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Posts posted by Ayush

  1. Dear Deepaji,


    Thanks once again for going through my chart and apologies for being so late.


    I should tell ya, this forum runs on your name. Man, couple of times I went through the posts and every 1 out of 3 post is for Deepaji asking for advise. Now, you are the Queen in here for sure.


    After reading your advise, I feel quite comfortable and relaxed. Don't you think its a bad thing in all the species that they look for things to be good and on the right side. All we need is just some good news to hold on for that one more day hoping things will change for good. Who in this world wants things to go bad, but still so many things go bad.


    Deepaji, if you don't mind can I address you as Deepa? The Ji thing is always a bit difficult.


    I have a few doubts which if you can clear would surely help me a lot.


    This maybe a bit obnoxious but still being so confused I need advises on all grounds. What do you think would be the best branch while going for a Management Degree (Marketing, Systems, Operations)

    Please let me know which field would be the best and most lucrative for me.

    I'm damn confused within my own thoughts.


    Hope good things happen to everyone and we all live happily.



  2. Dear Deepaji,


    The confused soul is once again restless.


    I have so many questions running in my mind about the above mentioned chart of mine, but I would cut them short.



    Today I went to a professional astrologer in my area for consultation. He told me in my chart


    Benefics are Budh, Shukra

    Malefics are chandra, mangal and guru

    Neutrals are ravi and shani

    Maraks are mangal and guru



    Then he said, although you have good planets there are very bad ones too. Like if the good ones are 100% then the bad ones are 150%. At this point I didn't argue or ask him much.

    He himself said that Mangal and Guru are malefics and they are much more stronger than benefics. This maybe because mangal is param akaraka for virgo ascendants.


    He advised me not to think of foreign travel, you can not immigrate or settle in a foreign land, although you may have a long stays abroad. He said even though if you go abroad right now for higher studies it will not be fruitful.


    As you said I've a good chart, an A category one, so I thought I would be lucky enough to do great things in this gifted life. But then what really did the other astrologer comment in that way. Please do clarify about the weak planets, are Mangal and Guru not placed well?




  3. Dear Deepaji,


    Thanks for explaining me the chart.


    The native has been a house wife since 1983. i.e. since Jupiter + Mercury Dasha. She got into Business in Saturn + Sun Dasha in 2005.


    I belive being a house wife, Jupiter didn't do much of a harm. She had been an introvert, so never have had much friends. At home she have had problems with in laws so she separated. That was in early Saturn mahadasha.


    I think it was in 2003 when things went really wrong. Financial troubles due to husband's business affairs. I think it might be due to wrong birth time that the vimsottri dasha is not showing right planets.


    Being self employed she has been working a lot and have a lot of health troubles, like pain in muscles and bones, and some gynecological problem.


    Since the beginning of this year, the native has been in a lot of troubles again. Husband's debt got on to her, and even though her business is doing good, she is not able to save money due to husband's loans and debts which are in her name. Health is also detoriating and she has been asked to be operated by the doctor.


    The native has been wearing a Red Coral since 1980, is it inauspicious?

    Also the native has been wearing an Emerald.


    What do you think her relationship with husband, and childrens?


    What remedies do you see should be taken both health wise and financially.




  4. Respected Sirs,


    What do you think about foreign travel, when does it look possible?


    Since Kuja Dosha is present, what remedies can I take for the same?


    Will reading ram raksha stotra help in this chart?


    Vrishabh rashi people are undergoing kantaka shani period, when this period be over? Also what can I do to reduce the effects for the same.


    Since past 5 yrs I've not been able to do anything in my life, moreoever my relationships with people have also gone down. Why has Rahu shown such a bad time, if its not that bad in the chart?




  5. Respected Sirs,

    Please consider this chart. 15th October 1984; 04:07 AM; Rourkela.


    How will be the Rahu + Mars Dasha? Does it indicate going away from family? Will it cause physical strain or accident?


    Will strengthen the Lagnesh and the Moon help? How can I do so?


    Does Mars in 4th house create Kuja Dosh? Is it true that Jupiter cancells the dosh?


    Please suggest some remedies for this chart.


    Thanks & Regards


  6. Dear All,


    I've been trying to understand Kaal Sarp Yoga for a very long time but still have a lot of confusion with it.


