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Holland Prepares to Dam Up Jihad

By Alexis Amory

FrontPageMagazine.com | November 15, 2004



The Dutch have suspected for some time that in Holland, their world famous attachment to tolerance was turning into a one-way street. There was an assumption that the indigenes of tiny Holland (population 16 million), would tolerate large-scale Islamic immigration without a mew of protest because they were so famously tolerant. That the immigrants owed a duty to their host country to acculturate themselves, learn the language, and adopt the tolerance they had made their way to Holland to enjoy seems never to have occurred to anyone in government.


Writing shortly after the murder and public butchering of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, Anthony Daniels wrote in London’s Telegraph that the "habit of toleration is an integral part of Dutch identity. Van Gogh's death, like that of the politician Pim Fortuyn two years ago, echoed the assassination in 1584 of the Prince of Orange, William the Silent, who is still seen as a martyr not only to the Protestant cause, but also to that of freedom of conscience."


Freedom of conscience has always been critical to Dutch thinking. Wrote Daniels, "In the 17th century, Holland was the only country in Europe where a Jewish apostate, Spinoza, could publish philosophical works challenging the very basis of revealed religion. The Jewish community could expel and curse Spinoza, but neither Jew nor Christian dared to harm him.


"Only under German occupation was this tradition of toleration interrupted and temporarily crushed."


Unlike the French, although their small country was occupied, the Dutch never became collaborators. And it was in Amsterdam that, under the noses of the occupying Nazis, the family of Anne Frank and her family were sheltered and fed for four years.


Pim Fortuyn, rich, successful, enjoying a flamboyant homosexual lifestyle, was the first to publicly sound the warning that, having gotten rid of the Nazis after WWII, there was a danger that a new fascism was being introduced into Holland by stealth: the fascism of Islamic intolerance. Politically liberal, Fortuyn sensed in the Muslim intolerance of homosexuality a threat to his own liberal lifestyle and the freedoms of his easygoing countrymen and women, and he formed a political party to fight it. He found a quick response among the voters. He expressed what they had been thinking privately and had been reluctant to voice because they didn’t want to sound, well, intolerant.


Despite his murder, the party he had so recently founded enjoyed a runaway success at the polls. At last the fact that the immigrants had no intention of acculturating, but instead were set on imposing their narrow, bigoted beliefs on the liberal-minded Dutch had been noted out loud.


Fortuyn’s associate Aayan Hirsi Ali – a Somali woman who had fled from an arranged marriage 12 years previously, made her way to Holland, earned a degree in political science, then won a seat in . – became famous, not only for her achievements and articulate speech, but for the fact that she is a Muslim apostate. Fatally, her friendship with Theo van Gogh, led them to collaborate on the movie Submission, now on the internet around the world; and two weeks ago Theo van Gogh was murdered in broad daylight, as he cycled along a busy street in the Dutch capital.


The murderer was a Moroccan primitive holding dual nationality. Like the millions of other Muslims who have found their way into European countries, he brought his traditions with him. He murdered van Gogh by shooting him six times then, as Theo lay dying, calmly bent over him and slit his throat in the northern African way, as calmly as someone gutting a fish, and impaled two knives, one with a note attached, through his chest. Old habits die hard.


The shock of this murder was even greater than Fortuyn’s two years earlier, and the phlegmatic Dutch seem to have decided they have had enough.


So far 20 mosques and schools have been attacked or burned to the ground. There have been some retaliation by Muslims damaging churches, but by and large the Muslims are keeping an extremely low profile this time around. One resident of the great ancient Dutch port of Rotterdam, which now has an immigrant population of 47 percent, said he went out on market day and there was not one Muslim face to be seen. "It was like going back to the Fifties," he wrote.


The right-of-center government has been blamed for trying to sweep the threat of Islamofascism under the carpet in the name of "tolerance." The Dutch are now asking why the burden of tolerance is always on them, rather than the immigrant population. Why, for example, were immigrants not required to learn to speak Dutch? Why were their children educated in the language of their parents rather than the language of their host country? Why were Dutch taxpayers paying the salaries of imams? These hyper-tolerant attitudes have allowed a parallel population, which owed no allegiance to Holland, to thrive and fester.


The government has had to admit that the murderer had been under surveillance as a possible terrorist and that they didn’t act to restrain him soon enough.


But I wrote in FPM last week that the Dutch government has had a Sleeping Beauty moment, awakened by a venomous kiss, and this gruesome and repellent murder has ramped up anti-terrorism activities and adjustments to social programs. Already they have announced that holders of dual nationality who are found guilty of a crime will have the Dutch half of their nationality revoked.


