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American Idiots

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Stay the hell out of Iran.


Get a life, you morons!


Your self-image of 'the good' godly brothers remains only in your own delusions of grandeur. Soon you'll have to be placed on the list of terrorist nations. We need to realize the godless hell that has become typical of our streets, and step down from our prancing ponies and realize that our enemy lives here bigger than life. Our enemy: ourselves.


Iran. Don't even think about it.


Surely you know that 9/11 is the direct result of your previous attacks on towers in Libya. That is what Bin Ladden said. While watching those towers fall on TV, he envisioned the 9/11 plan.


I guess that makes 9/11 simply extended collateral damage.

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Prabhupada said the Lame man (India) should join forces with the wealthy man(America) and promote spiritual culture around the world or something to that effect. As we can see that hasn't exactly happened as the world appears to be on the verge of collapse. Definetly a sad situation and I get a sense of forboding that a major catastrophe could happen sometime in the near future as a result of the karma going on. Hopefully I am wrong.



quote=gHari]Stay the hell out of Iran.


Get a life, you morons!


Your self-image of 'the good' godly brothers remains only in your own delusions of grandeur. Soon you'll have to be placed on the list of terrorist nations. We need to realize the godless hell that has become typical of our streets, and step down from our prancing ponies and realize that our enemy lives here bigger than life. Our enemy: ourselves.


Iran. Don't even think about it.


Surely you know that 9/11 is the direct result of your previous attacks on towers in Libya. That is what Bin Ladden said. While watching those towers fall on TV, he envisioned the 9/11 plan.


I guess that makes 9/11 simply extended collateral damage.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well just forget Iran and let them go on unchecked - doing whatever it is they're doing and - you'll see!


Imagine a nation run by terrorists - imagine the opportunity for inflicting mayhem on other nations! It doesn't take me long to understand!


Prabhupada says one must be - like a lion in the chase and - like a lamb at home - so we do of course need to see the western leaders make some REAL adjustments so that the issues of playing enforcer are not blighted by domestic issues of - injustices and inequality etc., one recent example is the desire in Mexico to do something about the war on drugs - while the desire to legalize all the drugs in small amounts is good in theory - it should not be done that way - only marijuana - the others may be dealt with differently when people are found with small amounts - but they cannot be legal.


The legalization of marijuana then gives a chance to people to have a choice - a legal choice - one besides booze [and other dangerous illegal drugs] - so that is good.


Now the U.S. and Canada needs do the same thing - then the cash that is saved by not going after the marijuana can be used to fight other things such as the terrible and evil meth problem that is spreading.


They do this and - it'll have another effect - the Republicans and the federal Conservatives in Canada would certianly become very popular - especially with yonger people who see the governance as being fully out of focus with them!


So in respect to Iran - of course there may be a way to deal with them - without any military force - but - that force may be needed and the 'free' world has to make a choice about these things soon - because if the western nations [with too many falling too far into a brand of do nothing 'liberalism' as a political reaction to the 'center' of these issues] ignore things as they are in our world and let the thugs spread out further [they are already nearly everywhere] then what can be done when the %&*# hits the fan as it were and 'they' attack?


Where and how should we come to the conclusion that Iran is just going to keep barking and never bite - wait for 'that' bite? They say when a dog barks it is [in fear] trying to induce fear in you - he doesn't really want to bite - if the dog growls and snarls - then he's going to bite! Hasn't the leadership in Iran gone from barking to snarling?


I know some people are going to get upset if I mention Israel but let's look at this:


Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, Iran's fundamentalist president, on Wednesday declared that Israel should be "wiped off the map" and warned Arab countries against developing economic ties with Israel in response to its withdrawal from Gaza.




Who thinks that Iran's president isn't snarling in this manner?





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  • 1 month later...
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I agree with GHari Prabhu...but on the other hand Sirla Prabhupada also said that due to America having so many slaughter_houses and abortion clinics and in order to lessen America's Karmic burden many of the young Americans will also be slaughtered on the battle field as it is happening in Iraq and If they want go to Iran the same thing will happen. That is how I see it. The time frame in which Sirla Prabhupada was speaking was about the time of the Vietnam War when many young Americans lost their lives.

Can't they see the terrible tragedy awaiting, history repeating itself???


So if the angry dogs bark and whale let them and if they bite karma will await them. If you are afraid they will nuke somebody, do you think they have the power to kill as they wish? Do you think God has so little power? As the saying goes "Rakhe Krsna Mare Kaun, Mare Krsna rakhe kaun" translated If Krsna wants to kill someone who can protect him? If Krsna wants to protect someone who can kill Him?


Jay Sirla Prabhupada


Hare Krsna

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I agree with GHari Prabhu...but on the other hand Sirla Prabhupada also said that due to America having so many slaughter_houses and abortion clinics and in order to lessen America's Karmic burden many of the young Americans will also be slaughtered on the battle field as it is happening in Iraq and If they want go to Iran the same thing will happen. That is how I see it. The time frame in which Sirla Prabhupada was speaking was about the time of the Vietnam War when many young Americans lost their lives.

Can't they see the terrible tragedy awaiting, history repeating itself???


So if the angry dogs bark and whale let them and if they bite karma will await them. If you are afraid they will nuke somebody, do you think they have the power to kill as they wish? Do you think God has so little power? As the saying goes "Rakhe Krsna Mare Kaun, Mare Krsna rakhe kaun" translated If Krsna wants to kill someone who can protect him? If Krsna wants to protect someone who can kill Him?


