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Posts posted by ppena



    Deepa Ji, Astro_tec Ji, Sasisekeran Ji, USR Ji and calling all other astro gurus............please provide some guidance as I need to make some long term career plans. Your help will be much apreciated. Thank you.


    wow, full moon in Cancer, that is beautiful. exalted Venus as well. It is no surprise you chose Maha Lakshmi as your icon!


    with such a strong moon in the 2nd house you must have quite a beautiful face and education is highly favored, wealth too.


    The 4th house is Virgo and has Jupiter. So, yes healing potential is there for sure.


    But Saturn and Rahu aspect 4th house and 4th lord is in 8th house retrograde. You must make sure you are healed before healing others!


    Still, it's a great spiritual chart and a good chart for knowledge. There will be many ups and downs in life and interruptions in career.


    There is a lot of "glamour" in you, make sure you use that force in the right way and then you can help many.


    Did you become interested in astrology in Mar 2007? Just curious.


    In any case, it is important for you to wear emerald (particularly if you want to be a healer).


    YOu could also be a good astrologer.


    - Pablo


    Dear Deepa,


    Since the native is still single, we can consider how nuptial relationship can benefit her life.


    The 7th house lord Moon is in 11th house. Does it mean the native will acquire much wealth/materials through marriage?

    Also Moon in 11th house scorpio is the one which makes the native intense in whatever she does, whether its intense dislike, disgust, or intense love affair.


    So overall how shall marriage and placing of moon should be considered for the native.





    I do see her marrying someone wealthy if she can find the right one! (Many planets in 2nd from 7th).


    Remember such an afflicted 7th lord would make marriage difficult.


    But almost certainly she will meet someone during her Venus Dasha.


    Dear Sogo,


    Intelligence isnt altered with gender, though you see, many other things are considered differently in the modern context.


    Your chart shows complete loss of inter-personal skills. It shows scant gains from family/relatives. A person not much liked especially through middle age. In fact with ketu conjunct sun in the second this shows real financial concerns. Mercury, as is clearly evident, is well placed causing some gains from education, foreign connections etc.Venus in 4th though might give you some luxury from mother, conveyances, a beautiful room etc. the 8th house re-affirms loss of reputation an offensive attitude but gains through the dead - like legacies and in terms of gifts. Moon is again afflicted causing even friends to become enemical out in the public.


    This doesnt amount to leadership qualities.


    I stick to my stand! You will always land up in big financial problems unless you do something about your interpersonal skills. I am sure you had a close superior when you did achieve success earlier. I will never suggest CEO jobs for you


    Best Wishes


    I usually agree with most everything Deepa says in his posts and I agree with much of what he says here too. But I must say it's a bit heavy handed. Yes, she will have interpersonal problems for sure, enemies and such, no doubt. But with so many planets in Leo and most planets above the horizon I do see leadership potential. It won't be smooth! that's for sure and there will be power conflicts and such.


    I would say in India it would be next to impossible, but American culture is different. I think in America she could definitely do well in mgmt. Just my opinion :)


    - Pablo


    Respected gurujis




    I am a regular reader of this forum, though it is my first query here.

    I am currently working as software professional in USA. I have started preparation for MBA entrance exam this month, and plan to take the test around end of August.

    I am curious to know more about switching career from computers to management.


    I request you for your analysis of my natal chart. I have already done 2 masters in computers (with a break of 1.5 years in between). MBA will be my third masters degree.


    DOB: 9th march 1980

    Time: 4:30 am

    Place: Delhi (Longitude: 77E13, Latitude: 28N40)


    I am in the process of learning the basics of astrology - I have utmost faith in it. I am makara lagna and running ketu mahadasha. I am currently wearing blue sapphire (since 3.5 years) and also emerald (since 4.5 months).


    Kindly analyse my chart, I will be very thankful for your readings and suggestions.





    The problem with mgmt psn for you is that the moon is under a lot of stress so you are not so patient with people. You don't always like the ebb and flow of personal contact. You want others to just do what you say.


    But you definitely have leadership potential and you desire power.


    Also yogakaraka Venus in 4th house helps balance what I said, but still you must cultivate lunar qualities like friendliness. A large pearl will help you alot, maybe even a large strand of pearls.


    Upcoming Venus cycle will be excellent for you.


    every one has a different opinion about gemstones. I'm not sure I see the need for Blue Sapphire in your chart although Lord of asc is usually auspicious.


