for women? And can it be easily found in the USA?


    Saw Palmetto, this herb is very beneficial for muscle gain,it causes growth of muscle tissue and is used also for breast growth.

    Oh good one. I will check the effect on my liver, and get some (but will have to program it for muscle growth only; who wants to have to wear a bra?).


    Ginko biloba, this herb has been used in ayurvedic tonics and china for thousands of years,and very recomended. Ginger, a strong tonic and all around beneficial root.

    Herb potency is strongest in extract form,and if possible should be taken as such,follow the recomended dosage on the bottle.

    For food, i recommend dates,and grains.

    Grains are high in slow digesting carbohydrates ,and give your body a steady supply of energy and food, profeesional athletes carbo-load before activity,for you instead of lots of vegetables or sugars,eat more rice,wheat,corn,beans.

  5. Originally posted by shiva:

    how old are you?


    I'm not sure. (I have a sudden case of senility)


    what is your state of health?


    Hep C with severe cirrhosis ("little liver tissue is available", the biopsy report says), and other side effects of the hep c, like chronic fatigue and odema (abdomenal)

    how tall are you?

    what is your weight?


    Almost 5'6, almost 130.


    do you take any drugs, caffeine, nicotine etc,?



    For my first time, as of this year, I am on regular allopathic medicine. This is prescribed diuretics, to keep the swelling of my abdomen down (caused by liver failure). I am supposed to take quinine for severe and prolonged cramps but an reluctant to take on another medicine, so am putting it off. Very occasionally, vicodine (which I didn't use before this year, but have experienced a severity of pain that has landed in twice inthe hospital). Also very occasionally, marijuana (if you consider that a drug--which it certainly can be, like anything else) to aid with sleep, which isn't as big a problem as it was before.


    The suggestions you give below jive with what I am doing and with what I see I can do to improve matters, and I will comment on that next.




    ys, JR


  6. You always give such great descriptions of festivals, Atma. I hope you do the same after this one, so those of us who can't go can experience it through your heart.


    ys, JR


    HUGE P.S. May 24 is Jayananda's Disappearance Day. Does New Dwaraka do something on that day? I bet New Jagannath Puri (Berkeley) does. Jayananda prabhu's old chanting/serving ground.

  7. Something made me think of skeletons a minute ago, and then I remembered that I have been meanign to put out enquiries for information on building muscle and gaining weight. A lot of men seem to know about these things, and since this forum is mostly men contributing, I was hoping to get some input or ideas. I have been eating as good as I can for months now, with protein and complex carbohydrates as my condition calls for, but my weight remains the same. That's not so bad but the muscle loss is the same, and that is a bother, when you get less able to do things. Are there foods within the range of this diet which contribute to body-building, and are there simple nonstrenuous excercizes, not complicated or hard to introduce to the lifestyle, that could, say, nuuild up the arm muscles? I am not at all talking Arnold Schwartznegger here, that stuff on men is hard enough on the eyes; I'm just talking about normal strength (for a woman, not a man). Also are there hand exercises, compatible with carpal tunnel syndrome?

    Thanks for any help that may be forthcoming,

    Jayaradhe dasi


  8. I found out I dont have cataracts and have to see a retina specialist. It is stretched to the max as I am extremely nearsighted (wear contacts), so it's deteriorating along the edges. This leads to eventual blindness. but in the meantime, I have been taking aplha-lipoic acid for another ailment, then read that it prevents retina deterioration! so often when we find something natural that works for us, it works for so many different symptoms we might have. Wholistic.

    I find it kind of laughable, trying to hold this frail ecosystem of a body together. To me it's kind of like having a threadbare shirt, and you keep knotting the pieces together, just kind of holding the whole thing together in some strange, Charlie Chaplin way. Then you just keep marching (or crawling) along, like a disjointed skeleton. Hmm, gruesome.

