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Posts posted by sandhu.jp



    Analysing professions



    Written by Visti Larsen

    Saturday, 04 October 2008 21:17 - Last Updated Monday, 09 February 2009 22:07



    Devaprayag, India

    Now, in the dasamsa check to see if service is dominating or business. No planets are in sixth

    or seventh yet the sixth lord is in Lagna.

    Now see if Sun (public service) or Venus (private sector) are stronger. Sun is exalted in the

    fifth house showing that work in public sector will dominate, but Venus in the lagna shows that

    the native will prefer to involve himself in work for private companies.

    Next check the arthatrikona to see what the native will do in these sectors. The planets in the

    arthatrikona will show long term professions held for a considerable amount of time. Rahu is in

    the tenth in Virgo showing research and development. Its placed in a mercurial sign showing

    that this can be either in the educational field or economics. Jupiter is in the second house and

    aspects Rahu in the tenth confirming that this is focused on teaching and consulting where his

    primary work will be. The debility of Jupiter is good for finances but nor for stress levels.

    I hope this helps.

    Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


    6 /






    In the chart you have given, if you add 44 seconds to the birth time she would be a teacher in a

    long-term profession due to Jupiter in the second house. Moon and Rahu in Jupiters signs can

    indicate the nature of her teaching.

    Rema Menon wrote:


    > Hare Rama krishna,

    > Namaste Vistiji,


    > Here is a chart of a tenured Full Professor in an US

    > University for the last 27 years.

    > July 19, 1946

    > Time: 3:57:35 pm

    > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    > Place: 78 E 37′ 00″, 30 N 09′ 00″

    > Devaprayag, India


    > Thanks,

    > Rema

    हरेरामकृष्ण॥Dear Rema, Namaskar

    Before approaching the Dasamsa chart, two factors namely the Amatyakaraka and the

    Varnada Lagna should be perused to see 1) those whom the native depends on to do their work

    and therefore also the field of work; 2) the varna or dharma that the person must uphold in their


    Through the above we should be able to fine tune that the native is working within the

    academical field (amk) and acts as a guide/consultant to people (varnada lagna). You will see

    more work on these important factors in the future.

    July 19, 1946

    Time: 3:57:35 pm

    Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    Place: 78 E 37′ 00″, 30 N 09′ 00″


    5 /



    Analysing professions



    Written by Visti Larsen

    Saturday, 04 October 2008 21:17 - Last Updated Monday, 09 February 2009 22:07



    Coming to the dependencies we can refine our understanding of the chart. A politician (Sun) is

    dependent on the unions (used to be organized crime - Rahu) to get votes. Therefore to be a

    politician one needs Rahu associated with Amatyakaraka - not Sun. Similarly businessmen

    (Mercury) depend on the laws made by the politicians (Sun) and therefore Sun has to be

    associated with the Amatyakaraka of a good businessmen. Knowing this you can draw a

    triangular dependency diagram.

    Sanyasis (Ketu) will have Moon associated with their Amatyakaraka, public servants (Moon) will

    have Jupiter associated with their Amatyakaraka and finally teachers (Jupiter) will have Ketu

    associated with their amatyakaraka as per this principle.

    In the attached chart of the professor, we did indeed find Ketu having rasi dristi on the

    Amatyakaraka promoting the academical profession.

    Raja-sambandha yoga: If the tenth house/lord or the Atmakaraka associates with the

    Amatyakaraka then the native will associate with the topmost people in their field and be

    succesful in this.

    Authors comment: Check if a graha is associated with both the Amatyakaraka and the

    Atmakaraka/Tenth house. The profession of that graha



    as outlined above will surely give success.

    In the given chart Ketu is having Rasi dristi on the Amatyakaraka and is in kendra to the

    Atmakaraka (variation of rajasambandha yoga) ensuring that success will come in the

    academical field.


    4 /



    Analysing professions



    Written by Visti Larsen

    Saturday, 04 October 2008 21:17 - Last Updated Monday, 09 February 2009 22:07



    amatyakaraka in navamsa) and is the form of the mother (moon).

    In Jyotish to understand the mother/moon better we must understand the udu dasas.

    Specifically the Vimshottari dasa relates to our sustenance in soceity and community and

    should be used for reference.

    Here a cycle of dependency needs to be understood and if we count in order beginning from

    Krittka nakshatra, in modules of three, we get the following order of lordships:

    1st 2nd 3rd

    Sun Moon Mars

    Rahu Jupiter Saturn

    Mercury Ketu Venus

    With this we get three working-classes of society. The upper class ruled by the politicians (sun),

    business men (mercury) and organized crime or unions (rahu).

    The middle class ruled by public servants (moon), teachers and instructors (jupiter) and the

    priests and mystics (Ketu).

    The lower class are the blue-collar workers, or those who have to exert brawns rather than

    brains (Saturn), the security force including police and military (Mars) and the entertainment

    sector who wish to attract and capture the minds of the public (Venus).

    These class-divisions do not speak of the financial standing of those in them.

    Now, as a start you can expect to find that the natives amatyakaraka is associated with one of

    the three grahas indicating the working-class of the native. I.e. in the chart supplied Mars is the

    amatyakaraka and receives the rasi dristi of both Moon and Ketu which belong to the middle


    class and academical sector.



    Analysing professions



    Written by Visti Larsen

    Saturday, 04 October 2008 21:17 - Last Updated Monday, 09 February 2009 22:07



    Dear Svati and SK, Namaskar

    The provided chart:


    April 19, 1952

    Time: 3:46:00 pm

    Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    Place: 74 E 02′ 00″, 26 N 39′ 00″

    Merta, India

    We can use all points and principles in all divisional charts, but we must expect that they show

    different things in each division.

    The rasi is our primary concern for us to see how exactly events affect us on a physical and

    gross level. We get the gross understanding of life from the rasi and an accurate analysis of the

    rasi can make up for a lot in predictive jyotish.



    Varnada Lagna



    Varnada lagna shows the dharma you do to sustain yourself. Venus and Jupiter are brahmana’s

    as are the watery signs. So see if Venus and/or Jupiter associate with the eleventh house/lord

    from Varnada lagna, or the planets associated are in watery signs. Specifically for teachers

    Jupiter is important whilst Venus is important for personal consultants.

    Further, check the ninth lords (of rasi) sign in Shastyamsa for the actual dharma of life.

    In the chart you have provided, the Varnada lagna is in Taurus. The lord of Taurus is Venus

    itself and can therefore show that she was born in a family who leaned towards the consulting

    line. Venus is placed in the eleventh therefrom in Pisces it promotes that this is in the

    academical line of teaching and consulting.






    The amatyakaraka works quite differently and shows karma yoga. The Amatyakaraka takes the

    responsibility of feeding the Atmakaraka and therefore shows whom the Atma is dependant on


    in this birth. The specific form which feeds the atma is the Palana Devata (sixth from



    Analysing professions



    Written by Visti Larsen

    Saturday, 04 October 2008 21:17 - Last Updated Monday, 09 February 2009 22:07



    Posted in the Srijagannath Gurukul forum -


    Svati wrote:


    > Hare Rama krsna

    > Dear Vistiji,

    > i remember from one of the lectures by Sanjayji, where he made a difference in two kind of

    researches where one is based on collection of data and other a theoretical approach . The first

    methodology was more an Approach of Rahu , while the other be more of Mercury . Am i right in

    my interpretation >?


    > Also Firstly You mentioned to check Amk and varnada Lagna . Do we check this in Rasi

    chart or D-10 chart. Secondly here is a chart of a Professor who is working as in the universty

    over 30 years . she has over 30 students who have done research under her guidance.

    Although i see her 10th lord of rashi in 3rd house in D-10 conjunct the 10th lord Jupiter of D-10.

    Would that not make her at receiving end rather than Giving end !

    > mercury is in her 2nd house of d-10, while Moon and Rahu in lagna, does this justify for her

    being professor and head of dept in psychology!

    > looking forward for your views !


    >April 19, 1952

    >Time: 3:46:00 pm

    >Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    >Place: 74 E 02′ 00″, 26 N 39′ 00″

    > Merta, India

    > Swati


    > Thanks for Your time and space !

  7. In day-to-day life we find that some persons disturb you, attract you, hate you or annoy you for no reasons. So question arises why people should have such impact on you. Let us analyse this question in a methodical way through astrology.

    Mutual harmony between two persons of the same sex, opposite sex, partners and in couples or lovers determines mutual attraction, harmony and adaptability between the two and can be checked astrologically through their horoscopes by the analysis of their Sun and Moon signs and their Ascendants.


    Sun Signs (Nirayana System)


    1. Aries Sun Signs will have harmonious relations with persons having Leo and Sagittarius Sun Sign and likewise.

    2. Taurus with Capricorn, Virgo or Cancer.

    3. Gemini with Aquarius or Libra.

    4. Cancer with Pisces, Scorpio or Taurus.

    5. Leo with Sagittarius or Aries.

    6. Virgo with Capricorn or Taurus.

    7. Libra with Aquarius or Gemini.

    8. Scorpio with Cancer and Pisces.

    9. Sagittarius with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

    10. Capricorn with Taurus, Virgo and Libra.

    11. Aquarius with Aries, Gemini and Libra.

    12. Pisces with Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio.


    A Few Points


    The following Yogas lead to harmonious or otherwise relations between the two:


    1. If the radical Mars of one is aspected by Rahu or Saturn of the other.

    2. If Sun in each horoscope has the same sign, the harmony will be too good if the longitudes are nearly the same.

    3. If Venus in one is in 12th and Mars in the other in the same house or exchange places.

    4. Moon in one to Moon in other in good aspect indicates good relations.

    5. Jupiter and Saturn having same longitude in each others chart leads to better understanding, sympathy and appreciation of the other.

    6. Jupiter and Venus having the same above position.

    7. But, Mars and Saturn having same longitude in each other’s chart is not good and indicates quarrels, have and annoyance.

    8. Benefics in one over the ascendant or luminaries in the other horoscope is favourable for good and mutual harmony.

    9. Luminaries in both horoscopes having same longitude are good for sympathy. Similar case is with Moon and Mercury.

    10. In mutual harmony sometimes there comes periods of discord.. For this check when the afflicting planets transit over the vulnerable point in the order.


    Moon Signs


    The Moon sign ordinarily should not be 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th from the Moon sign of the other. There are certain exceptions as cleared in the table.

    The Moon sign either 3rd or 11th from the Moon sign of the other is most suitable; also 4th, 7th, 10th Moon signs are good.


    Adeptability Moon Signs


    01 Aries = Agreeable: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Sagit, Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra. Disagreeble: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

    02 Taurus = Agreeable: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces. Disagreeble: Gemini, Libra, Sagitt, Aries.

    03 Gemini = Agreeable: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagitt, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries. Disagreeble: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio.

    04 Cancer = Agreeable: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Taurus. Disagreeble: Leo, Sagitt, Gemini, Aquarius.