    Definately Pearl will help.


    Good luck!


    Dear Sir,


    My date of birth is: 05/08/1982,

    Time : 8.50A.m.

    Place of Birth : Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.



    I have been unemployed since the last 2 to 3 months and facing severe financial problems.


    I would also like to know what will be my future regarding the financial stability. I have always been aiming to get into some top management position but nothing seems to happen.


    Please provide me a possible solution for the same.


    Expecting an early reply from your end,


    Sriram Brundavanam.


    You are running Rahu/Mars, some difficulties now until May of next year.


    You can help this by chanting Lakshmi mantras starting tomorrow (Friday). Venus is afflicted by both Saturn and Rahu in your chart.


    When you come into some money you can buy a diamond. This will help.


    Also Mercury in 12th is difficult for life. You should chant Vishnu Sahasranam every Wednesday. And when you get some money by emerald or at least Peridot - it is HIGHLY recommended. Put in on Wednesday when Moon is waxing.


    Remember to honor Lord Buddha, god of intellect.


    Best wishes,




    had lots of ups and down in my life in last 10 yrs i want to marry sumone of my choice rather than my parents choice is that possible or shud i do arrange mrg this year my parents worried abt my delayed marriage , i m wearing gomedh , moonga in left hand , pearl in right hand sumbody has suggested to wear pukhraj for early marriage watt about characteristics of my life partner , whether he would be in business or service when m going to meet him , dont hav anybody in my life now


    m abroad studying since 6 mnths for mangmnt course , further want to study for MBA in next 1 yr - last year wasnt sucessful in entrance test GMAT , gave it twice , had lots of struggle in life completed my engineering with great difficulty my life seems to b failure any suggestions whether m going to get job this year in sept or dec after my course ?



    1st house rahu

    2nd mars

    3rd saturn , sun , jupiter

    4th mercury

    5th venus

    7th ketu

    11th moon


    cancer lagna -female rahu mahadasa

    17th october 1981

    time 1-20 am

    place moga(punjab)


    Shani is slightly combust in your chart. It is lord of the 7th house of marriage (which has Ketu). So mantras for Saturn are recommended. In particular on Saturdays.


    You are running Rahu/Venus and Venus is aspected by both Mars and Saturn so there are some difficulties until Jan of next year.


    All remedies for Saturn are recommended. Your chart is strong for wealth.


    Also, recommend that you put back on the Gomedha stone. During Rahu MD might do you some good.








    I came across mandi today itself. i don't know if u hv seen this link:




    It is a 'shadow' planet like Rahu and Ketu, and has a malefic effect.



    I think what you are referring to as the Asc is how western astrology defines it. In western astrology, the degree of the asc is important, as house cusps depend on the degree of the Asc. In vedic astrology, the whole sign system is followed. Ie, the whole of the rising sign or lagna becomes the 1st house.


    For example. 23 degree aries is Asc, then acc to western astrology, any planet at less than 23 degree aries will fall in 12th house.

    In vedic astro, if 23 degree aries is lagna, then any planet anywhere is aries falls in 1st house. the Systems approach would however say that 23 degree becomes the 'most effective point' of tha lagna and any other house.


    These planets like Mandi, Upaketu, Gulik, etc. are called "Upagrahas" and are mentioned in the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra right after the main nine planets. In fact in that same text you can find definitions such as when Gulik is in 12th a person is attracted to base or corrupt women and things of that nature.


    I would definitely recommend BPHS to those who have not yet read it.


    - Pablo


    in any case Venus dasa will bring you good results. i doubt the birth time or the lagna.


    It's been a horrible experience: financial problems, multiple health problems, depression, loneliness, anger, frustration, lots of sadness, and loss. The grand finale will occur in September 2008, when I undergo knee-repair surgery. I can't wait for all this to be over.



    the above expenditure and other problems faced by susan imply ketu in twelth. Even Paplo's thought are correct, but the impact won't be this much.




    I would agree with Ram that Ketu in the 12th would make much more sense. How sure are you of the birth time? Luckily from both Leo and Cancer ascendants Mars is still auspicious, red coral can still be recommended. (In fact better for cancer lagna, because Mars would fall in the 6th).


    - Pablo


    ppena (what is your original name Pl ?)

    First you deffered and then agreed with my analysis.So,i suggested you to learn better before you post your replies.

