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U.Sanjeeva Rao

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Posts posted by U.Sanjeeva Rao

  1. Mansukh,

    Mars in 2nd makes you a mangalik. Pl pray/puja to Lord Kuja.

    Lagna lord Moon is in exaltation.You need not worry about your future or life.It will be exellent.

    Mostly it will be love and arranged marriage in your own group.

    By Jan 2009 you get married.

    Except pearls and diamonds don't wear any other gem.

    wish you good luck,


  2. Sri Rajan,

    Astrology is like any other subject ,as you mentioned like medicine.So,it is difficult to satisfy a person in all respects.You must have experianced in your personal life in many things.The only thing what we can do is ,choose what we feel is good or best at that time.

    Or learn astrology yourself mostly about Kuja dosha.You get the data in "Stree Jataka" ie., female horoscopy.

    wish you good luck,


  3. Sri Rajan,

    For finding about marriage ,the 2nd,7th,11th from lagna are taken into consideration.If love and romance is also to be taken 5th is also considered. For finding mangalik,the placement of Kuja in 2,4,7,8,12 from lagna is considered.To see it's gravity ,from Moon and Venus is also evaluated.In the referred chart Kuja is in lagna.So,basically she is a non-mangalik.

    As ppena is very much concerned about the safety of the lady,you may avoid using red coral giving regard to his views.

    You can follow the other remedy if you like.

    Don't bother about other significant factors etc.It is a big subject.

    with best wishes,


  4. ppena (what is your original name Pl ?)

    First you deffered and then agreed with my analysis.So,i suggested you to learn better before you post your replies.

    I asked you to use proper language because you don't address and end up with proper language.

    You still differ on the red coral.

    I told it is for Arjun to decide not you or me .

    I don't know your length of experiance as i am finding you recently in this forum and you only comment on somebody's analysis.Had you given your analysis at first instance i would have understood your talent.Next thing is your suggestion should be independent and addressed to the member's post and not to other member astrologer as "how is this person", "what is this person".So i advised you to learn ethics and language.

    You need not follow my advice but better take it in the right spirit.

    Learning is a continuous process for everybody.

    Give some original posts and don't be tag to somebody,

    with best wishes,


  5. Dear ppena/Pablo,(Real name ?)

    2nd and 7th lord is not only marakadhipati,but also significator for many other things. Don't view the charts with a narrow outlook.You got enthusiasm but seems to be lacking sufficient knowledge and experiance.

    As an aspiring astrologer, learn the ethics and use proper language.

    In this forum some people put Qs and Rs without mentioning their real names. They are afraid of revealing their identity including gender.No feed back.

    We reply to a-z.Like Shri/Smt abc Ji..........

    God alone should help everybody in this forum.

    with best wishes,:)


  6. Rajan,

    There is no confusion .Mangalik or nonmangalik ,how it is studied depends upon which is strong, lagna or moon or venus.Most of the astrologers study from ascendent.In this case mars the 7th lord in lagna indicates the lady marries a known person in the same place and have attachment with him.

    Your Q is about marriage. What planets are delaying this are given and remedy is suggested.Red coral for mars is suggested because it is the lord of 2nd (addition to family) and 7th(kalatra).In a marriage one more person is added to her family as husband.The 11th house is having the aspect of exalted Sani with Mars.So,Mars is the only planet to get her married. So, giving strength to mars is very important.

    It is for you to implement or deny.In an open forum any person can question anything in their own language.

    As you requested by name,i replied.

    with best wishes,


  7. Rajan,

    Saturn in lagna and Rahu placement in 8th can obstruct the marriage proposals and delay in fixing the marriage.

    She has to do Shanti to these planets on Saturday in any temple.

    Marriage likely by 5/2009.

    She is not mangalik.She can wear red coral on her little finger.She can wear a pearl , ruby also. No other gem.

    with best wishes,


  8. Sushma Ji,

    7th lord Mercury in 6th, Saturn in the 8th with debilitated Mars in the house of Moon generally denies marriage.She will be successful in all aspects due to placement of other planets especially Rahu in 11th.