An opinion poll has shown that 40 percent of the Dutch no longer consider Muslims welcome in their country and 47 percent said they are now less tolerant of Muslims. A woman at van Gogh’s funeral was quoted as saying, "Under the Nazis, you were killed if you spoke out. Now it is happening again." To emphasize that if the Dutch are accused of "intolerance" if they speak out against the Islamification of their country yet the intolerance is all on the Islamic side, at the funeral a sarcastic letter addressed to the murderer was read out promising "we will do our very best to learn more about your beliefs to prevent further ‘misunderstandings’" and apologizing that the murderer had been provoked to kill "during Ramadan."


Although the security services declined to say whether it was related to the murder, two days later, Dutch police fought in a 14-hour shootout at a house in The Hague in which four officers were injured when a terrorist lobbed a hand grenade from a window. It was the biggest anti-terrorist operation since the 1970s, and police evacuated the entire neighborhood. Two suspected terrorists have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder.


At the same time, police said four people were detained in Amsterdam and one in Amersfoort as part of the same investigation into a network of radical Muslims. Six suspects, including van Gogh’s murderer, 26-year-old Mohammed Bouyeri, who was part of the group, have been arrested. The evidence would seem to suggest that Bouyeri got his orders to murder van Gogh from a terrorist cell in Spain.


Apparently, Samir Azzouz was a frequent visitor to Bouyeri’s apartment. A teenager who didn’t lack for ambition, Azzouz has been charged with planning attacks on a nuclear reactor, Amsterdam’s giant Schiphol Airport, and Dutch government buildings.


Last Thursday, in an emergency debate, the government agreed on new proposals to deal with Muslim extremism, adopting a wide-ranging package of new counter-terrorism measures. The size and mandate of the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) will be expanded, and measures will be taken against radical imams and mosques. Begging the question of course, of why action against radical imams and mosques was not taken years ago. What is this curious somnolence in so many European countries towards Muslim immigrants?


At the same time there is a stated intention to do more to assimilate the disaffected, the assumption being that the process of assimilation is somehow the duty of the host country rather than that of the people who got off a plane – or the back of a truck – with their suitcases and backpacks.


The large circulation Dutch newspapers TROUW, The Telegraaf, and Volkskrant seem to be broadly in agreement and supportive of the government, although TROUW reports that Prime Minister Balkender has been criticized for not having had enough discussions with disaffected Muslims.


Radio Nederlands says: "A conclusion which is warranted…is that for many years the Dutch political world has been naïve: naive in its approach to the encroaching radicalization of young Dutch Muslims; naive as regards the increasing social and other divisions in the underprivileged neighborhoods of the country's main towns and cities; naive in its response to the growing presence of Islamic terrorist cells on Dutch soil inside the country; and naïve once again even in the face of a string of warnings on that very subject from the intelligence and security service."


The Dutch had assumed that the whole world respected their tolerance. And indeed, the whole civilized world does so.


Now the Dutch .’s Speaker, Josiah van Arisen, warns: "Jihad has come to the Netherlands."


In the last week, the Netherlands has begun to demonstrate it is prepared to fight back.




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This doesn't matter. Europeans won't do anything. Why? Because they have given up their Christian culture. Christianity is dead in Europe with hardly any of the population attending church. Islam is rising and gaining strength. Muslims have not given up their traditions. So who will be stronger? Those who retain their traditions or those who abandone it for secular hedonism.


Western civilization is constantly critical of itself, but never asks what would replace it. Well the answer is here: Islam will replace European civilization. And what has Islam produced in the last 1000 years? They'll conquer from the inside out. This is just the beginning. They are still a minority. Wait until they are the majority and start to tear down your churches and raise the crescent moon.

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In America there is an effort to Europeanize our civilization as well and give up our Christian heritage. This is why I have kindly requested the atheistic group of liberals or anyone else who is disgruntled with America's Christian heritage to please relocate to a European country of their choice where they will be happy and content in the association of like minded individuals. Despite all the military industrial complex conspiracy theories floating around it appears that there are a large amount of Americans still trying to cling to their Christian heritage even in the face of armies of critics and so called experts that constantly deride and try to alter Americas heritage. I suppose eventually even America will fall to secular hedonism as you say and in many sectors already has but at least some are trying to fight against this corrosion.

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Not in the land they call america. The heritage of this land was destroyed by the anti-christian philosophy known as manifest destiny. This was a horrendous crusade of genocide where the demons displayed the cross, the weapon used to assassinate Lord Jesus Christ, and wiped out the indigeneous populations of this land.


The religion of this land is both pantheistic as well as very theistic, a personal worshipping of the Supreme Lord envisioned by many holy seers over the eons of human habitation.


The anti-christian may claim ownership by dint of ruthless genocide, but they cannot claim that Lord Jesus Christ approves of their deliberate disregard of his teachings.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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My concern does not center on the relationship between the United States and Europe. The United States is after all based on European Christian culture. My concern is the influence Islam will have within Europe which will fundamentally undermine it.