    After going through a very educating thread on Kaal Sarp Yoga on this forum I finally decided to come up with a few questions to the distinguished astrologers here.

    http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/447247-what-mean-kala-sarpa-thosam-kala-sarpa-yogam.html


    Please consider this chart.


    Date of Birth : 16th March 1960

    Time : 05:30 AM ( Considered as just before sunshine, although exact time unknown)

    Place : Buxar


    The native has kumbh lagna, has Ketu in second house and rahu in eight house. As far as what I read, a Kaal Sarp yoga is formed when Rahu is placed up in the chart and Ketu is down. That means planets come in between Rahu and Ketu not Ketu and Rahu.


    But in this chart, planets are there between Ketu and Rahu not Rahu and Ketu, so does it mean there is no Kaal Sarp Yoga?


    Also the positions indicate Karkotik Kalsarpa Yoga, and even the native's life has been quite similar to the ill effects in this yoga, like there has been no inheritence from paternal side, the native never have had much friends, and even the health has been depleting since past few years.


    Thanks & Regards


  7. Dear sasisekaran


    Once again thanks for doing a deep study on the chart.


    The ace of illness was somewhere in the mid of December 2006.


    I'm more concerned about the future of the native.

    Please do guide on this matter.


    What remedies should be taken into considerationg to reduce the bad effects of the comming dasas.


    Also I would be grateful if you can evaluate the chart on the following grounds.


    Is this time good academically?


    What would be the native's financial condition throughout his life?


    How would be the relationship with spouse?


    Are there indications of repetation of illness?


    In which field would the native be eminent?




  8. Dear Deepaji,


    I'm sure you will pass the mentinoed bad phase with flying colours. You should know that over here in this forum, people look at you as a person who has good knowledge in Astrology, and one who can guide a lost soul. So I believe its more important for you to keep up with what you are and never loose yourself, no matter what stars indicate.


    Its good to know that the remedies are working well for you.

    May God Bless you, and you have a wonderful and long life.




  9. Dear All,

    Nice article there by Deepaji.


    As it has been discussed here, one should take astrology as a science which can guide us, and not which can do everything and anything for us.


    Like umbaba said, one cannot sit back at home and sleep thinking I have rajyoga so I'll be getting everything by itself. One need to work to get the results. Astrology can either give very auspecious results or some results which are not good. But what matters the most is a genuine effort.




  10. Hi,


    I've been in this forum for quite some time now, and undoubtely my knowledge in astrology is increasing every day.


    Being a novice I started reading my own chart and I'm still stuck with many questions related to that.


    I would be grateful if you can spend some time going through the below mentioned Thread and reply to my questions. It maybe a bit time consuming, but again it would mean a lot to me.


    http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/vedic astrology-jyotisha/447144-ayush-your-request-chart.html




  11. Dear Deepaji,

    Before I begin, I should tell you, that the chart happens to be my own.


    Before you begin reading I should mention that I've asked as much as questions I can think about related to my chart. It would mean a lot if you can assess all of them and take your time answering them in details, as I'm quite novice in this world of astrology and I believe theres a lot to be learnt from people like you, and it can only be there when you all show interest in teaching us, as what I've seen in other threads and posts.


    Now, here are a few of my doubts which I would be pleased if you can throw some light on them.


    1. Lets talk about Rahu + Moon combination. As far as I know this combination is for mental illness, and it makes a native commit suicide in worst case scenario. I've discussed my chart with a few other astrologers over here, who said although your Rahu is in MKS and Moon is exalted, and both are in Taurus, you will only have confusions in current dasha, but nothing like mental illness or suicide. What do you think about this combination?


    2. I was even told that the next dasa of Rahu + Mars would bring more problems in life, it would cause a lot of physical strain, and there is also a possibility of accident. So, is it like Rahu + Mars would be more trouble some than Rahu + Moon?


    3. You said Vrishabh rashi people are undergoing kantaka shani period. But then what about Mars in 4th house, which creates a manglik dosh, but as its with Jupiter, the dosh gets cancelled. Still Rahu + Mars creates another yoga for foreign travel. Please do clarify, is this combination right for foreign travel? Or is it because Rahu is also in Vrishabh rashi?