    I asked you to use proper language because you don't address and end up with proper language.

    You still differ on the red coral.

    I told it is for Arjun to decide not you or me .

    I don't know your length of experiance as i am finding you recently in this forum and you only comment on somebody's analysis.Had you given your analysis at first instance i would have understood your talent.Next thing is your suggestion should be independent and addressed to the member's post and not to other member astrologer as "how is this person", "what is this person".So i advised you to learn ethics and language.

    You need not follow my advice but better take it in the right spirit.

    Learning is a continuous process for everybody.

    Give some original posts and don't be tag to somebody,

    with best wishes,



    But you addressed me specifically by name so, of course, sir, I would respond to YOU specifically.


    I DID post MY advice even before you posted yours and before responding to your post. Check the thread you will see.


    In any case I didn't disagree with your analysis only the remedy chosen.


    Yes, of course, the person can just try red coral and see what happens.


    Best of luck,




    Dear ppena/Pablo,(Real name ?)

    2nd and 7th lord is not only marakadhipati,but also significator for many other things. Don't view the charts with a narrow outlook.You got enthusiasm but seems to be lacking sufficient knowledge and experiance.

    As an aspiring astrologer, learn the ethics and use proper language.

    In this forum some people put Qs and Rs without mentioning their real names. They are afraid of revealing their identity including gender.No feed back.

    We reply to a-z.Like Shri/Smt abc Ji..........

    God alone should help everybody in this forum.

    with best wishes,:)



    Yes I am very aware that Maraka can be many other things. I am more experienced than you might imagine. But that does not mean we throw common sense out the window.


    I have been doing Jyotish for many years and have NEVER heard anyone say Mars is auspicious for Libra. While I appreciate "new ways" of thinking I'm afraid in this context your advice will do this person harm and is completely inappropriate.


    You wear gemstones to increase the GENERAL energy of a planet not for specific details. For that there are more appropriate remedies.


    I suggest you get a little more experience before posting.


    Thanks again for yor reply and remedy, I very much respect your analysis. I've got a few things to state to really find out my acs. I'm not disagreeing with you, I just want to really find out what's my right rising sign.


    About the athletic part, I meant to say I was not athletic when I was a child, I was very thin. Now I'm very athletic and extremly fit, healthy person. If I am a leo, that would mean ketu would be in my acs, I've looked at some websites and it said ketu in the 1st make person weak and ugly, I'm not weak, but I don't know If I'm ugly or not, but I've been liked by girls just by my looks, I do look younger than my age, and I've got light skin. I could send you a pick of me, if you want me to.


    I'm also very optimistic, mentally tough, broad minded and a very independent person. I'm not all weak person. I was weak once when I was a child, timid, shy, lacking mental strength. Again I retaliate, I'm not a timid, shy, reserved person anymore and I have got ambition.


    The only misfortunes I've had in my life was my mothers death and speech problem. I don't think I've had much misfortune in my life. Their other misfortune, if you can call it like that, is that I was genrally picked on at school by some people, this was because of my speech problem, and I was also shy, timid person, but this was when I was young. Also I had bad freinds when I was young, but I think it was me for picking them. I've got good freinds now. I don't think I've had much misfortune in my life.


    The hardest time in my my life was in my teenage years, age 14 till 17. I was picked on at school by some people, I was shy, reserved and timid, because of my speech problem. I did have bad grades in school but it was my mind, I was not really intrested in school. But now I've changed, evreything from my personality, to my studies, I am getting good grades at college.


    You see my mind was not up to it, if only I was a bit stronger in my mind when I was younger, maybe none of the above might not have happened, exepct for my mothers death.


    If I am a leo acs, Ketu would be in my lagna and rahu in the 7th. It it said that ketu in acs gives short life, is this true?


    Can you elabrate again a bit more on your last sentence?


    Thanks again and very appreciated,



    My mother has Ketu on the ascendant and is neither weak nor did she die young!


    You are getting confused.


    Here's your quote:


    "You see my mind was not up to it, if only I was a bit stronger in my mind when I was younger, maybe none of the above might not have happened, exepct for my mothers death."


    Mars as 4th lord debiliated in the 12th meets all these conditions. Failure to stand up against bullies, failure to have strong mind, early death of the mother.


    I am not criticizing you, I am simply saying you are a Leo and strengthening Mars would bring you benefit.


