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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Dhaval10

    hello - test

    hello - test:tongue:
    2 points
  2. Namaste, ya'll... My given name is Reese though I now spell my name "Rij" of course pronounces much the same I have been away from my Sanatana Dharma for some twenty-five-plus-years, aba maiṁ vāpasa ā gayā hūṁ. As for quite the abbreviated "cliffnotes" version of a background: I started out as a harē kr̥ṣṇa in high school and, ironically, much much later after practicing Ashtanga and Vinyasa-style yoga for eight-and-half years, had not made any sort of connection with my Hindu past until recently after my former partner and best friend died of renal cell carcinoma. It's wonderful to be here and to have rediscovered this beautiful and rich tradition!
    1 point
  3. Namaste i bought a manokamna prapti yantra few months back , i prayed to it for 41 days and my manokamna was achieved , i did this 3 -4 times and manokamna's were achieved. i stopped praying to the yantra for last 6 months as all my prayers were answered . if i want to start worshiping the manokamna prapti yantra again to fulfill my manokamna , will it still generate the same power or does it stop generating energy if not prayed for daily . Thanks Kind Regards Anjjana
    1 point
  4. vhasu

    Life is meserable

    Im 47 years of old my life always have problem i have two kids ,im really scat after looking at my life,never end with so many problem.see astrology it make me more scary and its say you will face alot problem How i can solved this problem. For time being only way that im doing now is go to temple and pray tell all problem it will released my tension.
    1 point
  5. Haribol. I've recently come across a text that suggest that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura may have eaten meat at some point in his life. The "evidence" comes from 'Svalikitha Jivani,' an autobiographical text written by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in the form of a letter to his seventh son, Srila Lalita Prasada Thakura. I suspected that it may be a spurious and/or invented text, but it seems that this text is rather authentic and has been used for consultation by Rupa-vilas das, who wrote the 'Seventh Goswami' bioraphy of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Below are the relavant verses: "225. Everyone in Chapra became my friends. The lawyer, Kesab Babu, always supported my point of view. The Judge Saheb also was favourable towards me. The people of Chapra made many kinds of pickle. A certain type of vinegar pickle was the best. I began to make it. [Their] mustard oil pickle had a pleasant taste and I began to make that also. At that time I ate a lot of fish and meat. I had known that killing animals was bad for a long time, but I had a strong desire to enjoy fish and meat." "226. I ate a lot of fish in Chapra, but it was not very good. Therefore, I ate more goat meat. After the prolonged eating of food of this kind combined with red chillies and mustard seed pickle, I developed a bleeding ulcer. The first [attack] occurred on a full moon day. Gradually I got pains every new moon and full moon day. It took 5 to 7 days from the day the pain started for it to go away. So much suffering! When the pain [started] I automatically suffered from vomiting and diarrhea for 10 to 17 hours. At first I went to the doctor, and a close friend, Manohar Babu, gave me medical treatment. Thereafter, I tried Moslem natural medicine. Finally, Mahendra Mama brought some Ayur Vedic herbs from the jungle and a local Vaidya made a little medicine." I looked long and hard, and was finally able to find an online copy of this text at: http://www.raganuga.com/cgi-bin/raga/ikonboard.cgi?s=e0a27f7006aa6efd5de9664095b\76403;act=ST;f=8;t=375;st=0 So if it is true that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura ate meat, how does this fit in with the perception of a liberated soul as being nitya-siddha according to A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada's teachings? Or nitya-siddhas in general? Any thoughts?
    1 point
  6. Is there a rather short basic prayer to Lady Radha, (comparable to the "Hail Mary" for Catholics, f.e.), and how are its words?
    1 point
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