    05 Leo = Agreeable: Libra Scorpio, Sagitt, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus. Disagreeble: Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer

    06 Virgo = Agreeable: Scorpio, Sagitt, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. Disagreeble: Libra, Leo, Aries, Aquarius.

    07. Libra = Agreeable: Sagitt, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo. Disagreeble: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio.

    08. Scorpio = Agreeable: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo. Disagreeble: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagitt.

    09. Sagittarius = Agreeable: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra. Disagreeble: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer.

    10. Capricorn = Agreeable: Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Virgo. Disagreeble: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Sagitt.

    11. Aquarius = Agreeable: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitt. Disagreeble: Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo.

    12. Pisces = Agreeable: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagitt. and Capricorn. Disagreeble: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius.


    Rashi Vichar



    Elaborating further Moon sign in the case of a couple, which also important is as below:-

    1. If Rasi of boy happens to be 2nd from that of girl and if Rasi of girl is 12th from that of boy, evil results will be indicated.

    2. But if Rasi of boy falls in 12th from that of the girl or Rasi of girl is in 2nd from the boy, longevity for the couple is denoted.

    3. If Rasi of boy is 3rd from that of the girl, there will be misery and sorrows.

    4. But if Rasi of girl is 3rd from that of boy there will be happiness.

    5. If Rasi of boy is 4th from that of girl, there will be great poverty.

    6. But if Rasi of girl is 4th from that of the boy, there will be great wealth.

    7. If Rasi of boy falls in 5th from that of the girl, there will be unhappiness.

    8. But if the Rasi of the girl is 5th from that of the boy, there will be enjoyment and prosperity.

    9. If Rasi of boy falls in 6th from the girl, there will be loss of children.

    10. But of Rasi of girl is 6th from that of the boy, then the progeny will prosper.

    11. But when the Rasi of the boy and girl are in 7th house mutually, then there will be health, agreement and happiness.




    The next important point is Ascendant in two horoscopes, the detailed analysis of which is a must. The ascendant stands for self, which should be compared with other person. If someone’s planets fall in your 1st house, they will affect you, the effect may be beneficial, annoying or harmful. Sometimes some people come across accidentally, purely unintentional but they are attracted towards each other magnetically or repulsed etc. which is not a mere accident; the analysis of their mutual charts indicate such like things. You can check vice versa. viz. your planets and other’s first house.

    In such cases check the following points:-

    1. The closer the other’s planet lie near your ascendant degrees, the result will be according to the planet, a benefic or malefic upon you of others.

    2. When another’s planet or planets fall in your Lagna or 1st house, the impact is undeniable. But whether the ultimate impact is good or bad depends on other aspects between your charts.

    If sometimes a person disturbs you, it is not deliberate, it is the effects of planets transiting in your chart. Or sometimes you overpower him or her is not too accidental. Once one will understand this point, he will have a better control on his life.

    In case Mars in other’s chart falls in your ascendant, you can defend yourself with no uneasy feeling of intimidation; or if there is Saturn, one will dominate you. In case your planets are in someone’s first house, do not try to dominate or manipulate. Your Saturn or Neptune in another’s 1st house indicates to go specially easy with that person.


    Influence of Planets


    From the details as below, you can check your 1st house and other’s planets and vice versa. The more planets, the more complex are the results.

    1. Sun: If someone’s Sun falls in your 1st house, you will be comfortable with this person. Common interest and agreement on most points will be between the two with good understanding, administration and having full regards with one and other’s opinion and qualities. This is the best contact to your Ascendant. In such case personal bonds will be strong, except in cases of different inter-aspects in other areas of your charts.

    2. Moon: If someone’s Moon falls into your ascendant, intense emotional bond with that person will be enjoyed. Complete harmony, security and protection will be felt, specially in case of couples,. lovers, etc. if this configuration is available, they enjoy happy married life, etc.

    3. Mars: Presence of Mars in your 1st house indicates energetic effects, always pushing you to try harder, do better and be more. In case of male female, a strong sexual attraction is denoted. A good aspect makes you courageous. An afflicted aspect will create quarrels, excessive domination and interference in your life.

    4. Mercury: An instant communication, chattering between the two will strengthen the relations if Mercury falls in your 1st house. The conversation will be free and happy for long time. In case of affliction, good conversation will be marked by negation and bickering.

    5. Jupiter: A best possible placement of Jupiter in your 1st house. You can trust this person with confidence. Someone whose Jupiter falls in your 1st house, cannot do much for you. A good spirit and understanding will be between the two. You can receive

    and give good advice to each other. In case of any affliction hide and seek game will prevail between the two with some little confidence.

    6. Venus: In case Venus falls in your first house, warmth and love will prevail. In case of opposite sex, happy union, love, attraction and even happy marriage are indicated. Also you have relations of mutual charm, understanding and affection. Any affliction indicates bickering and skirmishes, etc.

    7. Saturn: A planet of restrictions an d discipline falls in your 1st house. You can learn or be intimidated. Benefit or hindrances, un-lifting or downgrading can be experienced from this person. The exact effects and relations depend on the charts and the aspect. If there is emotional harmony between you in most other areas, the Saturn person can help you much. If not, it could be quite a trying relationship.

    8. Uranus: The placement of Uranus in your 1st house is quite important. You may meet in an unexpected or improbable way. It will have an electrifying effects on you. The person will inspire you to do the things which you have never thought to do before and urge to reach the new heights. In very extreme cases, the Uranus person can persuade you to abandon every thing dear to you, waste your time, energy, money and emotions; lead you on a wild goose chase and then leave you marooned in unfamiliar territory. The Uranus person will also represent a change of lifestyle to you, which can mean that you and he/she disagree on morality, religion, politics and other vital issues.

    9. Neptune: Elusive and frustrating aspect sometime to share. You will be bothered, bewildered, bewitched by those whose Neptune falls in your 1st house. You will not be able to understand them even they fascinate you. The person can have a sweetly inspiring influence on you. You may like them and feel kindly toward them and they toward you; but unless there are some more definite inter-aspects between your charts, your relationship with them will never progress beyond vague goodwill and the feeling that you have very little in common. When other aspects are terribly inharmonious, the Neptune person may deliberately try to deceive or mislead you.

    10. Pluto: In placement of Pluto of someone in your Ascendant may shape or change your life in some profound way. You will care very much about the opinions of this person, even you do not know why they should matter so much to you. This placement causes love relations and romance and urges you to enter the realm of psychological fulfillment. The other person will have considerable influence upon you, whether you realize it or not. Check whether this influence is for your mutual benefit or for the person alone.


    (Condensed from Planets & Forecast, November, 1983)

  8. Exchange of Planets




    by Meghamala V Natu


    We know that when the lord of a quadrant combines with the lord of a trine a Rajayoga results. Or a mutual exchange between quadrant and a trine lords results in a Rajayoga. A Rajayoga is a very auspicious combination and its placement in a Kendra or a trine increases the value of a horoscope.

    But after studying quite a good number of horoscopes it has been noticed that mutual exchange between the seventh and fifth lords is quite damaging considering married life and progeny. I will illustrate a few examples to trace my point.

    Birth Chart No.1. Aries: Lagna; Cancer: the Moon; Leo: Venus, Mars and Ketu; Virgo: Saturn; Libra: the Sun and Mercury; Aquarius: Rahu; and Pisces: Jupiter.

    This is the chart of a female native born on 22-10-51. She got married in May, 72 to an Engineer who was class I officer in Railways. Within a month after marriage, the native discovered that the husband was having extra-marital relations with two other ladies. On questioning the husband she got his severe beating and seeing the other ladies coming to her husband on and often made her life miserable. At last after two months she left the husband and went to her parents' place. After two years of separation, she got divorce from the court. Now in her horoscope, we see that the seventh lord Venus is in the fifth and fifth lord the Sun is in the seventh debilitated.

    In addition to this, Venus the Karaka for marriage is spoiled by Mars and Ketu. These damaging factors shattered her married life.

    Chart No.2. Gemini: Lagna, Rahu; Cancer: Saturn and Mars; Libra: Jupiter; Sagit: the Sun, Venus, Ketu and Mercury; Capricorn: the Moon.

    This is the chart of a lady who suffered from abortions, miscarriages etc. for seven to eight times after the birth of first born daughter who is luring. Here also we see that there is a mutual exchange between the seventh and fifth lords, i.e. Jupiter and Venus.

    Chart No.3. Cancer: Lagna; Scorpio: Saturn; Sagit: Ketu; Capricorn: Jupiter and Mars; Aquarius: Venus; Pisces: the Moon and Mercury; Aries: the Sun; Gemini: Rahu.

    This is the chart of a lady who gave birth to two children, but both died within one week or so after their birth. The native suffered from menstrual trouble and had many abortions also. Here also there is a mutual exchange between the fifth and seventh lords, i.e. Mars and Saturn.

    Chart No.4. Libra: Lagna, Rahu; Scorpio: the Sun, Venus and Mercury; Capricorn: the Moon; Aquarius: Mars; Pisces: Jupiter; Aries: Saturn and Ketu.

    This is the chart of a native who is unmarried even at the age of forty years. Here we see that there is a mutual exchange between the fifth and seventh lords, i.e. Saturn and Mars. In addition, Rahu-Ketu axis is in seventh houses.

    Chart No.5. Virgo: Lagna, the Moon; Scorpio: Rahu, Mars; Capricorn: Jupiter; Pisces: Saturn; Taurus: Venus and Ketu; Gemini: the Sun and Mercury.

    This female native got married at a very late stage, i.e. at the age of thirty years. But it has been reported that domestic happiness is totally lacking due to some unknown reasons. Here also there is a mutual exchange between seventh and fifth lords, i.e. Jupiter and Saturn. Also Venus is spoiled by Mars and Ketu.

    Therefore we see that even though mutual exchange between seventh and fifth lords results in a Rajayoga according to Astro-Science, its effects are damaging considering married life and progeny.


    (Condensed from Planets & Forecast, April, 1985)

  9. Dear,


    Try this link


    http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/449708-rudraksh-facets-planets-associated.html













    it is said that 8 mukhi rudraksha is related to Lord Ganesh and 9 mukhi rudraksha is related to Lord Durga. But, according to the same webistes that i got this info, they also say that 8 mukhi rudraksh is related to Rahu and 9 mukhi to ketu.


    Since Lord ganesh is related to ketu, i think it should be the other way around, i.e 8 mukhi related to ketu and 9 mukhi with rahu. I am unsure, because i want to buy a rudraskha that is related to rahu(to decrease His malefic effects) and am not knowing which rudraksh is related to it.


    Please help!

  10. Dear USR ji,


    I do not mean to scare anybody,the only anomaly that i have committed is that i have not given my opinion on what i think about this yoga,well its more of a fear factor yoga of recent origin just like kaal sarp dosha, my posts are intended for students of astrology and not for general people. Sir your comments are always welcome,for i know that they well from a gentleman with a knowledge storehouse to back his words.