I cannot judge the miracles of Mohammed. Yet I can show you something which is quite miraculous and we can judge that separately. It is only in the Christian world that you will find automobiles, refrigerators, bicycles, light bulbs, telephones, television, radios, electrical grids, and computers. I say this for effect to cause you to realize all the things the Islamic world does in fact have today, but which they only have because of the Christian world. And this is barely a start. In 2000 years the Christian world has flourished (in science, medicine, art, exploration, invention, economics), and yet Islam for the last thousand years has stagnated (and it has only been around 1300 years). Put another way, if Christianity had been supplanted by Islam, as it was under threat many times to be, today Europe would be as the Islamic world is – lacking in democracy, lacking in innovation, lacking in progress.


That sounds harsh, but I think it is very accurate. It is easy to assume these creations which have revolutionized the world were an inevitability. First, let us assume they were inevitable. Inevitable would suggest that regardless of the civilization, randomly people would have made these discoveries. That is, had Islam usurped Christianity, Islam would have also discovered and made all these innovations – they are after all inevitable. If they were in fact inevitable, then it is miraculous, that randomly they were all inevitably discovered only by a specific civilization and not another. Muslims had the last 1000 years to inevitably discover the sewing machine as did Elias Howe. Muslims had the last 1000 years to inevitably discover the refrigerator as did Oliver Evans. But they didn’t discover the sewing machine and they didn’t discover the refrigerator.


But what if these things are not inevitable. What if certain views of the world are more likely to lead to progress in the world, and certain views of the world are more likely to lead to stagnation in the world. If things are not inevitable, but rather are more likely to appear in those societies that have a certain view of creation, then this suggests another sort of miracle. It would suggest that something in Christian Civilization, something apart from Islamic Civilization, is at the heart of this progress. And again, something in Islamic Civilization, something apart from Christian Civilization, is at the heart of stagnation.


So my concern is that Europe will cease being European. Islam has tried for over 1000 years to conquer Europe, and they may win in the end, but not based on ideas and innovation, but based on birthrate. European birthrate is not even at parity (I’ve discussed this before in these forums). They are in fact losing their population at an alarming rate. At the same time the population is aging. Combined with a huge welfare state, they are in need of more bodies. The U.S. also has a similar, though less acute problem. The difference however is in the solution. In the U.S. we are having massive Latin American immigration. In Europe they are having massive Islamic immigration.


In the U.S. this means we will likely become more Catholic. In Europe it means they will become increasingly Islamic. Imagine when they allow Turkey into the European Union. There are 70 million Muslims in Turkey, with borders all along the Islamic region, that will flood throughout Europe.


As I stated, we often like to criticize Christian civilization without considering what will replace it. If it is replaced with Islam I think we are in a far worse state. We often hear someone say “That is very un-Christian of you.” But we never hear someone say “That is very un-Islamic of you.” Case in point, the Abu Graib prison scandal. It is a scandal. And we should be ashamed. But what of the Islamists that are cutting off people’s heads. No one says “That is very un-Mohammedan of them.” In fact, it is very Mohammedan of them for Mohammed raised his sword and slaughtered tens of thousands. It is precisely Mohammedan to cut off the head of a person and this is why no one condemns it – because it is not unexpected. But it is un-Christian to strip someone naked, precisely because Christ said to clothe the naked. Christians are often hypocrites because they have ideals that they don’t live up to and as such do and should feel ashamed when they fail. What is worse, having an ideal model and failing to live to his standards, or not having the model to begin with?

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I never deride muslim contribution to science, but I hear what you say. However, the things you mention are not due to the increase in Christial theology (as opposed to anti-christian fanaticism), they are due to an increase in materialism, they are due to the run of Kali Yuga, and produce only increases in chaos, quarrel and confusion.


As far as your statement about un-christian behavior and comparing atrocities, even the Red Cross International EQUALLY criticizes both sides in this unfounded and unjustified war. It is very horrible to cut off the head of an innocent person, but what do our bombs do? The bombs we drop on the citizens (because this is the only way we know how to wage war, a terrorism of our own creation) cuts and shreds babies, pregnant mothers. They are just as innocent as the beheading victims, perhaps even more innocent. Some of the contractors over there are engaged in theft of Iraqs natural resources, some are contractors training the military on interrogation methods, even the torture going on. So vicious murder and blood sport is fully there, and all who are there are equally culpable. Fortunately for our soldiers, the king takes the karma for those he sends to war. Those who are doing weird things to unarmed prisoners are insane with PTSD, I can see it in their eyes, and I know what the glaze looks like. I saw it clearly as nmy friends returned from Nam with their photos of corpses with jokes attaced, the beheadings that took place in Nam were also common, on both sides.


