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Question about Avatars?

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Lord Krishna is last existed Avtar of Lord Vishnu/Lord Narayan. I want to know:-


1.Whether different avtaras are meant to tell people about future happenings and advice, how to handle the same as per need of changed time/age?


2. Whether worship or tellings and Leela of last existed avtar is first/most valid to practice(Lord Krishna now) and other just respected?


Best wishes.

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the most recent avartar is who we follow for the present age the avatar appears. the most recent avatar in this age is Lord Caintanya Mahaprabhu, and his instruction is,


hare nama hare nama hare nama eva kevalam kelu nesteva nesteva nesteva gatir anyata


the holy name, the holy name, the holy name of the lord is the only means for deliverence in this age of kali, there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way.


it is described that the holy name of the lord in this verse refers specificaly to the hare krishna maha mantra, and one must chant it under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master.


hare krishna.

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Lord Krishna is last existed Avtar of Lord Vishnu/Lord Narayan. I want to know:-


Lord Krishna IS NOT Avatara of Lord Visnhu/Narayana.He's Avatari,the source of all Avataras.

Best wishes.

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Please,look at 'Samksepa-bhagavatamrta'.


There, Srila Rupa Gosvamin begins his work by a discussion of the essential selfhood or Svarupa of Krsna.


Best wishes.

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How it can be possible as Lord Krishna existed after other avtars?

All avatars are eternal. When we seen them it is just their manifestation within the material world. It's like the rising and setting of the sun. When the sun rises, it doesn't come into existence, it just comes into view. Lord Krishna appearing recent has no connection to His length of existence, He is eternal and beyond time, as are all avatars.
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All avatars are eternal. When we seen them it is just their manifestation within the material world. It's like the rising and setting of the sun. When the sun rises, it doesn't come into existence, it just comes into view. Lord Krishna appearing recent has no connection to His length of existence, He is eternal and beyond time, as are all avatars.

Does it mean that there is no difference between different avtars? Even we, whose source is also God, can be alike God, but still differ from HIM and among ourselves.


There can be many healing systems as existed in different ages/time. But, will most valid be not, which is prominent in current time?


The "prime force" may be the most basic unit in us, but still its concentration and complexicity can be different in everyone. There can be micro/prime to macro/gross structures of this "prime force"--and in this way, micro/prime force can be considered as eternal.

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