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Haribol. I reprint an article written in 1990, sort of in response to Randoms attempt to show discrepancies in materialistic religions. Please conside this article in the spirit in which it was written, without disdain for others faiths.


RELIGIONS OF MAN mahaksadasa 1990


The world of TIME is governed by RELIGION. Tribal gods in charge of seculars are subserviant to the illusioned, are placed on banners of war to kill the infidels, over and over, until TIME gobbles the people and their gods up in one fell swoop.


What brings this issue up, I was engaged in conversation of spiritual nature, casually at work as usual, and the other end of the conversation was denying life outside our realm of existance. As he was of Cristian bent, I reminded him of Genesis verification of extraterrestrials in chapter six, the ET's after earth women chapter. This kind of worked on him, and he accepted that beings with wills of their own exist outside of the earth plain, and also verified that God is not impotent and has abilities to have many, many sons, not just the popular belief that He only has one.


Under normal circumstances, such a coup in preaching exercise would be a source of pleasure to the philosophy victor, yet I was quite disturbed at what transpired. I grabbed the book called the bible, and read the story up to and following the above citation, and came away with the bitter taste of a philosophy systematically wracked with Mayavada garbage by the acts of man's interpretation. The book called the bible is filled with tribal religious nonsense, a religion of demigods not at all transcendental to Samsara (birth, old age, disease, and death) cycle. The story of Noah is not a story of sweet pastimes of my Lord, it is a story of an angry demigod prone to mistakes, regretting his own actions of creation. By definition, the gods spoken of are NOT all-attractive, not to the point of Narayana, not even to the point of Mahajana demigods like Lord Brahma and Sri Nataraja. The old testament is rather a story of UFO captains', Pharaohs' and shamans' manipulation of the people, in other words, agents of the forgetfulness necessary to continue the temporary creation. The religions that have accepted these tribal gods as their worshipable entities have no value whatsoever to serve humanity's best interests.


Yet these false doctrines rule the world. Regardless of their lofty proposals of eternal bliss, the goals are to latch onto the hierarchial system, pledge allegiance, and wage war on infidels. We do not need further example to verify this fact, we drown daily in the result of such materialism, and death is not moving away from any of us. Srila Prabhupada is the maintainer of the torchlight of reality, and the darkness of illusion is unable to keep grip in the presence of His teachings. Nirvisesa sunyavadi, he drives away all false ideas proposed by those giving raksasa godheads.


What is this, mahaksadasa, the bible-bangin' exile dissin' the bible? Has he finally given up all his Jesus ideas? Quite the contrary, for Lord Jesus Christ is just as strong in His service to His Supreme Father, he dissed the Sanhedran, he shows the flaws in Pharasee ideas of psuedo-religiosity, shows us all that his Father resides in the heart and is accessable by unalloyed service attitude. He was assassinated by the religions of man of his time. His teachings, however, have been adopted in a perverted and external way by those wishing the exploitable neophyte ill, needing to steal the power of religious fervor to maintain control, to engage their congregations in satisfaction of the desires, not of the Lord, but the mundane desires of the hierarchial leadership of the tribal system. Any breaks away are called schisms, true teachers are known as heretics, and escapees from the clutches of the group are known as infidels, worthy of scorn and ridicule, up to the point of active warfare.


I, myself, do not care for any of these religions, because my guru-maharaja warns of the impotency and waste of time in dancing with such danger. The bible can be a good read, but not without direction of a bonafide spiritual master, a paramahansa, who can show the shaff from the grain. If one who dabbles in bible stuff, which, as described above, may be somewhat helpful in preaching work geared toward adherants, does not allow paramahansa to show the shaff, such dabbling could amount to spiritual suicide. I have seen it, I have read it on the internet, those who fall prey to "comparative religious study". This elephant Vaisnava aparadha, considering tribal god worship to be anywhere near the Sanatana dharma of Bhakti yoga, is so easy to commit, so one should be very careful in his(her) studies. This aparadha is also committed in the act of watering down Srila Prabhupada's gifts to be acceptable to the masses wanting religion. He did not do it, his FOLLOWERS do not do it either. Despite their pledges of loyalty to keep the acronym (ISKCON) alive, some desparately attempt artificial concocted solutions to their own misunderstandings.


Srila Prabhupada clearly states that he is ISKCON, but he is not a material acronym, rather the embodiment of sanatana-dharma, the eternal function of loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Vaisnava Acarya approves of disciples' guru puja, but such puja(worship) is as dearmost servant, not Visnu-tattva, not artificially exhalted to the position of a tribal god, not as commander-in-chief to a band of cannibals ready to live their raksasa lives as agents of the killing fields of party spirit sectarianism. The biblical compilations, (by the way, for the bangers out there who think that it is summum bonum, is only 15% intact, many books thrown away for political reasons through the centuries of misrepresentation), should be seen as an example of how the pure message of Lord Jesus Christ turns poisonous by touching lips of serpants.



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