  9. Here is another article on ALA. (For reader info, HCV means Hepatitis C)



    Alpha lipoic acid is a vitamin-like substance that is used as an anti-oxidant. Many sources list it as the most powerful anti-oxidant ever discovered. When looking around at various protocols for hepatitis C, you will find that more likely than not alpha-lipoic acid is considered an important part of the health regimen for patients with HCV. It is considered an important and versatile anti-oxidant that enhances the functions of vitamins C and E and glutathione. For these reasons many people with liver conditions, especially HCV, take it as a staple part of their "treatment programs".

    Many doctors who treat patients with HCV prescribe this anti-oxidant, especially those in the natural healing community, although not limited to the natural healing community.

    The functions of alpha lipoic acid is to neutralize free radicals in the body by enhancing the anti-oxidant functions of vitamins C and E and glutathione. According to Lloyd Wright (hepatitis C survivor, researcher and author), ALA is "used in Europe to restore liver health and confer protective benefits against oxidative processes involved in degenerative diseases."

    Another interesting piece of information about this substance is found in his book Triumph Over Hepatitis C. He states that it regenerates glutathione, giving cells a "double dose of anti-oxidant protection". Further he writes, " It is also easily absorbed when taken orally, and once inside cells is quickly converted to its most potent form, dihydrolipoic acid, an even more potent free-radical neutralizer than ALA. Because both alpha-lipoic acid and dihydrolipoic acid are antioxidants, their combined actions give them greater anti-oxidant potency than any other natural anti-oxidant now known."

    Lloyd Wright, claims that he has rid his body of this virus through natural healing therapies and that there are no signs of the virus in his system after his recovery. Among other supplements, he took alpha lipoic acid everyday and suggests it was a "vital" in his fight against hepatitis C.

    Other points he made in its favor are: Ester Packer, professor of molecular biology at UC Berkley, says it is the most important anti-oxidant ever discovered; and that scientists have found that it can inhibit replication of HCV-1 and other viruses through its ability to bind directly to DNA.

    A holistic physician, Jesse Stoff, M.D., director of IntegaMed in Tucson, AZ, says hepatitis C is a treatable and often reversible condition. He gives detailed description of a case in which it was cured with natural remedies and supplements which can be found on the alternativemedicine.com website. He lists alpha lipoic acid as one of the supplements that should be taken. He says, " it is always useful in treating chronic liver inflammation". According to Dr. Stoff ALA occurs naturally in potatoes, carrots, yams, sweet potatoes. He reinforces that when given as a supplement it can increase the body's production of glutatione, an enzyme that protects the cells from damage by harmful free-radicals.

    Overall it is considered to be a very important anti-oxidant and very important in treating chronic inflammation of the liver.


  10. Originally posted by theist:


    thanks for the posts on ALA.I was aware of it a little but have only been taking 100mg a day.Now I found out 600mg or more is the proper dosage.


    I am going to search the web for the cheapest source and will post it when I find it.


    Remember Krsna

    Great! I was about to order some from the site posted above, then found it at my local store, for three dollars less plus sans shipping. So I paid $27. It's important to get the right maker, I am told it is a "buyers beware" thing, and that the best out at the moment is apparently European-made. I got Jarrow's Formula on the assumption that, since it was the one recommended on that site, it must be a good one. But if you or anyone finds out otherwise, could you also post recommended brands here?


    thanks, JR



  11. As always you make pictures with words and heart as beautifully as you do with paint and heart. I can not rival such beauty but can send you back the same well wishes, from my heart.


