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Posts posted by ranjeetmore

  1. "Harer Nama Harer Nama Harer Nama Kevalam

    Kalau nasty eva nasty nasty eva gatir anyatha"


    -QUOTED by SRi SHANKARACHARYA, in his commentary on Sri Vishnu Sahasranama.



    That's not all,he further goes on to state,"You need no bhakti,no sentiment.Just Cant Sri Hari's name and you will get completely liberated,of this there is no doubt."


    Even Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu does not advocate Sankirtana without Sentimental attachment.


    And Now Aadi Jagadguruji is declaring...........WOW.





    And By the WAY,

    Gayatri Mantra falls under Vedic MANTRAS.


    Aum Bhuuur Bhuvah svha tat ! saa- vitur Vareyeeneeyam..


    It is to be chanted ONLY ACCORDING TO METER otherwise you GO TO HELL.


    Keep this in your mind always.


    Better yet,just don't chant it.

  2. This is because the Dasavataras are all BEYOND Maya and are to be extolled to gain easy liberation.


    Also,All the sages generally describe the Leelas of Sri Vishnu Avataras because they know the Supreme CAUSE OF ALL CAUSES to be Sriman Narayana.


    Another difference is that the Dasavataras of Sri Narayana performed such feats that are impossible even for billions of Brahmas to perform to gether.


    Once Brahma came to Lord Krsna.

    He Manifested infinite Brahmas in front of the four headed Brahma of this universe.

    "Brahma you have only 4 heads becuase this universe is 4 billion yojanas in width.Behold the 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Million headed Brahmas who control the affairs of the other infinite universes."

    And the most astonishing part was,Each Brahma was thinking that whatever was taking place,the leela,was taking place in his particular universe.

    That's why each Brahma was feeling excessive bliss thinking that Sri Bhagavan is in his particular universe.


    This is glory and Position of Sri Bhagavan.He is beyond everyone,even Sriman Narayana considers Himself fortunate if He gets to see Sri Krsna,what to speak of Brahmas and Shankaras?


    It's not what goes into a person's mouth that makes him ritually unclean; rather, what comes out of it makes him unclean.


    Matthew 15:11


    I was a meat eater.


    Try this :


    Eat all types of meat for 3 days.Watch what it does to your difestive system.I do not feel ashamed to say even this : Notice the horrendous odour of faeces.


    then eat simple food.Pure vegetarian for 3 days.

    Now,check for how you feel from inside.

    The darkness and the lethargy goes away.


    This is due to the inevitable mode of ignorance attached to meat eating.it is NOT DONE.

  4. This 'spiritual' contemporary of Gandhiji has atleast another couple of billion years to wander through unimaginable hellish planets.


    I'm hoping you keep on flinching and expressing outright rage at the mere thought of Sri Rama eating meat.


    VALMIKI was a hunter.Meat eater.He chanted "Mara-mara-mara" becoz he couldn't even chant RAMA becoz of his sinful activities.


    He got purified and became a sage.

    So How can Sri Rama Eat meat?

    There is a thing called common sense..........


    In a famous boom "Ramayana" by none other than Chakravarthy Rajagopalachari who was a spiritual companion of Mahatma Gandhi and a scholar, who was well versed in Sanskrit and English, the author has clearly stated that Rama ate meat and has also mentioned that people shivered at the very concept of Rama eating meat, which was a custom prevalent in those days. He also stated that he had Valmiki and Kambar Ramayana as two main books from where he had taken all the information. Many of my Vaishnava friend said that, it was the Rigveda period, when meat eating was quite a common thing. Though, personally I am still unable to accept it.



    Bring anyone who thinks along the same lines to Rambhadracharyaji,the head of the Ramanandi Sampradya.He will teach him sense.


    Those who think that Sri Rama ate meat....go to Rambhadrachrayaji....He will literally slap this nonsense out you,with Sastric proofs.. and not some cheap translations by cheap non-entities.

  6. There is a common prayer taken from the general knowledge of the brahmanas that is included in the general aarti books of hinduism.


    Nrsimha aarti:


    Kailasi Shankar dachke manasi.


    Dachke in marathi means he shivered/flinched in FEAR.


    So when Sri Bhagavan came down as Sri Nrsimha,NO ONE had the courage to even stand in front Of Him.


    Even Sri Laxmi was a bit afraid.Brahma and Shankar were standing afar.

    They pushed Prahlad.Prahlad maharaj was more than happy to go in front of Him.