    4. You said Rahu is placed well. As far as my novice knowledge in astrology goes, if Rahu is placed beneficially, it gives wealth, foreign travel, trade etc etc, but if malefically placed it creates problems and more problems. Now, why is it like I'm facing these troubles in life if Rahu is well placed?


    5. You said - Lagna Lord mercury is deeply combust - have you thought why and how Sun is not even in the same bhava.. I always thought Mercury is neutral in Libra with Saturn and Venus. Also if you can explain sun not being in the same bhava.


    6. What would you recommend for strengethening the lagnesh, the moon, and reducing the effects of saturn.



    There are some other aspects of my chart which I want you to consider and explain me if you can.




    7. Sun in Virgo (Asc), does it makes me short tempered? Is it like by wearing a copper ring, I can control my anger, and short temper? Is it the sun which also creates ego problems?


    8. Saturn, Venus, Mercury in House of wealth being Libra, and saturn is Exalted. How do you think would the Saturn dash would be? What are the prospects of gaining wealth looks like? It would be great if you can also suggest the right field for the right career and wealth.


    9. Does Saturn indicate it will pay me back in its dasha on whatever I'll do before that, say in the dasa of Jupiter. Also does saturn indicate wealth from something related to black, like black people, or steel or raw materials?


    10. I have not done much work on Ketu being in 3rd house. Please do tell me what does it look like?


    11. Is it true that Mars + Jupiter kills Kuju Dosha? How would the Jupiter dasa be like? Jupiter is in Sag, does it create Mahapurush yoga? If yes, what can I expect out of this period? Will mars reduce the good effects of Jupiter?


    12. Lord of 7th house Piesces, is in 4th house being Jupiter. What do you think about my relationships? Will I end up having many affairs, and marrying none? As thats what my palm lines indicate.


    13. What are the bad combinations that you can see in this chart?


    14. Finally, our family is going through a very bad financial crunch, and it is mostly because of my father's sadhe sati and also my mother's shani dasa. Since I'm dependent, I'm having a lot of troubles sorting out what to make out of my life. I didn't study well so I'm not getting the right job, and I don't wanna work for some bits and pieces which won't even make a career. I've been in the field of Computers ever since, but I don't wanna become just another Computer Engineer. I think big in life and wanna do great things. I applied to various universities abroad, and they all selected me, but due to financial problems was unable to proceed with it. Now I'm planning to take MBA entrance exam and join some Business School to get some good placement. Because of all these factors I feel very depressed, and simply unable to plan what to get out of my life.


    So, do you think this period is good for studies, and would I be able to make it to some good business schools? What area you think I can do well in, is it MBA or MSc in Computer Science or something like that.


    Please do take your time and answer all my questions. It would mean a lot and would surely help me starightening my life, as I'm very very confused and depressed. I must say I thought of self annhilation, but I gave it up just on the thought that I've a bright future ahead. So wanna make it shine as much as it can.


    Thanks once again for your time and concern.








    dear shri.ayush,


    your brother's chart seems to contain negatives.


    start from lagna. lagna contains two enemies sitting

    together causing conflicts. in addition to this, rahu's

    aspect comes in. the sign itself is eigth of the kaalapurusha.

    there is an exchange between saturn and mars, occuring in

    the house of lagna and fourth house of 'sukha '.


    the positive factor is that of lagna lord's association with

    a strong benefic jupiter. yet the very same jupiter is the

    lord of 64th navamsa, thereby bringing in difficulty.


    Atma karka is mercury, who is the eigth lord.. merc is

    placed in 12th in rasi and eigth in navamsa. it is bad.


    moon is placed in bhadaka sthana. moon is bhadakathipati

    for this lagna. moon dasa started in 2002 end.


    much more can be written, but i would like to stop here.

    more than normal vimsottari dasa scheme, you can apply

    shastihayani dasa. it does throw more light. did his problems start from 2003 onwards ?


    if you can provide date, month and year details of sickness

    we can compare vimsottari and shastihayani. i prefer

    shastihayani in this case very much.


    may mother bless all







    Dear Sasisekaran,

    Thanks for evaluating the chart.

    I believe his sickness started somewhere in the year 2003. He used to be violent since then. In December 2006, he tried sleeping pills. By Jan 2007 he was very violent, he used to disrespect everyone in the family. But by mid 2007 he became normal.

