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Posts posted by Govindaram


    One of the offences to the Holy name, is also chanting while thinking anything you do will nulify your actions.


    Please lets just practice KC in peace,


    I am not a devotee yet, your not my Guru, neither do I look upon you for any guidance, bad behaviour or not, its natural to get into little heated exchanges, anyway, I though of this thread and your behaviour enrages me.


    Calling me a demon? You can change your nick on paltalk a hundred times, I still know who you are.


    Who do you think you are? and for the matter who do you think I am? You should hone your preaching techniques more, we both know what this is about, you are a SANYASI, by the way good job on editing your post, I hope after this post I get banned, I refuce ever to associate with devotees who accuse me, degrade me, put me down, do not hide behind the garb of a Vaishnava, BE a Vaishnava.


    Hare Krsna


    I don't think I am, though its been a learning experience, respect from a distance looks like the best advice, i.e Sandus in India who 'may' smoke Ganja etc, still they do service for Krsna, and should be respected, thankyou Thiest Prabhu, glad you are back.:)


    "The tendancy to sit back and hurl insults at one group or another appears to me to be a creeper killer."


    You right, and for the above,


    for guest: I hate ALL ppls who blasphmeme devotees, as in hate to hear it, not that I hate devotees. If that makes me vile then thx.


    I chant 64 rounds or 1, the latter is what I do, anyway thats not the point of this thread. Its about avoiding offences..






    www.asitis.com/2/54.html Purport (excerpt)


    As there are symptoms for each and every man, in terms of his particular situation, similarly one who is Krsna conscious has his particular nature-talking, walking, thinking, feeling, etc. As a rich man has his symptoms by which he is known as a rich man, as a diseased man has his symptoms, by which he is known as diseased, or as a learned man has his symptoms, so a man in transcendental consciousness of Krsna has specific symptoms in various dealings. One can know his specific symptoms from the Bhagavad-gita.



    From the above I get we should strive to attain our original symptom back, Krishna Consiousness, so would you say this is Level 2?


    #1 Consiousness

    #2 Krishna Consiousness


    Am I being to clever for myself? lol


    www.asitis.com/2/54.html Purport (excerpt)


    As there are symptoms for each and every man, in terms of his particular situation, similarly one who is Krsna conscious has his particular nature—talking, walking, thinking, feeling, etc. As a rich man has his symptoms by which he is known as a rich man, as a diseased man has his symptoms, by which he is known as diseased, or as a learned man has his symptoms, so a man in transcendental consciousness of Krsna has specific symptoms in various dealings. One can know his specific symptoms from the Bhagavad-gita.



    From the above I get we should strive to attain our original symptom back, Krishna Consiousness, so would you say this is Level 2?


    #1 Consiousness

    #2 Krishna Consiousness


    Am I being to clever for myself? lol



    You fools and rascals, all your grammatical word jugglery of suffixes, prefixes and philosophical speculation will not save you at the time of death. Just worship Govinda! Worship Govinda! Worship Govinda!


    Read the above verse!


    Whats the big deal?


    Ps. I love BBT, I get all my books from them Guys /images/graemlins/grin.gif




    wooooo good explanation.! more please!




    Yashoda nandana das


    sri krsna and sri vishnu are surely the same person, there's no many gods, we are not polytheists.. simply there's difference in the kind of personality displayed in the lilas and in the number of qualities displayed.


    Krsna is considered an higher display of god's personality, in comparison with sri vishnu, because krsna shows his intimate pastimes.


    like a nation's president, or king: Vishnu is the king when he is in his role, job, official function of king: government, dealing with allies and enemies, some times punishing, some time angry, fighting etc... Krishna is the same king when, back home, he displays his loving intimacy with parents, relatives, friends, sons, lovers, wifes etc. So for the intimacy and for the more complete (actually the most complete) display of powers (shakti) of krsna in his lilas (he displays also vishnu qualities, but vishnu never displays the same intimacy), we consider krsna not the supreme god, there's not many god, god is one.. we consider krsna the supreme personality of godhead, or the supreme display of god's personality


    krsna is so sweet in his intimate pastimes that, using yoga maya, he makes his associates think that he's an ordinary son, friend, lover, father, husband to care for... when he puts on the vishnu's uniform, he's more official... but he remains our beloved sri krsna bhagavan





    Hare Krsna


    I heard about a pastime, of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada's Sister was having some trouble with her Husband, who was Not very much inclined to Krsna Consiousness,


    So Srila Prabhupada being kind upon his sister, adviced her to offer her husband KRNSA Prasadam, and later on the latter became a very nice devotee.




    I maybe way off, but this could be something to think about:


    http://www.krsnabook.com/ch24.html (excerpt)


    Worshipping Govardhana Hill

    Krsna wanted to teach him a lesson. He first tried to make Indra angry by stopping the Indra Puja, which was arranged by the cowherd men in Vrndavana.


    With this purpose in mind, Krsna began to talk as if He were an atheist supporting the philosophy of karma-mimamsa. Advocates of this type of philosophy do not accept the supreme authority of the Personality of Godhead. They put forward the argument that if anyone works nicely, the result is sure to come. Their opinion is that even if there is a God who gives man the result of his fruitive activities, there is no need to worship Him because unless man works He cannot bestow any good result.



