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Posts posted by RadhaMukunda

  1. Semi-vegetarian what is that? You have vegans, lacto vegetarians, lacto ovo vegetarians. But semi-vegetarians? LOL You are either a vegetarian, or you are not. His case is good, animal rights and stuff. But his claims that animal fat is unhealthy is crap. Scientific research has proven that animal fat has no effect on cholestrol and that it is actually healthy. In the Charak Samhita it says, ghritaat ashta gunam tailam, mardane na tu bhakshane. Oil is eight times better than ghee, for massage, but not for eating. Transfat is vegetable oil. Even consumption of olive oil disturbes the omega-3-6 balance. Thirdly, he is blaming cow dung to cause polution. Cow dung is a sacred item. The title of this topic is "do not encourage cow slaughter," but this man admits he is never going to stop eating meat. He is only concerned about the environment, not the cows really.

  2. I think the point Bart is trying to make is that these type of posts won't effect the habits of meat eaters. They will read it and then ignore the content. I always think that if vegetarians put their efforts away from trying to convert meat eaters, vegetarians would have a lot of time and energy left.


    I wish vegetarians put more effort into building vegetarian eating places and bringing tasty vegetarian products on the market. One reason people eat at McDonald's and Burger King is because it is convenient and eating vegetarian is not. We need more vegetarian entrepreneurs rather than teenagers who think they can protest everyone into vegetarianism.


    This might be a problem for Hare Krishnas, because they only eat prasadam. I don't think selling prasadam is a good thing. But I have this idea for anyone from ISCKON. You could open a vegetarian restaurant with satvik food and have a small deity installed in the room where costumers can offer their own food to Krishna.

  3. The whole title, the "Gita, as it is" is deceptive. The minute you start reading the book, you'll see it is actually "Gita, according Prabhupada." There are a few thing in the book I don't like. First, the language is unclear and confusing. Second, the constant critising of anything else than Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Even if you follow Gaudiya Vaishnavism this must be annoying. Third, the commentary often forgets original Gita text only to talk about unrelated subjects.


    There are a some commentaries on the bhagavad gita that are short and to the point. The authors really put their effort to present the bhagavad gita as it is. One is the translation of Swami Tapasyananda from the Rama Krishna Math. Another is the translation of Swami Ramsukh Dasa from the Gita Press. http://www.gitapress.org/Download_Hin_pdf.htm

  4. Hindus are ignorant in general, especially in the west. They forget so much about there culture. When someone presents himself as learned to tell an ignorant Hindu some theory on Hinduism, he will get instant praise for his knowledge. It would really benefit Hindus to become more orthodox. Instead of believing everything westeners say about chakras and tantras, thinking ISCKON has decoded the Bhagavad Gita, or praising Vivekanda for his knowledge on Vedanta, or thinking the Arya Samaj is a scientific religion. Hindus should look up their roots.


    Hindus are generally very critical of people presenting themselves as sadhus. But when someone like Paramahansa Yogananda or Maharshi Mahesh Yogi becomes popular in the west, they are instantly recognised as realised souls. I am not an anti western terrorist. Some western "gurus" that I respect for their devotion and knowledge are Jagatguru Shivaya Shubramanya Swami from the himalayan academy and David Frawley. Srila Prabhupada is praiseworthy for turning hippies into Krishna Bhaktas. I do respect him for that. Other gurus just teach people new agy that has nothing to do with hinduism.

  5. Great posts, Darkwarrior.


    Could you clear up some doubts on the Valmiki Ramayana.

    Was the ramayana written before Rama came to earth?

    Were the vanara's half human apes or normal people living in the forest?

    Did Rawana have ten heads all the time or not at all?


    There are many doubts created by Jagadishwaranda Saraswati from the Arya Samaj. Would you bother to read the notes in his edition of the Ramayana to defeat his arguments?



    And what about the poor old Sun god?