    I wonder if a lot of devotees are going through the carpet being pulled out from under them syndrome. I hear people in general talking about how the wonkiest things have been going on. You make plans, then....I feel that Krsna is nudging me closer to taking true Shelter. He really WANTS us to depend fully on him. All those silly things that happen here, thwarted plans, things falling apart (including the body), it gets more and more obvious who is really the capable one here, and fortunately for us He also knows best what we need. Sometimes my sense of humor dones't jive with His, and I ask "Why? Why why why?" but that is not His fault. A friend sent this reassuring little quote this morning:


    "Every moment there is danger. It is not very peaceful living at the present

    moment. We are running, we are flying in the sky, we are….we do not say that

    this should be stopped, but you do everything in Krishna Consciousnessso

    that even danger takes place, ante narayana-smrtih, you can at least

    remember Krishna at the time of death. Then your life is successful." SP

    lecture, Bombay India, 1972


    So glad to see you, Mr Krsnadas,

    your servant, Jayaradhe


    Originally posted by Krsnadas:

    Life comes from life, giving life, spreading, praising and rejoicing in LIFE within and without, in this world and out of this world.

    Just as Bhakti begets Bhakti and Prema begets more prema, so your glorious soul continues to infuse all life with the greatest gift of all. From the topmost, to this lowly amoeba in the worms intestines.

    Even tho we may aspire for Absolute good Srila Guru Maharaj has told we can still go from 'down to down' with no prospect of bottoming out. Such is the way I feel at times, instead of using my God given wings the caterpillar can end up inside itself, untill the grace of Guru and Gauranga comes our way in the form of the beautiful vaisnavis' or as'.

    Oh Lord have mercy! and please kindly bestow that mecy on this fallen soul thru your ever loving devotees.

    My thoughts, hopes, ever well wishes and prayers are with you and all those who serve this beautiful reality. Be so kind and send prayers this undeserving way, that I may somewhere in time, gain an opportuity to re-establish my eternal connection to the inner realm of charm, sweetness and beauty.

    Below is a link to an ocean of nectar for all to relish.

    Keep that heart pulsating, so that ours might also throb. Together that big Mrdanga of combined love for each other will send a sound that can inundate the whole worlds sorrowful misconception, in a vibration of devotional medicine.

    Yours in aspiring seva.





  12. I don't have diabetes, but I eat lots of cinnamon, everyday, and was thinking of looking up what all it's good for (besides diabetes) and maybe why I crave it. But anyway, alpha-lipoic acid is supposed to be good for a lot of things, but is not produced naturally in the body to the extent it's supposed to, generally. Here's another article about it, that lists all kinds of uses:


    Alpha Lipoic Acid is a sulfurous fatty acid that would have been classified as a Vitamin except for the fact that it can be synthesized within the human body.


    Lipoic Acid helps to prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) (due to the Antioxidant properties of Lipoic Acid; Lipoic Acid can penetrate eye tissue and protect both the Lens and the Retina from degeneration).


    Lipoic Acid protects the lens and retina of the eye from degeneration.


    Lipoic Acid alleviates Glaucoma (after 1 month of treatment with 150 mg of Lipoic Acid per day 47% of persons with Glaucoma exhibited improvement in visual acuity, visual field color discrimination and increased lacrimal tear fluid)


    Lipoic Acid reduces the incidence of cataracts in persons with Diabetes.


    Lipoic Acid normalizes blood sugar levels.


    Lipoic Acid (300 - 600 mg per day) reduces Insulin Resistance (i.e. it increases Insulin sensitivity).

    Lipoic Acid prevents and alleviates many of the detrimental side effects that occur as a result of Diabetes Mellitus (both Type 1 and Type 2).


    Lipoic Acid prevents the (diabetic) Neuropathy that is a common side effect of Diabetes Mellitus [Lipoic Acid improves nerve blood flow, reduces oxidative stress and improves distal nerve conduction in experimental diabetic neuropathy].


    Lipoic Acid is a potent scavenger of Hydroxyl Free Radicals.


    Lipoic Acid inhibits the cross-linking of the body’’s Proteins.


    Lipoic Acid is used therapeutically to treat Liver ailments and it protects the Liver from the toxic effects of many Pharmaceutical Drugs.


    Lipoic Acid is an effective therapy in the treatment of food poisoning by toxic mushrooms.


    Lipoic Acid helps to recycle Vitiams C and E.



