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Sufferings of Hindus in increasingly anti-Hindu Islamic Bangladesh

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Things have become very difficult here after the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its fundamentalist allies came to power in 2001," he says. "It has become increasingly difficult for a Hindu to walk the streets of Dhaka with his head held high."

The ruling coalition -- it includes the Jamaat-e-Islami, Islami Oikya Jote, and the Naziur faction of the Jatiya Party -- led by the BNP's Khaleda Zia won 209 of the 300 seats in the nation's single-House parliament. All three coalition partners advocate the imposition of Sharia, or Islamic law, in Bangladesh. The Jamaat reportedly endorses the activities of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, and is know for its strident anti-Indian stand.

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Things have become very difficult here after the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its fundamentalist allies came to power in 2001," he says. "It has become increasingly difficult for a Hindu to walk the streets of Dhaka with his head held high."

The ruling coalition -- it includes the Jamaat-e-Islami, Islami Oikya Jote, and the Naziur faction of the Jatiya Party -- led by the BNP's Khaleda Zia won 209 of the 300 seats in the nation's single-House parliament. All three coalition partners advocate the imposition of Sharia, or Islamic law, in Bangladesh. The Jamaat reportedly endorses the activities of Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, and is know for its strident anti-Indian stand.

Am I right to assume there is a cultural invasion of Islam in India? I have heard this many times.

It was always my thought that the muslims lived in Pakistan away from India. Why do they come to India?

Also I see no Indians invading Pakistan culturally, again I ask why do they keep coming to India?

Forgive my ignorance on the subject I am relatively new to the subject.

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Am I right to assume there is a cultural invasion of Islam in India? I have heard this many times.

It was always my thought that the muslims lived in Pakistan away from India. Why do they come to India?

Also I see no Indians invading Pakistan culturally, again I ask why do they keep coming to India?

Forgive my ignorance on the subject I am relatively new to the subject.

Anyone want to help answer my question?

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Am I right to assume there is a cultural invasion of Islam in India? I have heard this many times.

It was always my thought that the muslims lived in Pakistan away from India. Why do they come to India?

Also I see no Indians invading Pakistan culturally, again I ask why do they keep coming to India?

Forgive my ignorance on the subject I am relatively new to the subject.

It's not just a cultural invasion, its a full fledged demographic invasion with aim of making India an Islamic country. It is not new, started almost one thousand year's back when muslims arrived at the northwest frontier of then bharatvarsha (now Afghanistan). Since then their march has been slow and steady. From 0% they are now more than 30% of the Indian subcontinent. They have 3 Islamic countries surrounding the divided and "secular" India. Hindu's for past thousand years, after loosing a 3rd of their brothers, have not yet realized the fact that days of hindu culture on the face of the earth is really numbered. We are now in the worst and final phase of this massive aggression where secular hindu's have taken up the battle for islam against hinduism. Muslims don't need to do much these days, except bomb occasionally here and there and issue fatwa's in places where they are majority (I'm talking about secular India, not Pak or bang) - the secular hindu's (who I'm sure will be muslims on re-birth, if they have that opportunity) have been doing the rest for past 60 years.

You may do some search on hindu websites for more scholarly articles. You may devote sometime to study of koran and islam, and find out that they are not supposed to stop killing until the world is muslim. But the main question remains - what you gonna do?

For all the misinterpretations of the hindu scriptures (the greatest personality that was ever born on earth, who inspired the mighty warrior to slay his own family - as revenge of injustice/ashurik is the greatest dharma, has since become playmate to gopis and bhaktas) that have gone around for even a longer period of time than muslims have been here - it's not possible for most hindu's to realize that it's time to fight or die.

But I believe in 2 mantras now: -

1. We will eradicate the world from islam and radical xian’ity

2. Our victory is certain as we are with the dharma.

May Dharma be triumphant again.

Hari Om

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You may do some search on hindu websites for more scholarly articles. You may devote sometime to study of koran and islam, and find out that they are not supposed to stop killing until the world is muslim. But the main question remains - what you gonna do?


Hindus actually dont convert others to become members of the Hindu community. Hindus generally argue, you're only a Hindu when you're born into a Hindu family. So in sum Hindus consider Hinduism as a bodily designation and not as spiritual quality of the soul. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was in fact the only One who successfully converted Muslims away from their believe. However, He didnt convert the Muslims to become Hindus, but He converted the Muslims to become servants of Lord Sri Krishna. Since serving the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is the eternal function of our souls it is above bodily designations like - Christian, Moslem, American, Buddhist, Hindu or Judaism.

