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Why do we continue this charade?

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Sometimes i wonder why we continue this charade.What is the purpose in living on this planet?. At the end there is only suffering and death. Sorry to sound so pessimistic,but people these days are more unhappy than happy,as materialism and worship of mammon has assumed primary inportance in todays horrible world.At least in the 1960;s'70's 80's and even in the early '90's life was slow paced.I strongly feel that the 21st century is the WORST.It has made life practically unlivable.People have lost their character ,there are so many new diseases,so many conflicts,overpopulation,terrorism,pollution,cruelty etc...

Truly Kaliyug at its PEAK!

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often brings pain and torment to the mind before it liberates. "Knowlwdge is folly where ignorance is bliss." Thus stage can be transcended in flash by surrendering your love to Krsna or we can linger in it and continue to suffer while we make up our minds to surrender to Krsna.


The big danger is in the third option which is to will ourselves back into total forgetfullness of Krsna and deeper into the ignorant dream of happiness one day coming through matter.


Better to pray to the Lord that even in our suffering that we may remember Him, and that He may strengthen us and see us through this difficult stage until we reach Him.

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Guest guest

You continue this charade because you HAVE to, you are the property of God, you can't just decide, you are in no position to decide and if you decide you pay the price. God put you in this world, He will take you away, don't bug him by being depressed or thinking too much about it. Your main goal is to love Him and just be happy with whatever you have in your life. If you fancy something , ask him and he will give it to you. Live your life peacefully, don't bother about stupid things like why continue this life, it will just lead you to depression, which is ofcourse against God.



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Thanks for your posts . Dear guet you say one should be happy with what one has,but the fact is that even if one obtains something that one has longed for,one is not happy. I am sure you agree with me that nothing can bring happiness in todays world! Am i the only one to feel this way or are any you feeling exactly the way i do. I am not a depressive,but all the same i cant call myself a happy person anyway.

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Thanks for your posts . Dear guest you say one should be happy with what one has,but the fact is that even if one obtains something that one has longed for,one is not happy. I am sure you agree with me that nothing can bring happiness in todays world! Am i the only one to feel this way or are any you feeling exactly the way i do. I am not a depressive,but all the same i cant call myself a happy person anyway. Happiness is an elusive thing which one can never hope to attain these days!


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