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Who believes this guy is for real?  

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  1. 1. Who believes this guy is for real?

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Read this carfully for I will explain it all.


To understand BAPS you must first understand the basics of hinduism in genral which was first refered to as sanatan dharma, meaning eternal truth or the right way. Underneath hinduism falls every religion ranging from judaism to atheism(belief that there is no god). Any religion that has good morals and makes people better and not worse is a subset of hindusim. Even the vedas have a chapter which was written by a rushimuni who did not believe in god.


Underneath all of this is vaishnavism. What differs vaishnavism from the rest of the subsets is the belief in the five eternal entities namely; Jiv, Ishwaar, Maya, Brahm(do not mix this brahma, the creator of the universe), parabrhama. Underneath vaishnavism fall ram, krishna, all avtars of vishnu, and swaminarayan. The reason swaminarayan falls underneath this sub-subset is becuase we too belive in the five entities. but we will dwelve into that later.for now i will go onto the five entities...


The five entites are..

Jiv-which is our souls


ishwar- a jiv wich has done some great karma and has been give a resposibility of taking care of his particular seva(job). Krishna, Ram, Brahma, vishnu, mahesh, agni, vayu, indra...all of these entities fall underneath this category becuase they are still affected by the next entity. ~(as i sidenote, every refernce of ram, krishna,etc... in any hindu scripture is as ishwar and not parabrahm). Therefore if a jiv can be elevated into the status of ishwar, this means that in your past lives you could have been krishna, or ram, or shiv. the catch is that from this state you cannot go above maya, it is only possible to go above maya and liberate yourself as a jiv.


Maya- jiv and ishwar are the only entites that are affected by it.

An intresting anecdote pertaining to this matter is that when Arjun wanted to go se parabrahm (becuase krishna is not parabrhma, he is ishwar) he asked krishna for a way to go through maya to meet him. In return krishna gave him the sudarshan chakra which has the brightness of 10,000 suns. Arjun said this is more than i need to get through maya, i could have sufficed with a mere lamp. Krishna said that you will need it, and arjun did. The moment he entered maya the sudarshan chakras light went down to a flicker.

As i was saying, jiv and ishwar are the only entites affected by maya. maya can be thought of as the matrix, its everything around you, anything that you are attached to, any temporary pleasures, anything that will not go with you when you die, basically almost everything. All emotions are part of maya; greed, anger, lust, ego, the senses, everything.


Brahm-this is not the creator of the universe but infact the entity in which all universes reside in. i am not refering to the brahma that is part of the trinity with vishnu and shiv. this entity is the one in which everything resides, this entity is the abode of god, heaven.


Parabrahm-This is god, the supreme being, swaminarayan.


Now what are we. we are the souls. we are not, and i repeat, we are not the mind or the body. these will both perish when we die. it is even built into our very language i.e. by leg hurts, i HAVE an headache. Notice that we posses the headache, therefore we are not the head(mind). also notice that you posses the leg, you are not the leg(body). a very confusing concept to grasp.


i will now continue...


we believe that swaminarayan is parabrahm. the reason that he says in all of his scriptures to worship krishna is becuase that is whom everybody worshipped at that time. If Swaminarayan came along and said that he was god, well he could not say that he was god because he does not posses any ego. he is above maya. he has no anger, lust, greed, attachment. he does not care for the materialistic world. As for his legitimacy, swaminarayan has just as many miracles as krishna does. the only difference is that he changed peoples lives for there better while krishna was there to resolve the issue of kansa and the pandav vs. kurav war. i am not saying that worshipping krishna is bad, it is better then what most people do, but you must realize that with krishna you will still be below maya and therefore not permenantly liberated. you will still be in the cycle of birth and death, you will still be in maya.


Pramukh Swami is brahma. there are many saying, one of which i will list below


guru govind dono khade kisko lago upay

baliyaari gurudev ki jine govinda batay


~both god and guru stand next to each other, to whom do i bow down to

i bown down to the guru for without him, how would i know who god was


at this time, tulsidas was refering to god as being krishna, but the essence still remains. You need someone to guide you, someone to explain the scriptures and guide on the right path. we are now smart enough to decipher the scriptures and find out for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. And what better guru then the one in which god himself resides in. Pramukh Swami. He is not god, but through him god works.