    There is absolutely NO mention of Sharabha Avatara in any of the main puranas.

    Whereas Lord Nrsimha is accepted as the One who bestows His mercy on Brahma,Vishnu.Mahesvara in the SKANDA UPANISHAD.


    Read (Upanishad)Sruti > Smriti (Puranas)....Except Bhagvatam of course.

  7. Yes.......

    In Kena Upanishad the story goes..........


    The demigods...Indra,Vayu,Agni,,,etc. are celebrating due to their 'victory' over the demons.


    Suddenly,the Divine Primeval Godhead appears...covered with dazzling effulgence such that even Agni is unable to look upon Him.


    The demigods send Agni to investigate into this Effulgent Person.


    Bhagavan asks Agni,"Who are you ?"

    "I am Agni."

    "Agni,who ?"

    "Whaaat? You've not heard of me ? I am the controller of Fire and the knower of the vedas."

    "Really ?"


    "Burn this dried particle of matter."

    "Are you crack ? I can burn the entire Cosmos."

    "Okay.Okay.But first burn this small particle."


    Agni is unable to burn it even with all his power put together.

    He runs away.


    Same happens with Vayu.

    Just as Indra goes ahead to confront Him,He dissappears and Uma(Brahmvidya) appears.

    She says,"You fools.That was Brahm.He is the One who supplies you with the energies that you have.Forget that,He even gives you the energy to operate your senses.What is your Capacity ?"


    Sri Krsna also confirms in the Bhagvad Gita,"I supply all the necessary energies to all the living entities.I am the fire of digestion.I am the life airs etc...."


    (I'm sorry i cannot reproduce the complete and precise verse.)


    Many of the upa-upanishads are devoted to clarify how Brahm is seated in the life airs of each and every living entity..........

  8. And I would Like to clarify ONE point.


    Many pple here are envious of Sri Maharaj ji.

    For them:

    I am neither his disciple nor have I even Talked to him ONCE.

    I have seen him only once,that too from 10 feet far.

    I only listen to him on T.V.


    I hope this settles once and for all the wicked tendency to demean him just becoz he appears as my spiritual master.


    He doesn't have a single disciple NOR does he run any kind of a Sampradaya.

    He may be a 'Small time guru' but for me,he is the reservoir of all-knowledge.


    Gaura Hari bol.

  9. Through the contemplation and worship of My (Hari’s) feet, every person is delivered from his ignorance. The means of destroying deaths and births is ONLY through the contemplation of My feet.


    -Varaha Upanishad(3.12)


    EVA= ONLY.

    Sri Bhagavan has used 'Eva' so many times in the Gita.

    Eva.Surrender ONLY to Me.


    NOT surrender to Me also.

    Surrender to Me ONLY.


    "Many Crores of Brahmas have passed away. Many kings have flitted away like particles of dust. Even to a Jnani, the love of the body may arise through the Asura (demoniacal/avidya) nature. If the Asura nature should arise in a wise man, his knowledge of truth becomes fruitless."


    -Varaha Upanishad(3.23)


    The Supreme Lord Is describing the momentary staying power of Atma-jnyana.



    "In the eyes of an Atma-Jnani, these Siddhis are of no importance. One who has become an Atma-Jnani, one who has his sight solely on Paramatma, and one who is content with Atman (the supersoul/paramatma) through his Atman (jeevatma), never follows the dictates of Avidya."


    -Varaha Upanishad(3.27)

    Here,the Brahm Jnyani is described.Brahm Jyana is possible only when Sri Bhagvan gives His mercy.


    Only then will the person be situated BEYOND Vidya Maya.


    Whereas the Atma-jyani is situated in HIS OWN ATOMIC self.This falls under SATTVIKA category(Vidya).

    The Atma-jnyani HAS TO FALL DOWN and again gets entangled in Avidya(Rajas,tamas).


    This is the conclusion of the Bhagavata also,

    "Param padam tatah Patanti..."


    After reaching the highest step,the jnyani FALLS DOWN.


    This Atma jynana is so Blissful (For jeeva being the atomic energy of Ananda/rasa/Brahm is the faint experience of that Ananda.)

    That the atma-jynani THINKS this is brahm jyana....He doesn't even want Brahmaloka now...


    But he doesn't know....He eliminates Avidya Maya by dint of his own strength.BUT VIDYA maya NEVER goes unless He surrenders to Sri Hari.

    Sri Bhagavan Reveals,"Maya is My energy.No one Can cross her.This is My challenge."