    Sorry verse 7 Translation is missing, It is the appearance Day of Sri Ramunajacarya, but I got mixed-up, but I shall post this Nectar anyway..:)



    <font color="red"> 1: Madhurastakam

    by sri Vallabhacarya</font color>



    adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram

    nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram

    hrdayam madhuram gamanam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    adharam-lips; madhuram-sweet; vadanam-face; madhuram-sweet; nayanam-eyes; madhuram-sweet; hasitam-smile; madhuram-sweet; hrdayam-heart; madhuram-sweet; gamanam-gait; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.


    1) His lips are sweet, His face is sweet His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet His heart is sweet, His gait is sweet-Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!




    vacanam madhuram caritam madhuram

    vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram

    calitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    vacanam-speech; madhuram-sweet; caritam-character; madhuram-sweet; vasanam-clothing; madhuram-sweet; valitam-belly-folds; madhuram-sweet; calitam-wandering; madhuram-sweet; bhramitam-wandering; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.


    2) His words are sweet, His character is sweet His dress is sweet, His belly-folds are sweet His movements are sweet, His wandering is sweet-Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!




    venur madhuro renur madhurah

    panir madhurah padau madhurau

    nrtyam madhuram sakhyam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    venuh-flute; madhurah-sweet; renuh-dust; madhura-sweet; paih-hands; madhura-sweet; padau-feet; madhurau-sweet (pair); ntyam-dancing; madhuram-sweet; sakhyam-friendship; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.


    3) His flute is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet His hands are sweet, His feet are sweet His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet-Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!




    gitam madhuram pitam madhuram

    bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram

    rüpam madhuram tilakam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    gitam-singing; madhuram-sweet; pitam-yellow cloth; madhuram-sweet; bhuktam-eating; madhuram-sweet; suptam-sleeping; madhuram-sweet; rüpam-beauty; madhuram-sweet; tilakam-forehead marking; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.


    4) His singing is sweet, His yellow cloth is sweet His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet His beauty is sweet, His tilaka is sweet-Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!




    karanam madhuram taranam madhuram

    haranam madhuram ramanam madhuram

    vamitam madhuram samitam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    karanam-deeds; madhuram-sweet; taranam-deliverance; madhuram-sweet; haranam-stealing; madhuram-sweet; ramanam-love-making; madhuram-sweet; vamitam-offering oblations; madhuram-sweet; samitam-tranquility; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.


    5) His deeds are sweet, His liberating is sweet His stealing is sweet, His love-sports are sweet His oblations are sweet, His tranquility is sweet-Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!




    gunja madhura mala madhura

    yamuna madhura vici madhura

    salilam madhuram kamalam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    gunja-berry necklace; madhura-sweet; mala-garland; madhura-sweet; yamuna-the river; madhura-sweet; vici-ripples; madhura-sweet; salilam-water; madhuram-sweet; kamalam-lotuses; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.


    6) His gunja-berry necklace is sweet, His flower garland is sweet His Yamuna river is sweet, His ripples are sweet His water is sweet, His lotuses are sweet-Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!




    gopi madhura lila madhura

    yuktam madhuram bhuktam madhuram

    hrstam madhuram sistam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    gopi-cowherd girls; madhura-sweet; lila-pastimes; madhura-sweet; yuktam-union; madhuram-sweet; bhuktam-food; madhuram-sweet; hrstam-delight; madhuram-sweet; sistam-courtesy; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.




    gopa madhura gavo madhura

    yastir madhura srstir madhura

    dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram

    madhuradhi-pater akhilam madhuram


    gopah-cowherd boyfriends; madhura-sweet; gavah-cows; madhura-sweet; yaih-staff; madhura-sweet; srstih-creation; madhura-sweet; dalitam-trampling; madhuram-sweet; phalitam-fruitfulness; madhuram-sweet; madhura-adhi-pateh-of the Emperor of sweetness; akhilam-all; madhuram-sweet.


    8) His gopas are sweet, His cows are sweet His staff is sweet, His creation is sweet His trampling is sweet, His fruitfulness is sweet-Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!


    I never really thought of KRSNA while looking up at the Sky, but I can see Him in His Bala from, little baby.


    There is a picture of Srila Prabhupada, with a picture of KRSNA above him, I like that picture, and also my own picture which I have at home, from Teachings of Lord Caitanya, I'd show you the amazing picture, but its not on-line. Ha!




    The battlefield of Kurukshetra would make a great game in itself, you could learn fighting techniques (preaching),


    though secretly I am wanting to play a game like Mortal Kombat...just think..


    Round one 'FIGHT'


    Bhima V Jarasandha


    (KRSNA saying 'Finish him')






    bhaja govindam bhaja govindam bhaja govindam mudha-mate

    samprapte sannihite kale na hi na hi raksati dukrn-karane

    bhaja-just worship; govindam-Govinda; mudha-mate-O fool; samprapte-attained; sannihite-placed; kale-when the time; na-not; hi-indeed; raksati-protects; dukrn-karane-the grammatical affix dukrn.




    You fools and rascals, all your grammatical word jugglery of suffixes, prefixes and philosophical speculation will not save you at the time of death. Just worship Govinda! Worship Govinda! Worship Govinda!


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