    Alpha lipoic acid is a vitamin-like substance that is used as an anti-oxidant. Many sources list it as the most powerful anti-oxidant ever discovered. When looking around at various protocols for hepatitis C, you will find that more likely than not alpha-lipoic acid is considered an important part of the health regimen for patients with HCV. It is considered an important and versatile anti-oxidant that enhances the functions of vitamins C and E and glutathione. For these reasons many people with liver conditions, especially HCV, take it as a staple part of their "treatment programs".

    Many doctors who treat patients with HCV prescribe this anti-oxidant, especially those in the natural healing community, although not limited to the natural healing community.

    The functions of alpha lipoic acid is to neutralize free radicals in the body by enhancing the anti-oxidant functions of vitamins C and E and glutathione. According to Lloyd Wright (hepatitis C survivor, researcher and author), ALA is "used in Europe to restore liver health and confer protective benefits against oxidative processes involved in degenerative diseases."

    Another interesting piece of information about this substance is found in his book Triumph Over Hepatitis C. He states that it regenerates glutathione, giving cells a "double dose of anti-oxidant protection". Further he writes, " It is also easily absorbed when taken orally, and once inside cells is quickly converted to its most potent form, dihydrolipoic acid, an even more potent free-radical neutralizer than ALA. Because both alpha-lipoic acid and dihydrolipoic acid are antioxidants, their combined actions give them greater anti-oxidant potency than any other natural anti-oxidant now known."

    Lloyd Wright, claims that he has rid his body of this virus through natural healing therapies and that there are no signs of the virus in his system after his recovery. Among other supplements, he took alpha lipoic acid everyday and suggests it was a "vital" in his fight against hepatitis C.

    Other points he made in its favor are: Ester Packer, professor of molecular biology at UC Berkley, says it is the most important anti-oxidant ever discovered; and that scientists have found that it can inhibit replication of HCV-1 and other viruses through its ability to bind directly to DNA.

    A holistic physician, Jesse Stoff, M.D., director of IntegaMed in Tucson, AZ, says hepatitis C is a treatable and often reversible condition. He gives detailed description of a case in which it was cured with natural remedies and supplements which can be found on the alternativemedicine.com website. He lists alpha lipoic acid as one of the supplements that should be taken. He says, " it is always useful in treating chronic liver inflammation". According to Dr. Stoff ALA occurs naturally in potatoes, carrots, yams, sweet potatoes. He reinforces that when given as a supplement it can increase the body's production of glutatione, an enzyme that protects the cells from damage by harmful free-radicals.

    Overall it is considered to be a very important anti-oxidant and very important in treating chronic inflammation of the liver.




  13. Here is one article on alpha-lipoic acid:




    Alpha lipoic acid is a vitamin-like substance that is used as an anti-oxidant. Many sources list it as the most powerful anti-oxidant ever discovered. When looking around at various protocols for hepatitis C, you will find that more likely than not alpha-lipoic acid is considered an important part of the health regimen for patients with HCV. It is considered an important and versatile anti-oxidant that enhances the functions of vitamins C and E and glutathione. For these reasons many people with liver conditions, especially HCV, take it as a staple part of their "treatment programs".

    Many doctors who treat patients with HCV prescribe this anti-oxidant, especially those in the natural healing community, although not limited to the natural healing community.

    The functions of alpha lipoic acid is to neutralize free radicals in the body by enhancing the anti-oxidant functions of vitamins C and E and glutathione. According to Lloyd Wright (hepatitis C survivor, researcher and author), ALA is "used in Europe to restore liver health and confer protective benefits against oxidative processes involved in degenerative diseases."

    Another interesting piece of information about this substance is found in his book Triumph Over Hepatitis C. He states that it regenerates glutathione, giving cells a "double dose of anti-oxidant protection". Further he writes, " It is also easily absorbed when taken orally, and once inside cells is quickly converted to its most potent form, dihydrolipoic acid, an even more potent free-radical neutralizer than ALA. Because both alpha-lipoic acid and dihydrolipoic acid are antioxidants, their combined actions give them greater anti-oxidant potency than any other natural anti-oxidant now known."