    This is the conclusion of the

    Sruti(Above mentioned- Varaha,Gopala tapni,Skanda,Subala upanishad)


    Smriti(Bhagvata,Vishnu,Skanda puranas etc.)





    Vedas("Sada Pashchayanty surayah tad vishnoh paramam padam"- Rg Veda).

  10. "Svechhopat pritha vapuh"

    - Srimad Bhagavatam.


    Sri Bhagavan does whatsoever He wishes and However so He wishes it.





    "Nishvasit masya Vedaha"




    "Ahasya mahato bhutasya nichvatimetat rg vedo,yajur veda,sama vedotharva vedah.."


    The Four vedas were manifested in His BREATH.


    "Sa icchat" -Aitereya upanishad 1.1.







    "Sa Icchanchakre." - Prashnopanishad 6.3


    "Tad Icchat." -Chadogya Upanishad 6.2.3.


    "Sa aizcchat." - Brhadaranyako Upanishad.


    "So Kaamayat" Taitereya upanishad 2.6


    He had a DESIRE.




    "Smitam" He smiled.



    "Vikcchittam" He Observed.






    "Dva dasha vadu bhaya vidho badarayano ta" Brahm Sutra 4.4.12


    "Sa yada sa sharira tam sankalpa yati

    tadasa shariro bhavati

    yada tva shariratam

    tada tva shariraha

    satya sankalpatvat

    sankalpa vyatyityacca"


    - SHAANKAR Bhasya.



    Brahm is Formless as well as with an eternal Form.He mainfests these Two forms from beginningless time with His energy of "Satya Sankalpa".


    Note that Satya Sankalpa is the energy manifested ONLY is Saguna,Sakar,Savishesh Brahm Sri Krsna.

    Satya Sankalpa ...The possessor of this energy Immediately implies the Supreme Person.For Only a PERSONALITY exhibits the energy or working out of a 'sankalpa'/'desire'.


    Thus Brahm is understood to be a PERSONALITY who has infinite energies.





    "....The Divine Purusha with a thousand heads, eyes, feet and arms (Virat-purusha),

    He entered Brahma Himself.He created seven mental sons – they created the seven pro-creators...."

    1-6. Subala Upanishad.



    ....from that Great Purusha's forehead,was created Rudra (of anger)...


    -Subala Upanishad.




    "At the end, becoming Vaisvanara (fire), He destroys all creatures – earth enters into water, water into fire, fire into air, air into ether, ether into sense organs, they into subtle elements, they into Prakriti, Prakriti into Mahat, Mahat into Avyakta, Avyakta into Akshara, Akshara into Tamas,Tamas in that Primeval Godhead/Mahapurusha.This is the process of Mahapralaya ."


    - Subala Upanishad






    "The UNBORN, alone, immortal Being inside the body(inside everyone's body as paramatma different from aatma), whose body is the Earth,Who moves inside water, Who moves inside fire,Who moves inside Air,Who moves inside the Aakash,so also inside Mind, Intellect, Ego,Chitta, Avyakta (unmanifest), Akshara (imperishable), Death – He sits within everything,He is the Sinless One,He is the Supersoul,Divine Narayana."



    -Subala Upanishad 4.1






    Adityas, Rudras, Maruts, Vasus, Asvins, Rik, Yajus, Sama, Mantras, Agni, oblation – all originate from Him, Narayana.


    Subala Upanishad 3.4






    "All this exists from Purusha only – the past and the future – that high place of Vishnu – the sages look upon it always.The sages without mental conflict(CONTROL OVER MIND/complete purification of the mind) enhance its glory."-

    - Subala Upanishad 3.7




    This is the key to liberation according to the Vedas.

    ("One who knows the Three PURUSHA incarnations of Sri Bhagavan is eligible to cross Material Samsara"- Bhagvatam.)












    This Paramatma is NOT ATTAINED by :

    hundreds of expositions,

    not by great learning,

    nor by reliance on intellectual knowledge,

    nor through memorising the Vedas,

    sacrifices, austerities,




    laudation and exercises.


    The knowers of Vedas achieve it, having become calm, restrained, withdrawn, tolerant.(CONTROL OVER MIND/Completely purified Mind).


    - Subala Upanishad 4.16



    Thus CONTROL OF MIND is NOT POSSIBLE by Sankhya/yoga/tapa/study of scriptures/JNYANA,etc.


    They are No. 1 FOOLS who say that they have CONTROLLED THEIR MIND on their own merit.