I know this may be confusing but it is late at night. if you have any quetions regarding this post email me at ampster.hack@gmail.com. you may reply to this post but i doubt if i will reply back. i am not done, i still have alot to explain and i might have a pt.2 later.


till then


Jai Shree Krishna

Jai Swaminarayan


P.S. pt.2 will encompass the differences btw swaminarayan sects.

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Jay Shri Krishna

Jay Shri Swaminarayan


Dear Bhakta,

I am a fellow follower of the Swaminarayan movement and disciple of Guruji Pramukh Swami. However, I do not endorse this idea of having Swaminarayan as superior to Krishna. This idea would not be accepted by Swaminarayan (Swami Sahajananda) Himself. Swami Sahajananda was a great Vaishnav Himself, and His divine personality resembled that of Bhagwan Shri Krishna Himself.


If there is one lesson to learn from Hinduism, it is that the truth and message of God is revealed to the peoples of Bharat Varsh through many pure God-realized Saints, and avatars of God Himself. We see the avatars of God through Rama, Krishna, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and Swaminarayan. The divine personality of Swaminarayan is just as great as that of Shri Krishna.


I believe Swaminarayan to be yet another incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, equivalent to Krishna Paramatma. Swaminarayan's life, teaching, and personality is captured by his great monk disciples Swami Muktananda, Swami Brahmananda, Swami Gopalananda, Swami Gunatitananda, and others. Swaminarayan's various leela, deep preaching of purely Vaishnav philosophy, and life accomplishments resemble in all ways to the life of Bhagwan Sri Krishna. Thus, the avatar of Swaminarayan is equivalent to the avatar of Krishna. It is only a matter of ishtadev - which form of God is most dear to your heart. If you have pure bhakti in your heart, you will attain moksha.

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From the Shikshapatri, written by Shree Swaminarayan

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“My followers who shall observe strictly the rules of the ethics as prescribed by the scriptures shall derive happiness here and hereafter; and those who want only transgress them and behave willfully shall suffer great distress here and in the life hereafter.” Shree Swaminarayan.

“One Should observe the codes of the Shikshapatri at any cost” Pramukh Swami Maharaj.

Who is God?

The Paramatma – Shree Krishna who is supreme, Parabrahman, Bhagwan or Purushottam and who is the cause of all manifestations is the Lord of us all. He is to be worshipped for final redemption. (108)

Who Should We Worship?

All human beings on this Earth shall worship him [Lord Krishna] knowing that there is no other way for ultimate redemption than devotion to him. (113)

None shall practice devotion to Shree Krishna while disregarding religious tenets nor shall he give up the worship of Shri Krishna for fear of calumny by the ignorant. (39)

Who Should We Meditate Upon?

I meditate in my heart on Shree Krishna, Brindavan’s gay divine player on left is Radha and in whose bosom dwells Lakshmi (1)

Lord Krishna, his incarnations and his idols alone are to be meditated upon, but a human being or a deva even though he may be a devotee or knower of Brahman shall never be resorted to as an object of meditation. (115)

Who Should We Sing To?

All my followers shall go to the temple every evening and there they shall sing loudly songs in praise of Lord Krishna, the beloved of Radha. (63)

Who Should We Offer Food To?

They shall then offer food to God and take prasad only from the offered dish. Thus, in a spirit of supreme love and dedication they should serve Shree Krishna. (58)

Those votaries shall never drink water or eat roots, fruits or like without offering the same to Shree Krishna. (60)

Which Deity Should We Worship?

They shall worship Shri Krishna’s idol made of either stone or metal or a shaligram with offerings procurable within ones own means, and then chant his holy name. (56)

What Should We Do at the Beginning of Each Day?

They shall then reverently bow down to the images of Radha and Krishna and chant the holy name of the lord in accordance with their usual and normal procedures, only, after which they should start their daily routines. (54)

All my disciples shall awake before sunrise and after meditating on Shree Krishna shall proceed to discharge their bowels. (49)

Who Should We Give Donations To?

My disciples shall give in donation one tenth of their income or food grains, if that be their agricultural income, in the service of Lord Krishna. Those with insufficient means shall donate one-twentieth of their income, either in kind or money. (147)

Should A Wife Serve Her Husband?