    Best wishes,




    Hello All,

    Thanks for your reply so far. I have had replies from various people from expert to visitors and all of you have been very positive in response, thanks very much for this.

    Actually i have described the whole sequence earlier, how it started and in this post i tried to be microscopic to the problem.


    I agree to all healthy post i have got and behavior wise i am bit improving as well, the only issue i face is that i am not very confident about my positive steps. the current situation is, any tiny issue can spoil the brawl.


    I have consulted one of my native place pandit ji for this, he has suggested some activity and a confirmation is still about to come.


    I could not understand "PPena ji's" comment as to, i should look/consider that how the marriage will fit into my life? Am i not suitable for marriage? Yes i am spiritual, seeks pleasure and peace, but this is something everyone seeks in this world apart from worldly things.

    few questions: 1- Was it[marriage] not supposed to be meant for me?

    2- If i do'nt perform any austerity, what can happen? in this case my good karma wont support it?

    3- I guess if i would have married to any girl in this world i have had problems with that? is it true?

    Also please highlight some aspects of my wife's kundali.




    How does Marriage fit into your life? What do you want out of life? Do you want Sannyasi? Do you want to be a householder? A playboy? Did you get married out of a sense of obligation/family duty or because it is what you really wanted? Is your issue one with your wife specifically or more a question of whether you like married life?


    It is a question of contemplation.


    You mentioned "everyone wants Pleasure and Peace" but not to the same CAPACITY! Your wife's chart is very ARTHA heavy, she lives for career. Your chart is a little more balanced.


    Maybe you should see a marriage counselor.



    There is no confusion .Mangalik or nonmangalik ,how it is studied depends upon which is strong, lagna or moon or venus.Most of the astrologers study from ascendent.In this case mars the 7th lord in lagna indicates the lady marries a known person in the same place and have attachment with him.

    Your Q is about marriage. What planets are delaying this are given and remedy is suggested.Red coral for mars is suggested because it is the lord of 2nd (addition to family) and 7th(kalatra).In a marriage one more person is added to her family as husband.The 11th house is having the aspect of exalted Sani with Mars.So,Mars is the only planet to get her married. So, giving strength to mars is very important.

    It is for you to implement or deny.In an open forum any person can question anything in their own language.

    As you requested by name,i replied.

    with best wishes,



    His analysis of strengthening Mars is correct. But NOT wearing Red coral. That is incorrect. Try mantras, yantras, pujas, charity, etc.


    Mars is double Maraka lord for Libra, quite dangerous.


    Other remedies, like the Hanuman Chalisa are required. Best wishes.



    I do'nt find any love between me and my wife, why is that? why cant i live peacfully? If possible please tell me is that my attitude is not up to the mark or i am facing problems with my wife in perticular?


    Also my wife is very thin and her mammery glands have not grwon fullly which makes her quite un-attractive to me. Can she become healthy?


    I really do'nt know what my problem is but I do'nt find Attraction => Love between us, though she is good in nature, caring & smart. and yes she expects a lot from me. I compare her with other girls and ladies.


    some thing is wrong seriously? well thing is, i am not comfortable in this new life. please help me.

    my details: 18/09/1978

    Time: 22:50 Day- Monday, Place: Sehore MP

    my wife:

    24/07/1981, Time: 10:30 AM, Place: Lanjhi or Balaghat [MP]


    I am really getting angry about this website. I posted a long reply to this person and it got "lost" because of the "time out factor". That's really annoying and has happened several times. I really wish they would fix this website.


    In any case in a nutshell your wife is very demanding and driven, very worldy.


    You are more fun-loving and quite mystical/spiritual. You have a strong desire nature. You seek pleasure, she seeks position.


    To make it work you will really need to consider how marriage fits into your life's purpose.


    You should wear a ruby. She should wear a diamond. You need to be clearer about life, Sun cycle is coming up for you that will be good.


    She needs to try and be more feminine, honoring Lakshmi daily.


    If that happens maybe the marriage is saveable.


    Best of luck,




    Hi All !!


    I am worried a lot about my brother. He is studying and is an excellent student. but these days he is in lot of trouble due to one proffessor. he got placement in a very nice company but cannot join because of this person.we are very tensed as all his efforts will

    go in vain bcoz of one person.


    date : 9 april 1985

    time : 00:15

    place : jaipur city , rajasthan


    will he be able to get his degree this year and join his job before august?

    how does future look for him career wise?


    please help!!!


