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Posts posted by Govindaram
The Journey of Self - Discovery-
Chapter Seven (excerpt)
Devotee: But Darwin says there are many species, like dinosaurs, that are seen to be extinct.
Srila Prabhupada: What has he seen? He is not so powerful that he can see everywhere or everything. His power to see is limited, and by that limited power he cannot conclude that one species is extinct. That is not possible. No scientist will accept that. After all, all the senses by which you gather knowledge are limited, so how can you say this is finished or that is extinct? You cannot see. You cannot search out. The earth's circumference is twenty-five thousand miles; have you searched through all the layers of rock and soil over the whole earth? Have you excavated all those places?
Devotee: No.
Dinos may be 'extict' here on this Earth, but somewhere on another Island {planet} they are havin fun. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
"I have heard by listening to Harinama the seed is planted, is this true?"
In another thread Thiest prabhuji talks about soil, so is the above like preparation? {soil}, In the start.
Garden Conversation
with Professors, Chairman
of the Religion Dept. of U.S.C.,
and Dr. Stillson Judah, and others
June 24, 1975, Los Angeles
Therefore according to Vedic civilization, there are seven mothers. So you cannot kill your mother. That is not very good philosophy. And who can deny, "The cow is not mother"? Who has got this audacity? You are drinking milk in the very morning. Christ says, "Thou shall not kill?-wholesale killing stop." And the Vedic literature is little liberal. It does not say, "Thou shall not kill," but, <font color="red">"You shall not kill at least cow." </font color> But the wholesale stop is not possible. The Vedic wisdom knows that. But you shall not kill at least cow. That is civilization.
Govinda-lover of the cows.
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mali hana kare sei bija aropana
sravana-kirtana-jale karaye secana
mali hana-becoming a gardener; kare-does; sei-that; bija-seed of devotional service; aropana-sowing; sravana-of hearing; kirtana-of chanting; jale-with the water; karaye-does; secana-sprinkling.
When a person receives the seed of devotional service, he should take care of it by becoming a gardener and sowing the seed in his heart. If he waters the seed gradually by the process of sravana and kirtana [hearing and chanting], the seed will begin to sprout.
(Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructs Rupa Gosvami)
<font color="red"> ====</font color>
How does a person recieve the seed of devotional service?
I have heard by listening to Harinama the seed is planted, is this true?
"In the past yugas you could walk to other parts of Bhu-mandala"
Wow! what do you know about the dinosaurs, did they live 250millions of years ago? and why isn't there any human remains to be found of this age, is it false propaganda?
Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.6.3-4
San Francisco, March 8, 1967
Meditation on Visnu was possible in the golden age, or in the Satya-yuga. Satya-yuga means at that time the people used to live for one hundred thousands of years. And they were all perfect in religious life. There was no flaw.
you know this world is full of duality, so in Satya-yuga everything is good, I don't get it.
{Krsna-Balarama Mandir Festival Gallery}
Caran of the Lord..
Anybody heard of this film?
What an ironic title, for a spiritulist its hilarious.
I wonder what the obsession is with Horror, maybe we could dove-tail it someway?
Even the demi-gods were horrified when Lord Narasimha ripped apart Hiranyakashipu to pieces, how about that for nightmares?
Sorry, I don't understand your question. Could you clarify?
You said there are pure devotees in India, etc, then said but I am sticking to Prabhupada, not sure what you meant, anyway..back to the thread we go/
"For that matter, there are pure devotees in India right now. But we dont have access to them so I for one am not going to stray from Srila Prabhupada."
How could you stray from Prabhupada? because you have no access to Pure devotees in India?
I read somewhere Srila Prabhupada's Instructions should be our very life and breath. HariboL!
The 'Hare-Krsna' Channel.
well why not? why isn't there one already?
Are we scared of something? I think so..
You never know when a Mellacha might be watching and shout obscenities at the screen, what would you do then?
Hare Krsna
Sri Rama Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram
jaya NITAI!
This has to be one of the most positive/inspiring posts I have seen for a long time, but anyway..
Having a Varna system will attract masses of ppls, always you hear 'why can't the world be peacefull'...
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Satsvarupa: If in our society we say, "Srila Prabhupada wants some to be sudra..."
Prabhupada: No, no, no. I don't want. I want everyone to become Vaisnava. But because he's a sudra, it is not possible to bring him immediately to the platform of brahmana, or Vaisnava. Therefore falling down. Therefore the system must be present. But even if he remains a sudra, he's a Vaisnava.
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{Lecture on Varna}
{reply to first post}
same thing that happens to Churchs?
I have no idea, maybe its because of offences or ppls are just not interested, previous Guest said about ppls not really wanting to live in a Temple, being strict is great as Prabhupada ALWAYS was, but I think (who nos) that ppls maybe' do not attend temple, as they are not YET living by the rules and regulation, so think they are not good enough, then the question arises who is?
that Iskcon devotee numbers are much less, maybe has something to do with Varna system.
He said because of difficulties temples were having to close down, unheard of in Hindu Community.
When the big fish eat all the little fish, the little fish have nowhere to go.
Hare Krsna.
"Notice the markings of Lord Krsna and Radharani's Lotus Feet are both on Lord Caitanya's Lotus Feet."
Jaya Gauranga! Thankyou I did not know this, wonderful indeed. You left some service for me:
I remember the right lotus foot of Sri Nityananda Prabhu which is decorated with the following auspicious markings:
At the root of the big toe of is a beautifully decorated conch shell, which exhibits the presence of all branches of science and education. Below the conch, is a disc (chakra) which destroys the six faults; lust, anger, pride, greed, illusion and envy. on the heel is a jambufruit, above this is an unstrung bow, then there are four arrows and above this is a plough. Below the middle toe is an imprint of a barleycorn. Below the right toe is a beautiful lotus and under this a victory flag, the crusher of all obstacles. Further below is a thunderbolt which brings the miseries and sufferings of His devotees to an end and below this is an altar (vedi).