    Please note-My wife has this yoga in fifth house and neither i or herself have ever bothered about it.












    Dear sandhuji,

    The ghost narration makes members to get scared of astrology.It spoils the sanctity of astrology.

    When astrology itself is not a perfect science, how do you justify such yogas.

    Dr. Mukundbhai Acharya's experiance is not universal and seems to be a remote case of black magic.He wants to sell his magic yantras to public by his story.

    Don't take this as harsh opinion.

    with best wishes,



  11. Astrological Characteristics


    Weak planets do not provide good results in the areas ruled by the planet and are more susceptible to affliction. The following factors that contribute to planetary weakness:

    1. Proximity to the Sun (combustion).
    2. Placement in one of the malefic houses - 6th, 8th or 12th (unless it is its own 'Mooltrikona' sign).
    3. Placement in its sign of debilitation.
    4. Placement in the first or last 5 degrees of a sign.
    5. Placement in its debilitated sign in the ninth division of the natal chart.
    6. If it’s depositor is weak, i.e. it occupies the 'Mooltrikona' sign of a weak planet.
    7. If with respect to the Moon, it is within 72 degrees either side of the Sun.
    8. If it is closely accepted by any functional malefic planet.
    9. If the most effective point of the house that it occupies is closely afflicted by a functional malefic planet.
    10. If the most effective point of its 'Mooltrikona' sign is closely afflicted by a functional malefic planet.
    The ‘Close Afflictions’ above refer to an orb of one degree or less.
    • An affliction is caused by a functional malefic planet, which is a planet ruling the 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
    • A weak planet can be afflicted by an orb up to 5 degrees from a functional malefic planet. However, a strong planet is only afflicted by an orb of one degree or less.

    An exception applies when the aspect is from:

    1. The most malefic planet, an aspect from a functional malefic placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
    2. A conjunction with Rahu or Ketu (the Rahu-Ketu axis).
    3. A functional malefic that is also afflicted.
    4. More than one functional malefic at the same time.
    The following table shows the houses and planets that control different aspects of life.

    Number Characteristic Natal Chart Houses Planets 1 Assets 4th, 2nd Mars, Venus 2 Comforts 12th, 4th, 7th Sun, Venus, Moon 3 Courage 3rd Sun, Mars 4 Creative Intelligence 5th, 2nd Jupiter, Sun 5 Basic Education 4th Moon, Mercury 6 Higher Education involving Intelligence and Analytical Skills 5th, 2nd, 9th Mercury, Jupiter, and Sun 7 Spiritual Education 9th The strength of the Sun and Jupiter 8 Family 2nd, 7th, 4th Venus, Moon 9 Father 9th, 4th Sun, Jupiter 10 Financial Solvency 6th, 2nd Moon, Venus 11 Foreign Residence 12th, 7th influence on 4th 12 Foreign Visits 7th, 12th 13 General Fortune 9th, 4th Sun, Jupiter 14 General Health (also 5th for emotional health) 1st, 6th, 1st Sun, Mars, Moon, Mercury 15 Husband 7th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th Jupiter 16 Inclinations 5th, 2nd Jupiter, Sun 17 Income 11th, 2nd, 10th Jupiter, Venus, Moon 18 Inheritance 8th, 9th, 4th Sun, Moon 19 Initiative 3rd Mars 20 Litigation 6th Planets in the 6th house 21 Longevity 1st, 8th, 12th Saturn 22 Luxuries 4th, 12th, 7th Venus 23 Marital Tie 8th, 2nd, 4th, 12th Venus 24 Married Life 7th, 4th, 2nd, 8th, 12th Moon and Venus 25 Mother 4th, 9th Moon 26 Nervous Control 6th Mercury 27 Professional Position 10th, 2nd, 5th, 3rd Mercury, Venus, Jupiter 28 Progeny 5th, 2nd Jupiter, Sun 29 Prosperity 11th, 2nd, 10th, 3rd Jupiter, Venus, Moon 30 Short Trips 7th, 9th 31 Spiritual Life 9th, 4th Sun, Jupiter 32 Status 2nd, 5th, 10th Sun, Jupiter 33 Success 3rd Jupiter 34 Vehicles 4th Venus, Mars 35 Wealth 2nd, 11th, 5th Moon, Jupiter 36 Wife 7th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th Venus, Moon 37 Younger Brothers 3rd Mars

  12. Astrological Characteristics


    Weak planets do not provide good results in the areas ruled by the planet and are more susceptible to affliction. The following factors that contribute to planetary weakness:

    1. Proximity to the Sun (combustion).
    2. Placement in one of the malefic houses - 6th, 8th or 12th (unless it is its own 'Mooltrikona' sign).
    3. Placement in its sign of debilitation.
    4. Placement in the first or last 5 degrees of a sign.
    5. Placement in its debilitated sign in the ninth division of the natal chart.
    6. If it’s depositor is weak, i.e. it occupies the 'Mooltrikona' sign of a weak planet.
    7. If with respect to the Moon, it is within 72 degrees either side of the Sun.
    8. If it is closely accepted by any functional malefic planet.
    9. If the most effective point of the house that it occupies is closely afflicted by a functional malefic planet.
    10. If the most effective point of its 'Mooltrikona' sign is closely afflicted by a functional malefic planet.
    The ‘Close Afflictions’ above refer to an orb of one degree or less.
    • An affliction is caused by a functional malefic planet, which is a planet ruling the 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
    • A weak planet can be afflicted by an orb up to 5 degrees from a functional malefic planet. However, a strong planet is only afflicted by an orb of one degree or less.

    An exception applies when the aspect is from:

    1. The most malefic planet, an aspect from a functional malefic placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
    2. A conjunction with Rahu or Ketu (the Rahu-Ketu axis).
    3. A functional malefic that is also afflicted.
    4. More than one functional malefic at the same time.
    The following table shows the houses and planets that control different aspects of life.

    Number Characteristic Natal Chart Houses Planets 1 Assets 4th, 2nd Mars, Venus 2 Comforts 12th, 4th, 7th Sun, Venus, Moon 3 Courage 3rd Sun, Mars 4 Creative Intelligence 5th, 2nd Jupiter, Sun 5 Basic Education 4th Moon, Mercury 6 Higher Education involving Intelligence and Analytical Skills 5th, 2nd, 9th Mercury, Jupiter, and Sun 7 Spiritual Education 9th The strength of the Sun and Jupiter 8 Family 2nd, 7th, 4th Venus, Moon 9 Father 9th, 4th Sun, Jupiter 10 Financial Solvency 6th, 2nd Moon, Venus 11 Foreign Residence 12th, 7th influence on 4th 12 Foreign Visits 7th, 12th 13 General Fortune 9th, 4th Sun, Jupiter 14 General Health (also 5th for emotional health) 1st, 6th, 1st Sun, Mars, Moon, Mercury 15 Husband 7th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th Jupiter 16 Inclinations 5th, 2nd Jupiter, Sun 17 Income 11th, 2nd, 10th Jupiter, Venus, Moon 18 Inheritance 8th, 9th, 4th Sun, Moon 19 Initiative 3rd Mars 20 Litigation 6th Planets in the 6th house 21 Longevity 1st, 8th, 12th Saturn 22 Luxuries 4th, 12th, 7th Venus 23 Marital Tie 8th, 2nd, 4th, 12th Venus 24 Married Life 7th, 4th, 2nd, 8th, 12th Moon and Venus 25 Mother 4th, 9th Moon 26 Nervous Control 6th Mercury 27 Professional Position 10th, 2nd, 5th, 3rd Mercury, Venus, Jupiter 28 Progeny 5th, 2nd Jupiter, Sun 29 Prosperity 11th, 2nd, 10th, 3rd Jupiter, Venus, Moon 30 Short Trips 7th, 9th 31 Spiritual Life 9th, 4th Sun, Jupiter 32 Status 2nd, 5th, 10th Sun, Jupiter 33 Success 3rd Jupiter 34 Vehicles 4th Venus, Mars 35 Wealth 2nd, 11th, 5th Moon, Jupiter 36 Wife 7th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th Venus, Moon 37 Younger Brothers 3rd Mars


    The effect of any planet is not only restricted to the Zodiac sign which it occupies in the natal chart, thereby implying that its effects are not only restricted to its region of location. The planetary aspect is a feature that all planets possess by virtue of which it ‘looks’ or ‘glances’ at other areas of the Zodiac. All the planets look or aspect the sign opposite to where they are located. The opposite sign is always the 7th house from the planet’s location. For example, any planet in the 7th house will aspect the 1st house and vice versa. By the same rule, any planet posited in the 4th house will aspect the 10th house and vice versa. This aspect or look of the planet will fall on the entire house. The sign occupying that house and the planets located there will be affected by this glance. This glance is a significant effect that the planet sends to the other house. It is as if the energy rays of the planet are falling directly on the aspected house. Benefic planets shower beneficial results and malefic planets throw malevolent glances.

    Some planets have additional aspects ascribed to them. They are Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, which aspect other houses also apart from the 7th house from which they are posited. Saturn aspects the 3rd and the 10th houses, Mars aspects the 4th and 8th houses in addition to the 7th house, and Jupiter aspects the 5th and the 9th houses as well from their basic positions in the native’s birth chart.

    Natural significators of a house, if they aspect that house enhance its results, for example, the 5th aspect of Jupiter. They help the results if they occupy that house too, except in circumstances when they are considered bad. A natural benefic occupying its own house will give strong and benefic results and its aspect too will be benefic. By the same dictum, a natural malefic occupying its own house will be strong and malefic/benefic. Its aspects will however, remain malefic. The Zodiac house aspected by its own lord is strengthened. Even if the planet is posited in an inimical sign, if it aspects its own house, it strengthens it. For example, for a Taurus native, the Sun posited in Aquarius in the 10th house is in an inimical sign, but it aspects the 4th house, which is Leo and happens to be its own sign, and is therefore benefited.

    In case of natural malefics like Saturn and Mars, when they aspect their own sign, enhance the social and financial status of the person concerned, but they may ruin the health of the same person. In the Taurus native example, the native derives the benefits of property, education, and public acclaim as his 4th house is strengthened. This is akin to the presence of malefics in the house and the subsequent divisions of the results into living and non-living matters. The benefit of strengthening also goes to the house in which the other sign of the aspecting planet is posited, despite the fact that it is not receiving the aspects directly.


  14. The Late Shri K.S. Krishanamurti, founder of K.P. Paddhat, also agrees that the

    planets do not give the results as per their natural natures. In reference to

    Jupiter, he states that it has lost its benefic power in the era of Kalyuga and that

    he has experienced the malefic effects of Jupiter firsthand. But in spite of

    Kalyuga, I tend to disagree. It is the effect of the points that it receives in its own

    place that truly makes the difference. An aspect of Jupiter with more points is

    always malefic. The same rule applies to all planets. With reference to Saturn,

    Krishnamurti says it gives malefic effects based on the constellation in which it

    resides. Perhaps, if he would have come across the Ashtakavarga system first,

    his whole theory would have been quite different.