    He must honor Lord Mercury. He is in a Mercury cycle and Mercury rules professors and educators.


    Tell him to chant the Vishnu sahasranama on Wednesdays. Dedicate it to Mercury. Every Wednesday.


    There is a book called "The greatness of Saturn". In it there are some stories related to Mercury which would be good for him to read.


    Sat is afflicting the natal moon which is debiliated in the 12th house so the book is good for him overall.


    For gemstones, of course, I assume he's already wearing a Yellow Sapphire. If not, he should begin that right away (Jupiter goes direct in Saggitarius on Sep. 11th of this year. That is MOST auspicious time).


    He has some significant challenges in life. Jupiter, Mercury and Moon are all debilitated and 3 retrograde planets. Jupiter is in the 2nd house of education so this lila is no surprise.


    Still Venus and Mars are strong.


    Jupiter (Guru) is most important to worship.


    - Pablo


    In February 2009, my much hated Ketu dasha will finally come to a most welcome end. It's been a horrible experience: financial problems, multiple health problems, depression, loneliness, anger, frustration, lots of sadness, and loss. The grand finale will occur in September 2008, when I undergo knee-repair surgery. I can't wait for all this to be over. My birth data is:


    5:16 am EDT

    September 3, 1954

    Acushnet, MA, US




    Would anyone care to comment on my impending Venus dasha??


    Thank you,


    Susan [female]


    At first this post puzzled me. I would have expected better results for Ketu MD. It is in the 11th house alongside Jupiter and it's lord is in the ascendant with ascendant lord Sun.


    I would have expected financial gain yet health difficulties.


    But you had both!


    But then I noticed Ketu is in Ardra a fierce Nakshatra ruled over by a detiy known as "the howler" as he can cause one to howl in agony and aspected by a weak mars. This would cause issues with anger/impulsivenes and problems with the blood.


    Mars should be strengthened in this chart. I would get a pretty large red coral and put it on Tuesday when the moon is waxing. Red coral is particularly good for recovering from physical injury/trauma/surgery, etc.


    A great place for these gemstones is planetarygems dot com.


    As for the Venus cycle, of course one would expect much sweeter results. Venus is in its own sign alongside an exalted Saturn in a mild nakshatra. It will be a great time for artistic expression (particularly with the hands) and wealth as well.


    Relationship with siblings, friends and alliances will prosper and you will travel.


    - Pablo


    Thnx for the insight Pablo.


    Now say if a strong raj yoga is formed in a chart, and the planets forming the raj yoga are all malefics, in this situation will the raj yoga get cancelled or the impact would be less.





    Yogas are based on house lords not the natural indication of planets.


    An example:


    1st case) Let's say a Taurus ascendant has Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces. This would be a strong yoga for wealth as the 2nd and 11th lords are in mutual reception.


    2nd case) Let's say a Capricorn lagna has Mars in Aquarius and Saturn in Scorpio, same yoga!


    The difference is that in the 1st case the yoga would manifest easily (debiliated mercury wouldn't be such a problem) and the person gets wealth gracefully and quickly.


    In the second case the wealth will not come so easily and the person may have to work hard. The yoga would manifest more slowly with obstacles to overcome.


    Still ,wealth is pretty certain in both cases.



    Saturn in lagna and Rahu placement in 8th can obstruct the marriage proposals and delay in fixing the marriage.

    She has to do Shanti to these planets on Saturday in any temple.

    Marriage likely by 5/2009.

    She is not mangalik.She can wear red coral on her little finger.She can wear a pearl , ruby also. No other gem.

    with best wishes,



    I'm not sure how this person can say she is not manglik. 2 conditions are there Mars in the ascendant and mars 7th from moon, both manglik conditions.


    In addition Mars is inauspicious for Libras why would you ask her to wear red coral? Also, Sun is inauspicious as well, so no Ruby either. The only good gemstones for her would be Diamond for Venus, Emerald for mercury though she doesn't really need either.


    - Pablo


    Respected Guru ji's,


    This is one of the relative (Female)chart

    Is it the right time for her to get married?

    She is currently doing her PG studies as a part time, and working in a private concern.

    Is manglik or rahu-ketu dosha present?