The female followers shall serve their husbands, be they blind or ailing or poor or impotent in the manner in which they worship and serve God; and under no circumstances shall they speak harshly to them. (159)

The Final Prayer of Shree Swaminarayan

May Lord Shree Krishna, the destroyer of all miseries of his devotees, the defender of Dharma and Bhakti and the giver of all cherished objects, spread his goodness and glory every where. (212)

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What do you mean by "who believes this guy is for real"?


If you mean if Swaminarayan is an incarnation of God, then my answer is No. If you mean Swaminarayan was a great saint in the Vaishnavite tradition then the answer is yes.


I see Swaminrayan as a saint, but not as God. I don't like how many hindu movements claim their founder was an incarnation of God. It's as if they need this to give their movement more authority than others.


I know a little about Swaminarayan's life, but have a hard time seeing him as God. There's nothing truly amazing that he did that would make me think he's God. I saw Mystic India, an IMAX film about his youth as a young ascetic. He looked like a child prodigy...another Sankaracharya, but not God.

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  • 2 months later...

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">There is no difference between Krishna and Swaminarayan. Sice in the Sanatan Dharma there is one got in many form krishna is prambrahma so is swaminarayan nrishmadeva,rama purely because they were incarnations of god. The reason Hindus are victimised is because of our infighting. He is not a child prodigy either because no-one goes through the himalayas in winter and neither can anyone have power to reach nar-narayan ashram which is still there. Since you know little about Swaminarayan you have no right to call god a child prodigy.


Jai Swaminarayan


Jai Shri Krishna

</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


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  • 1 month later...
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Do not be surprised by the title, I am a devout hindu and had an opportunity to get to know the swaminarayan sect from closely, as two of my close acquaitance are swaminarayan.I have been to their satsang sabhas, programme etc.I have a high respect for the enormous amount of Good work which the sect is doing and esepcially pramukh swami maharaj but there are couple of philosophical issue which stops me from "converting" to swaminarayan....

I am presenting it below :


1) Swaminarayan sect believes that only their god (Lord swaminarayan) is the only God who can give you moksha.i have seen many people who were worshipping usual hindu gods from generations and after convering the "Swaminarayan" you wont find a single hindu god/goddess picture in their home.Isnt this like following christianity or islam....


2) They say that the "Swaminarayan" mantra is the most powerful shloka in the world, even their book about bhajans (Kirtanvaali) mentions somewhere that the mantra is even superior then Gayatri mantra....

Comeon ....


3) On one side the swaminarayan devotees take pride in hindu heritage but the practices are such that it seems "Swaminarayan" is a whole together different religion and whenever you ask any follower which religion you follow they will say "We are swaminarayan".


4) Swaminaryan saints would only eat if the food is prepared by a "Brahmin"..are you kidding me..which centure are we living in ?.


5) I was recently watching the official DVD of Akshardham temple (Its really a wonderful place ) and all through the DVD they have not shown any video/shots of the "Ganpati" or "Radha krishna" murti...only one line of verbal that the temple also has the murti of so and so god....


I have many other points also..but later...again..I do not have any negative feelings, I have and would always have high respect for the "swaminarayan" religion but its some of these points which are standing as a HUGE wall in front of me....

btw..I have placed a small picture of Pramukh swami" in our temple and i do pray to him along with other "Hnidu gods"...

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  • 3 months later...

I am Swaminarayan believer. Many Swamnarayan believer argue each other about who is right and who is wrong. Such as Sadhu or Acharya (Guru).Many Swaminarayan believer have forgetten the true form of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Swaminarayan Bhagwan made two gadi 1)Narnarayan Dev and 2) Laxminarayan Dev with Acharya both gadi and create Askarbrahma sadhu. Currently corruption in Vadtal and Amdavad gadi has cause problems from sex scandal,remove of acharya, sadhu talking and looking at women and also have form of money,sadhus traveling alone.

Both Acharya refuse to accept the form of Askarbrahm sadhu whom Bhagawan Swaminarayan said time after time Askarbraham sadhu will able to control Maya 1)taste 2)smell 3) see 4)hear 5)lust. Bhagwan Swaminarayan said all sadhus will not look or talk to women and never type of form money.

Swaminarayan Bhagwan said to all followers I always be within 1)Mandirs 2) Holy book by Swaminarayan sadus 3) Askarbrahma Sadhu 4)Acharya

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,


I think it is time someone settled this argument once and for all.