    I repeat.

    No. 1 FOOLS.

  11. It is extremely sad and demeaning that you should accept the imperfect views of some petty shcolars who do not know even .0000000000000000001% of vedic literature.


    Dating of Puranas is a very CHEAP process adopted by those who have accepted the world they live as the be all and end all of existence.They thus also accept their senses and Grasping faculties as well as the speculative/reasoning faculties as a perfect means to gaining knowledge.


    Being in gross ignorance,they thus think that the puranas are "Date-able".

    If you like to debate so much on the authenticity of a certain purana,why are you resorting to scholars' views.?


    Please do all of this to your heart's content...but with the bible and quran,etc.


    Your limited faculties are of no use here.


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    In other words, no Purana that is not Vaishnava in nature, labels itself Rajasic or Tamasic. Nor does it accord Sattva status to any other Purana.

    The Mahashiva Purana is really a Upa-Purana and is dated by Hazra to the 12th century AD - very close to the date of the Gita Govinda. The Vayu is the actual Maha Shiva Purana. And it is specifically mentioned by name in some Purana lists (Matsya, etc) and as the "Shaiva" Purana in some other Purana lists (Bhagavata, etc). The Matsya clearly describes the Vayu as "describing the Mahatmya of Rudra".

    The Brahma vaivarta is dated to the 16th century - just 400 years ago. There was an earlier Brahma vaivarta which has been quoted by Smriti scholars from earlier than the 12th century. But out of ~2000 verses quoted, almost none of them are traceable in the present version, which further proves we have a completely bogus text. Again, this is from Hazra backed up by a lot of research.

    HH Wilson did not go into depth, but he had the exact same opinion. He was certain that the older Matysa could not have talked about a Purana which mentions Radha who is of modern origin. He says about the present Brahma Vaivarta - "It has not the slightest title to be regarded as a Purana".


    In short, Radha is a late inclusion. She is completely absent in any text that can be dated earlier than the 10th century.



    Atharva veda,Radha tapni Upanishad-


    "Yeyam Radhayashca krshno rasabdhirhaichaik kridanarthadvidhabhuta."


    Sri Radhakrishna is the Same Brahm.They only manifest as Two to display Leelas.





    Rg veda,Radhikopanishad.


    "Yeyam Radhayashca krshno rasabdhirdaihainaik. "



    There is not any slightest difference between Sri Radhika and Sri Krsna.




    Sanat Kumar Samhita:


    "Radhika Krsna rupam ca,Krsno Radha Svarupakah"


    Tantra sastras:


    "ekam jyotirbhuddvedha Radha Madhava rupakam."


    "tasya shaktyastvanekadha Hladini,Sandhini jnyanecha..."- Veda.


    Sri Bhagavan has Three energies,Hladini,Sandhini and Samvit(Jyana).

    Hladini is accepted as the greatest of all His energies.


    That Hladini Sakti is Sri Radha.

  13. Srila Vishvanatha Chravarti thakura warns that whosoever fights that "Shiva is greater Or Vishnu is greater,both end up committing offenses."


    He further states that Lord Shiva has ALL the three SAKTIS,(Maya,Jeeva and SVARUPA.)


    Vishnu Shaktih para prokta....


    Those three energies are possessed by Lord Shiva also.


    Shivaya Vishnurupaya shiva Rupaya Vishnave.

    Shivasya Hridayam Vishnu Vishnochh Hridayam Shivah.

    Lord Vishnu is Lord Shiva's very Heart and Lord Shiva is Lord Vishnu's very heart.

    BUT,The tamasic puranas are INDEED FAULTY.

    They DO NOT MATCH with any deeper truths of the Smriti Sastra as revealed by the realised sages ( NOT BY SOME

    Dr. Xyz from the Advaita Vedanta Library and Max Muellers and Goethes).



    Srimad-Bhägavatam (1.2.23):

    "The transcendental Personality of Godhead is indirectly associated with the three modes of

    material nature, namely passion, goodness and ignorance, and just for the material world's

    creation, maintenance and destruction He accepts the three qualitative forms of Brahmä,

    Visñu and Siva. Of these three, all human beings can derive ultimate benefit from Visnu, the


    form of the quality of goodness."*


    Padma Puräna explains:

    "In some mahä-kalpas a jéeva soul becomes Brahmä by devotional service, and in other


    mahä-kalpas Lord Mahä-Visñu Himself becomes Brahmä."

