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Posts posted by Ayush

  1. Dear Ships,


    For one set of planets (lagna chart) there could be different date, time and place. In simple there would be many people who have same chart like yours who hail from different places have different birth time and birth place.


    So, its not possible to get birth details just by looking at the natal chart.




  2. Dear aaadietya,


    I would like to thank you for helping lost souls with your guidance using the eminent knowledge you have in the field of astrology. Although I've found your posts to be more of a promotional means.


    Sir, please use this forum as a medium to help others not a way of making money. You would like to help, then post all the details about the native without leaving anything for an off forum conversation.


    Decision is yours and its your life and you better know the way of doing things than me. For the moment I thought to put a check and I hope you did not get offended by that.




  3. Dear astro_1980,


    What your parents have said is true. The female's chart has Mars in 12th house Leo which makes her Manglik.


    Although being Manglik (Kuja Dosha) is not the only factor while considering two charts. There are various other discrepant factors in the above two charts.


    In all there will be hardship, a lot of struggle to get along together, a major possibility of ego clash with you being the protagonist.


    According to vedic astrology, this match is not suitable, although if you will do everything depending on astrology then you will loose your sanity. If you both are in love, get along and do whatever you feel like, after all that's what this life is all about.




  4. Dear All,


    I've been a member of this forum for a while, met some good astrologers and have seen people with various problems which really look bad.


    But for this very moment, I feel I've seen enough in this life of mine. I'm 24 and I consider myself worthless and nothing less than a parasite. I started working when I was 18 to fund my education. Today all I see is darkness and noway to get over the misery and bog around me.


    I've been into something which I can call major chronic depression for past few months. My decision to join some college has also not worked and I'm back again at my parental dwelling, doing nothing other than wasting my time thinking does my life really makes sense, or will it ever.


    Whats the point of getting into astrology learning about planets and stars when all you see is misery and poverty which pull you more and more in them creamed up with destructive thoughts from family.


    I cannot see much of a reason to write all this in this forum, even this is not a mental counseling space. But I think I've had enough of all this. I cannot move, cannot go on, I feel stuck up and I feel screwed up to the best. And for all this if I can blame someone then that would always be my sire.


    If anyone feels like having a look at a guy who has done nothing in his life, then these are the details...


    15th October 1984; 04:07 AM; Rourkela, India.


    And I humbly apologize for my erratic behaviour.

  5. Dear Unanth,


    Good clarification there, and I'm sure for a novice there's a lot to learn from you. Although my speculation are purely my own self perceptions. If one doesn't knows a science he has no right to contradict it, and so I won't comment on atrocious religions people follow over the world.


    I guess its 9th house Taurus with Rahu and Moon, making me far away from religion and gives me a different outlook for things around the corner.


    Although I appreciate your insight and thanks everyone on this thread for bringing in so much of information. I surely have learned a few things about Gems.




  6. Dear Unanth,


    Thanks a lot for the input, it was helpful.


    When a person wears a gem, its something which looks physical, where as prayers are more of mental work or counseling as they have more to do with religion one follows.


    When you talk about science, there are many reasons people don't believe in astrology. One of them being the remedies. I do understand gemstones are not the basis of remedies, but are prayer and mantras true remedies?


    This would be a perpetual debate. But sometimes I wonder how logical and illogical this beautiful world is.




  7. Dear Rohini nakshatra..


    The theory of having a very good memory hold good for me too, but I can't remember text or bookish words, rather I can easily recall movie scenes, dialogues, incidents, even remember random dates. Its strange, how so many things change with a Deeply Combust and retrograde mercury in my chart.


    Thanks Deepa and unnath, I got the conception about being a Mars native clear. Now I can understand how I have different characteristics as compared to other natives with combust mercury.

  8. Dear Deepa,


    What made you identify me as a Mars native? I've Virgo Asc with Sun in it, and Libra the 2nd house has exalted saturn, venus, and mercury.

    Mars is in 4th house Sag with Jupiter.


    Dear nritya ji,


    The chart mentioned by you has Asc Sag, and the lord of the house is exalted in 8th house cancer. The person should be having a good personality.

    4th house Pisces has Sun, retro & combust Mercury and combust Mars.


    According to littleangel's post, the fifth point says if planet is retrograde, the delebration gets canceled. So I guess Mercury is fine. The native is under Mars MD till 2009, maybe its because of the nature or planet Mars she is behaving in such a way, although I won't comment on that, I'm novice.


    I've done some research on Mercury being combust. In my chart its Deeply combust and retrograde. I found, when a plent is retrograde it becomes more powerful. Its also said that retrograde planets loose their physical strength but gains the mental aspect.


    People have told me I've good IQ, but I don't understand how a deeply combust mercury give me intelligence.




  9. I've been trying to get some information about the same for a while and thanks for the update.


    I have a deeply combust mercury in Libra with Sun in Virgo Ascendent.

    But I don't have communication problems, rather I'm more of a person with great communication. Further I've seen myself demanding, asking whatever I need straight ahead even to anyone.


    But I have a fast tongue and at times I feel wrapped up in my own words.


    Mercury is Retrograde in my chart, does that makes the changes?




  10. Dear sakthi,


    Whats wrong with you? Why do you have to live your life depending upon your husband's life? Take a stand and try to look through yourself. You are an individual and you have all the right to live a life the way you want.