I am a follower of the Swaminarayan sampraday, the true branch installed by Swaminarayan bhagvan himself. This is written in the Sikshapatri (the original can be found in Oxford, England. Baps, please read it !! Don't read the parts which fit with your idea. You adhere to it all, not pick and choose.)


Swaminaryan bhagvan wrote in the Sikshaptri that anyone who does not follow the Shikshapatri is outside the sampraday. Any Swaminarayan saint must be initiated by either of the two acharays installed by Swaminarayan bhagvan. Baps saints are not. Therefore they are not following the Sikshapatri and thus are vimukh and not part of the Swaminarayan sampraday. They can spend as much money as they want building magnificent temples, but according to Lord Swaminarayan, Baps is not part of the Swaminarayan sampraday. They are a pariah sampraday. They have adapted the original Shikshapatri to fit their organisation. If they adhere to it all, the swamis are not true Swaminarayan swamis, are they Baps??


Secondly, Swaminarayan, Krishna, Ram, Nar-Naryan, matsya avtar, kurma avtar etc. are incarnations of Purushottam Narayan. They are all equal. This Purushottam Narayan is also known as Vasudev, Krushna (different to Krishna of Gokul) in the Bhagvatam. Every Swaminarayan temple (the true branch) will have Ganpati and Hanuman murtis. They may have murtis of other incarnations such as Ram, Krishna, etc. depends on their individual choice.


We hold Swaminarayan bhagvan dear to our hearts because we have chosen Him as our Ishtadev. Similarly, Krishna devotees hold Krishna bhagvan dear to their hearts and they should, similar to that of a pativrata lady holding her husband dear to her heart and not other men. Similarly, Ram devotees hold Ram bhagvan dear to their hearts. The reason for choosing a single incarnation to meditate upon is so that meditation is easier. One incarnation, one image, single minded devotion! All these devotees will go to the same place when they achieve atyantik kalyan (moksha) regardless of whether they are Ram devotees, Krishna devotees or Swaminarayan devotees.


Any non Swaminarayan devotees, if you have any questions about the original sampraday, i will try to answer these or get the answers from other people and post them here.


Please forgive me if i have offended anyone but the above is the truth and it has to be said so that other people who are not familiar with the Swaminarayan samraday know the truth!


Jai Shree Swaminarayan

Jai NarNarayan Dev

Jai Radha Krisna Dev

Jai Lakshmi Narayan Dev

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The previous post is one of the few attempts at a cohesive argument. The Shikshapatri's statement in verse 128 (Shikshapatri . org . uk - the one in England) is as follows:


"madāśritānāṃ sarveṣān dharmarakṣaṇahetave gurūtve sthāpitābhyānca tābhyān dīkṣyā mumukṣavaḥ"


While a direct reference to acharya is actually NOT included here, it is followed from verse 123 that 128 also refers to the acharyas. In this verse the position of Acharya (referred to in this verse as guru) is given to the ones who will protect (raksha) dharma. The true test of who is an Acharya, is therefore, NOT merely that they are relatives of Swaminarayan, but that they are protectors the Dharma he established. In SWAMINARAYAN's time, Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj and Raghuvirji Maharaj (relatives of Swaminarayan) did a spectacular job of protecting that dharma! But they have long since passed. Technically, NO sadhu in the present day has been initiated by the two acharyas that SWAMINARAYAN appointed. But that's a minor detail, if one assumes that each acharya's successor is of the same caliber as the original two such that Swaminarayan, if alive, would have appointed the successor as acharya as well.


The issue of which path is "correct" is NOT at all settled. To settle it, one must answer the question: Which fold is protecting Swaminarayan's dharma better?


I don't pretend to have the or even an answer to that question. Each must perform his own evaluation of the work of Pramukh Swami Maharaj and of the Acharyas and figure out who is doing the better job.

