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Who is Lord Venkateswara

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Hare Krishna,



Is it an incarnation of visnu? If so, why is it not as popular as rama or krishna? WHat's the story behind it?



First thing, the word 'incarnation' is a misnomer. This word presumes being born like a human being with flesh,, bones and blood.


Lord Visnu or Narayana merely descends and becomes visible to human eyes. This is termed as AVATAR. AVATARAS are all transcendental. They possess no material bodies. They are pure SPIRIT(SAT, CHIT and ANANDA) ie pure TRUTH, pure consciousness and pure BLISS.


Lord Venkateswara is an AVATARA of Lord VISNU ie HE is LORD VISNU.

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Actually in S. India Venkateshwara is popular like Rama and Krishna in N. India, not to say that Rama and Krishna are not special in S. India too... but Venkateshwara is also called Govinda, so people feel like He is Vishnu and Krishna and even Rama all rolled into one. He is so merciful and so beautiful God, anyone who gets the chance should see Him at the temple in Tirupati. That temple is not in this world, it is "kaliyuga vaikuntham" and as soon as you go up in the hills you are in a divine realm, and God Himself is there in the temple as the archa vigraha form which is the actual body of Venkateshwara in a stone form (the statue was self manifested and not carved by human hands). In the night Venkateshwara is worshipped by the Suras (devas) and sometime after midnight He comes out of the temple (in the subtle form- the archa vigraha stays in the temple) and He walks down the hill to Padmavati Ammavari's temple and He and She talk and spend time together, sharing intimate moments of joy.


There are so many wonderful stories about Venkateshwara- I hope everybody gets a chance to see Him at His temple at least once. It is an unforgettable experience!!!!!


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