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Posts posted by livingentity

  1. is another reason we can lose our taste for chanting. This can be caused by committing any of the ten offenses to the Holy Names. As long as one chants with offenses, it is impossible to attain love of God.


    What is the cure?


    Namaparadhe-yuktanam, namany eva haranty agham

    avisranti prayuktani, tany evartha-karani ca


    By continous chanting an offender to the holy name will gradually become free from sins and offenses. He will rise to the platform of offenseless chanting and eventually attain the ultimate goal of life, krsna prema. (Padma P. Svarga-kandha 48,49)


    One can only get free from nama-aparadha through bhakti, the power of Krsna's name and by the mercy of Krsna's associates.


    So in short.....keep on chanting and make every effort to chant with concentration and without offense. But do not stop chanting...cry out for Krsna.


    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare



  2. The personality of Kali begged for mercy when King Pariksit was preparing to kill him. So the king gave Kali permission to reside in places where gambling, drinking (intoxication), prostitution (illicit sex) and animal slaughter were performed.


    Kali wanted more so the king also gave him permission to live where there is gold because whereever there is an excess of gold (wealth) there are all the four pillars of sin which are above mentioned.


    From this we should understand that those who are seeking spiritual well being should never come in contact with the four sinful activities - gambling, illicit sex, intoxication and meat eating.


    This story is told in Srimad Bhagavatam so you can see that Srila Prabhupada was instructing us from authorized sources (as always) for our spiritual well being.

  3. that just because a devotee is to be humble does not mean he is to be walked all over and a push over.


    Does anyone have reference to the time in India that the deities were in danger as the "owner" of the land came in to evict them and began to tear down the shelter that was built for the deities? The devotees had to physically protect the deities with their lives!!


    Also, there was the time that the building contractors were taking advantage of the devotees and selling them cheap inferior products. The devotees had to deal with unscrupulous contractors and had to force them to provide what had been paid for.


    Those are two instances that Prabhupada taught the devotees how to handle people trying to take advantage of there "humbleness".



  4. Also, meat-eating, gambling, intoxication and illicit sex are the four pillars of sinful life. Think about it...


    The 4 principles are like pillars. They alone cannot make up the process, but it's a beginning, to build upon. If you build without this foundation, it will be due for crumbling. All the acts prohibited in the four regulative principles lead to a life bereft of true spirituality.



    Chanting will clean the heart and eventually you will have not desire to perform any of the four pillars of sin.


    Beware of the maha-offense of thinking, "Oh I am chanting now and that will counter-act the fact that I am doing all kinds of nonsense sinful things."

  5. The infallible Vedic wisdom comes to us through disciplic succession, from Krsna, and in that way is saved from human imperfection. Mundane knowledge is always defective, Vedic knowledge is free from such shortcomings.


    The Vedas are sabda, or spiritual sound vibration, and are the best form of evidence.

  6. offend anyone. Your gopi dress will be very very appropriate. Yes, some of the women do wear anklets there is no problem but I have heard complaints about the bell type anklets before. They really can be quite distracting in that if it is quiet then all eyes go to the person tinkling around causing distractions.


    Please let us know about your visit.


    How close are you to New Orleans? There is a nice temple there. Also, a farm community is right across the state line in Mississippi near Picayne.

  7. tho that type of surrender is only a surface temporary surrender because as soon as the person feels (illusion)that he/she/it is out of danger or comfortable again then they go on their merry way as they were before.


    Surrender usually comes when one is in a desperate situation and realizes that they have no material solutions to their problems. Then one turns to God to relieve the burdens and sufferings of this world.



  8. put skirt on. Hold the dupatta, chaddar or shawl (whatever you desire to call it) out in front of you and drape over your left shoulder. Then take it under your right armpit and tuck a corner of it in the back waist band of the skirt. The dupatta is now going across the front of your body from the back waist band, under your right armpit and draping across your left shoulder. You are then able to take the material that is hanging down your back over your head if desired. Just look at the pic in the Krishna Culture catalog and you will get the general idea. Also look at pics of women in sarees for an idea.


    As for ankle bells and excessive jewelry - Leave them at home. You are not there for a cool fashion show or to look "ethnic". All the tinkling noise and flashing of the metal distracts from the true purpose of visiting the temple and taking darshan of the deities.