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The previous post is one of the few attempts at a cohesive argument. The Shikshapatri's statement in verse 128 (Shikshapatri . org . uk - the one in England) is as follows:


"madāśritānāṃ sarveṣān dharmarakṣaṇahetave gurūtve sthāpitābhyānca tābhyān dīkṣyā mumukṣavaḥ"


While a direct reference to acharya is actually NOT included here, it is followed from verse 123 that 128 also refers to the acharyas. In this verse the position of Acharya (referred to in this verse as guru) is given to the ones who will protect (raksha) dharma. The true test of who is an Acharya, is therefore, NOT merely that they are relatives of Swaminarayan, but that they are protectors the Dharma he established. In SWAMINARAYAN's time, Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj and Raghuvirji Maharaj (relatives of Swaminarayan) did a spectacular job of protecting that dharma! But they have long since passed. Technically, NO sadhu in the present day has been initiated by the two acharyas that SWAMINARAYAN appointed. But that's a minor detail, if one assumes that each acharya's successor is of the same caliber as the original two such that Swaminarayan, if alive, would have appointed the successor as acharya as well.


The issue of which path is "correct" is NOT at all settled. To settle it, one must answer the question: Which fold is protecting Swaminarayan's dharma better?


I don't pretend to have the or even an answer to that question. Each must perform his own evaluation of the work of Pramukh Swami Maharaj and of the Acharyas and figure out who is doing the better job.



Hi guest,


The acharyas in the Shikshapatri do refer to Swaminarayan's brothers' sons, Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj and Raghuvirji Maharaj. However, the true spiritual acharya lineage that has continued from that day onwards to this present day has been through the blood relatives of Swaminarayan bhagwan. Shriji Mahraj in the very first Vachanamrut refers to the "dharmakur na ashrit eva je bhagwan na bhakta" - the kur (generations) of dharma (Dharmadev) ashrit (followers). Swaminarayan bhagwan is referring to followers of the Dharamakul line. Also in Shikshapatri sloka 133 - translated: 'The wives of these Acharyas, with the permission of their husbands, shall initiate, preach, and give the Mantra Diksha of Lord Shree Krishna to females only' , Shriji Mahraj says that the wives of the acharyas should give gurumantra to the female devotees only. Thus, the true acharyas of the Swaminarayan samraday are blood relatives, generations of Shriji Maharaj (descedents of Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj and Raghuvirji Maharaj) who are householders and not tyagis (as tyagis do not have wives). Currently, these two acharyas are Rakeshprasadji Mahraj of Vadtal and Koshalendraprasadji Mahraj of Ahmdebad.


Also, if we look at sloka 62 of the Shikshapatri: 'My disciples shall worship only those idols of Lord Shree Krishna which have been given to them by the Acharya (Guru) installed by him. Only reverent obeisance shall be offered to other idols', the murtis in a Swmainarayan mandir must be installed by the acharya, otherwise they are worthy of namaskar but not worthy of worship.



Jay Shri Swaminarayan

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I agree wholeheartedly that the Shikshapatri declares that Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj and Raghuvirji Maharaj are the two appointed Acharyas. But I don't believe that Swaminarayan appointed them solely on the basis of bloodline. If his nephews were were robbers, thieves, or bandits, he wouldn't have appointed Ayodhyaprasadji and Raghuvirji as Acharyas. Then why did he? Because He believed them to be spiritually fit to protect the dharma that He had re-established. Birth-status does not make one divine or spiritually pure - Swaminarayan made that point very clear. That the acharyas are the blood-relatives of Swaminarayan does not make them fit to be spiritual leaders. It is that they are protecting Swaminarayan's dharma that makes them spiritual leaders.


We can conclude that the position of Acharya (guru) is not blood-dependent, but dependent on that individual's ability to protect the dharma of Swaminarayan.


As for the women, a worthy, spiritually pure acharya can be trusted to marry a spiritually pure woman - and have done, no doubt. That she is spiritually pure is why she is given the responsibility of initiating and preaching to other women. Not just because she's married. A simple analogy: A righteous King marrying a woman doesn't MAKE the woman righteous. He marries her BECAUSE she already is righteous.


In the end, however, the ability (or right, if you will) to initiate sadhus or women, install murtis and be a spiritual leader in temples, is not an issue of birthright or of marriage. It is an issue of spiritual character.


Even in everyday life we judge fitness of character not by birth, but by looking to the individual's actions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many Swaminarayan believer argue who is right and who is wrong. It doesnt make sense to argue who is right and who is wrong. We need carefully understand the true form of Swaminarayan Bhagwan. Swaminarayan Bhagwan create 2 gadi 1)NarNarayan Dev and 2)LaxmiNarayan Dev with two acharya. With creatation of two gadi Swaminarayan Bhagwan also create AksharBrahma sadhu.

