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Posts posted by xexon

  1. So it would seem.


    There are two kinds of zionist.


    The first is a part of Judaism itself. Jews see Israel as their ancient homeland and wish to live there. Fine


    The second kind of zionist hides behind the first kind, making them difficult to see. This zionist is a politcal movement which started just over a 100 years ago. They profess religious piety but in reality have no love of either God or their own people. All that matters to them is power in the world.


    In my opinion, these people are far more dangerous than the Nazis ever were. They are bent on world domination with a one world government and they are well on their way to that.


    The United States is going to be their enforcement arm.


    The strings are pulled from Tel Aviv.


    You'll find this out for yourself soon enough.





    Truely the religion has "dispersed" as u rightly put it.... however let me remind u that this "dispersal" has happened inspite of them keeping a steady line Popes From Peter till date... this line of popes has been in stringent adherence to the guru shishya parampara and still look what has happened... :)





    The Pope is just a man. One elected by his peers to the office.


    As I wrote above, the disciples, despite having spent much time with Jesus, did not appear to have that divine flame passed to them.


    If you examine the Bible, it lacks any real spiritual evidence that it was written by anyone except people who only has a shallow understanding of their master's teachings.


    Imitation will not carry you very far down the spiritual road. You either have that divine flame or you don't. And it you don't, you will be unable to pass it to others.


    You can't make an apple turn red by reading scriptures to it. But you can by bathing it in light.





    Srimad Bhagavatam says that both the person bhagavata and the book bhagavata are competent remedies to overcome the obstacles to self realization. As far as critisizing Christianity goes the same could be said of Krsna Consciousness in some ways. Iskcon is not exactly a powerhouse cultural force from anything I have seen, maybe someday it will be who knows but the people in Krsna Consciousness seemed to be fragmented into various philosophical camps that argue with each other somewhat like the various denominations of Christianity. The problem with Christianity is not with the master being gone it is with the fact that the practicioners of Christianity really don't follow the masters words much anymore.


    What we see with Christianity is a good looking corpse. They don't know what the master said. All they have to go on is a book written years after his passing. A book thats been tampered with many times.


    Well meaning that it may be, Christianity has no true spiritual head.


    The disciples who followed Jesus were just simple men themselves. You can tell by their writings that they only partially understood their master's message. Those who steer the course today are book educated but lack any real spiritual abilities themselves, and it shows. They imitate the master, but are unable to pass the flame from one candle to another. The only real power they have is strength in numbers.


    Religious dogma is like a treasure map with no X on it. And this is the fate of all religions when there is no suitable heir to the master's power.




  4. Yes.


    Although there are exceptions, the general rule is the master must be in the body to accept new disciples. Upon his death, that door closes and a new master comes forward if one has been designated.


    The reason being is a matter of human nature. People need something that they can see and touch and feel. Their own inner vision has not yet opened, so they have to have something tangible in front of them, otherwise the impurities of the mind can create the illusion of contact with a dead master and the mind being what it is, will believe every minute of it.


    This will delay your progress as you've gone off on a tangent. The mind loves to create, but it does so without much ability to control it.


    A living master can answer your questions and give gentle corrections to the path. A book can't, hence the danger of following nothing but a book.


    Look at the sorry state of Christianity. Their master is long gone, and the sheep have become scattered in the hills.





  5. When you said that souls can and do inhabit astral forms, I agreed. But these souls are advanced enough to do so by their own will. They are spiritually far down the path and have greater flexibility in their repayment of the karmic debt.


    There are other souls who have enough positive karma accumulated to enjoy some repose in the astral realms before reincarnating again.


    Karma writes the timetable for all these events, and eventually slips the soul back into this world in a customized life so that their journey can continue.




  6. By doing so willingly, I agree.


    But most people at the time of death don't even know which way is up. They are bound by karmic debt and are thrust back onto the wheel of life without much layover.


    For the average person, they get off one train only to board another.




  7. The currrent trouble with Iran is brought to you by Israeli government and the people who pull their strings. Hardcore zionists who also brought you the Iraq war, neocons, and the New World Order.


    AIPAC, the Israeli lobby in the US, constantly beats the war drum for action against Iran. Just like they did for Saddam. Their website in nothing but a constant drone of propaganda for this purpose.


    Once again, they are steering the power of the US to use as their own. Ever since Reagan, zionists have been THICK in Washington.


    I've compared the relationship between the US and Israel as a tiny mahoot riding on a big elephant. Everytime these two go to the UN, they make the diplomats scatter like frightened villagers.


    This needs to stop.




  8. Ghosts have nothing to do with the soul.


    The soul departs at the instant of death and never lingers. A ghost is leftover mental energy, which exists as a highly rarified electrical charge. It's so highly rarified, it almost doesn't qualify as matter. Indeed, it is the highest form of physical matter there is.


    After that, you enter another realm altogether. This leftover mental energy is the identity of the deceased person. It contains the ego, memories, likes and dislikes. This identity can have a life of it's own for a while before it is reabsorbed into the sea of energy that it came from. It doesn't understand the death of the body and tries to carry on without it sometimes. You can even hold a conversation with some of them. But sooner or later, their batteries will run down because there is no way to keep them charged.


    This is where hauntings come from.


    No God or devil. No evil or divine.


    Just a dissipation of energies.



  9. It depends on how much attachment you have to that process.


    There have been yogis who walk with attention so that nothing ends up beneath their feet. Yet, there are also yogis who seem to live reckless lives and swat at bugs like everybody else.


    Insects are my personal cutoff point. Fish would be testing the limits.


    Goes back to karmic debt. How much do you want to pay at the checkout line?




  10. Your answer will depend on what you think God is.


    As a deity, God is seen as a fatherly figure endowed with some amazingly familar human qualities. Anger, for example.


    The God I see is unmanifested energy, not given to any human qualities. And certainly not judgemental.


    Religions have to give people some kind of mental imagery to lock on to. The concept of what God is, is beyond most people's ability to get a purchase on. So we recreate God in our own image for the sake of understanding.


    In reality, there is nobody looking over your shoulder.


    In reality, there's no one but you.




  11. To become overly concerned about ahimsa is like fixating on all the tiny little creatures living in your eyelashes.


    Ahimsa comes about naturally as compassion unfolds. When compassion reaches the limits of creation and all things are seen as an extension of yourself, it becomes your body.


    You don't want to harm your body, but at the same time you can't keep track of everything living on it either.


    Live with awareness. Do the best you can. Learning is composed of both mistakes and successes.




  12. Karmic debt is measured by how evolved a lifeform is.


    Killing of a germ incurs the least while the killing of a human incurs the most. Intent is also important.


    On the flip side, there is no such thing as death. The life force is the same in all things and never winks out. Only the shell suffers death. So the karmic debt is not one of removing the lifeforce as much as it is removing the shell so that you break that lifeform's own evolutionary path.


    Death makes you have to reboot.




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