  15. jupiter is considered a benefic and Saturn is considered a malefic traditionally as you alreayd know. However , everyone planet carries its bad and good sides. Jupiter does not always provide good benefits and Saturn does not always bring bad fortunes. They are just the way they are. While it is quite beneficial to have Jupiter making good aspects in a chart , sometimes there will not be enough motivations and dynamics to push an individual to achieve his/her full potential . Likewise with Saturn, although harsh aspects to Saturn often associate with lots of challenges and obstacles, but then again, from Saturn aspects, people often learn more and become wiser.


    So Saturn is always saturn . The planet , even when making trine or sextile aspects to other planets , would also function as Saturn , for it is the teacher planet. Individuals with harmonious saturn aspects would have to go through considerable lessons ( sometimes harsh ones ) to master himself , although the tensions and challenges come from harmonious saturn aspect are easier to deal with , coupled with good organising ability and self-control.


    Jupiter making harsh aspects to other planets ( especially personal planets ) often exaggerate matters out of propotion. The key word here is over indulgence and irresponsibility. Although challenging aspects to Jupiter do not themselves produce the same inner frustration like the same aspects produced by Saturn, they often make the individual lazy and induce a tendency to never act in moderation.

  16. By Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A.

    In Vedic astrology it's important to look closely at the aspects. All planets aspect the 1st and 7th house from themselves. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter also have special aspects. Mars also aspects the 4th & 8th, Saturn aspects the 3rd & 10th, Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th from themselves. As a general rule, aspects from malefic planets will oppose the indications that are represented by the planet or houses it aspects. For instance, malefic aspects to the 5th house or 5th lord or signficator of the 5th house, Jupiter, will oppose, delay or make child birth difficult. If there are several malefic aspects then it may prevent child birth altogether.

    However, it's easy to get into the trap of thinking that malefic aspects are entirely bad. Our life experience shows us that it's never that black and white. Every aspect, no matter how "bad", has some potentially positive effect. For instance, when I was getting my masters degree in counseling psychology I studied the charts of a lot of psychotherapists. I learned that a very high percentage had malefic aspects to the Moon, especially Saturn and the Moon. (Notice how the Saturn Moon opposition is found in the chart of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) This showed me that therapists own emotional challenges increased their empathy and sensitivity towards other's suffering. It also helped them understand the mechanics of the mind/emotions and made them good therapists.

    My teacher, K.N. Rao, points out that the malefic aspects from Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu indicate technical skill especially when aspecting the 5th house, 5th lord and/or Mercury. They may deny child birth but there are other gains like a career in engineering for instance. Also malefic aspects to the ascendant, ascendant lord, Moon, Sun add to this technical inclination.

  17. LESSON 3

    Planetary Aspects

    • All planets aspect the 7th house from themselves.

    • Saturn aspects the 3rd, 7th, and 10th house from itself.

    • Mars aspects the 4th, 7th and 8th house from itself.

    • Jupiter aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th house from itself.

    It can also be noted that the lords of opposite houses are enemies of each other.

    The seventh sign from the uccha (exalted sign) rashi is the neecha (debilitation)

    rashi of the same planets. For example Cancer is the uccha rashi for Jupiter, and

    its opposite sign of Capricorn, is the neecha rashi for Jupiter. Similar is the case

    for other planets. The debilitated sign is always the opposite sign of the exalted

    sign. Similarly, the rulers of opposite signs are enemies of each other, or at least,

    they are not friends of each other.

    Here is one question that arises: How can a benefic planet aspect its enemys

    house or its neecha rashi by benefic sight?

    Certainly it will not as it can only malefically aspect its enemys sign. If any planet

    is in its exalted sign, such as Jupiter in Cancer, its aspect will be on Capricorn,

    which is its neecha rashi.

    As per the write up in the old hand written book, it was clearly mentioned that a

    planet with more than 4 benefic points will aspect in the same strength, but in a

    malefic manner. Similarly any planet with less then 4 benefic points, will aspect in

    a benefic manner, equal to 8 minus the points of the planet. In other words, if any

    planet has only 2 benefic points then its aspect will be benefic by 8-2 = 6 points.

    The following table gives the values of the planetary aspects.










    BY THE













    8 0 Malefic by -8 Plus 8 Benefic

    8 1 Malefic by -7 Plus 7 Benefic

    8 2 Malefic by -6 Plus 6 Benefic

    8 3 Malefic by -5 Plus 5 Benefic

    8 4 NEUTRAL

    WITH 4


    WITH 4


    WITH 4

    8 5 Benefic by +5 Minus 5 Malefic

    8 6 Benefic by +6 Minus 6 Malefic

    8 7 Benefic by +7 Minus 7 Malefic

    8 8 Benefic by +8 Minus 8 Malefic

    As you can see in the chart above, the maximum amount of points that any

    house can receive in the Bhinnashtakavarga chart is 8. By subtracting the

    benefic points from the maximum allowance of 8, we can easily see the balance

    of malefic points. If the malefic point balance is more than the benefic point

    balance, the malefics are the dominating factor for the house. If the benefics

    outnumber the malefic balance, then the benefic factor dominates the house.

    Planets having more than 4 points, aspect malefically and planets with less than

    4 points, aspect benefically. (In Western astrology, similar results are indicated)

    In Hindu astrology opposite house rulers are enemies of each other.
















    0 8 0+8=Eight

    1 7 1+7=Eight

    2 6 2+6=Eight

    3 5 3+5=Eight

    4 4 4+4=Eight

    5 3 5+3=Eight

    6 2 6+2=Eight

    7 1 7+1=Eight

    8 0 8+0=Eight


    If a malefic planet is situated in any particular house, then the results pertaining

    to that house are said to be spoiled. In fact every house is said to represent more

    then one event in the life. For example, the fifth house represents education,

    children, intelligence, emotions, fame and house of crown etc. The presence of

    any malefic planet in the fifth house should spoil all the above results. But it is not

    so in every case. Suppose a chart has Cancer as a lagna, and Saturn is situated

    in the fifth house of Scorpio. Saturn, being a malefic, should give ill results for the

    things represented by the fifth house. At the same time, Saturn will be aspecting

    the seventh, the eleventh, and the second house, so it should also spoil the

    results concerned with all these houses. But it is not experienced in even 1% of

    the cases. The result is quite different than this.

    Generally, it is said that the aspect of a benefic planet is good and that of a

    malefic planet is bad. But in my studies I have found the reverse to be true, that

    the aspects of benefic planets are always malefic and the aspects of malefic

    planets are always found to be benefic. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon are

    naturally benefic planets. Saturn and Mars are natural malefic planets. As per the

    Ashtakavarga theory, the benefic planet is the one that gets more then 4 points in

    its Ashtakavarga and the malefic planet is the planet that gets less then 4 points,

    while the planet which gets exactly 4 points is said to be neutral.

    After long observation and experimentation, I came to the conclusion that a

    planet gives the opposite results for its aspect. This means that a planet getting

    more than four points or bindus, afflicts the house it aspects with negative

    strength equal to the points it is having. This also proves correct for other aspects

    of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. Saturn or Mars, if they are in the house where in

    their respective Ashtakavargas, they get less then 4 bindus, they give beneficial

    results for the house they aspect. The total benefic and malefic points a planet

    gets for any house are eight. This means if a planet gets 3 benefic points for any

    particular house then definitely it will get 5 malefic points for the same house.

    Similarly if a planet gets five benefic points in a house where it is, then it will get

    three malefic points for the same house. Thus the total benefic and malefic points

    are eight. This is a special effect we get in the Ashtakavarga system. We get the

    actual result in numerical value for the benefic or malefic effect. Following table

    will show the actual benefic or malefic bindus (points):

    Although if Jupiter, which is said to be most benefic planet, gets less then 4

    points i.e. 3, 2, 1, or 0, then definitely it is going to give malefic results for the

    house. For the same reason some astrologers believe that Jupiter spoils the

    result of the place where it is situated, which is 50 percent true.

    Now as I have mentioned earlier, a planet will give opposite results for its

    aspected places. A planet with five benefic points will give the aspect effect of

    five malefic points and vice versa. It should be made clear that even if Jupiter

    acquires six benefic points in its Ashtakavarga in its place, then for the places it

    is aspecting, i.e. 5th, 7th, and 9th places from itself, it will send malefic results of


    six Rekhas (negative points). Obviously, Jupiter will give benefic results for itself

    in the place where it resides.

    The same thing applies to Mars and Saturn as they can both give beneficial

    results for the house they are situated in if they have more points in any place. At

    the same time they will spoil the results of the places they aspect (due to the

    opposite aspect effect).

    It is a general notation that the benefic points are denoted by bindus (points) and

    malefic points are indicated by Rekhas (dashes). From the illustrated tables, it

    should be clear that every planet contributes both good and bad results for the

    same house. Only when its benefic points are more, then the planet is said to be

    benefic. This law is applicable to all the planets including Saturn and Mars (which

    are naturally malefic).

  18. Prasna 22nd Feb.,1997, 1215 Hrs.

    The sign Taurus rises in the ascendant and the planets Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The functional benefic lord of the house of initiatives, the Moon, is involved in mutual close aspect with another functional benefic planet, the Sun, in the tenth house. The most malefic planet, Jupiter, closely aspects and afflicts another functional malefic planet, Mars, placed in the fifth house. Rahu and Ketu do not cause afflictions in the chart.

    Venus, ruling the house of financial stability is weak as it is in the state of infancy. The functional malefic planet, Mars, closely aspects and afflicts the lord of the tenth house Saturn. Due to the influence of the Moon over the Sun, the native had started many new ventures but every time his recoveries compelled him to think of further diversification or change of business line. As per prasna, the sub period of Jupiter was in operation and again he had business losses in the form of outstanding dues and thought of further diversification in retailing, so that would be no credit involved in the sales. To avoid difficulties, he sought astral remedies this time. He was advised both propitiatory astral remedies for the functional malefic planets and wearing of a Kavach for strengthening the weak functional benefic planets in an auspiciously elected time.


    In Vedic Astrology, it is imperative to determine which planets are acting

    benefically and malefically for an individual. What is required is an

    accurate record of the birth place and birth time. It is necessary to

    remember that ANY planet can function as a malefic influence, both natally

    and by transit. According to Professor V.K. Choudhry, chief expositor of the

    Systems Approach to Vedic Astrology, the rule for determining functional

    malefic planets for a given rising sign is simple. If a mulatrikona sign

    falls in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, then the planet ruling that sign

    becomes a functional malefic for that person. These houses are known as the

    dusthana, or evil, houses as they each have rulership over problems that

    people face in life.

    6th House: Diseases, litigation, enemies, debts, financial instability,

    losses from theft or fire.

    8th House: Chronic ailments, death, accidents, betrayal from others, failed

    joint financial ventures, things that create agony in life.