But unfortunately Hindus arent interested to understand who is Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and they arent interested to adopt Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's special method to successfully convert Muslims to become Krishna bhaktas. Devotees of Lord Krishna are totally above the platform of bodily designations and actually benefitting society by distributing pure konwledge about our eternal relationship of Lord Sri Krishna, and when all the people become situated in pure ever-increasing love and spiritual happiness all the problems in society will be solved. As long we remain on the platform of bodily designation the fighting among members of different groups will go on. Since Vaishnavism is part of India's cultural tradition Hindus are well advised to become situated in the teachings of the great Vaishnava acarayas and activate the soul to become fixed in the original position of serving Sri Krishna in total transcendental happiness and just by associating with such pure devotees of Lord Krishna, Muslim will automatically give up this Islam which keeps one's soul cut off from actual spiritual bliss. This is the secret, people always go there where they find actual joy. Doesnt matter what they were before. Therefore Srila Prabhupada attracted thousands and thousands of Westerners to bhakti-yoga. Not because of the teachings, not because of presenting something new.

All the people who met Srila Prabhupada felt that he is situated in the original happiness of the soul and they also wanted to attain that state.

Prabhupada converted many Muslims, Africans, Europeans, Chinese, Australians, all those people started to follow the path of bhakti because

they wanted to attain what Prabhupada showed them by his own example, real spiritual joy within the soul.

Therefore, whenever it is reported that Muslims are proliferating, like it was recently reported in France, like rats, the preaching of pure devotional service to Lord Sri Krishna isnt realy in a healthy condition. More Hindus should get qualified as strong preachers of sanatana-dharma. Just like the Indian military, India has the biggest military in the world, over 1 Million soldiers. So, if India could qualify to actually train up 1 Million pure Vaishnavas of Lord Sri Krishna, Millions of Muslims immediately would give up Islam forever, like Sanatana Goswami or Rupa Goswami, very easily. First they were high appointees of the Muslim government, King, but when they met Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu they immediately gave up their Muslim identity.

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  • 3 weeks later...


More Hindus should get qualified as strong preachers of sanatana-dharma. Just like the Indian military, India has the biggest military in the world, over 1 Million soldiers. So, if India could qualify to actually train up 1 Million pure Vaishnavas of Lord Sri Krishna, Millions of Muslims immediately would give up Islam forever, like Sanatana Goswami or Rupa Goswami, very easily. First they were high appointees of the Muslim government, King, but when they met Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu they immediately gave up their Muslim identity.

True ... we need preachers. Secluded cave yogis have not helped.

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True ... we need preachers. Secluded cave yogis have not helped.

Lord Chaitanya did not remain on this planet long enough to secure any location, not even CC/CB/CM language land.

His external parivrajak sannyAs only lasted about 6 yrs = 1/8 His total stay.

Secluded cave yogis... sruti smRti purANAdi./.. utpata... create less disturbance than initiated bhaktas who not only can't refrain from all 4, frequent restaurant chow, avoid HarinAm SankIrtan groups with b/s arguments like "That's not HarinAm! That's aparAdha! Gurudev said not to..." meanwhile they don't do any public themselves.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Yes you're right. Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic church sits back and waits to pick up the pieces!

That's another anti-Sindhu organisation. BEWARE!

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i think answers for ur question can be retrieved after a good scan of the al-quran. as long as i am concern, the muslims have a kind of responsibility to change the world into an islamic world. the reason for this is the muslim's taught that man can enlighten their life only with islamic teachings.( maybe b'cause islam was first introduced to the 'JAHALA' community in Arab which was in a very deep ignorance.) they wont stop until their mission is fulfilled.


the problem is how are we going to stop this? isn't all the religions leads to the same path as stated by the great RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA.?

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In Koran, it is stated that there had been many messengers of God before Mohammed and that Mohammed was the last prophet. Many muslims take the word, last, to mean the ultimate and claim that there could be no more prophets and the word of Mohammed can override all the previous ones. There are moderates among Muslims, who take the word to mean the latest -that is -he was the latest in his times and if a new prophet appears, the new one will become the latest. This provides for changes in the outlook. These moderates also believe that Rama and Krishna were also prophets in their own rights. The Hindus should encourage these moderates whose voiices are drowned by the vociferous fundamentalist ones.


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