    In your busy promoting of Bhrama and Vishnu as the Bhraman, you forgot the real one. How do you overlook conveniently that a Bramin’s first and only commitment is Gayatri mantra, which is the very essence of Veda. Other gods are optional for a Brahmin. And Gayatri is representing which god? Savitr (Sun god) my friends. He is called Pratyaksha Bhraman (verily the manifested Brahman)

    “Vishnu” is nothing but one of the twelve names of Sun god.

    Sun god is the oldest god in other civilizations too. Egyptian mythology has it that Ra the sun god self created himself first. Then he created other gods. It is just another matter that we forgot him and relegated him to a non entity and promoted many other deities above him. It is different issue that we worship many deities But when it comes to sandia vandana, by gayatri, we worship Sun as Brahman and no one else.

    Sun verily is the manifestation of Brahman

    Saraba Iyar

    Surya Deva is one of the Pancha Brahman, also known as Surya Narayana. During Sandhya we also say this prayer to Surya:


    dhyeya sadA savitr maNDala madhyavartI

    nArAyaNaH sarasijAsana sanniviSTaH

    keyUravAn makara kuNDalavAn kirITI

    hArI hiraNmaya vapuH dhrta zaGkha cakraH

    "One should meditate on the form of Lord NArAyaNa situated in the sun globe. He is seated on a lotus, with golden bracelets, crown, shark earrings; he is golden in complexion, and holds the shankha and chakra in his hands."


    I personally believe that the Pancha Devas are all manifestions of Brahman which are: Ganesha, Surya, Shiva, Vishnu and Devi. Definitely, my Ishta- and Kula Devata is Krishna, but I have no problem worshipping other manifestations of Brahman. This correspodenses to Smaarta believe, but I actually follow what is popularly known as Sanatan Dharma in North India.


    Great vaishnavas like Tulsidasa and Vallabhacharya didn't see difference between Shiva and Vishnu, but they still decided to worship Rama or Krishna. If 20.000 references from the Vedas would prove Vishnu to be lower than Brahma or Rudra, Tulsidasa would still worship Rama and Vallabha would still worship Krishna. That was their true bhakti.



    One request - Please try to come back to the topic of the thead which is, 'Mayavadis and Vaishnavism'. If you can't do this, please do not start unnecessary debates.

    I think nobody is interested in that topic anymore.


    But to go back on that topic I would like to refer again to the story of Ajamila in the Bhagavat Puran.

  7. Hindus generally respect others belief. We are not hungry to convert people to our religion. Whatever faith you have, that's really your business. But the names of Allah and Jesus are not considered sacred in Hinduism. From a Hindu perspective you are not getting any benefit from chanting Jesus or Allah. From a Christian and Jewish perspective, devotees are not even allowed to pronounce the name of Jehova. Muslims do allow to chant allah.


    So one way you are screwed, the other way just putting strain on your instrument. In Hinduism Buddha is regarded an avatar of Vishnu. It is beneficial to chant Buddha. Hare is the vocative of Vishnu's name Hari, so even if you chanted hare jehova, hare jehova, you would still be chanting Vishnu's name.


    The sacred names of God are revealed in the scriptures. You can't expect to chant "Microphone, Keyboard, Mousepad" and expect to get salvation.

  8. Not to be judgemental, but I feel I should warn you. Some beej mantras require that you follow very strict rules. They are not suitable for everyone. If you don't have the proper knowledge how to use the mantras, they will give opposite results.

  9. You talked about interpreting the vedas. Can you tell more about this. I would like to study what is necessary to understand the vedas. What's your opinion on the way Arya Samajis interpret the Vedas? I used to know an Arya samaja pandit who was teaching Hindi and Sanskrit in small classes. He spread books on Arya Samaja. He had a lot of knowledge, but frankly I don't even respect anyone from the Arya Samaja for they don't respect anyone else's belief and make fun of Hindu Gods.

  10. What is the purpose of Rajasik and Tamasic puranas? I have heard that even mantras from the vedas have gunas. Isn't this supported by the Bhagavad Gita: Traigunya Vishayaa Veda? It is said that the mrityonjaya mantra is Rajasik, because the reason the use the mantra is to gain something. Some mantras of the atharva veda are tamasik. Those are the mantras used for magical purposes.

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