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10.11 Supersoul Helps. Explanation Please

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Chapter 10. The Opulence of the Absolute



tesam evanukampartham

aham ajnana-jam tamah

nasayamy atma-bhavastho

jnana-dipena bhasvata




tesam--for them; eva--certainly; anukampa-artham--to show special mercy; aham--I; ajnana-jam--due to ignorance; tamah--darkness; nasayami--dispel; atma--within; bhavasthah--themselves; jnana--of knowledge; dipena--with the lamp; bhasvata--glowing.




Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.



When Lord Caitanya was in Benares promulgating the chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, thousands of people were following Him. Prakasananda, a very influential and learned scholar in Benares at that time, derided Lord Caitanya for being a sentimentalist. Sometimes philosophers criticize the devotees because they think that most of the devotees are in the darkness of ignorance and are philosophically naive sentimentalists. Actually that is not the fact. There are very, very learned scholars who have put forward the philosophy of devotion, but even if a devotee does not take advantage of their literatures or of his spiritual master, if he is sincere in his devotional service he is helped by Krsna Himself within his heart. So the sincere devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness cannot be without knowledge. The only qualification is that one carry out devotional service in full Krsna consciousness.


The modern philosophers think that without discriminating one cannot have pure knowledge. For them this answer is given by the Supreme Lord: those who are engaged in pure devotional service, even though they be without sufficient education and even without sufficient knowledge of the Vedic principles, are still helped by the Supreme God, as stated in this verse.


The Lord tells Arjuna that basically there is no possibility of understanding the Supreme Truth, the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, simply by speculating, for the Supreme Truth is so great that it is not possible to understand Him or to achieve Him simply by making a mental effort. Man can go on speculating for several millions of years, and if he is not devoted, if he is not a lover of the Supreme Truth, he will never understand Krsna or the Supreme Truth. Only by devotional service is the Supreme Truth, Krsna, pleased, and by His inconceivable energy He can reveal Himself to the heart of the pure devotee. The pure devotee always has Krsna within his heart; therefore he is just like the sun that dissipates the darkness of ignorance. This is the special mercy rendered to the pure devotee by Krsna.


Due to the contamination of material association, through many, many millions of births, one's heart is always covered with the dust of materialism, but when one engages in devotional service and constantly chants Hare Krsna, the dust quickly clears and one is elevated to the platform of pure knowledge. The ultimate goal of Visnu can be attained only by this chant and by devotional service, and not by mental speculation or argument. The pure devotee does not have to worry about the necessities of life; he need not be anxious because when he removes the darkness from his heart, everything is provided automatically by the Supreme Lord, for He is pleased by the loving devotional service of the devotee. This is the essence of the Gita's teachings. By studying Bhagavad-gita, one can become a completely surrendered soul to the Supreme Lord and engage himself in pure devotional service. As the Lord takes charge, one becomes completely free from all kinds of materialistic endeavors.





Hare Krishna.


Prabhus, does this verse in above Purport is says-

There are very, very learned scholars who have put forward the philosophy of devotion, but even if a devotee does not take advantage of their literatures or of his spiritual master, if he is sincere in his devotional service he is helped by Krsna Himself within his heart.



Can anybody expand a little on this.


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"by the mercy of Krishna one gets his guru, and by the mercy of guru one gets Krishna"


one should not think that somehow our tradition makes an exception in his case. that would be arrogant and ignorant.


when you are sincere, the Lord in the Heart will bring you to the right path leading to Him. but once you are there: start walking...

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"by the mercy of Krishna one gets his guru, and by the mercy of guru one gets Krishna"




Yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto pi

yasya- of whom; aprasadat-without the grace; na- not; gatih-means of advancement; kutah api-anywhere;


Without the grace of the spiritual master, one cannot make any advancement


My mind is very tricky it is always devising ways to get around connecting to my dearest friend- my spiritual master because that is the death nell for it's reign.


Oh mind and paramatma please be my best friend and direct me to my highest welfare, don't let this soul be endlessly deluded and in the process delude others for although I am insincere I want to be sincere. I want to find my best friend, who will always guide and love me unconditionally and who will engage me in the service that brings full satisfaction and inner fullfillment. Tear down this stubborn bastion of resistance for I know you are trying to help me awaken to my real fortune.

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There are very, very learned scholars who have put forward the philosophy of devotion, but even if a devotee does not take advantage of their literatures or of his spiritual master, if he is sincere in his devotional service he is helped by Krsna Himself within his heart.



Some statements are just very clear. I believe this to be one.


Remember he is explaining this verse:




Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.






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Yes and what is that darkness? That I have been living independently without spiritual guidance birth after birth but now through your causeless mercy you are directing me to my real friend and master so my eyes can be opened and my soul released from its heavy burden of this disease of independance.


Acharyam mam vijanyam Know that "I am the Acharya through whom I advent myself." Krsna reveals Himself through the external manifestation of His mercy.