    12th House: Losses and expenses, depression, places of confinement, prisons,

    hospitals, obstructions in life.

    It should be noted that any planet placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house,

    either natally or by transit, becomes weak by the house placement. An

    exception would be malefic planets placed in their mulatrikona or exaltation

    signs. In these instances, the functional malefic planet will still afflict,

    but because of its strong sign placement, will act as a protector in the

    areas of life and health that it governs. For example, if a person has Aries

    rising with an unafflicted Mercury in Virgo away from the Most Effective

    Point (1), the person will have a keen and analytical mind, as well as

    protection from the dangers associated with the 6th house.

    The mulatrikona signs and their associated planets are as follows:








    The various rising signs and their functional malefic planets are as

    follows. Rahu and Ketu, as noted earlier, act as functional malefics for all

    people, even though they themselves do not rule any signs.

    Aries: Mercury, Rahu, Ketu

    Taurus: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu

    Gemini: Rahu, Ketu

    Cancer: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

    Leo: Moon, Rahu, Ketu

    Virgo: Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

    Libra: Mercury, Rahu, Ketu

    Scorpio: Venus, Mars, Rahu, Ketu

    Sagittarius: Moon, Rahu, Ketu

    Capricorn: Sun, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu

    Aquarius: Moon, Mercury, Rahu, Ketu

    Pisces: Sun, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

    If a planet is not listed above, then it functions as a benefic for that

    person. There are no "neutral" planets in Systems' Approach to Vedic

    Astrology. It is imperative to remember to avoid the colors and gems

    associated with one's functional malefic planets as their energies are

    attracted by and transmitted through certain hues and stones. Wearing the

    stone for a functional malefic planet is an open invitation for that planet

    to affect one's life more powerfully.


    As the chart above shows, Venus acts as a functional malefic for the rising

    signs of Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces. Jupiter acts as a functional malefic

    for the rising signs of Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn. Before examining

    individual charts, it is necessary to take a closer look at the two planets

    to see how Vedic Astrology views them.

    Venus represents one's sense of beauty, the arts, the ability to love and

    receive it, the kidneys and lower back, the neck and throat, sexual love and

    happiness, the reproductive system, and capacity to enjoy life. When

    strongly placed, Venus confers joy and money. When it is weak, it confers

    unhappiness, restricted finances, and a stunted love life. It may also lead

    to problems with the kidneys and reproductive system.

    Venus' colors are light blue and variegated colors. Its stones are diamond,

    white sapphire, clear crystal, and turquoise. Venus rules the signs of

    Taurus and Libra. It is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. The

    mulatrikona sign for Venus is Libra.

    Jupiter represents one's sense of benevolence, affluence, fame, luck, one's

    religious sense, optimism, faith, hope, belief in God, higher education,

    teaching ability, one's sense of honor, and morality. On a mundane level,

    Jupiter rules over legal matters, insurance, astrology, priests, and

    physicians. Physically, Jupiter rules the liver, gall bladder, hips, thighs,

    and arteries. A strong Jupiter results in a sense of the goodness of life, a

    generous nature, and faith in the future. A weak Jupiter leads to a

    pessimistic outlook, possible weight problems, selfishness, a lack of

    morality, and a lack of faith.

    Jupiter's color is yellow and its stones are yellow sapphire, yellow topaz,

    and citrine. Jupiter rules the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. It is

    exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn. Sagittarius is Jupiter's

    mulatrikona sign.

    It is necessary to remember that, even if acting as a functional malefic, if

    the planet is well-placed by sign and house placement and unafflicted by

    other malefics, then it will serve the person well in the areas of life it

    governs, even though it still can afflict natally and by transit. Let's now

    take a close look at a number of charts where one or both of these planets

    functions in a negative way.



    May 4, 1957; 7 AM

    Rome, Georgia

    85 W 09; 34 N 15

    James was a secondary school teacher and athletic coach with a long and

    honored career. As can be seen from his chart, James has Taurus rising which

    makes Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu his functional malefic planets.

    Venus is the lord of the 6th house of disease, litigation, and enemies and

    it is weakly placed conjunct Ketu in the 12th house of losses and

    obstructions. Furthermore, Jupiter is closely afflicting Venus and Ketu.

    Jupiter is the lord of the 8th house of scandals, agonies, and disputes.

    Given the weakness of the 6th lord, it is to be expected that James is

    vulnerable to 6th house affairs as Venus lacks the power natally to protect


    On December 3, 2001, during his Mercury/Venus period (2), James was in front

    of a class of students before instruction began when one of them, a girl,

    complained to James that her back hurt. She asked if he would rub her back

    for a little while to help her. James did so.

    Despite there being a classroom full of witnesses who all denied any

    inappropriate touching, the girl told her parents that James sexually

    fondled her. The parents then complained to the school's administrators and

    threatened legal action if James was not fired. On January 4th, 2002, James

    took and passed a polygraph test about the incident. On January 7th, 2002,

    however, James was asked to resign his position at once or risk facing

    termination and a lawsuit. James complied and had to find new employment

    after a 20 year teaching career.

    At the time of the incident in December, James was in a planetary sub-period

    of Venus (2), indicating that 6th house matters would be issues. Also, the

    transits at that time clearly indicate problems. Transiting Venus was

    conjunct James' 7th house and opposing his Ascendant. Transiting Rahu

    (natally placed in the 6th house), was very close to James' Mars in the 3rd.

    Mars, a functional malefic for Taurus rising, is lord of the 12th house of

    loss. Transiting Jupiter was also closely conjunct James' natal Moon. For

    Taurus rising, Jupiter is the most malefic planet as it is lord of the 8th

    house of death, scandals, and agonies. For James, the Moon rules the 3rd

    house of self-efforts and courage. Jupiter's close aspect by transit

    temporarily weakened the planet as well as the affairs of the house it rules


    At the time of his resignation, the transiting Rahu was still conjunct

    James' natal Mars. Transiting Venus was in Sagittarius, James' 8th house,

    and opposing James' Moon, lord of his 3rd house of self-efforts and courage.

    Transiting Jupiter was now almost exactly conjunct James' Moon. Transiting

    Mercury was opposing James' Mars.

    All of these factors led to the end of James' teaching career. The weak

    sub-period of Venus plus the transiting planets at the time clearly

    indicated that James would not survive the bogus accusations of the student.

    James' natal Saturn, however, is well-placed and strong and rules the 10th

    house of career. Despite it not being able to help him through that time,

    Saturn helped James keep going and he subsequently opened a successful

    business (not related to teaching). Because of his strong natal Moon, James

    recovered emotionally rather quickly. The strong Moon also helped ensure the

    success of his business venture as the Moon is lord of James' 3rd house of

    entrepreneurial pursuits.


    Jan. 9, 1962; 7:31 PM

    Atlanta, Georgia

    84 W 23; 33 N 44

    Dottie's chart shows Cancer rising at 18 35'. As can be seen from the chart,

    all of Dottie's functional benefics are weak for one reason or another. Her

    chart shows a number of planets in the 6th house of disease and enemies. The

    functional malefics for Cancer rising are Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

    Jupiter is very closely opposing Dottie's Ascendant and is placed in the 7th

    house of marriage. Jupiter is the mulatrikona lord of the 6th house of


    With such an afflicted 7th house, marriage is a potential area for major

    problems and in Dottie's life, this was certainly the case. Dottie's first

    husband was physically and emotionally abusive. To "keep her in line," he

    routinely would beat her and choke her with the phone cord when she was near

    it. This is a clear manifestation of Jupiter being conjunct the 7th house

    Most Effective Point of 18 degrees. Remember that Jupiter is lord of the 6th

    house of enemies. In this instance, Dottie's marital partner (7th house) was

    her enemy (6th house).

    Dottie's health was always fragile and this is easy to see given the number

    of planets placed in the 6th house of disease. In June of 1996, Dottie came

    down with severe mononucleosis and, to date, she has never recovered from

    it. Unable to work and on public assistance, Dottie began an affair with a

    married man who has led her to believe that he would leave his wife for her.

    This, of course, has not happened.

    At the time of her illness, Dottie had just entered her Saturn/Sun period

    (2). The Sun is an indicator of general vitality and it is weakly placed in

    the 6th house of disease. Saturn is lord of the 8th house of chronic

    illness. Saturn, when a malefic, can also engender long, drawn-out health

    conditions. In short, the planetary cycles clearly showed that Dottie was at

    risk for health problems. Furthermore, Dottie's Ascendant lord, the Moon, is

    weakly placed in the 8th house.

    The transiting Jupiter during June 1996 was in Sagittarius, Dottie's 6th

    house, very close to 18 degrees. In other words, the planet that brings

    disease was in the house of disease, afflicting its Most Effective Point.

    The transiting Jupiter was also closely conjunct Dottie's Mars and

    Venus--both placed in the 6th house. Mars' affliction is particularly

    telling as it has much to do with the immune system. For Cancer rising, Mars

    is one of the planets that can help a person tremendously. When it is placed

    in the 6th house, though, as well as afflicted by transit, its ability to

    withstand attacks is limited. The transiting nodes were in Virgo/Pisces with

    Rahu closely afflicting Jupiter, the 6th lord. The lunar nodes are known for

    creating diseases or health conditions of unknown origin, or diseases that

    get misdiagnosed or mistreated.

    To date, Dottie's condition has not changed. It is the unfortunate result of

    a very weak natal chart that a number of factors brought out several years



    October 5, 1950; 2:30 PM

    Columbia, Missouri

    92 W 20; 38 N 57

    Randy is a professional musician with tremendous health and financial

    problems. He has Capricorn rising which places Sagittarius on the 12th house

    of loss. The other malefics for Capricorn rising are the Sun, Rahu, and


    Randy's Ascendant is 6:25 Capricorn, therefore, 6 25 becomes the Most

    Effective Point for all the houses in the chart. Randy's Jupiter is placed

    in the 2nd house at 5 degrees--within one degree of the most effective

    point. As Jupiter aspects the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses from its natal

    position, Jupiter also afflicts the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses. The lunar

    nodes are at 5 09 Pisces/Virgo in the 3rd/9th houses. The nodes, too, aspect

    the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses from themselves in a chart so the nodes afflict

    all of the odd-numbered houses -(1, 3,5,7,9, and 11). in Randy's chart.

    Since Jupiter is afflicting the 6th, health is a sensitive area for Randy,

    especially in light on the fact that his Ascendant lord, Saturn, is

    afflicted by Ketu in the 9th house. Randy has had a lot of ups and downs in

    his professional life (Jupiter afflicting the 10th and Venus, the 10th lord,

    conjunct Ketu in the 9th), various health problems such as asthma, sleeping

    difficulties, digestive disturbances, and severe allergies (Jupiter

    afflicting the 6th, Rahu in the 3rd). His Moon and Mars are strongly placed,

    though, giving Randy the needed strength to keep moving forward with life.

    Nevertheless, his chart shows the results of Jupiter when it is a functional



    Dec 16, 1962; 3:19 PM

    Los Angeles, CA.