    If your husband is not comming back, why are you wasting your time screwing up your own beautiful life. Saturn maybe bad and harsh, but does it mean people would stop living their life when the MD starts?


    Its time to move on. Get yourself a job, and file the divorce papers if you haven't done it yet. The days of those uneducated indian nari is gone. Its time to play smart and be intelligent. Don't be a fool to waste your time.


    I hope my words act as an eye opener for you. I once again repeat, don't waste your life because of someone else's. If things don't work you should change them for your benefit.




  11. Dear anamika1,


    Born lucky is what you are.. You get everything without even asking for it.


    Your 7th house Gemini is empty and its lord Mercury is placed in 11th house with Sun, Mars and Rahu. Further the karaka for marriage i.e. Venus is in 12th house also being the lord of 11th house Libra.


    This shows there will be problems in your married life. You will get tensed and small domestic affairs may rise your temper. For having a good domestic life you need to keep your anger under control.


    With my limited knowledge in Astrology I cannot assure how the number of marriage and children. But a quick look at your chart says there are chances of getting into a relationships in between 2011 and 2013.


    Hang around, you would be able to know more about your chart in this forum for sure. Deepa, Pablo and Sasisekaranji are a few prominent astrologers around and they would surely help you out.




  12. Dear Bobby,


    According to the details mentioned your venus MD has just started and will last for 20yrs. You need to have patience to see results comming by your side.


    There is a possibility that you not be able to take care of money matters properly or you may end up doing bad investments, for which you should take care.


    Also, business related to heavy industries or minerals or something similar to that would fetch you good returns.


    You have a good chart and with my limited knowledge in astrology I don't see much to bother about. Trust Karma rest will come by itself.


    There maybe a possibility of an extra marital affair or very close friends who can do anything for you.




  13. Marriage, Spouse, Partnership, Interactions they all are covered in the 7th house, then why is Navamsa considered?


    Also Dharma is related to 9th house, does 9th house has anything to do with Navamsa?


    There are also various charts which I see more often generated by softwares, like Dasamsa Chart, Trimsamsa Chart and Moon Chart.


    Its a bit confusing for a Novice like to me understand the significance of these charts when most of the time I've seen astrologers considering only Birth Chart.

  14. Dear probablyankita,


    I believe you are overstraining yourself. No matter what deity you worship, you should always remember you are doing it for your own moral/intellectual upliftment. If chanting mantras and playing in temple can make a bogus get into MIT for PHd then everyone might have been doing that.


    Help yourself and help others whom you can help. The hands folded to worship a lord and even better when used to help one in need. And tust me it feels great to help anyone who deserves it.


    I can't answer your above mentioned questions, but if you think just by doing all those things can solve all your problems then you are highly mistaken. Do something for your parents and you will find a genuine smile on their face which will even make you feel better. This is not a forum to discuss these aspects of life, but I would also like to mention if nothing works out there are medications which can help you get over depression.


    P.S. - Always remember You need to help yourself. Even God can't do a thing if you don't wanna get over it.

  15. Dear mysticsanket,


    Interesting topic, and one where I would always like to say a few words.


    First of all I consider Astrology as a Science. Being specific a science of various combinations. Lets say A was born with such and such chart, an analysis was done and his whole life / biography was saved with his chart. Same was done with B. Now when an individual is born with a chart like A, we can easily say he will have this kind of life with reference to A's biography. With time this science of various combinations evolved and predictions became close and correct.


    But when you talk about transits and rays, I really don't consider much from them. It has been said in vedas that Saturn aspects such planets and has enemy with such so we accept it the way it is, without questioning whether Saturn really emmits some rays on other planets or not. As very clearly its all about combinations and drawing conclusions.


    The same is with palmistry. Different lines form different combinations and help in predictions.


    People do not believe in Astrology because first of all they give priority to karma and its great to think in such way. Some people half heartedly belive in Astrology because they see predictions becoming true and they fear evil. And some devote themselves because they find peace and happiness.


    But I believe in astrology only as a science. It was a good example about the tree falling on head or shoulder and that is where this science can help individuals, by indicating them about good or bad.


    One should never discard a science if you don't know anything about it. Its foolish of scientists who discard Astrology without even understanding the principles used. Although I do know sometimes Astrology is misused and overly hyped which should not be done.


    I would be eagerly waiting to have some more insight from learned astrologers of the forum.




  16. Dear probablyankita,


    Sasisekaran Ji is one of the best astrologers on the forum and you should take his advise seriously.


    It was sad going through your post, but you should always remember, nothing can help you unless you won't try to help yourself. Anger depression irritation everything comes by itself and before you know what harm its doing, it take away everything from you.


    You have Rahu and Moon together in 10th house Taurus. Even I have the same combination in my 9th house Taurus. Undoubtly this combination gives rise to confusion, severe depression, thoughts to suicide and many more. Unfortunately currently I'm undergoing the mentioned dasa and can understand what you must have felt. But the good news for you is that Rahu MD will be over by the next month and you will see a remarkable change in your life.


    Don't give up, you have a wonderful life to live. If you find your depression uncontrollable you should consult a professional.


    Hope you found my words helpful.




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