Of course He can speak to your heart, but what is He saying, "This is My devotee to whom one should give full honor and service for in so doing your inner treasure will be revealed further.."

Or is He saying I've sent this person to you He isn't dear to me so don't do anything for him or you may get further entangled in Maya, you're doing fine on your own you don't need anyone else to guide you because I will directly relay the Truth unadulterated to you.

And on your alter (in your heart) you can place Me in each of the disciplic links of parampara. Forget what Srila Prabhupad did as an example for all his disciples. I am inventing a different system because the other one has been misused.

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I have no doubt that those following the Paramatma Caitya-guru parampara will at some point find an external guru in whom they can have absolute confidence, genuinely accepting them as the external manifestation of that very same caitya-guru who has gained their loyalty and respect over these so many years.


One thing's for sure though: we should know that such people conditioned to the tender association of Supersoul will not see sarcasm or ridicule as something emanating from their master's service.


It is Paramatma who will bow their heads down just as it is Paramatma who will prompt the masters to take on their roles as guru.


How long has it taken? How many lifetimes? Abide us a few more seconds; that we can be sure, and so that Krsna can finish pouring His divine mercy on our wretchedness.


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There's no problem with listening for direction from The Lord in Your heart, what is a problem, is when it becomes a promotional obessesion, that set up doubts in the hearts of newcomers that there is no need to connect to a living bona-fide spiritual master. Krsnamurti and others taught similar philosophy and our Srila Prabhupad very sarcasticly challenged such nonsense, because he felt great concern that this conception was not propagated. Kmurti was directly propagating no need for a guru and yet he never stopped writing books and essays to stear the blind and faithful of the day to accept his wisdom.

Maybe thousands of disciples may have gone astray after taking initiation, but that doesn't mean we do away with the system, because we don't have faith in the choice of gurus available at present. There is a number of great souls light years beyond us who are giving their everything to comfort and save those immersed in suffering and doubt whos one word can relieve lifetimes of painful separation.

I always get the impression that this forum is divided into those with and without formal connection to a guru. And it ends up frustrating newcomers attempts to find a guru, simply because some here have never been able to do so.It focusses on the avoidance of approaching guru, and is often supported with apparent scriptural contradiction and speculation rather than the positive advise of the acharayas.

I've wittnessed all the subtle games to influence those fresh in their faith to one camp or another,and others to no camp at all, which actually translates as no confidence in any of the present acharayas. There's no shortage of Guru prtishta in this neighbourhood.

Yes GauraHari I agree with you, it does take time for some to cultivate faith, but it should never interfere with those who are in an emergency predicament, which is virtually everyone if the reality of this world were more evident.

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There's no problem with listening for direction from The Lord in Your heart, what is a problem, is when it becomes a promotional obessesion, that set up doubts in the hearts of newcomers that there is no need to connect to a living bona-fide spiritual master. Krsnamurti and others taught similar philosophy and our Srila Prabhupad very sarcasticly challenged such nonsense, because he felt great concern that this conception was not propagated. By the way this is not an attempt to imitate Srila Prabhupad I genuinely feel strongly about this issue, if you don't like what I'm saying thats your choiceto reject it just as it is others choice to see it differently. Kmurti was directly propagating no need for a guru and yet he never stopped writing books and essays to stear the blind and faithful of the day to accept his wisdom and endless speculations.

Maybe thousands of disciples may have gone astray after taking initiation, but that doesn't mean we do away with the system, because we don't have faith in the choice of gurus available at present. There is a number of great souls light years beyond us who are giving their everything to comfort and save those immersed in suffering and doubt whos one word can relieve lifetimes of painful separation.

I always get the impression that this forum is divided into those with and without formal connection to a guru. And it ends up frustrating newcomers attempts to find a guru, simply because some here have never been able to do so.It focusses on the avoidance of approaching guru, and is often supported with apparent scriptural contradiction and speculation rather than the positive advise of the acharayas.

I've wittnessed all the subtle games to influence those fresh in their faith to one camp or another,and others to no camp at all, which actually translates as no confidence in any of the present acharayas. There's no shortage of Guru prtishta in this neighbourhood.

Yes GauraHari I agree with you, it does take time for some to cultivate faith, but it should never interfere with those who are in an emergency predicament, which is virtually everyone if the reality of this world were more evident.

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and have no war with it. I apologize if I have ever promoted anything on this discussion forum as I am neither a member of Iskcon or a devotee. I grew up in the 7th Day Adventist religion and I still consider myself a Christian. I am not at all familiar with the history of Iskcon except the bits and pieces I have gotten off the internet. Being not even at the level of a neophyte I am not at all qualified to determine who is and who isn't a guru. Sometimes I am sympathetic to the Krishna Conscious Movement because of the magnificent literature that Srila Prabhupada has produced.