    Is it me or do the followers of Swami Gaurangapada just copy and paste the same 10 quotes over and over again?



    Nope, it is not just you. I got the feeling early on in this thread that they have a list of possible question that they might be asked and the answers to be given (ie quotes).


    When the questions deviate from their list they can only scream "Offense" at you for want of any other response. Now it appears they have learned the word "immature".


  10. on my screen. Thanks for posting this extremely informative picture!!!


    The pictures reminds me of my oh so offensive (give me a break) unanswered questions which I will post for the third time here:


    1. What was your guru's name when he was a brahmacari in ISKCON?


    2. What years was he the head book distributor?


    3. What years was he head of the Mayapur BBT?


    4. Who was his initiating guru in ISKCON?


  11. with your immature screeching of <font color="red">OFFENSE!! OFFENSE!!! APARADHA!! APARADHA!!</font color>

    These are your only answers when stumped by a question or you do not know how to respond when someone does not agree with you. You need to arm yourself better.


    Ok...now this is what I find rather offensive...someone is attracted to Krishna Consciousness through Srila Prabhupada's teachings and instructions; practices for a few years in His movement and then decides, "Hey, this ain't good enough. I can do it better than Srila Prabhupada." Goes off and starts his own methods but feels in order to have credibility he must use Prabhupada to gain fame and disciples going so far as to write a book which is supposed to help people develop <font color="blue">interest</font color> in Prabhupada's books. Excuse but Prabhupada does not need any help. Thank you very much.


    Oh, and before I forget, I do know the proper procedure for gaining permission from the BBT to use the images and quotes. I have had to do this before for a website that I created and the owner wanted to use BBT images. Your answer makes one wonder if this procedure was followed for your website.








    The point people are making is that if he wants to do that he should not claim he is following Prabhupada and using his name on his site.


    When this is pointed out to you, you call such people "fanaticsoffenders" of the holy names ect.



    They have selective reading (hearing). This is truly sad.




  13. And they honestly think that these teachings are the same as Srila Prabhupada:


    # Quickly Attain the Topmost Spiritual Realizations unattainable even after practicing all kinds of Yoga combined together for millions of lives!


    # Get instant and permanent relief from each and every problem in life including all kinds of physical (diseases), emotional, mental stress, external influences etc.!


    # Solve all your financial problems in life!


    # Permanent Fulfillment of all desires in life!


    # Gain complete control over your present and future and change your past too!


    # Feel the ultimate happiness, peace, satisfaction, harmony and prosperity in life

    not available by any other means!


    # Become a great success in whatever you do!


    # Realize, control & experience the power of your every breath (prana) & second of your life!


    # Gauranga-Kriya is the topmost welfare activity for your own self and humanity!


    # Experience the real energy, strength and confidence from within!


    # Unlimitedly increase your memory, will-power, determination and efficiency!


    # Ideal for students, working and business class for ensuring maximum output on all levels!


    # Dovetail yourself in the supremely blissful service of the Cosmic Controller!


    # Awaken the universal love, kindness and compassion which is lying dormant in your heart!


    # Instantly illuminate and open all your chakras and raise your kundalini permanently to the topmost perfection and thus always be in harmony with the Purusha!!


    # Gauranga-Kriya is the culmination and essence of all kinds of Yoga, Maha-Meditations Mahapranayams, Mahakriyas, Mahamudras, Maha-asanas and Mahayajnas in the Vedas!


    # Give 30 minutes daily for the most powerful Gauranga-Kriya in Kali-yuga,

    the One and Only Supreme, Free and Permanent Remedy for all the problems of Life!





  14. My request to your webmaster is to take Prabhupada's pictures and His quotes off this website.


    I stand by what I said in my first post which was if you have a desire to follow Prabhupada's teachings and instructions then it is best not to go to this website because it will only confuse you.


    That is a fact because it has done so many times over and is still doing that.


    The instructions on that site are NOT Prabhupada's instructions and the site is using Prabhupada to gain fame and disciples.


    That is offensive.


    Hmmm...BTW...did the webmaster get written permission from the BBT for the usage of the pics and quotes?.....hmmmm.





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