    Lloyd Wright, claims that he has rid his body of this virus through natural healing therapies and that there are no signs of the virus in his system after his recovery. Among other supplements, he took alpha lipoic acid everyday and suggests it was a "vital" in his fight against hepatitis C.

    Other points he made in its favor are: Ester Packer, professor of molecular biology at UC Berkley, says it is the most important anti-oxidant ever discovered; and that scientists have found that it can inhibit replication of HCV-1 and other viruses through its ability to bind directly to DNA.

    A holistic physician, Jesse Stoff, M.D., director of IntegaMed in Tucson, AZ, says hepatitis C is a treatable and often reversible condition. He gives detailed description of a case in which it was cured with natural remedies and supplements which can be found on the alternativemedicine.com website. He lists alpha lipoic acid as one of the supplements that should be taken. He says, " it is always useful in treating chronic liver inflammation". According to Dr. Stoff ALA occurs naturally in potatoes, carrots, yams, sweet potatoes. He reinforces that when given as a supplement it can increase the body's production of glutatione, an enzyme that protects the cells from damage by harmful free-radicals.

    Overall it is considered to be a very important anti-oxidant and very important in treating chronic inflammation of the liver."

  14. Hari bol, this is about alpha-lipoic acid, and I can't keep putting off posting this info. I feel there may be important information for someone here. Also in the meantime I want to tell the beautiful worm that wrote that I very much look forward to replying, but jsut for now my energy level is letting me do this post only.


    I have been taking ALA for a month now, I can not say whether it is helping or not because so many variables could be contributing to my better sense of being in this body, such as sunshine, and rare extended devotee company here, but the doc did say a couple of days ago that my anemia is gone and that though te liver enzymes are still high, things have not got worse and seem stablized right now. Until some extreme fatigue for the past four days, I was feeling pretty fine, and active.


    This naturally-occurring molecular substance has been studied longer for its affects on diabetes than hep c, as I understand it, but it has definitely saved many lives of those with end stage liver disease, and it is well-touted for its affects on diabetes and other diseases, too. So I'll just start by posting, separately, different articles I have found on this.



  15. Originally posted by jndas:

    Right now the distribution is done four times a month (on Sundays), but we have plans to make it a daily distribution within one or two months. The main limiting problem is the amount of work the volunteers have to do to setup in the villages. They have to transport all of the pots, grains, etc., 10 to 15 km by bicycle push cart, then stand in the hot sun next to a huge wood fire to cook the food (prasadam). Then after serving, in the evening, they have to clean up the entire area (without any lights, since these villages have no electricity), and finally bring all pots back, 10 to 15 km by bicycle push-cart. The entire procedure is very difficult and tiring for them, making it impossible for them to do it except on Sundays (most of them work 6 days a week in regular jobs as well).


    This month we are trying to buy a small used van, which will remove around 70% of the difficulty involved, and subsequently enable us to conduct the distribution daily instead of just on Sundays. We will cook all of the food at our ashram (instead of at the village), transport it by van, distribute it, and return by van. The clean up can then be done at our ashram by other volunteers. Since the work involved will be much less, it will be possible to conduct it daily.

    This is astonishing to me, the dedication of all the volunteers. They exemplify Srila Prabhupada's earnest endeavors to bring Krsna consciousness to the West, and all over the world, at much personal inconvenience. And it helps me to see how pettily self-absorbed I can get about the minor inconveniences life throws my way. Which is a step toward shedding that bodily mentality. Thanks for the nectar, Jahnava Nitai, this is really really uplifting!


