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Swami Narayana Followers go where?

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What wre you doing? Iskon is hindu I am tired of stupid people like you what kind of problems do you have? Krishna was Hindu . Swami Prabupad was Hindu. Your name iscon is Hindu.You make me sick!


Excuse me, but that was uncalled for. Like some one said earlier, some ISKCON followers don't consider themselves Hindu. Just ask one, if ayou don't believe me!

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Excuse me, but that was uncalled for. Like some one said earlier, some ISKCON followers don't consider themselves Hindu. Just ask one, if ayou don't believe me!


if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck... ;)

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if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck... ;)


ISKCON never denys being a part of sanatan dharma, however the term hindu has multiple vague meanings and does not define a specifc religion nor is it defined by any scriptures but conjured up and evolves according to peoples understanding. Hindu can mean worship all gods, worship made up gods, we are gods or no gods. To some it means follow the vedas others follow any scriopture written by any so-called saint approved by the vedas or not. To some groups being hindu is about a combination of ethnicity and beliefs.


ISKCON's so called religion is vaishnava as this describes the actual souls relationship to god ie worshipper of vishnu. You can generally say they are hindu by culture and vaishnava by religion.


Krishna is not hindu neither is shiva nor anyone else. Hindu is a term that has no concrete meaning and not used in sastra. God is god. The soul according to gita ultimately is a worshipper of god, neither man,woman, black, white etc. The souls is the soul so on that level no one has any designation. However as a current description of all those that follow or claim to follow any vedic teachings are called hindu.


Historically its only a recent phenomenon that hindus now refer to themselves as hindu in the last 300 years or so. Before that around the 8th century to around the 15th century people would describe their religions as either vaishnva saktashivite etc, and only as hindu to the muslims, as the muslims would lump them together. Prior to this the concept of hindus never really existed among the so called hindu people, it was a term given by persions to describe an ethnic group accross a river.Im sure most of you guys have heard this before but good to recap, the term hindu has its its uses in the right context.

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Hindu can mean worship all gods, worship made up gods, we are gods or no gods. To some it means follow the vedas others follow any scriopture written by any so-called saint approved by the vedas or not. To some groups being hindu is about a combination of ethnicity and beliefs.



You have a point. But I think Hindu today means those who follow sects or scriptures that are derived from the Vedic Religion.



Historically its only a recent phenomenon that hindus now refer to themselves as hindu in the last 300 years or so. Before that around the 8th century to around the 15th century people would describe their religions as either vaishnva saktashivite etc, and only as hindu to the muslims, as the muslims would lump them together.



Was the term Sanatana Dharma there also in the ancient scriptures, or is it a name we have given ourselves because we don't want to accept a name given to us by foreigners? It wasn't just the Muslims, but the ancient Iranians (Persians) before they became muslims and were Zoroastrians referred to the people living in the Indus valley as Hindus. Hindu was a geographical term rather than thological. According to Swami Vivekananda, most Hindus today follow sects that interpret the Vedanta, so we should really be called Vedantists.

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Its' like an off-shoot from another Sampradaya. Some say it's not teaching the Original Teachings as taught by *Swami* Nayarana. But then I don't even know much about the Original Swami-Narayana Sampradaya. Anyway according to Sastra, etc. Just go by Sastra then your ok. Anything which looks concocted probably is.
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im a swaminarayan and i worship krishna along with other deites includin swaminarayan bhagawan and i think ur all animals to argue with each other about the same religion which is the sanatan dharma!!!!!!!

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No This Is NOT B.A.P.S

Ther=se people are tring to ruin Gods reputation God is God! Believe in what you belive dont harras others beliefs. I am a Swaminarayan. Still we are hindus do you see christions fighting over stupid things like comparing the same God.Lets say u are a Shiv Bhakta and i am a Vaisnav Bhakta we both pray to God. Right? Also when Nityanand Swami(A saint from Swaminarayan Bhagvans life comparred vedic religons INDIA accsepted as a vedic religion. What can I Say stupid people doubt him.I am only 14 years old but I cant believe that grown ups fight like this what a shame


i agree 14 year old i want all hindus to unite not argue!!!! All hindus type in Hussain (indian artist) n a search engine i think youll all be mad