Jay Sirla Prabhupada


Hare Krsna


Hmmm - you mention the Vietnam War - tell me did Prabhupada preach against all war? Hmmm?


Oh and he didn't single out America - he spoke of this in this fashion:


In this age of Kali the propensity for mercy is almost nil.

Consequently there is always fighting and wars between men and nations. Men do not understand that because they unrestrictedly kill so many animals, they also must be slaughtered like animals in big wars. This is very much evident in the Western countries. In the West, slaughterhouses are maintained without restriction, and therefore every fifth or tenth year there is a big war in which countless people are slaughtered even more cruelly than the animals. Sometimes during war, soldiers keep their enemies in concentration camps and kill them in very cruel ways. These are reactions brought about by unrestricted animal-killing in the slaughterhouse and by hunters in the forest. Proud, demoniac persons do not know the laws of nature, or the laws of God. Consequently, they unrestrictedly kill poor animals, not caring for them at all. [sB 4.26.5, PURPORT]


No mention of 'America' - as that is a general observation about this age - not about America. You are drawing a conclusion that isn't there.


One has to take birth according to one’s activities of life. And, after finishing one term of activities, one has to die to take birth for the next. In this way the cycle of birth and death is revolving, one after the other without liberation. This cycle of birth and death does not, however, support unnecessary murder, slaughter and war. But at the same time, violence and war are inevitable factors in human society for keeping law and order. [bG 2.27, PURPORT]


Though the soul is immortal, violence is not encouraged, but at the time of war it is not discouraged when there is actual need for it. That need must be justified in terms of the sanction of the Lord, and not capriciously. [bG 2.30, PURPORT]


There are many demoniac people, and each is enemy to the others. This enmity becomes more and more deep—between persons, then between families, then between societies, and at last between nations. Therefore there is constant strife, war and enmity all over the world. Each demoniac person thinks that he can live at the sacrifice of all others. [bG 16.16, PURPORT]


In this age there is enmity toward poor animals, and therefore the poor creatures are always anxious. The reaction of the poor animals is being forced on human society, and therefore there is always the strain of cold or hot war between men, individually, collectively or nationally. [sB 1.10.6, PURPORT]


Such kings have full responsibility and knowledge from authorities about the administration of the world. But at times, due to the influence of the ignorance mode of material nature (tamo-guna), the lowest of the material modes, kings and administrators come into power without knowledge and responsibility, and such foolish administrators live like animals for the sake of their own personal interest. The result is that the whole atmosphere becomes surcharged with anarchy and vicious elements. Nepotism, bribery, cheating, aggression and, therefore, famine, epidemic, war and similar other disturbing features become prominent in human society. [sB 1.10.25, PURPORT]


The question is how to know if war is by the whim of a leader or otherwise 'sanctioned' by God?


Well let's just see the point - as it is - for our western leaders - that according to the rulings of the Codes of Manu - an aggressor - is to be killed.


So what a broad case indeed it is that can be made against these noted aggressors and thugs - that the security and maybe even the nature of the western world is threatened by them [sooner or later] is quite obvious.


Did you read that notorious Letter that the president of iran wrote to the U.S. President [in reality - it was a letter making threats to the westernized nations in general!]?


Your whole point ignores what is going on in our world with these aggressors that are 'radical islam' and their 'global revolution' - of course - iran figures very much into all that - so - i don't see how we [the world] can ignore this one.

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In this age of Kali the propensity for mercy is almost nil.

Consequently there is always fighting and wars between men and nations. Men do not understand that because they unrestrictedly kill so many animals, they also must be slaughtered like animals in big wars. This is very much evident in the Western countries. In the West, slaughterhouses are maintained without restriction, and therefore every fifth or tenth year there is a big war in which countless people are slaughtered even more cruelly than the animals. Sometimes during war, soldiers keep their enemies in concentration camps and kill them in very cruel ways. These are reactions brought about by unrestricted animal-killing in the slaughterhouse and by hunters in the forest. Proud, demoniac persons do not know the laws of nature, or the laws of God. Consequently, they unrestrictedly kill poor animals, not caring for them at all. [sB 4.26.5, PURPORT]


yes, it is not just about America, but present day wars in general. people dont deserve to live in peace because of their sins against animals. that applies to people of US, Iraq, Korea, Palestine or Israel. People get what they deserve.

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In this age of Kali the propensity for mercy is almost nil.

Consequently there is always fighting and wars between men and nations. Men do not understand that because they unrestrictedly kill so many animals, they also must be slaughtered like animals in big wars. This is very much evident in the Western countries. In the West, slaughterhouses are maintained without restriction, and therefore every fifth or tenth year there is a big war in which countless people are slaughtered even more cruelly than the animals. Sometimes during war, soldiers keep their enemies in concentration camps and kill them in very cruel ways. These are reactions brought about by unrestricted animal-killing in the slaughterhouse and by hunters in the forest. Proud, demoniac persons do not know the laws of nature, or the laws of God. Consequently, they unrestrictedly kill poor animals, not caring for them at all. [sB 4.26.5, PURPORT]


yes, it is not just about America, but present day wars in general. people dont deserve to live in peace because of their sins against animals. that applies to people of US, Iraq, Korea, Palestine or Israel. People get what they deserve.



...but one cannot do nonsense [in the case; irregular fighting in war] and call it karma...

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