Please remember the left lotus foot of Sri Nityananda Prabhu which is decorated with the following auspicious markings:
At the root of the big toe is a vedi, or altar. Below that is an umbrella and undeneath this is a shakti dart. On the heel is a fish and above this are four pots. There is the sign of a cow hoof above the pots. Below the middle toe is a symbol depicting sky or space. Below the ring toe is a lotus and below that is a club. Below the little toe is an elephant goad ( ankusa ) and below that is a flower. Underneath the flower is a creeper (valli).
Thus, with these twenty four imprints, i meditate on the lotus feet of the most magnanimous Nityananda Prabhu.
Methane Discovery Points to Life on Mars
Scientists have found evidence that indicates the possibility that there is life on Mars.
Methane gas was detected by telescopes on Earth and has now been confirmed by spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet.
There are only two ways in which methane could exist in the Martian atmosphere - either it is being produced by active volcanoes or life forms.
No active volcanic activity has ever been detected on Mars so scientists are increasingly drawn to the idea that microbes are emitting the gas.
Methane is not a stable molecule in the Martian atmosphere. If it was not replenished it would last only a few hundred years before it vanished.
This means that the methane detected must be being replenished in some way.
On Earth bacteria produce methane from hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
Terrestrial microbes that produce methane do not need oxygen to thrive, and these are thought to be the type of microbes that could possibly live on Mars.
The twin rovers that landed on Mars in January will be unable to answer the question of the methane's origin as they are designed for geological work.
Future missions could include sensors to analyse the methane, which may be able to determine if it is of biological origin.
Good news indeed, all we need now is to discover the Borg, and we'll be ok. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
PURPORT (excerpt)
In this verse the entire yoga system is described in summary, and special stress is given to the breathing exercises for stopping the disturbing mind. The mind, by nature, is always oscillating, for it is very fickle, but the breathing exercise is meant to control it. This process of controlling the mind might have been very possible in those days millions of years ago when Dhruva MahArAja took to it, but at the present moment the mind has to be fixed directly on the lotus feet of the Lord by the chanting process. By chanting the Hare KRSNa mantra one immediately concentrates on the sound vibration and thinks of the lotus feet of the Lord, and very quickly one is elevated to the position of samAdhi, or trance. If one goes on chanting the holy names of the Lord, which are not different from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, naturally his mind becomes absorbed in thought of the Lord.
Lotus feet of KRSNA, what do they look like? I think I maybe asking an obvoius question, if so then Haribol!
{Gallery of Vraj w/descriptions} </font color>
<font color="red">~Sri Sri Radha Govindaji~</font color>
Sri Govinda was originally installed nearly 5,000 years ago by Lord Krsna's great-grandson. Govinda is one of the four presiding Deities of Braja-mandala.
But for long time the Deity was lost...
Rupa Goswami, feeling separation because of being unable to find Deity of Govinda, sat under a tree on the bank of Yamuna...
...At that time a beautiful young boy came and told him of a hill where a cow went every day and poured milk into a hole. The young boy then disappeared and Rupa Goswami went there...
...He started to dig on that spot and discovered the Deity of Sri Govindaji.
Purusottama, the son of King Prapatarudra, sent the Deity of Radharani from Jagannath Puri to be installed next to Govindadeva. This was first Deity of Radharani to be installed in Vrindavana.
Amazingly simple and sublime His Divine Grace...
Room Conversation with Reporter
June 3, 1976, Los Angeles (excerpt)
Prabhupada: There are five stages of ascending to come to the right conclusion. This, this is.... Just like pratyaksa, directly, you do not see the sun on the sky, but the same example, if you phone your friend, "Where is the sun?" then he'll say, "Yes, here is the sun." So this is called paroksa, mean you get the knowledge by other sources. Your direct sources, you cannot see, but you get from other sources, you understand, "Yes, sun is there in the sky."
Richard: And I have faith that it is.
Prabhupada: You must have faith.
Have some fun with this: http://vedabase.net/sanskrit/m/maryada
I found these as well:
To maintain the proper etiquette for the principles of religion, Lord Caitanya bows down at the lotus feet of Sri Advaita Acarya with reverential prayers and devotion.
"My dear Sanatana, although you are the deliverer of the entire universe and although even the demigods and great saints are purified by touching you, it is the characteristic of a devotee to observe and protect the Vaisnava etiquette. Maintenance of the Vaisnava etiquette is the ornament of a devotee.
I heard a funny story that monkeys in Vraj and Ayodhya are diff,
one just takes the other waits. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
No idea how to answer your quetions but the above may help. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Its not really a poem, so I can see why you called it Maya, Maya or not, at the end of the day, Maya is there with us, so when you wrote your little reply, you were thinking I am not in Maya, thats the trick, next time keep your Maya comments to yourself, by the way, I am not in Maya while writing this, my PC is Trancendental.
While Guest No.2 liked the poem, he is also in Maya, for to like a poem made by somebody who is in Maya is Maya also, but then again who can say what is Maya and what is not?
I know who you are!
I am watching you!
Your too strong for me,
but my friend Krsna will
sort you out, haha. ahem.
jaya nitai-gaura!
in Spiritual Discussions
When a devotee passes away to the spiritual world, flowers garlands/ceremony is observed, what is the significance of this besides out of respect, and Samadhi of Vaishnavas-is this for rememberance or any other significance...Jaya Nitai-Gauranga! Jaya Prabhupada!!