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the reason in the shikshapatri it says to accepts krsna is because in that day rsna was theclosest thing to parmatma and the souls which saw through the ink realised that their 1 god and he comes in shaped and forms lord swaminarayan was one of them. Krsna is an avtar of vishnu bhagawan and in the shiv puran it mentions of a supreme entity. People are not stupid. I have reason for following swaminarayan bhagawan. So both of us should not argue because we are worshiping the same god god by saying different words as simple as that. I am 11 and i understand all of us foolish swamminarayans and iskon followers who argue are not bhaktas of god. Pankaj is thick. He calls himself a hindu yet he causes rifts between us. By the way pankaja if u did not start this pointless thread, sorry

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are the Swaminarayan followers engaged in Hindu ecumenical efforts and dialogue? if so, good for them.


I know the Saiva Siddhanta sect has been engaged in such efforts. Although they are Saivites, they have printed a magazine for ALL Hindus. And done much to help fight for Hindu causes around the world and share the Sanatana Dharma in a glorious light.


Our similiarites are much more than our differences. We can respect one another, while honoring our differences.


You can read the Hinduism Today magazine for FREE online:




HINDUISM TODAY is an award winning, Macintosh-generated, full color quarterly news magazine articulating Indian spirituality for 135,000 readers around the world. It was founded January 5, 1979, by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami for the following purposes:


1. To foster Hindu solidarity as a "unity in diversity" among all sects and lineages;

2. To inform and inspire Hindus worldwide and people interested in Hinduism;

3. To dispel myths, illusions and misinformation about Hinduism;

4. To protect, preserve and promote the sacred Vedas and the Hindu religion, especially the Nandinatha Sampradaya;

5. To nurture a truly spiritual Hindu renaissance.

6. To publish a resource for Hindu leaders and educators who promote Sanatana Dharma.

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Hare Krishna

Prabhus And Matajis

Y Are We All Discussing Abt Swaminarayan Sect And Were They Will Go.

Let Us Chant Assosciate And Be Happy.

We Need To Look After Our Spiritual Life.

So Lets Not Waste Time .

Chant Hare Krishna And Be Happy!!!

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jay!!!

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Hare Krishna

Prabhus And Matajis

Y Are We All Discussing Abt Swaminarayan Sect And Were They Will Go.

Let Us Chant Assosciate And Be Happy.

We Need To Look After Our Spiritual Life.

So Lets Not Waste Time .

Chant Hare Krishna And Be Happy!!!

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jay!!!


Please keep in mind not everyone on this forum is a Hare Krishna.

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just to say, i am a swaminarayan that follows BAPS (pramukh swami maharaj). there are many different versions of Swaminarayan (even Swaminarayan BAPS). that article is extremely flawed and is not responding to Pramukh Swami's BAPS - the true Swaminarayan.


BAPS - bochasan akshar-purshottam sansta

BAPS - bombay....


The top one is the real Swaminarayan BAPS, but people have used logic and called them the same thing


in London, people from BAPS (bombay) have been going around collecting the money from collection tins that belong to Bochasan BAPS.


more information, visit:


www . swaminarayan . org

www . akshardham . com


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I am a swaminarayan and i agree with this. Muktanand Swami believed in Shri Krishna, then when he FULLY understood Bhagwan Swaminarayan's mahima (greatness), he composed the aarti that is still being sung in BAPS swaminarayan mandirs throughout the whole world - from UK to australia.


if you haven't already seem the website of the new pride and glory of Delhi, go on:


www . akshardham . com

(remove spaces)



muktanand swami was a great devotee of lord krishna before he met lord swaminarayan. he even had doubts about lord swaminarayan being god but later the truth was revealed through the power of god, who was swaminarayan. this is when he done aarti of swaminarayan bhagwan.


now why would a great devotee of krisna do such a thing if swaminarayan bhagwan did not have this divine bliss.


the answer is simple he was god himself.

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If Swami Narayana is Krishna, why do you worship Krishna?


swaminarayan is parmatama. End this thread and go back to your lives. Don't accept my view i dont care just stop fighting 24/7

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swaminarayan is parmatama. End this thread and go back to your lives. Don't accept my view i dont care just stop fighting 24/7


Jai Swaminarayan to that

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