    118 W 19; 34 N 03

    Candy has 10 09' degrees of Taurus rising with the malefic Jupiter very

    closely conjunct the Most Effective Point of the 10th house and in

    opposition to the Moon in the 4th house. Although Jupiter is well-placed by

    sign, natally, it should be noted that it is debilitated in Capricorn in the

    navamsa divisional chart (3), rendering it weak. Jupiter also

    aspects/afflicts the 5th, 7th, and 9th houses from itself, therefore the

    2nd, 4th, and 6th houses are also afflicted. Note that Candy's 6th lord,

    Venus, is well-placed in Libra, away from the most effective point. This

    means that Venus is acting as a protector of Candy's health, although Venus,

    by transit, can still produce problems for her. The nodes are also close to

    the Most Effective Point. Because of this, all of the odd-numbered houses in

    Candy's chart are afflicted.

    Jupiter's placement near the Most Effective Point of the 10th house has

    created major problems in Candy's attempt to find a stable, satisfying job,

    despite her being a hard worker (Saturn, lord of the 10th house of career,

    is strongly placed in the 9th house in Capricorn, its own sign).

    Additionally, since Jupiter is afflicting the 4th house and the Moon, both

    significators of the mother, Candy's relationship with her was strained to

    say the least.

    When Candy was growing up, her mother frequently told Candy that her birth

    was "a mistake" and that she should have been aborted. During her formative

    years, Candy was running a 20 year Venus cycle and Venus is a malefic planet

    for Taurus rising. Additionally, in her adult life, Candy's mother framed

    her for welfare fraud, tried several times to have her child taken away from

    her, and refused to help her when Candy was down on her luck and living out

    of her car. Since the 4th also rules ownership of fixed assets as well as

    general happiness, Candy was constantly dissatisfied with her life and

    owned very little. The 4th's lord, the Sun, is weakly placed in the 8th

    house in Jupiter's sign. All of this does not bode well for the 4th house

    affairs. The affliction to the Moon also is not conducive to emotional


    Jupiter's affliction of the 2nd house of finance and family happiness has

    created difficulties in these areas as well. At the time of the reading,

    Candy was without a place to live.

    I suggested remedial measures for Jupiter without delay to help mitigate its

    influence and away from influencing her life so badly. I also gave her a

    Vedic-quality 5 carat garnet to help strengthen her weak Sun. Hopefully, she

    will follow up on the suggestions I gave her and improve her life. The one

    thing going for her in her chart is her strongly placed Saturn which for

    Taurus rising is a major benefic planet.


    February 22, 1938; 7:54 AM

    Chico, CA.

    Shirley has 4 32 Pisces rising. Pisces places Libra, Venus' mulatrikona

    sign, on the 8th house so Venus becomes the most malefic planet for this

    rising sign. Natally, Venus is weakly placed in the 12th house of losses,

    closely conjunct another malefic planet, the Sun. The Sun and Venus are,

    therefore, mutually afflicting each other. Since the Sun rules the 6th house

    of disease and enemies and since the Sun is a general indicator of one's

    physical vitality, the natal placement does not bode well for Shirley's

    health in general.

    During her Venus/Rahu period in 1970, Shirley had a number of accidents

    which severely damaged her neck. She was unable to work for several years,

    but rebounded nicely when she opened a successful jewelery store. Mars, the

    lord of her 2nd house of finance and gems, is well-placed and unafflicted in

    Pisces in the 1st house.

    Many years later, during her Moon/Venus period, Shirley reinjured her neck

    and, once again, had to stop working and live off her savings. By the time

    she was well again, her "nest egg" had dwindled down to practically nothing.

    Venus rules the neck area and Shirley's Moon is debilitated in Scorpio,

    although it is placed in the 9th house. Remember that Venus is lord of the

    8th house of accidents--the very things that took Shirley's livelihood away

    from her.

    Despite the great losses in her life, Shirley remains optimistic for the

    future and is, basically, happy. Her strong Mars has undoubtedly helped her

    through her life.


    When Jupiter and/or Venus are acting as functional malefic planets, it is

    imperative for the individual to avoid the colors and stones associated with

    them (noted above). Additionally, certain remedial actions can be suggested

    to help pacify the malefic planets. Regular performance of the remedies

    should produce considerable benefit to the person, depending of course on

    the location of the malefics. Remedial actions also help with mollifying the

    transit effect of the malefics.

    Venus can be propitiated by one of the following remedial actions:

    1. Helping distressed women.

    2. Donating nice clothes to the poor.

    3. Being extra considerate of one's wife.

    4. Meditating to the Hindu chants for Lakshmi, the goddess of love and


    Jupiter can be propitiated by one of the following remedial actions:

    1. Offering service to one's guru/teacher.

    2. Offering yellow-colored food to the birds in the morning before breakfast

    and after bathing.

    3. Offering bananas or yellow apples to poor people.

    4. Meditating to the Hindu chants for Ganesh, the god of knowledge and

    remover of obstacles.

    Remember, however, that remedial actions will not strengthen weakly placed

    or afflicted benefic planets. Separate measures must be taken to bring

    energy to weakly placed benefics. Gem and color therapy are a standard here.


    Far from being benefic planets for all, Venus and Jupiter can and do act as

    malefic forces for several rising signs. Knowing how to identify and deal

    with them is essential for one's happiness.

    Stephen Byrnes, PhD, is a natural health professional who specializes in

    medical and natal Vedic Astrology. Website: http://www.vedicastro.net/. E-Mail:

    DrByrnes@hotmail.com. Phone: 877-249-8122.

    For more information on the Systems' Approach to Vedic Astrology, see the

    book, Astrology For Life by David Hawthorne and V.K. Choudhry, available from

    http://www.astroview.com/ or by calling 641-472-3799.


    1. The Most Effective Point is the degree number of the Ascendant. It is the

    most sensitive point of any house in a chart. Planets that come within 5

    degrees of the Most Effective Point, either natally or by transit, can

    impact a person for good or ill, depending on their functional nature.

    2. In Vedic Astrology, one's life goes through certain planetary cycles,

    determined by the Moon's position at the time of one's birth. These cycles

    are called mahadashas. During a mahadasha, one will go through sub-periods

    of other planets for varying lengths of time. The first planet named is the

    mahadasha planet, with the second planet named being the sub-period planet.

    The house placement and strength of the second planet, as well as the house

    of its mulatrikona sign, will tell an astrologer where the focus is in

    someone's life at any given moment. Bear in mind, however, that current

    transits of the planets also factor into this judgement.

    3. Vedic Astrology divides up a natal chart into various charts called

    vargas, or divisional charts. Divisional charts are a way to closely analyze

    a specific area of life.




    Impact of Retrograde

    Jupiter in the Twelve Houses


    One must always remember that Jupiter represents the principle of expansion as well as generosity, money, good judgment, religion, authority, and law. From the viewpoint of expansion, a retrograde Jupiter would indicate that, in some fashion, self-expansion in the past was not achieved. The retrograde Jupiter would also indicate that, in a past life, you remained the same person throughout that lifetime, without any change or self-development.

    Jupiter always represents where we should work our Karma through the expansion of self. The person never developed himself in a past lifetime and, thus, incarnated now as the same type of person that he was in the past. An entire lifetime was wasted and the tendency might be to waste this lifetime, unless the energy of retrograde Jupiter is transmuted. With a retrograde Jupiter, the person is redoing a lifetime from the past. Opportunities are in every lifetime and in every chart, but the individual determines his lives, for there is free-well. A person can either become a slave to his chart, can overcome it, or does not have to live up to any of it. As you sow, so shall you reap.

    First House: Since we are again dealing with negative character traits, retrograde Jupiter in the 1st house would indicate that the native of the chart developed negative personality traits in a past lifetime, was unrefined and unreliable in judgment. The tendency of retrograde Jupiter to bring about a form of dishonesty or a lack of a sense of Justice towards others would depend largely upon the sign in which Jupiter would be posited in the 1st house.


    Since Jupiter, as the natural ruler of the 9th house, also would be involved with a philosophical attitude, or irreligious inclination, a retrograde condition would make for a lack of sound philosophical approach to life, a strange, unorthodox religious approach, and a neglect of higher mind qualities. The person would tend to dissipate the energy of a retrograde Jupiter, often leading to alcoholism.


    A question could very easily be posed here as to the basic honesty of the individual with regard to himself in relation to the rest of the world. Here self-deception could be quite noticeable and rather obvious.


    The lesson to be learned, with a retrograde Jupiter in the 1st house, is to develop an awareness of self, to find a level of reality in which the individual would “know himself.”


    Second House: Retrograde Jupiter here relates to the material aspect of life since Jupiter represents money. This implies the proper use of money or the lack of value of money and possessions in the past. Stringiness, miserliness, the “Silas Marner” aspect of the past would be involved, having money and not using it properly, in other words.


    It could imply, also, that the individual in the past had “good luck,” could have inherited fortunes, and dissipated it all. Money implies responsibility, and the retrograde Jupiter shows that the responsibility of money (and possessions) was not properly assumed in past lifetimes.


    Since Taurus is the natural ruler of the 2nd house, with Venus as the ruler of Taurus, it could indicate that the individual spent money unwisely on foolish, gaudy, “showy” type of home decorations, jewelry, etc.


    Since retrograde Jupiter here opposes the 8th house, part of the karma involved relates to exposure in the past to Occult Metaphysics, but the individual either rejected it or neglected it.


    The lesson to be learned, with retrograde Jupiter in the 2nd house, is to re-evaluate ideas about money and its proper use, true appreciation of whatever the native possesses, and the need for a definite alignment with higher truth in Metaphysical research.


    Third House: Here the retrograde Jupiter is opposing the 9th house of higher education and religion and law. It definitely shows that good judgment was not used in whatever field of study the individual might have pursued, on either a lower or higher level of structured education. It also shows that, religiously the individual opposed organized religion, not so much from the faculty of reason, but rather the lack of good judgment and analysis. Here, the sign that Jupiter is in would demonstrate the reason for the lack of faith.


    The element of prejudice also enters, as a subtle influence, when retrograde Jupiter is in the 3rd house, since it causes reaction in the 9th house.


    Retrograde Jupiter tells that the relationships with brothers and sisters left much to be desired with, certainly, a lack of tact, dignity and honor in connection with siblings and other relatives.


    The native certainly was not a responsible individual, could not keep confidences and, so, was untrustworthy. It certainly proves that the individual would not avail himself of the learning facilities which would have brought about a development facilities which would have brought about a development of skills and traits of character and personality.


    This location of Jupiter is important in that it completes the development of the “I” in relationship with the rest of the world (house 4,5,6). Therefore, the retrograde Jupiter tells that the native’s development of the “I” concept resolved itself into a self-centeredness rather than a self-awareness, so that the relationships, as indicated by the rest of the quartiles of the horoscope, centered around an egocentric direction of energy. The individual saw the world in relationship to himself rather than seeing himself in relationship to the world. This is further emphasized by the fact that Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius, a self-centered sign of the Zodiac.


