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Eternal Bliss And Liberation.

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It is said after the many reincarnations we are released from the world of ignorance. Is this bliss and release a form of afterlife? After all they say the afterlife is supreme bliss. :)

Jai Ganesh

It is not as if after many many births we automatically get released from this condition. we are traped here by maya due to our desires. As long as we have desires and envy in us there is no chance for libration.

the release is not a form of after life, but it is our original state and that is full of bliss.

Jai Shree Krishna

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Jai Ganesh

It is not as if after many many births we automatically get released from this condition. we are traped here by maya due to our desires. As long as we have desires and envy in us there is no chance for libration.

the release is not a form of after life, but it is our original state and that is full of bliss.

Jai Shree Krishna

Thank You for your reply. :)

Is this bliss eternal of all eternity when it comes? Are we aware?

To me the afterlife is eternal happiness and bliss this is why I bring it up.

What do you think?

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Thank You for your reply. :)

Is this bliss eternal of all eternity when it comes? Are we aware?

To me the afterlife is eternal happiness and bliss this is why I bring it up.

What do you think?

Jai Ganesh

The bliss is within, to realize the self is the key

Bg.Chapeter 2.


vihaya kaman yah sarvan

pumams carati nihsprhah

nirmamo nirahankarah sa

santim adhigacchati



One who abandons all desires and becomes free from longing and the feeling of 'I' and 'my' attains peace. (2.71)

esa brahmi sthitih partha

nainam prapya vimuhyati

sthitvasyam anta-kale 'pi

brahma-nirvanam rcchati

O Arjuna, this is the Braahmee or superconscious state. Attaining this (state), one is no longer deluded. Gaining this state, even at the end of one's life, a person attains brahma-nirvanam (2.72)

Chapter 15. TEXT 5

nirmana-moha jita-sanga-dosa adhyatma-nitya vinivrtta-kamah

dvandvair vimuktah sukha-duhkha-samjnair gacchanty amudhah padam avyayam tat

Those who are free from pride and delusion, who have conquered the evil of attachment, who are constantly dwelling in the Supreme Self with all Kaama completely stilled, who are free from the dualities known as pleasure and pain; such undeluded persons reach the eternal goal. (15.05)


prapancopasarnam, santam, sivam-advaitam, caturtham manyante, sa atma sa vijneyah.

the coming to rest of all relative existence; utterly quiet; peaceful; blissful; without a second: this is the Atman, the Self; this is to be realised. Mandukya Upanishad 7

Jai Shree Krishna


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