Point 1- Many Amdavad (NarNarayan Dev Gadi) believer does not believe Swaminarayan Bhagwan is NarNarayan himself. Swaminarayan Bhagwan has stated that I AM SHRI NAR-NARAYAN DEV AND SHRI NAR-NARAYAN IS ME. Swaminarayan Bhagwan stated New Acharya became Acharya of Gadi is when current pass away and his son becames acharya of gadi. Many NarNarayan Dev Gadi believer does not want to believe that Acharya Purushottamprasadji Maharaj passed away and do not elect Acharya Kunjvihariprasadji Maharaj to rightful place of NarNarayan Dev Gadi. Instead choose elect Acharya Vasudevprasadji Maharaj. How they elect someone else who is not right Acharya of Shri NarNarayan Dev Gadi. How Acharya Tejendraprasadji Maharaj step down and let his son became Acharya of gadi. Therefore current Acharya of NarNarayan Dev is Acharya Tejendraprasadji Maharaj.

Point 2-Many Vadtal (LaxmiNarayan Dev Gadi) believer does not believe Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj. Swaminarayan Bhagawan stated I AM Purushottom Bhagwan and Akshar is Gunatitanand Swami. The first problem started death Manibhai Patel. Second problem started Sadhu named Shastriji Maharaj who believe Swaminarayan Bhagwan is Purushottam and Gunatitanand Swami is Mool Akshar. Vadtal sadhus got jealous at Shastriji Maharaj and try to kill him with poison inside Bhagwan food. Shastriji Maharaj leave Vadtal Gadi and create Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj form. Now current Death of sadhu. Acharya Ajendrapasadji Maharaj refuse to new people into new sadhus. Sadhus called Tejendrapasadji Maharaj from Amdavad to make new people into new sadhus. Acharaya Ajendrapasadji Maharaj was kick out of LaxmiNarayan Dev Gadi and elect Rakeshrapasadji Maharaj as new Acharya of LaxmiNarayan Dev Gadi. The problems continue in Vadtal Swaminarayan Gadi from sex scandal to murder of sadhu to sadhus having money to traveling alone to talking or looking at women. Swaminarayan Bhagwan stated ALL SADHUS CAN NOT TALK OR LOOK AT WOMEN. SWAMINARAYAN BHAGWAN STATED ALL SAHDUS CAN NOT HAVE ANY TYPE OF MONEY.


Point 3-BAPS believer argue that NarNarayan Dev is not Swaminarayan Bhagwan. I have witness myself that when you said Shri NarNarayan Dev ni Jay they think you believe in NarNarayan Dev Gadi. I have told so many times Swaminarayan Bhagwan is Shri NarNarayan Dev. When Acharya Maharaj came to visit Many BAPS Believer do not came for Acharya Maharaj Darshan. No Matter Acharya insult BAPS Sadhu Is Bhagwan Agna All Devottees must came for Acharya Maharaj Darshan and leave him farewell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe He was Purshottam Narayan Bhagwan Himself!! You cant just go round stating your views without learning about his Life and Works. His leelas were extrordinary and powerful.


Most definatly God!!!!!! I was not a follower by birth, but now i am!!!


Jay Swaminarayan. Sahajanand Swami Maharaj Ni Jay! Jay Laksmi Narayan! JAy Radha Krishna!

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From the Shikshapatri, written by Shree Swaminarayan

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“My followers who shall observe strictly the rules of the ethics as prescribed by the scriptures shall derive happiness here and hereafter; and those who want only transgress them and behave willfully shall suffer great distress here and in the life hereafter.” Shree Swaminarayan.

“One Should observe the codes of the Shikshapatri at any cost” Pramukh Swami Maharaj.

Who is God?

The Paramatma – Shree Krishna who is supreme, Parabrahman, Bhagwan or Purushottam and who is the cause of all manifestations is the Lord of us all. He is to be worshipped for final redemption. (108)

Who Should We Worship?

All human beings on this Earth shall worship him [Lord Krishna] knowing that there is no other way for ultimate redemption than devotion to him. (113)

None shall practice devotion to Shree Krishna while disregarding religious tenets nor shall he give up the worship of Shri Krishna for fear of calumny by the ignorant. (39)

Who Should We Meditate Upon?