As far as living versus dead spiritual masters go. The Christian church has the same argument and the same divide and it has always caused me great confusion. As far as I am concerned Jesus Christ is still alive and his mercy is still attainable and this opinion is not very popular with some segments of Christianity. I think it is safe to say there is probably always going to be a diversity of opinions on this subject.

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A M Kindly accept my respects,

I also don't have much qualification to say who is and isn't guru, it's a very personal choice, determined by our sincerity as to what level of Guru we serve. Actually this is the only qualification one needs to receive initiation that is sincere desire to have that connection, if you know you are in need of help from the higher quarter Krsna will arrange for you to approach His representitive and take shelter at their Holy lotus feet, It's no doubt a serious step in life but it is the most valuable step one can take and it's a simple process for those with a clean and honest heart like many of those that are coming searching on this forum. It doesn't have to be made complicated or a fearful process if we get connection to a genuine acharya we will also have an intimate relationship with all the predesessor spiritual masters, Srila Prabhupad, Srila Sridhar Maharaj Srila Bhaktisiddanta the whole line of our guru varga and also Jesus and any others who are one in will with the Lord. Regardless of whether they are in your disciplic succession or not. Every one in that world has overwhelming love and respect for all those humbly trying to do the will of Sri Bhagavan. There is no conflict of interest in this regard. It's a beautiful realm of consciousness based on unimaginable and mutual honor. A glorious existence that we all need to aspire to.

I wholeheartedly agree that Jesus is still alive in one form or another as are all the previous messiahs of faith but some times they may change their form and name to continue their service to God here on Earth, while some may go on to the heavenly realms, Vaikuntha and beyond according to Gods sweet will. It is also my humble view that one can get everything Jesus gave and more thru some of the present day acharyas in the Gaurdiya line of faith.

So many possibilities are there in the world of faith.

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Madhudviña: Is there any way for a Christian to, without the help of a spiritual master, to reach the spiritual sky through believing in the words of Jesus Christ and trying to follow his teachings?


Prabhupäda: I don’t follow.


Tamäla Krsna: Can a Christian in this age, without a spiritual master, but by reading the Bible and following Jesus’s words, reach the...


Prabhupäda: When you read Bible, you follow spiritual master. How can you say without? As soon as you read Bible, that means you are following the instruction of Lord Jesus Christ, that means you are following spiritual master. So where is the opportunity of being without spiritual master?


Madhudviña: I was referring to a living spiritual master.


Prabhupäda: Spiritual master is not the question of... Spiritual master is eternal. Spiritual master is eternal. So your question is without spiritual master. Without spiritual master you cannot be, at any stage of your life. You may accept this spiritual master or that spiritual master. That is a different thing. But you have to accept. As you say that “by reading Bible,” when you read Bible that means you are following the spiritual master represented by some priest or some clergyman in the line of Lord Jesus Christ. So any case, you have to follow a spiritual master. There cannot be the question without spiritual master. Is that clear?


Madhudviña: I mean like we couldn’t understand the teachings of the Bhagavad-gétä without your help, without your presentation.


Prabhupäda: Similarly, you have to understand Bible with the help of the priest in the church.


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Prabhupäda: Spiritual master is not the question of... Spiritual master is eternal. Spiritual master is eternal. So your question is without spiritual master. Without spiritual master you cannot be, at any stage of your life. You may accept this spiritual master or that spiritual master. That is a different thing. But you have to accept. As you say that “by reading Bible,” when you read Bible that means you are following the spiritual master represented by some priest or some clergyman in the line of Lord Jesus Christ. So any case, you have to follow a spiritual master. There cannot be the question without spiritual master. Is that clear?




Eternal Guru


Always been

Always forever

Always means 'Always.'


It simply begins with,'I accept.'

Thereafter the line of spiritual demarcation

is then drawn in the sand of Time.

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But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next.




Out of many standard and authoritative revealed scriptures, the Bhagavad-gita is the best. Persons who are almost like animals have no faith in, or knowledge of, the standard revealed scriptures; and some, even though they have knowledge of, or can cite passages from, the revealed scriptures, have actually no faith in these words. And even though others may have faith in scriptures like Bhagavad-gita, they do not believe in or worship the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna. Such persons cannot have any standing in Krsna consciousness. They fall down. Out of all the abovementioned persons, those who have no faith and are always doubtful make no progress at all. Men without faith in God and His revealed word find no good in this world, nor in the next. For them there is no happiness whatsoever. One should therefore follow the principles of revealed scriptures with faith and thereby be raised to the platform of knowledge. Only this knowledge will help one become promoted to the transcendental platform of spiritual understanding. In other words, doubtful persons have no status whatsoever in spiritual emancipation. One should therefore follow in the footsteps of great acaryas who are in the disciplic succession and thereby attain success.



Do devotees think here that this verse can go side-by-side with the Bg.10.11 verse. You know I'm saying?


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