    The lesson to be learned with retrograde Jupiter in the 3rd house is the proper realization of the “self,” which would have to begin with the immediate family members, schoolmates, neighbours, etc. The energy of Jupiter would have to be directed with purposeful determination towards worthwhile goals, and he would have a develop a tactful, dignified, sincere channel of communication with those who enter into his sphere of influence.


    Fourth House: Retrograde Jupiter in the 4th house stresses that, in the past, the development of the “I” concept was accomplished along negative lines. The individual lacked compassion, generosity, sociability, broadmindedness. It shows that the environment established in any home relationship was very much a one-sided affair, for the individual had to be the absolute ruler with absolute power. There was no room for differences of opinion or consideration of others’ needs or wants in so far as this individual was concerned in the past. Although disliking restraint himself, he imposed restraints, limitations, discipline on others under him within the home circle.


    Since the 4th house does represent not only the physical home structure, but also the structure through which the soul and spirit function in the individual, this framework of being was so constructed in the past that the individual was certainly rather obnoxious to live with and/or to associate with.


    The lesson to be learned with retrograde Jupiter in the 4th house is a firm consideration for others who fall within the realm of his authority and anyone who enters his presence.


    Fifth House: This location shows that the individual denied to children, in the past, the proper training and a true feeling of love. There never was a stable father or mother image for any offspring to respect or an example for them to follow.


    Retrograde Jupiter here shows that the relationships with the opposite sex were for physical gratification and, if very negatively aspected, exposed the individual to all sorts of negative social diseases because of indiscriminate involvement with the opposite sex. This could indicate excessive activity in the areas of sex, unconventional sexual practices, lack of precautionary health measures.


    The sign that the retrograde Jupiter is in would qualify whether the individual took too many risks (the gambling type) or was far too conservative – would not change, would not step out in new directions. Pleasurable involvements would also have been along the lines of very common types of recreation.


    The lesson of Jupiter retrograde in the 5thhouse: Compassion, understanding, wisdom in the training of and involvement with children: good judgment, good taste in involvements with members of the opposite sex; discrimination in determining what to do at what time and how to do it.


    Sixth House: Since Jupiter is one of the important planets from the viewpoint of health, a retrograde condition of Jupiter here indicates that the health was neglected in the past. This person could easily have enjoyed a healthy body and, through misuse of this body, unwise dietary procedures, poor discrimination in work habits, brought about health problems in this lifetime. There could be a blood condition and a liver condition which could be the result of overindulgence in alcohol. Overindulgence could also be involved with certain types of foods, requiring more attention to dietary laws (Virgo).


    Since the 6th house, in the man, represents health, service, the public, the individual did not relate well to the mainstreams of public thought, or public wants and needs. He certainly did not enjoy the respect of those around him, those he worked with, or those who worked under him. The idea of service was certainly not a strong quality in the past, unless by being of service was a reflection of his own personality so that he could bask in some sort of glory for having so performed the service.


    Since the 6thhouse, in the man, represents health, service, the public, the individual did not relate well to the mainstreams of public thought, or public wants and needs. He certainly did not enjoy the respect of those around him, those he worked with, or those who worked under him. The idea of service was certainly not a strong quality in the past, unless by being of service was a reflection of his own personality so that he could bask in some sort of glory for having so performed the service.


    The lesson of the retrograde Jupiter in the 6thhouse shows the need for extreme caution in health matters, the need to establish good relationships with people in general and to be able to identify himself with public opinion and to be of service wherever possible, without hope or reward.


    Seventh House: This position would indicate partnerships (especially marriage) were not based on trustworthiness or sincerity. It clearly indicates that the person, in the past, was not that faithful in any marriage contact or in any business partnership or in his partnership with life. Again, it shows that a self-centeredness was involved for personal gratification and promotion, rather than fair play where others are concerned. The “we” concept of the 3rd quartile was not from the viewpoint of “what I can do for others,” but rather from the viewpoint of “what can others do for me.”


    It would be safe to say that the individual with retrograde Jupiter in the 7th house was certainly not a generous partner keeping a strict control over the purse strings. Through misjudgment, the retrograde Jupiter would indicate the suffering of money, losses in the past in any business venture or partnership of any kind. The question raised here is: Would any retrograde Jupiter ever consider relinquishing authority to another ? Could he every not dominate ? It is very possible that, in the past, the person could have married for financial gain rather than for a true love.


    The lesson to be learned with retrograde Jupiter in the 7th house is sincerity, honesty, the development of a sense of fair play in whatever contracts he might enter into with others, and to balance his wants and needs with the wants and needs of others.


    Eighth House: This would imply that, in some past incarnation, the individual was involved in negative metaphysical activities, such as witch-craft (in its lower octave) or Satanism, or could easily have been a denier of metaphysical truth and teachings. This could have been the unreasonable, orthodox religionist who entertained no room for beliefs that were not consistent with his own.


    It shows, also, that whatever the individual ended, in the past, whether it be a job, a friendship, or a project, he did it with a degree of poor judgment, poor taste. He was his own worst enemy in the manner in which he finalized anything.


    There was a definite fear of the unknown and death, in particular. Again, the dominance and/or the misuse of authority was involved in handling other people’s money. Certain signs on the cusp of the 8th house would very easily indicate past lifetimes of embezzlement, absconding with public funds, misusing money in general.


    The lesson to be learned with retrograde Jupiter in the 8th house: A sincere search for truth, coupled with a sense of discrimination as to what is real truth, what groups teach and perpetuate truth, so that the individual would not become involved in negative study groups; to end all things with dignity and poise and good taste; to handle affairs of others in such a manner that there would be an image of confidence and trust where the person is concerned; in the proper search for truth, to discover the reality of death as a beginning and not an ending.


    Ninth House: This indicates that, in so far as the person’s philosophy was concerned, it was a philosophy that centered around himself – life was for himself only. In so far as religion is concerned, the approach was dogmatic-a person who accepted religion in blind faith without reason. There was no room for the opinions of others when it came to religion, bringing in a form of prejudice and bias religiously. The person had certain ideas on law and order – his ideas, what he felt was right or wrong. Here we become involved with the concept of freedom, and the retrograde Jupiter clearly shows that the person abused freedom by thinking only in terms of what he wanted to do for his own good rather than what had to be done for the good of all.


    The higher self, or Christ principle, was pushed aside and permitted to demonstrate. The person did not value or avail himself of the opportunities of mental development, whether in a structured educational program or in an intellectual search for knowledge.


    The lesson to be learned here is the development of a philosophy of life which incorporates others. This can be the subtle implication of the 3rd quartile, of the development of the “we” concept. The person must consider that different religions serve different individuals according to the level of their development. The gleaning of knowledge should not be ignored nor gathered solely from the viewpoint of curiosity. The stress should be the application of knowledge to life (wisdom).


    Tenth House: Here, again, it shows that the individual was his own worst enemy in past lifetimes. His character was one of dishonor rather than honor, irresponsibility rather than responsibility. Poor judgments, lack of dignity, lack of honesty, did not earn him the respect of his superiors and certainly prevented the individual from making professional or career progress. There was much frustration and disappointment in whatever field the person entered. It could easily have brought him into difficulty with the government due to his dishonesty and lack of respect for authority.


    The lesson to be learned with retrograde Jupiter in the10th house is to conduct himself so that he will earn the respect of his superiors, thus enabling him to achieve both financial success in his profession and advancement in position. The proper regard for honor and prestige is necessary here. Stress should not be made on all of this from the viewpoint of material progress only. Respect for order, procedure, law etc., is necessary.


    Eleventh House: The native of the chart, undoubtedly, involved himself with people of low nature, low quality in character, low moral students. There are several reasons why this had developed. The person, himself, could have had these same qualities, or, because of an inferiority complex or lack of achievement, the native surrounded himself with inferior people who would then feed the self-centeredness involved in the retrograde Jupiter.


    Social activities were negative, leaning more towards alcoholism and immorality.


    The lesson to be learned, with retrograde Jupiter in the 11th house: Wise discrimination in the choice of friends and associates; social activities and/or recreational pleasure should exhibit good taste, good judgment, good standards. There must be a trustworthiness in the person’s relationships with friends and associates.


    Twelfth House: This position doubly emphasizes the Karmic aspect, since this is the house of Karma. Jupiter, under any circumstances, implies where Karma should be worked out. A retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house shows that the individual had this opportunity in the past many times and neglected to work it out. Energy was misused in frivolous and wasteful activities. No attempt was made to identify himself with any type of spiritual concept or truth or direction in life. The retrograde Jupiter tells that the individual stressed more the external features of living rather than balancing the inner with the outer. Subconsciously, the “I” still controlled and directed all of the activities of the individual. Inner ideals were, undoubtedly, poorly structured or of a very temporary nature and of low quality.


    The lesson to be learned, with retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house: Permitted the higher self, through the Christ consciousness, to demonstrate the soul qualities. These would then have to be integrated with the outer self or the personality, and the personality would then become a living example of the “word made flesh.” It implies the need for true spirituality, true compassion, true brotherhood. By being in the 12th house (Pisces is the natural ruler), the individual must assume the personal responsibility of accomplishing this.

  21. Pisces



    Jupiter, Jupiter, Moon:

    (0-00-00 – 0-33-20)




    If Mars connected, liver trouble, tumor in abdomen, intestine over works etc.










    Jupiter, Jupiter, Mars:

    (0-33-20 – 1-20-00)




    Bold emotional good health.










    Jupiter, Jupiter, Rahu:

    (1-20-00 – 3-20-00)




    Predict as per the position of RAHU.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn:

    (3-20-00 – 5-26-40)




    Normal health.




    Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury:

    (5-26-40 – 7-20-00)




    Suffers from malaria, round worms, hook worms.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Kethu:

    (7-20-00 – 8-06-40)




    Predict as per the position of Kethu.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Venus:

    (8-06-40 – 10-20-00)




    Chronic sufferers, damage to internal parts.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Sun:

    (10-20-00 – 11-20-00)




    Suffers from Sunstroke, Rehabilitation.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Moon:

    (11-00-00 – 12-6-40)




    Wavery and vacillating obstruction of lymphatic circulation. (If Saturn and Moon connected unfavourable) intestinal defects and disease, varicose veins constipation, complication due to excess of drinks.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Mars:

    (12-6-40 – 12-53-20)




    Suffers from small-pox. If Mars/Saturn connected badly. Ulcers in the intestines, Hernia, appendicitis.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu:

    (12-53-20 – 14-53-20)




    Predict as per the placement to Rahu.