    Propitiate in her name the planets Mercury,Sani and Kuja by doing proper shanti.

    If you do this she can get married by 3/2009.

    with best wishes,


  9. Sri Moorthi Ji,

    Sani and retrograde Budha are delaying or denying her the marriage .Sani in the house of Chandra and Chandra in 7th in Rasi and the the 2nd and 11th lord Budha in lagna are the reason.

    In Navamsa also the 7th lord Budha is in 12th.

    She has to propitiate Sani and Budha .You can ask a local Pujari to perform the Shanti pujas or let her visit regularly on every Saturday Sri Venkateswara temple and do some archana in her name.

    If this is done she can get married by 2009.

    Jupitor is in Midhuna and not in Makara with 4th and 9th lord Mars in 11th.

    Her future is Ok except the above .

    wish your daughter good luck,


  10. Koonams ji,

    Better the house is in your name.You are likely to get finances through legal claim from your parental properties or similar to that.Mostly in the south direction and close to your father's place.It can happen before the end of 2009.

    Pray Ravi (Sun) regularly at the time of Sun rise.Wear a Ruby on the ring finger.

    with best wishes,


  11. stxvr Ji,

    The match is not suitable.

    Birth stars are not helpful to each other.This can rise to conflicts and misunderstanding.The placement of 7th lord in lagna and 8th lord in 7th with debilitated Kuja is not an indicator for devotion to a single person in the girl's chart.

    In the boy's chart the 7th lord Moon in 6th and lagna/2nd lord Shani in 8th makes him not interested in the Opp sex so easily .He can't grab the opportunity so a delayed marriage and some times denial.

    He has to do puja/prayer to Shani and Chandra (Lord Shiva) and ask him to wear a Neelam on the middle finger and a pearl on little finger for better marital alliance and early marriage.Don't use any other gem.

    with best wishes,


  12. Kavya Ji,

    Saturn Mahadasa is in from 12/2004 upto 2023.Saturn is retrograde and is in 3rd aspecting his own house 9th where the 1st and 6th lord Venus and 2nd and 5th lord Budha are placed.All these indicate that you can't escape Govt action ,unless your prayers are strong and devoted.

    Pray lord Sri Venkateswara of seven hills regularly.Only divine power is required to help you.

    with best wishes,


  13. Mrs Subraveti Savithri,

    Salient features of your daughter's horoscope are

    1.Lagna lord and 2nd lord (Kutumba Sthanadhipathi) is Shani.He is exalted in 10th (profession).

    2.Rahu is exalted in 5th and Ketu in 11th.

    3.9th lord Mercury is in his own house of exaltation.He is lord of 6th also.

    4.8th lord Ravi is in 8th ,leo.

    5.Kuja or mangal is in 7th.

    6.In Navamsa in 7th Kuja is with Shani.

    The above planetary positions give your daughter good intelligence,hard working nature and gradual rise in profession and wealth.

    But exalted Rahu in 5th with Mars in 7th in Rasi chart and Shani and Mars in 7th in navamsa can influence her mind towards love and unconventional marriage.Also Shani aspecting Mars in Rasi chart can delay in the fixing the alliance.

    The 5th and 10th lord Venus is retrograde and is in 8th and is combust.This causes confusion and indecision in buildingup relationship.Her services don't get due recognition.

    Kuja is debilitated and is in 7th in Rasi and also 7th in Navamsa gives rise to Kuja dosha.

    To overcome these deficiencies in her chart,she has to do puja to Sri Gowri/Durga devi for Sukra,Sri Kartikeya or Subrahmanya for Kuja and Shani.Enquire in any Shivalayam,the pujari will help you.Let her wear a diamond ring on the index finger, a pearl on little finger.No other gems to be used.

    The boy is likely an Engineer + MBA from east direction.

    The likely marriage period is by 9/2009.

    Except Aswani,magha,moola, krittika,UttarPhalguni, Uttarashada,Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanista other stars of boy are good.

    You can avoid UttaraBhadra, Pushyami and Anuradha also as they are Janma Taras for her.

    With best wishes,


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