Muslim fanatics have nothing to offer the world, just love of god that is equal to rape. The christian offers the same thing, love of god that equals rape. Any force used in demanding honor for sovereign god is not love, without freedom to choose to serve Krsna, there is only slavery, and the victim resents god, just as the christian hates the Father, refuses to follow His commandments, just as the muslim fanatic hates Allah, the Compassionate, by having no compassion whatsoever.


Be very leary of those who use Gods Name in Vain. This is against His Law. Vanity is using God to procure a warped and materialistic lifestyle, and the US and the Islamic world, as well as the Israeli, they all do it, they have the same God split into tribal gods fighting each other, and none of them are the Father that Lord Jesus, (nor Mohammed, for that matter) speak of.


I like the honest approach. Our God is our lifestyle, as you state it here, our VCRs, our SUVs, and we go to kill innocents because we want to safeguard our graven images. Israelis want to kill those who own the land because they need the place. They cry "anti-semitic" yet kill semites by the thousands. The Islamists defy God by killing before they give a chance for their victims to choose to serve God.


There are no innocents here, there is no collateral damage. Even we, on our couches spoutin our right and left wing rhetoric, when we eat the strontium, celsium and gamma rays, bio-weapons, chemical death, slow and horrible, watching our children wretch in their fluids and unable to even cry out a curse against that tribal god himself, as we live like animals under the strain of economical and ecological collapse, we are not innocent either. We are all reaping what we have sown.


No one said that Kali Yuga was a cool place to be in. It is glorified because it is so horrible that we choose not to remain here, once and for all.


I say goodbye to my son next week, as he heads off to be in a river boat up the Tigris. Hell be carrying covert dudes, but hes still gonna be a target. I wish Him well, and know he knows what to say as the curtain falls, but I am not safer here in the great white northwest, and I know what to say as well. The bomb drops, and I say "Aw ----". But I also know psalm 40 too, and have confidence that Krsna always thinks of his devotees even when they forget him over and over again. This is what I live for, this is what I die for. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Two syllables come as the curtain falls: "Krish" and then "na". Deep down inside our kids know our path is right; they can see we are in a class far above the average shlub on the street. Even at seven my son could see that. So when the danger comes let us hope they remember "Krish" and "Na".



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I list these items for a reason. If I were to say “Arabic script is visually interesting”, it carries more weight, though very little weight none the less, than if I had said “Mohammed is the last prophet.” It is simply my opinion or perhaps a sense of aesthetics. This is why I said that I can not judge the miracles of Mohammed. However, if I were to say Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin and this has saved millions of lives, this is wholly different. It is no longer my opinion, but rather objective fact.


This is a fundamental question. We may say we should mend Christianity to make it better, and this I can accept. But if one says they seek to end Christianity, as Islam has tried to do for centuries in Europe, then it is fundamental to ask what has Islam done that deserves to replace Christianity. List objectively everything the Islamic world has created. Set this side by side with everything the Christian world has created. Then look at the two. There is no doubt in my mind that the accomplishments of the Christian world will dwarf those of the Islamic world.


If Islam is to replace Christianity in Europe it should do so for a reason – that its ideas are better. And these ideas must be put into form for anyone can claim their idea is the best until it is tried, tested, and failed.

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Haribol, gHari. Thank you very much for your kind concern. Of course as parents we worry greatly and still call them kids, even though he is 30. When he went to the gulf before, he was on a huge destroyer in the Nvay, and if you gotta go to war, the Navy has a warm bunk at night. Hes got some serious duty now, though as a coast guard person. He was working SF bay area, checking buoys and keeping the scaries out of this country, but now hes gotta do it over there. His boat is about a 200 footer, so thats a little better than his boat here in seattle, which was a John Kerry boat.


Not too much war goin on in the water over there, but all hells breakin loose, so who knows where it will all go. Heck, its even in South America, Korea, east asia. But then again, his best friend, his cousin, was shot dead two months ago in Seattle, so whattayado.


He has chanted Krsna since he was very samll, and was quite enthusiastic as well. He knows the philosophy, has begun chanting again, and even sticks to vegetarian diet, tho he does do a little sea vegetables (fish) now and then. He had the great fortune to visit the asrama of Sriman Tripurari Swami recently and was quite inspired.


So, hes at the brink and we worry, but me and momma are at the brink as well, as are everyone who is now reading. Krsna will protect us in all cases, because he never forgets our service. His protection may mean leaving our bodies here in a mess.


I pray for His mother, as mothers are the victims of war. Soldiers dont die, they leave mothers in grief that can never be measured. The mothers of the Iraqis and Americans are allies in grief, and no politician can remove such pain. Just as Gandhari and Kunti were true sisters despite the inability of their consorts to come to a peaceful solution. Even manohari, the wife of the great demon Ravanna, she is a saintly hero, in fact the most touching person in Ramayana on a particular level.


All glories to the devastated victims of war from all sides, the mothers of the children chopped up by injustice.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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