    Jupiter, Saturn, Jupiter:

    (14-53-20 – 16-40-00)




    Healthy body, if Saturn and Jupiter are afficted/impotent, constipation nausea and Cancer.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Mercury:

    (16-40-00 – 18-33-20)




    Suffers from vitamin ‘B’ deficiency, lack of enzymes, Dyspepsia.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Kethu:

    (18-33-20 – 10-20-00)




    Predict as per the position of Kethu.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Venus:

    (19-20-00 – 21-33-20)




    Affiction in the eyes, nervous disease, Hysteria, injuries may be caused by any vehicles animals or birds governed by Venus.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Sun:




    (21-33-20 – 22-13-20)




    If Sun and Venus in conjunction are placed in 5, 7 or 9th shows wife having some disease in generative system, if Sun and Venus have adverse aspect unpleasant domestic life is indicated (depends on other aspects) eye sight, heart disease, (hypertension) low blood pressure if afflicted by Saturn and high blood pressure hypertension) if afflicted by Jupiter Cardiac thrombosis, sharp fevers, typhoid, epilepsy, sun-stroke.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Moon:

    (22-13-20 – 23-20-00)




    Lack of mental balance, indecision, spreads false rumors, suffers from over anxiety, suffers from eye trouble, asthma, cold, cough, colic pains, worms, typhoid, gastric, nervous debility.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Mars:

    (23-20-00 – 24-6-40)




    Healthy body. Suffers from fits, epilepsy, brain disorders, piles, fissure, risky ventures, hasty decision leading to public scandal and criticism (if aspects are bad).










    Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu:

    (24-6-40 – 26-6-40)




    Predict according to the position of Rahu.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Jupiter:

    (26-6-40 – 27-53-20)




    Suffers due to excesses, frequent heart trouble, liver complaints, Jaundice, abscess, dermatitis, catarrh and carbuncles.










    Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn:

    (27-53-20 – 30-00-00)




    If Mercury afflicted by Saturn produces ear troubles, fear complex, deafness (puss in the ear) if Moon also is afflicted skulls, defective speech, paralysis etc.


  22. Sagittarius: Significance of each Sub



    Jupiter, Kethu, Kethu: (00-00-00 – 00-46-40)




    Kethu is for hair and abortion and this sign being dual in nature it may be two abortions and also it may be still born child and only delayed menses and no child at all.










    Jupiter, Kethu, Venus:

    (00-46-40 – 3-00-00)














    Jupiter, Kethu, Sun:

    (3-00-00 – 3-40-00)




    Good health.










    upiter, Kethu, Moon: Leading to T.B.




    Leading to T.B.










    Jupiter, Kethu, Mars: Eosonophilia, Blood poisoning.




    Eosonophilia, Blood poisoning.










    Jupiter, Kethu, Rahu:

    (5-33-20 – 7-33-20)




    Fine out significators of Rahu and Kethu and offer the prediction accordingly.










    Jupiter, Kethu, Jupiter:

    (7-33-20 – 9-20-00)




    Lumbago, trouble in lungs, cancer.










    Jupiter, Kethu, Saturn:

    (9-20-00 – 11-26-40)




    Fracture in hip, rheumatic pain.










    Jupiter, Kethu, Mercury:

    (11-26-40 – 13-20-00)




    Affection of lungs, asthma.










    upiter, Venus, Venus:

    (13-20-00 – 15-33-20)














    Jupiter, Venus, Sun:

    (15-33-20 – 16-13-20)














    Jupiter, Venus, Moon:

    (16-13-20 – 17-20-00)




    Ear trouble, puss in ear, T.B. slow recovery.










    Jupiter, Venus, Mars:

    (17-20-00 – 18-6-40)




    Quick recovery from disease, Vomitting blood.










    Jupiter, Venus, Rahu:

    (18-6-40 – 20-6-40)




    Predict according to the planet Rahu signifies.










    Jupiter, Venus, Jupiter :

    (20-6-40 – 21-53-20)




    Quick recovery, Cancer in lungs.










    Jupiter, Venus, Saturn:

    (21-53-20 – 24-00-00)




    Asthma, fracture of hips of bones. A man who has no sperms zoospermia hence barren and cannot produce children.










    Jupiter, Venus, Mercury:

    24-00-00 – 25-53-20




    Good health.










    Jupiter, Venus, Kethu:

    (25-53-20 – 26-40-00)




    Find out what Kethu signifies and predict











    Jupiter, Sun, Sun:

    (26-40-00 – 27-20-00)




    Quick recovery from disease, much of vitality. No invalid child whereas in JUPITER, KETHU, MARS combination invalid child only when MARS is sub-lord of 5th cusp and lord of 5 and 12, that is, for SAGITTARIUS Lagnas, MARS is lord of 5 and 12.










    Jupiter, Sun, Moon:

    (27-20-00 – 28-26-40)




    Slow recovery from disease, lung trouble.










    Jupiter, Sun, Mars:

    (28-26-40 – 29-13-20)




    Injuries, venereal distemper, high fever, fracture of arms.










    Jupiter, Sun, Rahu:

    (29-13-20 – 30-00-00)




    You have to see the planet connected with RAHU and then offer the prediction.





    Influence of Jupiter




    grounded due to impact of constellation and sub in Sagitarius and Pisces


    Depending on the stars which influence the birth chart Jupiter affects people at different ages : In Punarvasu, Poorvaabhaadrapadaa and Vishaakhaa from birth till the age of 16; In Aardraa, Swaati and Shathataaraka from 19 to 35; In Mrig, Chitra and Dhanishtha from 25 to 41. In Rohini, Hasta and Shravana from 35 to 51. In Krittikkaa, Uttaraa and Uttarashaadaa from 41 to 57; in Bharani, Poorvi and Poorvaashaadda from 61 to 77 while in other stars the influence of Jupiter is never experienced.

    From birth till the age of 13 if Jupiter is in the ascendant, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth or Eleventh houses, in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces signs then the person does not get any great benefits but the parents progress well. The father gets immense success in trade or in his job. The person’s permanent teeth emerge late but are strong and do not fall out even when he or she is very old. This person starts speaking by the time he is 18 months old and is very interested in sports. His education does not begin in a desired manner and he is of a serious countenance. The responsibilities of the house fall on his shoulders at a very early age. If Jupiter is in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn then the person’s teeth do emerge early but are prone to early decay. Then the person remains in bad health. His education is interrupted. By the time, he is 12, the family’s financial situation starts deteriorating and he will have to give up his education to shoulder responsibilities of the family.


    From 19 – 35 – If Jupiter is in the ascendant, Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth or Eleventh houses, in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces, then the person completes his education. There is a possibility of the person’s father dying. The person gets married and has children. In *** he starts working quite early whereas in *** he starts working later in life. In this position, the influence of Venus is malefic and the person’s in laws can die. He also suffers loss in business and incurs debt. Often such people end up unemployed.


    From 25 to 41 – If Jupiter is in the ascendant, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth houses or the House of Gain with a beneficial influence exerted by the Moon, then the person completes his education. The person attains the highest success and can excel academically, acquiring degrees like Ph.D., D.Litt., L.lB. etc. These people become teachers, principals and judges. They, however, do not get good wives and nor do they have children.


    From 35 – 51 – For the most part it is similar to what has already been covered above. The person has to support his family. He faces tribulations at work and his ancestral properties are ruined. The situation only improves towards the end of the period of Jupiter’s influence. It is a similar situation when Jupiter influences the person’s life between the age of 41 and 57. Not much can be said about Jupiter’s influence from the age of 61 to 77 because this period has hardly been witnessed in many people’s cases.


    In general Jupiter’s influence is that when it starts, till the influence of Venus is completed, the person’s life is difficult. Paraashari karta has written “aadou kashtafalam chaiva chatushpaad-jeevalaabhakrita. Madhayaante sukhamaapnoti raajasanmaana-vaibhavam. Jupiter in Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius is inauspicious. For Cancer it is beneficial in the beginning but later brings on many difficulties. Videhsaayanaha dukhaihi parikilntro manushyaha. This person may have to go into exile. He is full of worries and is always unhappy. Jupiter is equally inauspicious in the last stages of Venus.


    Jaatakabharankartaa says “nijaaiviryogorthavinaashanan cha shleshmaanilashchaapi kaliprasangaha. Syaanmaanavaanaam vyasanopalabdhibhoorgoho suthe jeevadashaam prayaate”. *** , financial loss, illnesses affecting the Kapha and Vaayu (air), many quarrels and distress are the results of Jupiter in this position.


    Maanasaagari says “kalaham shatruvairamcha vithamaanasan-chitanam. Stribhyo vidhaatmaapnothi jeevasyaantargathe sithe”. Quarrels, enmity, financial constraints and mental tension, betrayal by women are the malefic results of Jupiter. But on the positive side, it also brings friendships with many good people, close-knit relations with family and relatives, helpful friends and a possibility of a second marriage.


    If in a person’s horoscope a beneficial Rahu in the Ascendant, Third, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth or Tenth Houses influences Jupiter, the person gets great, good fortune. In such circumstance the person could get unexpected status, a good spouse, success and promotions at work, benefits in trade, victory in elections, acquaintances with very affluent and good people, general progress and glory.


    In stark contrast, the Moon in this situation can be very inauspicious. The other Planets’ influences are not out of the ordinary.


    Jupiter in the Third, Sixth, Eighth Houses holds a potential for much dismay. The person faces disappointment from every quarter. He can be dismissed from employment. These are some of the characteristics of Jupier.




    Jupiter Mahadasha

    and its Results


    Guru Bhukthi (Duration : Two years one month and Eighteen days)

    Improvement in earnings, Domestic happiness, good Reputation, Royal Favour, success in all undertakings, Pilgrimage, Birth of Children.

    Sani Bhukthi (Duration : Two years, Six months and Twelve days)

    Ill-health, worries and anxities, Rheumatic pains, Troubles in partnership, loss of money, reputation and children.

    Budha Bhukthi. (Duration: Two years, Three months and Six days)

    Public recognition, Progress in business, Gains through knowledge, promotions in Service, fine Arts Acquisition of wealth and property.

    Ketu Bhukthi. (Duration: Elevan months and six days)

    Scattered health, boils, failure in trade, danger through poison, excessive expenditures, sickness to wife, trip to holy places and religious worship.

    Sukra Bhukthi. (Duration: Two years, and eight months)

    Luck, promotions in services, cordial relationship with all, domestic happiness, Birth of children, happy social and religious functions, acquisition of landed property, houses and vehicles, good meals.

    Ravi Bhukthi. (Duration: Nine months and eighteen days)

    Royal favour, charity, profits in Trade.

    Chandra Bhukthi. (Duration: One year, and four months)

    Prosperity, acquisition of property, birth of a child, sexual union with fair woman, good and delicious meals, gain of money, Domestic happiness.

    Kuja Bhukthi. (Duration: Eleven months and six days)

    Disappointments, theft, sickness to brother or death, imprisonment, failure in business, fever, loss of wealth.

    Rahu Bhukthi. (Duration : Two years, four months and twenty four days.

    Sickness to wife and children, lossess of various kinds, cheating, calamity, voyage, pilgrimage.

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