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Prominent atheist accepts intelligent design

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Glad that he came to this before his death. He is 81.



Famed atheist concedes: evidence points to God


New York, Dec. 10 (CWNews.com) - Antony Flew, the British scholar who for years has been the world's most noteworthy philosophical proponent of atheism, has conceded that scientific evidence points to the existence of God.


Flew-- a prolific writer and energetic lecturer who has advanced atheist arguments throughout his long academic career-- made his dramatic concession in a video presentation on scientific evidence for the existence of God. In the video-- based on a conference held in New York in May of this year-- Flew said that the latest biological research "has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved."


Early this year, writing in Philosophy Now magazine, Flew had indicated that his commitment to atheism was wavering. He wrote: "It has become inordinately difficult even to begin to think about constructing a naturalistic theory of the evolution of that first reproducing organism."


Flew credited a Texas Catholic, Roy Varghese, with helping to persuade him that biological research points to the workings of an intelligent creator. Varghese, the author of The Wonder of the World , organized the May conference at which Flew first questioned his own atheistic position, and produced the video in which the 81-year-old scholar abandoned that stance.


Flew-- whose 1984 essay, "The Presumption of Atheism," fixed his place as the leading proponent of that view-- emphasizes that he has not accepted Christianity. He said: "I'm thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian, and far and away from the God of Islam." He likened his current position to the deism of Thomas Jefferson, explaining that he is now sympathetic to the researchers who theorize about an "intelligent design" in the working of creation.


Antony Flew conceded that many of his philosophical followers will be shocked by his announcement. But he told Associated Press: "My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads."



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I was pleasantly suprised to hear that the GA school board voted and approved the intelligent design theory to be taught as an (healthy) alternative to Darwinism. It is a wonderful step in the right direction!


I think Srila Prabhupada would be pleased by this. It prepares tomorrow's youth to then wonder as to whom that intelligent designer might be. Then while they are at the Saturday Market buying turnips someday, they might reconsider getting one those monk's books a look-see.


In this CNN ARTICLE an apponent claimed:

..."This supposed victory [by proponents of alternate theories] was shallow, very shallow," said Jeffrey Selman. Selman and other opponents believe the new policy is a step toward introducing religion -- in particular, creationism -- in public schools. "We're going to be watching this very closely."...


what are they so a'feared of?

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What are they so afraid of? Krsna. He ruins the illusion of our being the prime enjoyer.


But just think of the world that has opened up to mr. Flew. He didn't come to that position wholly on his own strength. Krsna is beginning to show Himself to this soul through his evaluation and speculations on the cosmos. In that sense his books of material scientific knowledge become a type of scripture for him irrespective if all the particulars of the theories contained within are literally true or not. At this point I think he is starting to add yoga to his jnana. He just needs a spiritual master to keep him concentrated on the essence.


"Amongst logicians I am the conclusive truth." - Gita

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