I meditate in my heart on Shree Krishna, Brindavan’s gay divine player on left is Radha and in whose bosom dwells Lakshmi (1)

Lord Krishna, his incarnations and his idols alone are to be meditated upon, but a human being or a deva even though he may be a devotee or knower of Brahman shall never be resorted to as an object of meditation. (115)

Who Should We Sing To?

All my followers shall go to the temple every evening and there they shall sing loudly songs in praise of Lord Krishna, the beloved of Radha. (63)

Who Should We Offer Food To?

They shall then offer food to God and take prasad only from the offered dish. Thus, in a spirit of supreme love and dedication they should serve Shree Krishna. (58)

Those votaries shall never drink water or eat roots, fruits or like without offering the same to Shree Krishna. (60)

Which Deity Should We Worship?

They shall worship Shri Krishna’s idol made of either stone or metal or a shaligram with offerings procurable within ones own means, and then chant his holy name. (56)

What Should We Do at the Beginning of Each Day?

They shall then reverently bow down to the images of Radha and Krishna and chant the holy name of the lord in accordance with their usual and normal procedures, only, after which they should start their daily routines. (54)

All my disciples shall awake before sunrise and after meditating on Shree Krishna shall proceed to discharge their bowels. (49)

Who Should We Give Donations To?

My disciples shall give in donation one tenth of their income or food grains, if that be their agricultural income, in the service of Lord Krishna. Those with insufficient means shall donate one-twentieth of their income, either in kind or money. (147)

Should A Wife Serve Her Husband?

The female followers shall serve their husbands, be they blind or ailing or poor or impotent in the manner in which they worship and serve God; and under no circumstances shall they speak harshly to them. (159)

The Final Prayer of Shree Swaminarayan

May Lord Shree Krishna, the destroyer of all miseries of his devotees, the defender of Dharma and Bhakti and the giver of all cherished objects, spread his goodness and glory every where. (212)



If Shree Krishna Bhagwan or Bhagwan Ram Chandra would have wrote their own Scripture, they would have never stated they were God. As this isnt a Vedic custom nor is it expected.


They would all point out their IShta Upasya Dev. For example Ram Chandra Bhagwan worshipped Mahadev and Bhagwan Krishna -Laksmi Narayan. if He were to write His own shastra for His disciples, He would show His love for Mahadev and tell His devotess to do the same. He would never say "worship me and give me a tenth of your earnings, establish my murti in temples, make a temple for me",etc.


As even at the time of Ram Chandra Bhagwan, He never Himself stated that a temple should be constructed where people worship Him. Yet people do today, now we would be fools to question His status as we clearly know He was Bhagwan.


This is how it is!!!


People should learn the life and Works of such a highly spiritual being before lifting fingers and questioning their status.




Anyway me knowing that He was God --No one can disldoge this 'Nischay' (firm faith) of Lord Swaminarayan that i have. I wasnt even born into the fait either.

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^^^^ I think thats a valid point. In the Raam Avtaar, Raamji created one temple of Lord Shiva in Rameshwar.Which still exist today. His worship spread worlwide after He went back to Vaikunth. He didnt create one for Himself either. Nor did He write scriptures..I think that if He did then He would have told all to worship Lord Shiva. As he admired Him alot. This can be seen in Tulsi Krut Ramayan.

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Does make sense to argue each other about Swaminarayan Bhagwan successor(Guru). Both Shri NarNarayan Dev gadi and Shri LaxmiNarayan Dev gadi believe that Acharya are Guru. And BAPS Sanstha believe that AksharBrahmin Sadhu is Guru. Look at history of Swaminarayan Bhagwan life. Swaminarayan Bhagwan create two gadi 1) Shri Nar-Narayan Dev and 2)Laxmi-Narayan Dev. But BAPS believe that in was Vedas that Swaminarayan Bhagwan created AksharBrahmin sadhu as next Guru. Swaminarayan Bhagwan gives rules to his devotees to follow. Sadhus-can not talk or look at women, can not have anytype of money form, can not travel alone,worship swaminarayan whole life. Acharya-create schools, build mandirs, create new sadhus.

Swaminarayan Bhagwan stated All devotees shall worship any murti of Bhagwan(ME) given or install by Acharya.(Skp.62)

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