    Shashi: Well as usual, like a swan you see the good and are very encouraging. As for the mataji title, I don't mind what you call me, but personally I prefer the devi dasi if something is used, and even maybe the didi, if that is an Indian phrase, like ben or bhai. When they started calling us mother in the temples I did not like it, because I did not always feel they were seeing me as their mother.


    ys, JR




  16. You can't go wrong if you donate to a devotee charity like the Food Relief program, which goes deeper than just feeding people's bodies. I like jndas' program because I trust it and because they emphasize the loving care with which the food is cooked and offered. Otherwise, it would be no more than watering the leaves of the tree instead of the roots. But I appreciate the quotes above pertaining to charity in general as being a viable way of making progress. I mean, I need all the help I can get to make progress, to the point where any small act of kindness from me could do me no harm.


    A couple of days ago my visiting friend made loads of prasadam yummies (of particular mention is her berry and fresh apple pie) then went around the neighborhood selling them door to door, and passing out peace formulas. (Due to ongoing car problems, she needs the money for gas for her car to drive back home, in.) Anyway, she gave this one young man a cupcake as he had no money with him, as his mom was out. The next morning, we needed to get to town by a back road, to get to the DMV (dept. of motor vehicles) without getting caught first, and we met this woman who turned her car around and took us literally miles out of her way to show us where to get the scenic non-town non-highway route into town. As we were about to part ways, my friend handed her a peace formula and the woman's face lit up. She knew about it already, from her son who was the one my friend had given the cupcake to. It was a happy "coincidence", how things come around, and it made me think about ajnata-sukriti and how one's spiritual life may begin with one small act of service, like eating a cupcake, or reading a peace formula, or helping two renegrade devotees get into town without being caught. And a devotee doesn't have to be great in order for the giver to benefit, because any connection with the pure devotee, even if only through those attempting to follow him, is the most wonderful gift anyone could have, spiritually--that's how potently magnanimous is the biggest charity giver of us all.


    All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all the Vaisnava devotees,



  17. From what I understand from the site, $11 feeds more than fifty people.


    I am heartened by the fact that the program is building up and planning to someday do this on a daily basis.


    Jahnava Nitai prabhu, I did not yet give a donation for April because it wouldn't accept my credit, no matter how many times I tried. It always did, before, and the credit card is useable. So I have also not given anything this month yet, as I was thinking maybe your system changed or there is some glitch now, and kept forgetting to ask about this. If you send a donation to the Los Angeles address, does it all get sent to you, just as if we donated directly to India?


    thanks, ys, Jayaradhe

  18. I wonder if anyone knows when/where Srila Prabhupada said that at the end of Kaliyuga would be raising children specifically as a food source. In the same breath, I understood him to say that music would sound like chainsaws. Even that short time ago, that was unimaginable. But now...


    Anivash prabhu, you are so right. And I am doing all I can, believe me. The will to live is natural because the soul is eternal, and this will carries into the embodied state of being, as a drive to survive the body's deterioration. I only meant that we can only do so much, and the rest is up to Krsna. And that gives me comfort in my endeavors to keep this strange machine going. We act, but give up attachment to the results.

    Thanks so much, Jayaradhe

  19. This article made me feel actually physically nauseated. It is nightmarish.

    What gets me is they have all this technology, how come they don't clone livers for transplantation? I have learned that the average wait for a liver is a year, and many die during that wait. I have also just learned that I am not up for evaluation for a transplant for at least another two months, due to the epidemic numbers of end stage liver disease sufferers, and so I can not even start to be on a list until after that time. I am in an emergency state that could send me into a coma at any time, without notice, and there is nothing that can be done to quicken things. This is just another example of our society's priorities. Money over health, life, and happiness for the people. Seems to me they could easily reproduce livers. Instead, they want to feed their greedy pockets by creating animals for slaughter and consumption.

  20. Gauracandra prabhu, since you seem to be on the forums right now I thought it would be fun to thank you here for the video tape, which arrived today.


    We are going to see it tomorrow, like make it a special thing to sit down with it, be part of our George tribute theme day (which may mean just playing tapes and this video. Unless someone's into making trifle). I can hardly wait. Thank you!


    ys, Jayaradhe

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