    Although we know the reasons for his steps and sickness, I want to see how relevant does it look in his chart. Thats another reason why I'm worried with my Moon + Rahu combination.


    Finally, Sasisekaran, I would be pleased if you can discuss this chart from all the aspects. If not here then in another thread.




  13. Dear Deepaji,

    I though of writing this post on your "Foreign travel indicator" thread, but I guess people have already started creating new threads asking questions on the same.


    I want you to consider this chart:

    15th October 1984 ; 04:07 AM ; Rourkela.


    Rahu is in 9th house which is its MKS. But Moon is exalted in 9th. Now, you mentioned, Dasha of Rahu also indicates foreign travel as rahu is a significator of foreign country. But the native has tried going abroad several times (in Rahu Dasha), but failed on all the attempts. Rahu + Moon dasha (which is currently running) is also know for foreign travel, and when both of them are in the same house and Moon being exalted, why is foreign travel not being possible?

    Is it because of Rahu being in MKS, that all of its positive effects have gone negative. It can be seen in the native that his study abroad/go abroad plan has ruined his present.

    Then its the 4th house, which has Mars and Jupiter. Mars in 4th house makes the native manglik, and as you mentioned, the native goes away from the family, in this dasha. So, does it mean Rahu + Mars dasha will make the native go away from the family, and will also cause physical pain?

    Its a bit confusing. Why are these combinations which indicate foreign travel do not fetch foreign travel even though when the native has desperately tried for it.

    I would be grateful if you can evaluate this chart for foreign travels, and suggest whether foreign settlement looks possible for the native or not?

    Thanks once again


  14. As Deepaji said, just relax. You don't need to worry much about these things.

    You should understand, if one doesn't know addition, how can he understand a balance sheet. The terms on which you demanded explaination are kind of similar to this theory.

    So if you really wanna know what these terms are in your nasal chart, you also need to know how indian astrology works.


    Hope it helps.




    om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.ayush,


    rahu is placed in marana karaka sthana in the ninth house.

    this shows your attitude towards pitris/elders/gurus. rahu's

    tendency is to cross the boundaries. if it is placed badly and

    afflicted it takes a person totally away from dharma. otherwise

    if beneficially disposed it makes the person cross seas to earn

    a living.


    rahu is against guru and gets neecha in dhanus. ketu , gyna karaka

    gets exalted in the ninth house (consider kaalapurusha's ) of guru.


    you were born in the thiti of guru. the lesson you should take

    from both of these is that you should never neglect pitiris/elders/guru.

    if you do so, you will be punished. please consider this seriously.


    in addition to this, rahu is placed in lagna in navamsa showing

    your natural ability to cross boundaries. hence it becomes all the

    more important to respect your elders etc..


    since rahu/moon period is running do paatha pooja to elders. in this

    period of exalted period of moon, you can worship paaduka and everyday

    at the end of the pooja , keep the paaduka on your head and pray

    krishna. ( Lord Krishna has exalted moon ).


    otherwise no need to draw parallel to other charts we are discussing.

    Please note scientist Einstein had moon with rahu. was he mentally ill ?

    no. but he crossed boundary and helped americans build atom bomb

    and kill lakhs of lifes...his mental ability ?


    may mother bless all







    Dear Sasiskeran,


    Thanks a lot for evaluating my own chart. I believe this minor depression in my life would not only make me more stong but would also led to a good life.


    Getting back to the topic of mental illness, my brother suffered with schizophrenia, and was highly depressed a few years back. He took a drug overdose and did something which he souldn't have done. Although he have had a narrow escape, he remained depressed for a long time. It was only when dashas changed, his attitute towrds everything changed.


    He was under Rahu + Moon dasha when he got depressed and tried self annihilation. While in Rahu + Mars, he had mood swings. Finally now he is under Jupited + Jupiter, but still sometimes he goes violent and looks depressed.


    His Details : 19th November 1986 ; 06:53 AM ; Patna.


    I would be grateful if you can throw some light on this chart, and also evaluate (present and future) a bit if you can.


    Most importantly does this chart falls in the category being discussed over here? If yes, under what combinations? If no, then why did the native went so depressed and violent?




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