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Going to a temple first time

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I will be going to the temple in Pheonix for the first time. I will be there for the sunday sermon and feast. I do not want to offend any devotees because of my ignorance. I am looking forward to the trip. It is a four hour drive to get there so it is difficult to go often. If there are any words of advice about proper respect to show for devotees, because i do not want to offend them or Krshna. The only knowledge i have is out of the Bhagavad-gita. Also are there any books that anyone would reccomend for me to read would also be appreciated.

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Dear devotee,


It's nice that you already have such a respectful humble attitude. That is all you need. Be yourself and be relaxed. Don't worry about any perceived customs that are foreign to you and all of that.


You can know that traveling to the temple as a destination is in itself service to Krsna. As is planning the trip out in your mind and reading Bhagavad-gita. So you have begun your devotional practice already. Do you have some tapes or CD's to play on the way? Like chanting tapes or something? If not maybe someone can show you how to take something of the web so you can practice chanting on the way there a liitle bit. I'm still pretty computer illiterate myself so I can't help much in that.


A couple obvious things will get you by easily. Take off your shoes and leave them where you see others leaving them. There will be an obvious main room that is called the temple room. That is where the main services will be held. Now that your shoes are off you will want to head there perhaps after looking around a bit. You may even ask some devotee there to show you around a little. Asking questions now matter how basic is another way of showing respect. In fact it is a major part of this yoga system that continues, so start off right.


It is customary to bow down and touch your head to the floor after your have entered. that is not mandatory for someone just coming for the first time of course but you already have the right spirit so go ahead if you like.


By doing so you may think in your mind that you are offering respect to the Deities who reside on the altar. You may also chant the Hare Krsna mantra one time as the head is touching the floor. Krsna likes that I hear. Basically just watch what others are doing and follow along and ask ?'s.


Natural questions will be about who is Srila Prabhupada, Who are the Deities on the altar and just what ever else naturally arises in your mind.


I think the best advice I can give is to get to know the devotees there. It's easy to be anonymous at the Sunday feast and the devotees are often busy but connecting with people who are more along in the process is very important.


Oh yes, you should eat the prasadam to your FULL satisfaction, take some with you for your trip back and chant and be happy!


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare


Also get a strand of chanting (japa) beads while you are there and ask someone how Srila Prabhupada taught to chant using them. We want to chant the same name of Krsna and with the same method that he used following in his example.


Don't forget to stop back here and tell us how it went.

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That was some great advice Theist. I totally agree with all of it. Don't be afraid to ask any question you have about something you see. Better to ask, then to not know the answer to these very important questions! Have a great time and let us know how it goes! Oh yeah, you might notice that the standard greeting is either Hare Krishna, or Haribol. Haribol is sort of said like you are saying hello. Thought I would add that, since I wondered what haribol was when I first went to the temple.

Hare Krishna

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