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Posts posted by RadhaMukunda

  1. I separate myself from Christianity, being religious doesn't mean following all religions. Hinduism and Christianity are separate religions, there is no point in arguing with each other. In this day of new age aspects of religions are being thrown together like potpourri. It's of major importance to know what you stand for, otherwise you'll fall for everything that comes across.

  2. Svasti no indra vridhashrava, svasti no pusha visvaveda

    svasti na strarksho arishtanemi, svasti no brihaspatirdadatu


    AUM bhur bhuva svah, Shri manmaha Ganadhipataye namah


    Sarve Santu Sukhina, Sarve Santu Niramaya,

    Sarve Bhadrani pashyanty, ma kaschid dukha bhaag bhavet


    Aum Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushivardhanam

    Urvarukamiva bandhanaat, mrityor mukhiyamamritaat


    Namah Savivtre jagad eka chakushe,

    jagadprasuti stithinashahetave,

    sarasijaana sannivishta,

    keyuravana makarakundalavana kiriti.



    rogaanasheShaanapaha.nsi tuShTaa ruShTaa tu kaamaan.h sakalaanabhiiShTaan.h .

    tvaamaashritaanaaM na vipannaraaNaaM tvaamaashritaa hyaashrayataaM prayaanti


    Achyuta, Ananta, Govinda

    Achyuta, Ananta, Govinda

    Achyuta, Ananta, Govinda


    May Swami ji live a long life by the grace of Shri Krishna ji.


  3. The only way I could support a boycot is after seeing the movie. Otherwise I wouldn't know what I was boycotting. A massive boycot will create more curiosity. But I have to say that I don't like the Ramayana being depicted as fantasy. It's as insulting to Hindus as is making a fantasy film about the holocaust to Jews. Rama and Hanuman are worshiped in Hinduism with the utmost devotion. I have no idea how this film is going to display the divinity of Shri Rama or if they will make Hinduism look like a joke and put our sacred stories on the same pile as anything from Walt Disney.

  4. Well, mental disorder are related to the nervous system and kundalini is often compared to the pelvis region below the spinal cord up untill the brain. Therefore people say that you can become crazy if you practice kundalini yoga the wrong way. I feel that this is a misconception, most likely the kundalani has not been awakened at all. In most people, who are not advanced yogis, the kundalini is asleep.


    I think that the kundalini either awakens or is a sleep. Most likely it won't awaken wrongly, because the body will prevent this from happening. If people are such scared little wussies, it's better for them not to practice this type of spirituality at all. Uncontrolled awakening of kundalini isn't typical, it happens very rarely. The advice from Swami Satyananda is to condition yourself first with hatha yoga, asana's, bhakti yoga, proper diet and sleep before atttempting kundalini awaking. People want instant succes, this is not possible.

  5. hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare

    hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare

    Eat a little, drink a little;

    talk a little, sleep a little.

    Mix a little, move a little;

    serve a little, give a little;

    Work a little, rest a little;

    study a little, worship a little.

    Do asana a little, pranayama a little;

    reflect a little, meditate a little,

    Do japa a little, do kirtan a little,

    write mantra a little, have satsanga a little.

    Do all these, little, little. You will have time for all.


    Swami Shivananda

  6. No, these are just stories to scare people. Those who were already insane, start to blame their kundalinis. Chances are that you haven't even started to awaken the kundalani at muladhara. The problem probably has another cause, don't just blame the chakras, silly.


    Something else I would like to add, any form of new age yoga or tantra is most likely void of real Hindu devotion. Without ishvarapranidhana yoga is just a silly form of exercise. To gather peace in body and mind plain yoga postures are not enough. Chant prayers to Bhagavan Shankara, the master of all yogis, instead of visualising chakras after yoga practice. Chakra visualization is most effective in complicated tantra practices which are heavily bound by rules. The new age form of it is not effective. Chant and be happy.


    Us internet bhaktas should hold two tags to make ourselves obvious:eek:.


    One tag saying, 'this is my stuff', and the other tag saying 'this is spiritual stuff'.


    Then again it should be obvious to an intelligent listener, that a post about US politics or meltdowns or (that famous word)whatever is simply 'stuff' that has popped up in the mind from God knows where.


    Anyhow...this world is full of stuff. Lets continue.


    That's right, and even Srila Prabhupada had a lot of stuff going on.

  8. No, I don't think your idea is sound. There shouldn't be rewriting of ancient books. We have been trying for ages to preserve our holy texts. What would happen if every hundred year people started making some addition to the Bhagavad Gita? After millennia what would be left of the original text? Of course, people can write modern perspective on ancient texts, but never manipulate the original.


    I am not so sure about reducing Gods either. Let's say my Ishta Deva is Ayyappa. Is that accepted accorded to your selection of Gods? Come on, you cannot make decisions like this. You simply don't have the right to do this.


    Martial arts is a nice sport. People should practise it, but only if they enjoy it. There is no need to school Hindus specifically in martial arts. In case of what? Fight with muslims? Or are you trying to take over the world?


    This is exactly what I was afraid of. Followers of Vivekanda who start to get ashamed of their own Hindu religion.

  9. Many people would be vegetarians if it wasn't that inconvenient for them. There is a reason people massively buy crappy food from McDonald's and Burger King, instead of going to a better store to get something healthy.


    To ask the question, are vegetarians in the need of feeding or are the animals in need of protection? This is actually not an either this or that situation. Human beings need feeding, this is something that can't be neglected. Many vegetarians have become unhealthy, because of their carelessness on their diets. Not because being vegetarian is unhealthy.


    Could we stop the entire human population from eating meat? I don't think that will ever happen. Trying to accomplish that is a mere waste of energy. Energy vegetarians could have spend taking care of their own health. The general opinion is that vegetarianism is unhealthy. But if we made it more convenient to be a healthy vegetarian, by building restaurants and bringing healthy and tasty vegetarian food on the market, I am sure more people would become vegetarian or eat less meat.

  10. It's delusional to think that the whole world will ever live as vegetarians or vegans, or that the entire human population could even survive as vegetarians. Vegetarianism is form of tapasya. In India the elite classes have always been vegetarian. But you would never see a brahmana protest against other classes eating fish or meat.


    In the western world though, vegetarianism has turned into a social movement where people are trying to convert others into vegetarianism. This is silly. Time is better spend serving the vegetarian community with restaurants and bringing vegetarian food on the market.

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