    How will be her marriage prospects. How will be her carreer/occupation after marriage.


    dob : 21 july 1984

    time : 12:30 pm(afternoon)

    place : madurai (tamil nadu)

    Need prediction and remedies(gemstone or worship to be done) on the chart.


    Thank you,



    She is Manglik. The moon should be strengthened in the chart. Honoring Chandra on Mondays is important.


    She is currently running Su/Moon so it is possible for marriage from now until before Dec, 2008.


    However possibilites are stronger during her moon cycle (2014). But that is up to her.


    She will have a very strong career. No doubt about it, with or without marriage.


    - Pablo


    Respected astrologers, and anyone else who has experience with this placement, could you tell me how it colors the personality of a person? Does it, for example, make others afraid or suspicious of the person, or just uncomfortable around tht person ? Or make the person look mysterious or shady in the eyes of others?


    I have Rahu in Cancer lagna, and currently undergoing Rahu mahadasha. Do you thinks its effects become more pronounced in the mahadasha?


    Rahu doesn't do so well in Cancer. Pearl is recommended.


    Rahu on the ascendant can give one a dark or shady appearance. It may make one seem mysterious to others. It gives an exaggerated ego, ambitious but not always realistic.


    It gives strong cravings for fame and very strong worldy appetites.


    If the chart is strong it can be a great time for career and notoriety, if the chart is weak it can make one suffer alot.


    Rahu is like Saturn and can make one feel depressed and isolated. But unlike Saturn is has a quality of glamour & illusion and sometimes success comes out of nowhere very quickly but that still may not bring mental peace or happiness.


    Rahu on the ascendant brings many changes and challenges in life. There is a natural attraction to foreigners, foreign lands, strange and unusual things. Often during Rahu MD a person desires eating Meat and some unhealthy habits like alcohol & drugs.


    But the chart must be analyzed on its own.


    - Pablo


    Hello Everyone,


    How are the effects of yogas formed by malefics? Is it negative or yogas don't have much to do with the planet being benefic or malefic.


    Like if Hamsa Maha Purush yoga (Jupiter exalted or in own sign) is formed, but Jupiter is a malefic for the birth ascendent, then what is the outcome of the yoga?


    Also if kaal sarp yoga is formed in a chart, but Rahu and Ketu are benefically placed, then what are the outcomes?





    Hamsa yoga is always good. It would be better if Jupiter lords auspicious houses but still it is always good.


    I know someone with Capricorn lagna with Jupiter in 7th exalted and only cause some minor problems in relationships but for the most part is auspicious with much wealth, spirituality and opportunity in life.


    Kala Sarpa yoga is a totally different thing. It is difficult, makes the native live a strange but interesting life. There can be wild fluctuations in fortune.


    The film director Francis Ford Coppola has Kala Sarpa yoga and has made millions in film and lost millions as well.


    I believe there are Yajnas you can do for kala sarpa yoga. Sometimes you can wear Gomedha stone but you must first have your chart checked by professional astrologer.


    - Pablo


    what is the combination or yoga to judge whether a native will be into astrology or not???


    in kolkata there is a research astrologist named ronotosh saha and his predictive methods are named under "RS poddhoti". idont know if anyone has heard him or not.


    he says 1,2,10 combination but it is not yielding satisfactory results to test cases .maybe i am wrong in judging as he is a great astrologer and there is very less chance he will say something outright without considerable testing.


    so frnds if you people know any such combinations for being into asrology it will be great help to all learners of the science


    Planets in the 8th and 12th houses give an interest in astrology. Ketu in the ascendant as well. BUt to be a good astrologer mercury must have good strength. There is no "sure-fire" formula to predict who will be a good astrologer.


    1,2, 10 makes absolutely no sense to me. It will give strength to the chart but has little to do with astrology.


    - Pablo




    I was born on 20/11/67 at 5.55am in Singapore.

    Is there anyone there could help me with my Astro. At the moment I am working as a Night Auditor in a hotel. :crying2: I badly need to change my life career. When wil there be a change in my life to better blissful future. Thank you in advance. ;)


    You must wear a diamond. Put it on Friday when the moon is waxing. Venus is very weak in the chart (12th house, debilitated & aspected only by Saturn).


    Honor Lakshmi or some feminine form of the divine. Lakshmi mantras are great.


    You should strive to do something creative every day! whether it be writing, drawing, singing, etc.


    Also for your chart I would highly recommend a book called "The artist's way" by Julia Cameron.


    - Pablo

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