    Just as Srila Veda Vyasa is accepted as good as Sri Bhagvan being a Shaktyavesa Avatara..so also,Lord Brahma is accepted as non-different from the Lord.

    Reflect upon the Leela the Lord played On Sri Brahmadeva....Sri Brahmadeva Exhibited great Mystic power with the agency of YOGAMAYA.


    Learn this word.

    Sri Bhagavan and His Expansions...all of Them are GOVERNORS of YOGMAYA.


    Whereas the bhaktas WORK WITH yogmaya.They NEVER govern the Svarupa Shakti.This is the simplest way to understand this topic.


    Text 27



    kvacij jéva-viçeñatvaà

    harasyoktam vidher iva

    tat tu çeñavad evästaà


    tad-aàçatvena kértanät


    The scriptures explain that, as Brahmä is, so Shiva is sometimes a jéeva soul and sometimes


    an avesa-avatära like Lord Sesa(Ananta Sesa/Vishvanatha.).


    sadäçiväkhya tan-mürtis



    aìga-bhüta svayam-prabhoù

    väyavyädiñu saiveyaà


    çiva-loke pradarçitä


    Siva's form named Sadäsiva, who is a direct expansion of the Personality of Godhead, is

    the CAUSE OF ALL CAUSES, is free from the slightest scent of the mode of ignorance, and resides.

    So,there is absolutely NO DOUBT that Lord Shiva is NOT a DEMIGOD.


    in Sivaloka, is described in the Väyu Puräëa and other scriptures.

  15. Sri Shankaracharya wrote Bhagavan Manasa puja addressing Bhagavn sri Krsna.


    Shankar bhasya on Gita accepts Sri Krsna as Shad-aishvarya(full with six opulences) as Bhagavan.


    The general definition of Sri Bhagavan is One who has all the six opulences in limitless quantities.


    BHAGAVAN manasa puja is the manasa Puja of that Svayam Bhagavan Sri Krsna.


    Shiva manasa puja is beautiful,no doubt.

    But does it echo any incredulous statements of the shiva purana. ?


    Does Sri Gauri's stuti support the statment found in the shakta puranas that She creates Vishnu and Shiva as if in a play ?

    The verse glorifying Her as the womb of the entire material manifestation only stresses the description in the Brahma Samhita that Sri Shambhu impregnates Prakriti,who gives rise to material elements.


    Ramabhujanga stotra?

    Well,He is identified as the Master of Sri Rudra and Sri Brahma.He is identifies as the 'Supreme Bliss',whose name is given by Lord Shiva in the ear of dying devotees.


    In the praise of Mahalaxmi,he identifies Her as the origin of Parvati/uma/Gauri/Durga and also of Laxmi and Of sri Sarasvati even.



    These are facts and not childish statements meant to taunt Shiva Bhaktas/Shaktas,etc.


    There is absolutely no need to bring bitterness in the mind about Sri Rama or Mahalaxmi.

    These are Shankaracharya's statements.

  16. The fact that Sri Maharaj ji's name keeps coming up reflects your pathetic level of intelligence.


    The level of the followers NEVER decides the level of realisation or position of the guru.


    And when have i Ever shown the other gods down ??


    Sri Maharaj ji calls Sri Vishnu also as the servant of Sri Krsna.

    But can you understand the complexities behind such a statement ?


    Do you have enough knowledge as to the nature of relationships and sentimental exchange between Svayam Bhagavan and all of His expansions?



    When i call Durga a maidservant,you get angry as if you know Durga devi like you know your mother.


    When Sri Brahmadeva accepts Durgadevi as that,it is to be understood as a fact.


    Even Sri Laxmana serves Sri Rama.

    That means you'll say it is offensive towards sri Laxmana?


    Sri Shankaracharya is declaring that Rudra and Brahma serve Sri Ramacandra,putting Their heads at His feet.


    Do you even know the position of Brahma and Shiva?


    These two are the controllers of Svarupa shakti.They are to be recognised as indifferent from sri Vishnu.

    But just as Srila Vyasadeva practises Bhakti towards His own origin,He is said to be a vaishnava.


    Sri Shankaracharya said that Mahalaxmi is the origin of Sri Parvati.

    Mahalaxmi Herself serves Sri Mahavishnu.

    So what offense is there in saying Parvati/Durga is His maidservant ?


    incessant use of material logic in speculations on vedic mantras has perhaps made mayavadis impotent on exercising the same in obvious matters.

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